Author Topic: Problems with Client change notify?  (Read 4965 times)

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Offline Dannimax

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Problems with Client change notify?
« on: 16 06 2016, 17:03:05 »
Hi There

first of all sorry, if my english sucks, its not my mother tongue ;)

It seems like a virus check had great fun in deleting my Miranda64.exe, not even Backups ware able to rebuild it. So i reinstalled Miranda NG completely new. I copied the plugins from my old version into the plugin files of the new one. The most important things seem to work again, but it looks like the Zemana Tool deleted some of the plugins as well. So i copied them down from the Wiki again. But there are problems i dont get. I tried to install

Client change notify

first. I copied it into plugins, startet Miranda and he told me, the Tool couldnt be started because Pcre16.dll would be missing. I click OK, Miranda starts, but no tiny little window, when someone of my contacts go online. So i deleted the file again. Miranda boots without problems. 

So i tried

Tooltip Notify.

Now he even gives me more messages, first he sais, that PCRE16.dll would be missing on my PC. After i click that message away, he tells me, that mir_core.dll would be missing as well. After i deleted the tooltip Notify.dll, Miranda boots normaly again.

Another thing missing is the volume bar.

Can someone help me? What is going wrong with my Miranda at the moment?


Offline Wishmaster

Re: Problems with Client change notify?
« Reply #1 on: 17 06 2016, 09:34:32 »
Deleting the miranda executeable was due to a bug in Miranda itsself, you can download it via our download site.

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: Problems with Client change notify?
« Reply #2 on: 17 06 2016, 11:27:04 »
I've restored my Miranda exe from
Code: [Select]
Plugin Updates\Backups which worked fine in my case..

Though @Dannimax, to install plugins, always use the integrated updater/installer found via Main Menu -> Available components list
Also, you could have used your invalid plugin versions, and just check for updates after Miranda started so it'll update them to the right version. (you can basically create empty files called like plugins eg. "ClientChangeNotify.dll" and the updater would be able to "install" them)