Author Topic: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems  (Read 8705 times)

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Offline WarmBooter

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Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« on: 17 01 2015, 13:17:42 »
I'm trying to move from Miranda IM to NG. During the proccess, the database was checked, a lot of "duplicate events" were listed. Now that the migration is finished, I tried to check the database again, and it shows several lines as "Event position in the chain is not correct: unable to fix".

Is there anything that I can do to have a 100% ok database, without loosing all my history, users, etc?

Another question: seems that several groups that only contained Skype contacts (from SkypeClassic) are gone. Anything that I can do to preserve the groups and its contacts?


Offline watcher

Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #1 on: 17 01 2015, 16:56:25 »
Please describe the process of migrating from IM to NG.
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Offline ghazan

Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #2 on: 17 01 2015, 16:57:33 »
you need to make a backup of the original profile first and run the dbtool over it, under Miranda IM.
only after it won't find any errors in the database you can run the upgrade, otherwise all suspicious events will be filtered out

Offline WarmBooter

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Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #3 on: 18 01 2015, 00:16:19 »
Please describe the process of migrating from IM to NG.

Copied all Miranda IM contents to new directory, installed the IM Updater plugin and ran Miranda.

Post Merge: 18 01 2015, 00:18:01
you need to make a backup of the original profile first and run the dbtool over it, under Miranda IM.
only after it won't find any errors in the database you can run the upgrade, otherwise all suspicious events will be filtered out

dbtool gives the same "duplicate events" errors (and also cannot fix them).
« Last Edit: 18 01 2015, 00:18:01 by WarmBooter »

Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #4 on: 18 01 2015, 13:19:33 »
To reiterate: You should run Miranda-IM's own DBtool over your original, unmodified profile before attempting a migration.

Offline WarmBooter

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Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #5 on: 18 01 2015, 13:23:21 »
Yes, that's what I have done, and as I said, it also cannot fix the "duplicate events" errors. I can run it as many times I want, and it always reports the same problems (never fix them).

Post Merge: 18 01 2015, 13:37:46
Ok, here is some update to this case:

Seems that dbtools was able to fix the duplicate event errors. I guess the problem was that I need to run it as administrator, since the damn Windows 8.1 doesn't allow writing to files inside ProgramFiles dir (where my profile is). Wierd enough, dbtools never gave an error about being unable to write to the file... it was my pure guessing.

Anyway, the errors of "Event position in the chain is not correct" remains unfixed :(
« Last Edit: 18 01 2015, 13:37:46 by WarmBooter »

Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #6 on: 18 01 2015, 20:15:36 »
Raising a question, why your profile is in ProgramFiles.
However, the "never gave an error" is easily explained by Virtualized Idiocy... erm, storage.

To disable Virtual Idiocy,
Code: [Select]
reg ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /f /v "EnableVirtualization" /t REG_DWORD /d 0then remove all the "%LocalAppData%\VirtualStore" directories and relog.
« Last Edit: 18 01 2015, 20:17:56 by AnrDaemon »

Offline WarmBooter

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Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #7 on: 19 01 2015, 00:19:05 »
Raising a question, why your profile is in ProgramFiles.
However, the "never gave an error" is easily explained by Virtualized Idiocy... erm, storage.

Well, I'm a long long time Miranda-IM user, and in the ancient times, afair, the default was to have the profile in a Miranda installation directory subfolder, creating a kind of "portable" installation. So, it is there since those days :)

Maybe it is time to move it to appdata or something like that.

Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #8 on: 19 01 2015, 01:30:42 »
- maybe.
It is long overdue.
Just install -NG into a new directory, launch it once and allow it to create a new database, so you don't need to guess the correct files location.

Offline WarmBooter

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Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #9 on: 19 01 2015, 12:06:21 »
No problem, I already "fixed" it. Seems that file was in the default location for the Win9x era, and I kept it while upgrading to newest Windows versions. Time has come to change to APPDATA.

Offline watcher

Re: Moving from Miranda IM - database problems
« Reply #10 on: 19 01 2015, 13:24:37 »
WarmBooter, or keep the whole Miranda folder out of Program Files, on non-system disk, then you can keep profile inside Miranda's folder.
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