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Hi,since todays update to the current nightly I cannot login to Jabber any more. I do not know if the server did change anything, but since your patch was integrated recently I am curious if this is the cause. Here is my log:Code: [Select][18:40:35 15A0] [JABBER] SetAwayMsg called, wParam=40073 lParam=Away[18:40:35 15A0] [JABBER] PS_SETSTATUS(40073)[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Thread started: type=0[18:40:35 15A0] KeepStatus: assigning status 40073 to Facebook_1[18:40:35 15A0] KeepStatus: assigning status 40073 to ICQ[18:40:35 15A0] KeepStatus: assigning status 40073 to JABBER[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] _xmpp-client._tcp.jabber.ccc.de resolved to jabberd.jabber.ccc.de:5222[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Connection request to jabberd.jabber.ccc.de:5222 (Flags 0)....[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8) Connecting to server jabberd.jabber.ccc.de:5222....[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8) Connecting to ip [2a02:1b8:10:31::229]:5222 ....[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (1244) Connected to jabberd.jabber.ccc.de:5222[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Thread type=0 server='jabberd.jabber.ccc.de' port='5222'[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Stream is initializing after connect[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data sent<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" to="jabber.ccc.de" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xml:lang="en" version="1.0">[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Entering main recv loop[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data received<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='484583808' from='jabber.ccc.de' version='1.0' xml:lang='en'>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] recvResult = 170[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 170[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data received<stream:features><c xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps' hash='sha-1' node='http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/' ver='bYQ/IFfK87W+0ywEpUSFD2VIpW0='/><starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'><required/></starttls></stream:features>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] recvResult = 246[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 246[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Requesting TLS[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data sent<starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data received<proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] recvResult = 50[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 50[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Starting TLS...[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (1244 jabber.ccc.de) Starting SSL negotiation[18:40:35 1114] SSL connection failure (80090308 381): Client cannot decode host message. Possible causes: host does not support SSL or requires not existing security package[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (1244 jabber.ccc.de) Failure to negotiate SSL connection[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] SSL initialization failed[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data sent</stream:stream>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Netlib_Recv() failed, error=10058[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] recvResult = 0[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] 1[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] 2[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Thread ended: type=0 server='jabber.ccc.de'[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Connection closed internal[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:4294967295) Connection closed[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Exiting ServerThreadDo you have any ideas? Other clients like Empathy work without problems.GreetingsChol
[18:40:35 15A0] [JABBER] SetAwayMsg called, wParam=40073 lParam=Away[18:40:35 15A0] [JABBER] PS_SETSTATUS(40073)[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Thread started: type=0[18:40:35 15A0] KeepStatus: assigning status 40073 to Facebook_1[18:40:35 15A0] KeepStatus: assigning status 40073 to ICQ[18:40:35 15A0] KeepStatus: assigning status 40073 to JABBER[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] _xmpp-client._tcp.jabber.ccc.de resolved to jabberd.jabber.ccc.de:5222[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Connection request to jabberd.jabber.ccc.de:5222 (Flags 0)....[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8) Connecting to server jabberd.jabber.ccc.de:5222....[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8) Connecting to ip [2a02:1b8:10:31::229]:5222 ....[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (1244) Connected to jabberd.jabber.ccc.de:5222[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Thread type=0 server='jabberd.jabber.ccc.de' port='5222'[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Stream is initializing after connect[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data sent<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" to="jabber.ccc.de" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xml:lang="en" version="1.0">[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Entering main recv loop[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data received<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='484583808' from='jabber.ccc.de' version='1.0' xml:lang='en'>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] recvResult = 170[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 170[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data received<stream:features><c xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/caps' hash='sha-1' node='http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/' ver='bYQ/IFfK87W+0ywEpUSFD2VIpW0='/><starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'><required/></starttls></stream:features>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] recvResult = 246[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 246[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Requesting TLS[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data sent<starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data received<proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] recvResult = 50[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 50[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Starting TLS...[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (1244 jabber.ccc.de) Starting SSL negotiation[18:40:35 1114] SSL connection failure (80090308 381): Client cannot decode host message. Possible causes: host does not support SSL or requires not existing security package[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (1244 jabber.ccc.de) Failure to negotiate SSL connection[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] SSL initialization failed[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Data sent</stream:stream>[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Netlib_Recv() failed, error=10058[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] recvResult = 0[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] 1[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] 2[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Thread ended: type=0 server='jabber.ccc.de'[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:1244) Connection closed internal[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] (000000000E99C7C8:4294967295) Connection closed[18:40:35 1114] [JABBER] Exiting ServerThread
If you're using Windows XP you need to get OpenSSL from https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/ (It is listed on OpenSSL Binaries page so it's trustable). Shining Light Productions compiles with VS2013 that work only on Vista onwards. I don't have edit access on Miranda wiki so I hope someone can update the link on the OpenSSL page. This probably needs to go on a footnote somewhere since there are many 2K/XP users.
Which error do you mean? I can only see a warning "The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers.". This is due to their use of CAcert as CA, for which you have to install the root certificate manually for making it work in web browsers. Does this affect non web browser applications like Jabber at all? Nevertheless I have installed the CAcert root certificate on my Win7 machine. As opposed to my Win10 machine, where Miranda works without OpenSSL.