Hi there,
I'm using the latest version of Miranda NG, including these versions of libs delivered by automatic update.
today I tried to start my IM, but no window appeared (I have only one profile). No crash logs were created.
I did a backup of my profile and started experiments:
1) running fixme.cmd lead to empty profile (no accounts, no contacts, no settings - just like after creating new profile);
2) creating a new profile and importing profile from backup (before fixme.cmd") resulted in "account X cannot be mapped" messages - no contacts were imported;
3) creating a new profile and impoting profile "fixed" by fixme.cmd resulted in "skipping contact with no protocol" messages - result as in point 2.
Miranda NG x64, profile size ~220 MB, mdbx format.
Despite I have a backup of the profile from a few months ago

, it would be nice to repair it.
Any other ways to make it alive?