Author Topic: Jabber settings become inverted  (Read 3957 times)

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Offline unitwobble

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Jabber settings become inverted
« on: 30 06 2017, 03:49:05 »
There is a serious bug that has existed for a long time (I'm using the latest dev build and it still exists) where the network settings in the Conferences and Advanced tab for Jabber become inverted. Most importantly, "Disable SASL authentication" becomes ticked and TLS is disabled without warning. Very unsafe!

It happens very rarely, so I cannot determine what is causing it. I only notice it when I see TLS greyed out. My best guess is that it occurs when Miranda crashes, which was happening alot recently when I was testing OMEMO (crashes immediately) and New_GPG (which is completely broken. PGP presence is not announced, only decrypts when contact key is manually added, etc.).