Author Topic: XMPP Bug: You must join the room before sending presence updates  (Read 13410 times)

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Offline Tragen

I installed the latest update from today and now XMPP connects, but I get this error multiple times.

Code: [Select]
Jabber Error
Error 0: Unknown error

You must join the room before sending presence updates


Offline ghazan

means that a room is private, i.e. you need to be invited into it, you can't join it yourself on your wish
also a piece of network log would be appreciated

Offline Tragen

It's a public room.
I was connected automatically before the last update.
Now it's just an entry in my list. When I try to "Join chat" I get the error


Offline Tragen

I tried to delete the room and add it again. I also get this message.

Offline ghazan

using development or stable version?

Offline Tragen

I'm using the latest stable version.
I will try to get a network log.

Offline Tragen

I just installed the latest stable version. Now I can connect to my own server rooms again, but the not.
Here is the output of the xml console:

Code: [Select]
<presence to="">
<x xmlns="">
<c xmlns="" hash="sha-1" node="" ver="EMplRpI1ZVUMDeRT/EnvNaIUIcA=" ext="mirotr x64 mood activity mir_notes" />
<x xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update">
<photo />
<status>Yep, I'm here.</status>
<presence from="" to="" type="error">
<error type="cancel" code="409">
<conflict xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" />
<x xmlns="" />

I don't know why it tries to send a password which is wrong.

Offline Tragen

The network log for the xmpp connection shows the same info. No difference.

Offline ghazan

I don't know why it tries to send a password which is wrong.
because it's specified in a bookmark and might be transferred into a contact. open a contact of that room in dbeditor++ and wipe Password field

Offline Tragen

I will do that, but I still cannot join this room.

Offline Tragen

I don't know why but after the latest update where only Miranda, Discord and one other file was updated, it's working again.


Offline ghazan

I don't know why but after the latest update where only Miranda, Discord and one other file was updated, it's working again.
because chat engine is located into the core :)

Offline beezle

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Hi - just updated my prosody server (long, long overdue) and can no longer connect to muc.  I've copied  the console output below.   No expert in this, but from what I can find at, presence should NOT be sent prior to joining and it seems that Miranda is not following that req?   Note - I can join conferences on non-prosody servers so its quite possible that other servers are not enforcing that requirement.   Clearly the prior, quite old, version of prosody I had been using did not either.

console output:

<presence to="">
<presence type="error" to="" from="">
<error type="cancel">
<item-not-found xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" />
<text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">
You must join the room before sending presence updates


7.2.1 Basic MUC Protocol

In order to participate in the discussions held in a multi-user chat room, a user MUST first become an occupant by entering the room.

MUC clients MUST signal their ability to speak the MUC protocol by including in the initial presence stanza an empty <x/> element qualified by the '' namespace (note the absence of the '#user' fragment):

Offline ghazan

you shall be a room participant to enter it, or this room does not exists.
XMPP clients do join chatrooms by sending the presence packet to them, these matters are non-separatable

Offline beezle

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I have another machine I use that has 1) a very old version of the original Miranda and 2) an slightly older version of Miranda-NG.   Both connect to Prosody server chatrooms with no issue.   

Below is the XML console from each, you can compare to my prior post showing the current release Miranda-NG.   Again - I am not an XMPP expert or serious coder, but clearly something has changed between and - I'm guessing the missing <x xlmns...> lines?  Perhaps unfortuantely, I do not always stay current on Mirana-NG and can't better pin-point what version had this connection issue first.   


<presence to="">
<x xmlns="" />
<c xmlns="" node="" ver="" ext="mood activity mir_notes" />
<x xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update">
<status>Present and misaccounted for</status>

MIRANDA-NG v0.95.9.1 build #20741 x64
<presence to="">
<x xmlns="" />
<c xmlns="" hash="sha-1" node="" ver="bVXgVJQucA8cFLmkVmD+lVxsaQI=" ext="x64 mood activity mir_notes" />
<x xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update">
<status>Present and misaccounted for</status>