Author Topic: Cant receive messages from icq  (Read 6193 times)

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Offline Lybrial

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Cant receive messages from icq
« on: 23 10 2015, 19:12:23 »

Im using the latest version of Miranda. I installed it as a protable version on my laptop.
I can send ICQ messages, all my contacts are receiving my messages but i cant get
any message from any of my contacts.

What do i have to do to be able to receive icq messages from my contacts?

Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Cant receive messages from icq
« Reply #1 on: 23 10 2015, 23:36:19 »
Please check that you are not ignoring messages from them.
Options - Contacts - Ignore
There's a list of your stances towards each contact, new contacts and override for all contacts.

Offline Lybrial

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Re: Cant receive messages from icq
« Reply #2 on: 24 10 2015, 07:33:06 »
Hallo and Thank you for your answer.

Unfortunately i cant find "options - contacts - ignore".
I have everything on russian language and i cant change
it to englisch (there is no option for it and the addon site
of miranda "" is not accessible
to download the english language pack).

Offline Vulpix

Re: Cant receive messages from icq
« Reply #3 on: 24 10 2015, 09:53:41 »

The link you provided is for miranda IM. This is miranda NG - they're similar but they are not the same thing.

The ignore list is here:

The language selection is here:

The link to more langpacks is here (also listed on the language panel in options in the screenshot above and also obtainable by listing "available modules" in the main menu):