I have been attempting to get a group chat going, but I am somewhat confused.
First, what is a group chat?
From the user end, I think it is a single window whereby I type and my buddies (in the group) all see the text, and when one of my buddies types, I, and all others, see that response.
But, how does it work?
Is there some fictitious buddy out there somewhere (in AIM for instance a buddy called Buddy3445 for example,) and we all put that buddy in out buddy list then AIM handles the distribution of messages?
Does the buddy live forever, or is it dynamically created and destroyed?
is the buddy simply multiple single connections from me to many buddies, and Miranda handles the duplication of my typing, and combining their messages into one window?
How do I join or create a group chat?
I am using the standard TabbSRMM that comes with 0.95.4, but I have disabled skins. Do I need the skin? I hate the skin.
Searching the WIKI (Miranda and TabSRMM) and most other info I can find tells me what the features do, but not how to do them. I can change the settings, but some basic info is left out of the wikis.
Thanks for your help. Mark.