Solved: Bug occurs at other non-Miranda client, but was well hidden as it has only started with the new OTR plugin update for Miranda NGHello!

Thanks to the developers who had updated MirOTR! I'm using the updated version since a few weeks now, and I found now a bug which is a little annoying. When I'm using the mobile Jabber client "Xabber" on Android and I'm writing with somebody after enabling the OTR session (who has Miranda NG and the plugin), in most cases I'm getting back an empty message instantly after I had sended my text message. Somehow it doesn't always happen, but mostly it does. Please look at the attached screenshot.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Download and install Xabber at an Android device (I had no luck testing it in a virtual machine with Android x86. Maybe BlueStacks works?)
2. Add your Jabber server account, for example use if you need one, start an OTR session with somebody and chat with him / her / yourself who is using the newest stable Miranda NG version with MirOTR.
3. When you chat with the other contact, you will see now an automatic-sended empty message from Miranda NG. If there isn't one, wait a few minutes before sending a message again. Usually then it does appear.
Luckily it is "only" an unnecessary empty extra message. There is no message content lost, like I thought before when I saw this unwanted behavior. This bug wasn't there before MirOTR was updated.
If somebody of you has the time, please find and hopefully kill this bug. Because it's still annoying though.

Thanks a lot in advance!