[11.11.57 17A8] [ICQ] CIcqProto::SetStatus iNewStatus = 40072, m_iStatus = 40071, m_iDesiredStatus = 40071 m_hWorkerThread = 0000026C
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] Executing request 31db35bc-3f51-49fe-b824-2c8b723a98de:
https://u.icq.net/wim/aim/startSession[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] Connection request to u.icq.net:443 (Flags 11)....
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] (04D286E0) Connecting to server u.icq.net:443....
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] (04D286E0) Connecting to ip ....
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] (1716) Connected to u.icq.net:443
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] (1716 u.icq.net) Starting SSL negotiation
[11.11.57 0AA8] SSL connection failure (80090302 377): La funzione richiesta non è supportata
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] (1716 u.icq.net) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] Request 31db35bc-3f51-49fe-b824-2c8b723a98de failed
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] ConnectionFailed -> reason 2
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] CIcqProto::ShutdownSession
[11.11.57 0AA8] [ICQ] CIcqProto::OnLoggedOut
[11.12.01 17A8] [ICQ] CIcqProto::SetStatus iNewStatus = 40072, m_iStatus = 40071, m_iDesiredStatus = 40071 m_hWorkerThread = 0000026C
[11.12.01 0AA8] [ICQ] Executing request 73e16ecd-7ff0-4296-af88-f80af723d3b0: