Author Topic: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda  (Read 3851 times)

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Offline Kimoo

fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« on: 18 12 2020, 22:33:26 »
fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda from 2 days from the time that fb group chat in web changed, and it makes fb sign out if you used group chat via Miranda ,

Offline Kimoo

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #1 on: 21 12 2020, 11:24:18 »
what's up ?
Did you tested the fb group chat ? Dose it work with you or still do same as me  ?
what's happened with it ?
please Miranda team , give some care or fb plugin

Offline ghazan

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #2 on: 21 12 2020, 19:08:32 »
It does work for me, moreover, there were no changes in FB plugin for months
Maybe something was changed at the server

Offline Kimoo

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #3 on: 21 12 2020, 20:49:23 »
It does work for me, moreover, there were no changes in FB plugin for months
Maybe something was changed at the server

yes , this is exactly what i meant , so i wanted you to sure from all please , it should be something changed , cause i see the group chat in web changed in same minute the problem happened in Miranda ng

Offline Kimoo

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #4 on: 23 12 2020, 01:09:54 »

Maybe something was changed at the server

please Sir , could you menition other peoples to test the group chat ? the groups appear in chat but the chat it self not work , if you tried to send message the facebook will sign out , i believe something changed from the server side , cause it's already changed in web

Offline Kimoo

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #5 on: 24 12 2020, 13:32:22 »
please Sir , give some care to facebook , check the sever requests specially about group chat cause it's really changed in web , please Sir , without facebook plugin no need for Miranda , i use it for only facebook , please test it and let other peoples test it , cause not all facebook account is same due difference of the facebook's servers databases .
please sir , let other peoples test it and tell me what you found , we all here try to help each other and fix problem
With my respect and waiting your updates

Offline Kimoo

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #6 on: 29 12 2020, 19:01:13 »
the problem happened when i tried to send message by group chat , may be last modification you did with the plugin made this problem ?

when i tried to send a message , the facebook sign out

i hope from you sir to test it again , and again , also other peoples here

Offline ghazan

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #7 on: 04 01 2021, 16:14:45 »
when i tried to send a message , the facebook sign out
a network log of this is required, core + Facebook

Offline Kimoo

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #8 on: 04 01 2021, 17:15:45 »

but you tried to do this by your account and found any mistakes ??

Offline Kimoo

Re: fb group chat not work anymore via Miranda
« Reply #9 on: 06 01 2021, 07:24:52 »
a network log of this is required, core + Facebook

and the problem should happened while i doing the log ?

did you tested it with your account ? or things is fine with you ??