Author Topic: contacts not sorted to groups when signing on/off  (Read 6229 times)

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Offline tw0face

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contacts not sorted to groups when signing on/off
« on: 24 09 2017, 17:59:05 »

i was having this problem for a while, but few days ago i updated to the newest version and my workaround is gone, so i decided to give it a shot and send a bug report

ill try to explain my configuration and problem

i have contacts sorted into several groups
all offline contacts are placed out of the groups (but im not hiding them, they are all together at bottom, below all the online contacts)
since my hand is a little shaky, i had to disable drag & drop, because i often ended up moving contact to a different group when i simply wanted to open up conversation
and here is the problem
when i disable drag & drop, the contacts stop moving around when they go online/offline
contact gets online, it is placed on top of all offline contacts (in other words, below all the online contacts and groups) but it is not placed in the correct group
when i go to settings (contact list / list) and enable drag and drop of items, its automaticaly moved to the correct group
now i disable it again (..shaky hands..)
now the contact gets offline, instead of being moved to bottom and out of the group, it stays in the group but shows as offline
now i enable drag and drop again, and its moved to other offline contacts again

so disabling drag and drop must be breaking the automatic placing of contacts in proper groups (at least thats what it looks like)

until i updated miranda, there was a workaround:
whenever contacts where not in their proper groups, i could just open up conversation with any contact and it would get sorted properly

i hope this gets fixed .. or maybe i have configured something wrong, but i have no idea what



Offline ghazan

Re: contacts not sorted to groups when signing on/off
« Reply #1 on: 27 09 2017, 11:07:43 »
hi. first of all, which contact list plugin do you use? Clist_Modern, Nicer or StdClist?

Offline tw0face

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Re: contacts not sorted to groups when signing on/off
« Reply #2 on: 28 09 2017, 04:07:34 »
im using clist_modern.dll (Modern contact list

Offline tw0face

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Re: contacts not sorted to groups when signing on/off
« Reply #3 on: 04 10 2017, 07:22:05 »
i was trying to get more info about this and found out that, if i enable "hide offline users" in settings / contact list / general
and i also set hide 'offline' means to hide: "Offline" then it seems to work as expected

but my prefered configuration is to not hide the offline contacts