[20:12:59 25E8] [FB] *** FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[1455304331] waking up...
[20:12:59 25E8] [FB] >> Entering ProcessBuddyList()
[20:12:59 25E8] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:12:59 25E8] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:12:59 25E8] [FB] *** Starting processing buddy list
[20:12:59 25E8] [FB] *** Buddy list processed
[20:12:59 25E8] [FB] *** FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[1455304331] going to sleep...
[20:13:02 1E70] [FB] === Beginning SetStatus process
[20:13:02 24D4] [FB] ### Beginning SignOff process
[20:13:02 25E8] [FB] <<< Exiting FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[1455304331]
[20:13:02 24D4] [FB] (0C4CE110:2604) Connection closed internal
[20:13:02 04D0] [FB] src\netlibhttp.cpp 559: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (10038 10)
[20:13:02 24D4] [FB] (0C4CE110:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:13:02 24D4] [FB] >> Entering chat_state()
[20:13:02 24D4] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] << Quitting chat_state()
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] >> Entering logout()
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 302
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] << Quitting logout()
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] (0C4CE590:3000) Connection closed internal
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] (0C4CE590:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:13:03 24D4] [FB] ### SignOff complete
[20:13:03 04D0] [FB] !!! No response from server (time-out)
[20:13:03 04D0] [FB] !!! channel(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[20:13:03 04D0] [FB] <<< Exiting FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1455304331]
[20:13:05 1E70] [FB] === Beginning SetStatus process
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] [12.2.2016] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] *** Beginning SignOn process
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] >> Entering login()
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] Connection request to
www.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE590) Connecting to server
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE590) Connecting to ip ....
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] (2716) Connected to
www.facebook.com:443[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] (2716
www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:13:05 1F38] [FB] (2716
www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE590:2716) Connection closed internal
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE590:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] Connection request to
www.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (0C4CEF50) Connecting to server
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (0C4CEF50) Connecting to ip ....
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (3032) Connected to
www.facebook.com:443[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (3032
www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (3032
www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (0C4CEF50:3032) Connection closed internal
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (0C4CEF50:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 302
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] Got self user id: 100009796382320
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] << Quitting login()
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] >> Entering home()
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] Connection request to m.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:13:06 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE1D0) Connecting to server m.facebook.com:443....
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE1D0) Connecting to ip ....
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (3032) Connected to m.facebook.com:443
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (3032 m.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (3032 m.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self dtsg
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self real name (nickname): Przemysław Ryk ()
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self avatar:
https://scontent-waw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hprofile-xfa1/v/t1.0-1/cp0/e15/q65/c38.0.130.130/p130x130/10354686_10150004552801856_220367501106153455_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&oh=a5460c3cdc1699a122feb88aa544481f&oe=576618F4[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self logout hash: AfdpwYsOzPUgeXFq
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] << Quitting home()
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] >> Entering reconnect()
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE1D0:3032) Connection closed internal
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE1D0) Connecting to server
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (0C4CE1D0) Connecting to ip ....
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (1512) Connected to
www.facebook.com:443[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (1512
www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] (1512
www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self channel: p_100009796382320
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self channel partition: -2
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self channel host: edge-chat
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self sequence number: 0
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self max_conn: 2
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] Got self sticky_token:
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] << Quitting reconnect()
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] >> Entering load_friends()
[20:13:07 1F38] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:08 1F38] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:08 1F38] [FB] *** Starting processing friend list
[20:13:08 1F38] [FB] *** Friend list processed
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] >> Entering friendRequests()
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] (0C4CE1D0:1512) Connection closed internal
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] >> Entering ProcessUnreadMessages()
[20:13:08 214C] [FB] >> Entering notifications()
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] (0C4CE1D0) Connecting to server mbasic.facebook.com:443....
[20:13:08 1AC8] [FB] >>> Entering Facebook::UpdateLoop[1455304388]
[20:13:08 1AC8] [FB] *** FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[1455304388] going to sleep...
[20:13:08 1F38] [FB] *** SignOn complete
[20:13:08 1F38] [FB] >> Entering chat_state()
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] >>> Entering Facebook::MessageLoop[1455304388]
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] >> Entering channel()
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] Connection request to 2-edge-chat.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] (0C4CE1D0) Connecting to ip ....
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] (1512) Connected to mbasic.facebook.com:443
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] (1512 mbasic.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] (1512 mbasic.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] (0C4CE110) Connecting to server 2-edge-chat.facebook.com:443....
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] (0C4CE110) Connecting to ip ....
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] (2940) Connected to 2-edge-chat.facebook.com:443
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] (2940 2-edge-chat.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] (2940 2-edge-chat.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:13:08 1D10] [FB] *** GetMyAvatar
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] (0C4CE1D0:1512) Connection closed internal
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] < (Old) Friendship request [1454710226]
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] !!! Wrong friendship request:
</div></div><div class="br e bs" id="u_0_0"><a href="
[20:13:08 1F3C] [FB] << Quitting friendRequests()
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] (0C4CE1D0) Connecting to server
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] (0C4CE1D0) Connecting to ip ....
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] (3004) Connected to
www.facebook.com:443[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] (3004
www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] (3004
www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] Got self sticky pool: ash2c06_chat-proxy
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] Got self sticky number: 39
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] << Quitting channel()
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1455304388] pinging...
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1455304388] refreshing...
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] >> Entering channel()
[20:13:08 1D24] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:08 214C] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:08 1CFC] [FB] >> Entering ProcessUnreadMessage()
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] *** Unread threads list processed
[20:13:08 1F74] [FB] << Quitting ProcessUnreadMessages()
[20:13:09 214C] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:09 1F38] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:09 214C] [FB] *** Starting processing notifications
[20:13:09 214C] [FB] *** Notifications processed
[20:13:09 1D24] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:09 1D24] [FB] !!! Requested fullReload
[20:13:09 1D24] [FB] Got self sequence number: 1
[20:13:09 1D24] [FB] << Quitting channel()
[20:13:09 1D24] [FB] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1455304388] pinging...
[20:13:09 1D24] [FB] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1455304388] refreshing...
[20:13:09 1D24] [FB] >> Entering channel()
[20:13:09 1D24] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:09 1F38] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:09 1F38] [FB] << Quitting chat_state()
[20:13:09 1F38] [FB] *** ChangeStatus complete
[20:13:09 1D2C] [FB] >> Entering ProcessBuddyList()
[20:13:09 1D2C] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '
[20:13:10 1D2C] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:10 1D2C] [FB] *** Starting processing buddy list
[20:13:10 1D2C] [FB] *** Buddy list processed
[20:13:10 1D24] [FB] @@@ Got response with code 200
[20:13:10 1D1C] [FB] *** Starting processing messages
[20:13:10 1D24] [FB] Got self sequence number: 2
[20:13:10 1D24] [FB] << Quitting channel()
[20:13:10 1D1C] [FB] Requested chat switch to Offline
[20:13:10 1D24] [FB] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1455304388] pinging...
[20:13:10 1D24] [FB] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1455304388] refreshing...
[20:13:10 1D24] [FB] >> Entering channel()
[20:13:10 1D1C] [FB] *** Messages processed
[20:13:10 1D24] [FB] @@@ Sending request to '