I have about 4 different accounts (facebook, msn, yahoo, skype, IRC). I use the same name on each one. I'm beginning to think I must be a bit strange to do that, as it makes configuring network settings a nightmare.
Under main menu/options I get
+ Network
| |-- thosrtanner
and selecting that I get an enormous line of tabs
Account | Events | Statuses | Messaging | Account | Connection | Server List | Notifications | Account | Connection | Ignore List | Account | DCC and CTCP | Advanced | Ignore | Account
Would it please please be possible to submenu that so I get
+ Network
| |--+ thosrtanner
| -- MSN
| -- Facebook
| -- etc
And if anyone has any workrounds that don't involve me changing my account name all over the place that'd be nice too.
Any help would be much appreciated.