Author Topic: Facebook contact problem - duplicated contact, group assigning, renaming  (Read 10067 times)

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Offline ghazan

as usual:
  • launch Miranda in service mode with dbeditor: Miranda32.exe /svc:dbeditorpp
  • sort contacts by their contact id and remove duplicates with bigger ids

Offline zany

sorted, selected all diplicated, pressed key delete, dbeditor asked "really you want to delete 8657 settings?", confirmed, but nothing happened, tried several times

Offline ghazan

I'm afraid that dbeditor++ doesn't support contact deletion from the right panel
you need to expand contacts in the left panel and remove them there

Offline ghazan

you can install QuickSearch plugin, it can select, sort & remove a bunch of contacts, but it doesn't work in the service mode, so for ICQ it will try to remove these contacts from your contact list - you need to be offline

Offline ghazan

fixed Dbeditor, now it removes contacts as well
update Miranda and run dbeditor++ in service mode, as described above
« Last Edit: 10 04 2021, 18:49:59 by ghazan »

Offline zany

thanks a lot, QuickSearch was usefull also