Author Topic: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects  (Read 9414 times)

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Offline xebtria

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Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« on: 20 01 2016, 16:55:59 »

I was using miranda im for a long time and a few months ago I finally discovered miranda ng and I am using this ever since.
I my company we use google apps for business, including hangouts. I use hangouts, or well, the "GTalk" part of it via the jabber plugin of miranda.

and I have a weird problem: everyday on the afternoon, starting around something like 2pm-ish, I get disconnected from jabber/Gtalk. I started using "KeepStatus", but frankly, it sucks, because as I am typing this, I get disconnected multiple times per minute. earlier at the day, if at all I get one disconnect, but at around 2pm it starts disconnecting heavily.

I am fine with the functionality of google talk via jabber, I understand that (as of now) there will be no reverse engineering of hangouts etc. It's just the disconnecting that is getting on my nerves, because stuff people write to me gets lost, stuff I write is not getting sent etc.

I googled this issue and it seems like people even had that issue back in miranda im times. So I followed some of the (few) "solutions" I found, but nothing helped.

So far I tried:
  • setting the port (in the expert settings) to 5223 instead of 443
  • completely deleted all accounts I had in my profile and created a new account
  • used TLS (and Port 5222) instead of SSL/443/5223
  • used my hostname as resource
  • used "Miranda" as resource

and still, at the afternoons, I sometimes get multiple disconnects per minute.

Any Idea what I could do to fix this?

Offline Robyer

Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #1 on: 20 01 2016, 19:56:44 »
Netlog for start might be good :-)
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline xebtria

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Re:Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #2 on: 21 01 2016, 06:57:43 »

I think the part where it fails looks like this:

Code: [Select]
[17:58:40 0C60] [JABBER_1] PS_SETSTATUS(40071)
[17:58:40 0C60] [JABBER_1] (02382040:2080) Data sent
[17:58:40 1B00] amThreadProc thread end
[17:58:40 21AC] GTA thread end
[17:58:40 28EC] SSL failure recieving data (10058)
[17:58:40 28EC] [JABBER_1] Netlib_Recv() failed, error=10058
[17:58:40 28EC] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 0
[17:58:40 28EC] [JABBER_1] Thread ended: type=0 server='<snip>'
[17:58:40 28EC] [JABBER_1] (02382040:2080) Connection closed internal
[17:58:40 28EC] [JABBER_1] (02382040:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:58:40 28EC] [JABBER_1] Exiting ServerThread
(I deleted the server URL there because, you know, it's my workplace's domain and stuff.)

I try to get a new netlog today again, but it most likely takes again until early afternoon until it starts again.

Offline Robyer

Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #3 on: 21 01 2016, 11:33:54 »
Cannot send after socket shutdown.

A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call. By calling shutdown a partial close of a socket is requested, which is a signal that sending or receiving, or both have been discontinued.

Hmm. Would be good to check whether it's only Miranda problem or not. You should try another Jabber client, e.g. Pidgin, and see how it behaves during the problematic time...
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline xebtria

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Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #4 on: 21 01 2016, 11:35:56 »
Ok, I will try that. In the meantime, I just got the first disconnect of the day, if it helps. and it definitely is a different error.

Code: [Select]
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:880) Data received
<stream:error><see-other-host xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"/><str:text xmlns:str="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"></str:text></stream:error>
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 174
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 174
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:880) Data sent
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:880) Data received
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 1
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 0
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] Unknown state: bytesParsed=0, datalen=1, jabberNetworkBufferSize=16384
[12:33:10 28AC] SSL connection gracefully closed
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] Connection closed gracefully
[12:33:10 28AC] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 0
[12:33:10 29C8] [JABBER_1] GetAwayMsg called, hContact=000001D8
[12:33:10 2790] [JABBER_1] arResources.getCount() > 0
[12:33:11 28AC] [JABBER_1] Thread ended: type=0 server='<snip>'
[12:33:11 28AC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:880) Connection closed internal
[12:33:11 28AC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:33:11 28AC] [JABBER_1] Exiting ServerThread
« Last Edit: 21 01 2016, 13:35:12 by xebtria »

Offline xebtria

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Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #5 on: 21 01 2016, 13:16:42 »
I had the chance to let pidgin run in parallel to miranda. I've seen it twice now - miranda disconnected, and pidgin remained online.
It looks like it is indeed a miranda problem.

I will continue to monitor this, though.


this was the error the last time, again it looks different.

Code: [Select]
[14:14:40 19CC] [JABBER_1] PS_SETSTATUS(40071)
[14:14:40 19CC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:3980) Data sent
[14:14:40 2498] SSL failure recieving data (10058)
[14:14:40 2498] [JABBER_1] Netlib_Recv() failed, error=10058
[14:14:40 2498] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 0
[14:14:40 29C8] [JABBER_1] GetAwayMsg called, hContact=000001D8
[14:14:40 0BF8] [JABBER_1] arResources.getCount() > 0
[14:14:41 2498] [JABBER_1] Thread ended: type=0 server='<snip>'
[14:14:41 2498] [JABBER_1] (02632040:3980) Connection closed internal
[14:14:41 2498] [JABBER_1] (02632040:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:14:41 2498] [JABBER_1] Exiting ServerThread
« Last Edit: 21 01 2016, 13:36:10 by xebtria »

Offline xebtria

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Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #6 on: 21 01 2016, 13:34:43 »
Actually, I just found out, that I might have missed part of the error.

here is the last one (the company domain snipped out again, as in the first post).

Code: [Select]
[14:28:30 29C8] [JABBER_1] GetAwayMsg called, hContact=0000021E
[14:28:30 18B4] [JABBER_1] arResources.getCount() > 0
[14:28:30 233C] [JABBER_1] PS_SETSTATUS(40071)
[14:28:30 233C] [JABBER_1] (02632040:4800) Data sent
[14:28:30 0FCC] SSL failure recieving data (10058)
[14:28:30 0FCC] [JABBER_1] Netlib_Recv() failed, error=10058
[14:28:30 0FCC] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 0
[14:28:31 2850] KeepStatus: connection lost! (JABBER_1)
[14:28:31 2850] KeepStatus: Peter ERT status error (next retry (1) in 10 s)
[14:28:31 0FCC] [JABBER_1] Thread ended: type=0 server='<snip>'
[14:28:31 0FCC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:4800) Connection closed internal
[14:28:31 0FCC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:28:31 0FCC] [JABBER_1] Exiting ServerThread

Code: [Select]
[14:29:30 15FC] [JABBER_1] PS_SETSTATUS(40071)
[14:29:30 15FC] [JABBER_1] (02632040:4544) Data sent
[14:29:30 2B2C] SSL failure recieving data (10058)
[14:29:30 2B2C] [JABBER_1] Netlib_Recv() failed, error=10058
[14:29:30 2B2C] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 0
[14:29:30 29C8] [JABBER_1] GetAwayMsg called, hContact=000001EA
[14:29:30 25AC] [JABBER_1] arResources.getCount() > 0
[14:29:31 2850] KeepStatus: connection lost! (JABBER_1)
[14:29:31 2850] KeepStatus: Peter ERT status error (next retry (1) in 10 s)
[14:29:31 2B2C] [JABBER_1] Thread ended: type=0 server='<snip>'
[14:29:31 2B2C] [JABBER_1] (02632040:4544) Connection closed internal
[14:29:31 2B2C] [JABBER_1] (02632040:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:29:31 2B2C] [JABBER_1] Exiting ServerThread

I'll try to find the part (when it is +1 second to the first part) for the other errors and will update it accordingly

the errors look "less" different now. At least now it starts again and disconnects by the minute (again, only miranda, pidgin remains online), and the errors now are always the same, as you can see above at these two examples. every error now looks the same. Edit: it is always "Netlib_Recv() failed" - sometimes with a "GetAwayMessage called" before, and sometimes not.

edit: the two lines with "keepstatus" are also present at the earlier errors, I just forgot to copy them there when I edited the posts :P
« Last Edit: 21 01 2016, 13:41:24 by xebtria »

Offline xebtria

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Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #7 on: 21 01 2016, 15:29:41 »
I did not count exactly, but after I guess about 50 disconnects with miranda I got my first disconnect with pidgin, who told me that the server closed the connection.

Offline ghazan

Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #8 on: 21 01 2016, 16:38:49 »
(02632040:4544) Data sent

it means, that a piece of code in Miranda requires Jabber to log out.
the most obvious candidates of doing that are KeepStatus or AdvancedAutoAway plugins

Offline xebtria

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Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #9 on: 22 01 2016, 08:30:22 »
(02632040:4544) Data sent

it means, that a piece of code in Miranda requires Jabber to log out.
the most obvious candidates of doing that are KeepStatus or AdvancedAutoAway plugins

I'll try to disable keepstatus and check it. although I had disconnects even before I started using keepstatus (they were the reason why I started using keepstatus in the first place) If I get disconnected again (then without keep status), I will post the netlog from this disconnect.
But it could take a whíle since today I'm most likely at home already before the disconnects usually start (because it's friday) and then it has to wait until monday afternoon.

Offline xebtria

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Re: Afternoon Google Talk disconnects
« Reply #10 on: 29 01 2016, 06:04:10 »
Ok so I've been using it now for some time (basically one week) without the keepstatus plugin and I do not get any disconnects.

Strange that a few disconnects were the reason I started using keepstatus in the first place, and then it ended up making everything worse than before, and now that I stopped using it, the disconnects stopped appearing altogether...  ???