Author Topic: Skype protocol stopped working  (Read 8927 times)

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Offline ladyzaba

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Skype protocol stopped working
« on: 18 04 2018, 12:56:22 »
I'm facing problems with the Skype protocol since 6. 4. 2018. First few days it kept going online and offline randomly and quickly, now it's of and unable to turn on :-(. I've got the newest version of plugin from today (18. 4. 2018). I haven't found here this topic, so I'm afraid it's my fault, but I can't find out what to do to fix it...

Offline Vulpix

Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #1 on: 18 04 2018, 15:23:47 »
We'll definitely need a network log: though and a version information of your whole miranda:
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Offline ladyzaba

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Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #2 on: 18 04 2018, 19:24:59 »
We'll definitely need a network log: though and a version information of your whole miranda:

OK, I have them. What shall I do now?

Offline Vulpix

Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #3 on: 19 04 2018, 06:07:50 »
You should attach them here so that we can check what kinda errors you're getting.

Offline ladyzaba

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Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #4 on: 22 04 2018, 10:25:47 »
Thank you very much, before I was able to send it, it started working perfectly :-).

Offline nibbles

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Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #5 on: 24 04 2018, 04:52:52 »
I've been having problems with Skype for a while.

On connecting to Skype popups tell me:

SSL connection failure (80090326 277) ...
.. badly formatted."

Possibly a WinXP issue: certificate.pem issue..?

My MirandaNG runs on XP.


Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #6 on: 24 04 2018, 10:33:17 »
Do you have OpenSSL libs/plugin installed? Are they up to date?
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Offline nibbles

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Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #7 on: 24 04 2018, 13:50:18 »
Do you have OpenSSL libs/plugin installed? Are they up to date?

Oo.. Well spotted AnrDaemon.

I did look for ssleay*.* which I saw and just assumed SSL was built into miranda..

Didn't notice the OpenSSL plugin. I should have enabled that a long time ago...

Thank you.

... and thanks to all that keep our favourite little connector for friends and family updated and going. Appreciated.

Offline Ratha

Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #8 on: 26 04 2018, 16:06:59 »
Just thought that I'd weigh in as well. Have been having issues with Skype for weeks to months now. Tends to log me out pretty frequently, and then often wont let me log back in for 2-8 hours sometimes. I dont have a network log of the issue at the moment, spent a few hours of fiddling with it earlier by clearing database entries and updating Miranda, nothing seemed to help, though at random it seems to be working again at the time of posting this on Win7, no SSL plugins, and able to login via browser while Miranda was having issues. Will try to get logs during the next major event and post em.

Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #9 on: 27 04 2018, 01:23:05 »
Ratha, SSL plugin is only required for WinXP.

Offline Ratha

Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #10 on: 27 04 2018, 19:15:31 »
Who is the main Dev working on the Skype protocol at the moment, if there is one? Have found a potential security vulnerability which may compromise some user's accounts if not addressed privately.

Skype has been giving me trouble for the last half hour, again, so this time I grabbed a network log of a failure to login. Log attached.

Offline ghazan

Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #11 on: 28 04 2018, 19:03:49 »
Who is the main Dev working on the Skype protocol at the moment, if there is one? Have found a potential security vulnerability which may compromise some user's accounts
nobody maintains SkypeWeb now, you can write me back anything

Offline Ratha

Re: Skype protocol stopped working
« Reply #12 on: 28 04 2018, 20:31:13 »
I consulted Vulpix about the security issue the other day, he said that he'd talk to you an Unsane about it. His last message made it sound like the two of you had already spoken about it, so that matter seems to be as solved as it can be until someone gets around to working on it.

The failure to login problem was a separate issue and still probably needs another pair of eyes. I couldnt make much from the logs, but im not very familiar with it. Skype would try to login for ~20-30 seconds, then it'd fail. Further attempts would cause the protocol icon to spin for less than a second and just immediately stop.

I was able to get it to log back in after 2-3 hours of fiddling, reboots, program updates, restarting Miranda, and manually clearing some of the database entries like TokenSecret and some of the other login-based items. I didnt seem to be my net connection and I was able to login via the website.

On a side note: It seems that clearing the TokenSecret entry -might- have something to do with fixing the problem, however it typically does not immediately resolve the problem. Ive done it probably 3 times now, and each time the issue tends to resolve itself ~10-15 minutes later, allowing me to log back in again. Could be coincidence, or may be related.

If i had to guess at what could be happening; perhaps Skype is denying my token, Miranda might be failing to update it for some reason, and my repeated attempts to connect with an expired token possibly cause a temporary IP blacklisting, so that even when I clear my token, the service still wont log me in. (But thats just a guess and has not specifically been tested for via a complete log from start to finish.)