Author Topic: Very slow updates downloading  (Read 6475 times)

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Offline wor123

Very slow updates downloading
« on: 12 04 2015, 10:07:12 »
Plugin Updater, the addon that updates Miranda NG and its addons, takes mins to download updates, and I've an 10Mbit DSL internet connection.
In the past, downloading updates would takes only some seconds.
Why this is happening?
Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2 64bit
Miranda NG v0.96.4.1 64bit

Offline Wishmaster

Re: Very slow updates downloading
« Reply #1 on: 12 04 2015, 17:41:24 »
Well, most likely because the update server has some performance problems. You can go to Options->Events->PluginUpdater. If it is set to "development version with debug symbols", try using "development version" instead. Those are rolled out on our own server, and debug symbols are quite big.

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: Very slow updates downloading
« Reply #2 on: 12 04 2015, 18:19:55 »
Wishmaster, depends.. yes the debug build version takes long to update because it's using a home user connection and is thus very limited.. But I've also noticed that the version with debug builds also causes quite high HDD usage which also takes minutes to write stuff... so it's not only the internet connection that slows things.


Offline Wishmaster

Re: Very slow updates downloading
« Reply #3 on: 13 04 2015, 07:53:24 »
Wishmaster, depends.. yes the debug build version takes long to update because it's using a home user connection and is thus very limited.. But I've also noticed that the version with debug builds also causes quite high HDD usage which also takes minutes to write stuff... so it's not only the internet connection that slows things.
Yes, it is also the fact that the debug symbols are quite big, which slows down, that's why you have a higher HDD usage. Maybe something could be changed about the decompression.

Offline watcher

Re: Very slow updates downloading
« Reply #4 on: 13 04 2015, 08:37:35 »
There is an issue with Basil's zip archives repacks of binary+symbol on Linux server and miranda's minizip slowness of unpacking it - especially on Windows 8.
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