Author Topic: Smiley button disappeared from message window  (Read 8916 times)

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Offline Robyer

I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline riki

Re:Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #16 on: 24 06 2016, 17:47:06 »
Hello Robyer, thanks for the detective work!
Should we send him a private message, or what would the most appropriate way to get him to consider the issue?

Offline Robyer

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #17 on: 24 06 2016, 19:16:40 »
riki, fastest would be to talk to him in our jabber conference (link is for example in sidebar on webpage), if you have Jabber. Or PM or e-mail should work too.
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline riki

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #18 on: 25 06 2016, 11:00:12 »
Thank you, Robyer!
I don't have jabber, so I sent him a private message.

Offline Tragen

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #19 on: 07 07 2016, 20:23:03 »
Any news on this?

Offline riki

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #20 on: 08 07 2016, 01:50:52 »
No word from ghazan yet  :(

If you have jabber, would you try this route?

Offline Tragen

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #21 on: 23 07 2016, 23:46:25 »
So bad there is no fix yet. It's not easy to send a smiley when you don't know how to write them.
Any news on this bug?

Offline riki

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #22 on: 24 07 2016, 08:12:56 »
Those who have jabber and are online more often might try to contact Ghazan that way. Maybe he can and will help.

Offline Robyer

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #23 on: 24 07 2016, 11:09:33 »
I wrote him. He is looking at it now.
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline ghazan

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #24 on: 24 07 2016, 12:19:56 »
riki, - everything is ok for me (with Scriver)
what am I doing wrong?

btw, have you enabled these options?

Offline Tragen

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #25 on: 25 07 2016, 14:16:37 »
Thanks for the picture. I enabled the options and it works.
I have to test an older backup but I was sure that I have enabled all the options before the last update.


Offline riki

Re: Smiley button disappeared from message window
« Reply #26 on: 25 07 2016, 21:35:17 »
Thanks, Ghazan! It works!!  ;D

Actually I could swear those options were activated on my system too. I guess some update reset them? Anyway, problem solved. Thank you very much for your time. I feel a bit stupid, having a developer tell me to just activate the option  ???