Author Topic: SmileyAdd newst build multiprotocol problem.  (Read 2819 times)

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Offline Myshor

SmileyAdd newst build multiprotocol problem.
« on: 30 05 2019, 19:58:37 »
Hi. After latest dev smileyadd plugin update I see that all protocols emoticons uses only one emoticon set.

After I change to separate emotpacks use it still uses one for all => some
Roll back to previous version of dll fixes that (however I still see that on the list.

Can you check what's going on in the changes and fix this?

Fear my anger, fear my power.
I'm Dark Angel undercover.

Offline ghazan

Re: SmileyAdd newst build multiprotocol problem.
« Reply #1 on: 02 06 2019, 09:19:06 »
it should have been already fixed by the recent update.
if problem persists, please attach the screenshot of your settings

Offline Myshor

Re: SmileyAdd newst build multiprotocol problem.
« Reply #2 on: 02 06 2019, 11:26:04 »
Seems ok - I think it was OK since Saturday already. :)

Fear my anger, fear my power.
I'm Dark Angel undercover.