Author Topic: TabSRMM Auto Close Tab Option Gone?  (Read 3161 times)

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Offline tjh

TabSRMM Auto Close Tab Option Gone?
« on: 27 09 2017, 03:02:36 »
I just noticed today all my tabs were still open after a long day.
Usually they drop off as they go idle.

But I can't find the setting anywhere (though I found where it was originally documented here, so I know I'm not insane - click link and search for "new option - > auto close tab after x minutes of inactivity.")

Has this option been removed in the latest stable update?


Offline dartraiden

Re: TabSRMM Auto Close Tab Option Gone?
« Reply #1 on: 27 09 2017, 10:37:01 »
"Close or hide inactive container after"

this is not it?

Offline ghazan

Re: TabSRMM Auto Close Tab Option Gone?
« Reply #2 on: 27 09 2017, 10:52:50 »
rclick on the container's caption, Container options -> close inactive container after
there's no and there was no another option, I just checked Miranda IM

Offline tjh

Re: TabSRMM Auto Close Tab Option Gone?
« Reply #3 on: 27 09 2017, 17:42:54 »
I would have sworn blind there was an option that just closed inactive tabs - that changelog I found was what made me think it was a bug.

I must be going crazy though because you're right, rolling back a few Miranda releases and I can't find it.

Thanks, sorry for the noise.