Author Topic: Password protection startup  (Read 6774 times)

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Offline raven

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Password protection startup
« on: 12 10 2014, 12:05:18 »
Hi, first of all sorry for my English. I've tried search for this, find nothing.

I'm migrating one person from icq lite to miranda-ng, and it's required to have some password protection to start the Miranda app, for example icq lite it's just login to icq network. Without that password should not be possible to see contact, history etc. Is it possible? Thx for replies  :) :-*

Offline watcher

Re: Password protection startup
« Reply #1 on: 12 10 2014, 12:12:17 »
raven, no problem at all!

You can set password for entering the program either from options or main menu:


Then on opening the program you"ll see this:

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Offline raven

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Re: Password protection startup
« Reply #2 on: 12 10 2014, 12:31:50 »
watcher: great thx, i thought the "set password" is for the total encryption mode. Im using miranda for very long time (10+years) (well still on miranda IM, i'll migrate to ng very soon too) and i never needed password for startup, found no plugin for that  :( wasn't sure its possible, but it is (at least for NG)  :D thx.

Offline watcher

Re: Password protection startup
« Reply #3 on: 12 10 2014, 12:38:39 »
(well still on miranda IM, i'll migrate to ng very soon too) and i never needed password for startup, found no plugin for that

Miranda IM has whole other database driver for that - DbX_mmap_SA - with its own cryptors. Standard Miranda IM driver must be swapped for this one, and only then DB encryption is possible.

Miranda NG has encryption built-in, uses Standard encryption turned on by default, Total encryption and password for entrance are optional,  users have no headache now, it all works right "from the box", no plugin exchange or additional plugins required. It is also much faster and more secure than previous encryption type in Miranda IM.
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