Author Topic: "Has left the Conversation"  (Read 7067 times)

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Offline tjh

"Has left the Conversation"
« on: 04 06 2020, 23:02:39 »

I use Miranda-NG at work, most of my workmates use Pidgin.

If I am chatting to someone and I close the tab I'm talking to them on, they get a message in their log "X has left the conversation" and they think I'm being rude/storming off.

I'm not, I'm just closing up windows so they don't clutter my screen.

Is there a way to disable the sending of this message?  I am having to leave my Tabs open so that people don't think I'm being rude.


Miranda-NG v0.95.11 build #22556

The following users thanked this post: Vulpix, ITWarrior

Offline ITWarrior

Re: "Has left the Conversation"
« Reply #1 on: 05 06 2020, 00:43:57 »
Did you even search the wiki for your answer? This is one of the most requested questions. You press "Ctrl + w".

It is rude that you wasted our time with such a question, and your colleagues probably think you're a douche as well as rude. A rude douche. You're a rouche.

You are not worthy of Miranda. Do you even walk on your hind legs?
The following users thanked this post: tjh, Vulpix

Offline Vulpix

Re: "Has left the Conversation"
« Reply #2 on: 05 06 2020, 10:41:02 »
This is one of the most amazing threads I've read thus far and it's just two posts.

Offline dartraiden

Re: "Has left the Conversation"
« Reply #3 on: 05 06 2020, 11:30:38 »
This is

Tell your pidgin-contacts to disable this in their clients

Offline tjh

Re: "Has left the Conversation"
« Reply #4 on: 06 06 2020, 04:06:51 »
This is

Tell your pidgin-contacts to disable this in their clients

It can't be that, can it, as the spec clearly states "A client MUST allow users to configure whether they want to send chat state notifications."

Surely if it was that in Miranda there'd be an option to disable it?

Offline dartraiden


Offline dartraiden

Re: "Has left the Conversation"
« Reply #6 on: 06 06 2020, 18:23:42 »
An option was added to Jabber settings.

Offline tjh

Re: "Has left the Conversation"
« Reply #7 on: 07 06 2020, 21:16:58 »
Thank you @dartraiden!