Author Topic: importTXT and duplicates  (Read 7537 times)

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Offline elaci0

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importTXT and duplicates
« on: 19 10 2014, 09:00:38 »
I am still in the process of importing all my 10 years of Miranda's histories from different DBs I have.
I was curious about the importTXT plugins, which seems working fine but now, I am wondering how duplicates are managed: only by timestamps or also  timestamp+text ?  this is important, I have many "duplicate" messages by timestamp but different text.


Offline Vulpix

Re: importTXT and duplicates
« Reply #1 on: 19 10 2014, 15:13:13 »
I was recently importing a lot of text via importxt and checking the "check for duplicates" removed messages with same timestamp but different text. I've always used the import without checking for duplicates afterwards.

Offline elaci0

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Re: importTXT and duplicates
« Reply #2 on: 20 10 2014, 18:06:46 »
and did you find any incongruous messages?

Offline Vulpix

Re: importTXT and duplicates
« Reply #3 on: 20 10 2014, 20:37:46 »
Well, I was sure that I had no duplicates in the first place. So I knew that any duplicates would be false-positives.

Basically, if you want to merge two histories together, it's always best to export whatever you have in the target history, empty it completely and then import everything you need to import into it.

That way, there will never be any duplicates.

For example if you have history A from 10th till 20th, then history B from 4th till 12th which is from a DIFFERENT SOURCE, then you can import history B into history A without checking duplicates and all will be fine.

However, if you export history A and you would import that export into history A again, you would get all of the messages duplicated (if you turn off the duplicity check).

Basically... it's best to export history A always prior to importing, and then empty history A and import everything.

I dunno it sounds complicated  but that's how I did it, and I got like 4 years of histories imported with no problems.

Offline mida

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Re: importTXT and duplicates
« Reply #4 on: 03 12 2014, 18:13:01 »'s always best to export whatever you have in the target history...

sorry that im asking, but how do you export complete histories?
what for a history format you use?
sorry for my bad english

Offline Vulpix

Re: importTXT and duplicates
« Reply #5 on: 04 12 2014, 09:14:33 »
History++'s "export as text" option.

Offline mida

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Re: importTXT and duplicates
« Reply #6 on: 04 12 2014, 19:10:17 »
thanks, but this methode cant export all histories from all contact at once
sorry for my bad english

Offline watcher

Re: importTXT and duplicates
« Reply #7 on: 04 12 2014, 22:05:19 »
thanks, but this methode cant export all histories from all contact at once

Miranda's import.dll does that. It's undergoing heavy transformation right now - in next stable there will be all new and improved version of import.
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