Author Topic: xStatus notify: deprecated options?  (Read 5501 times)

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Offline SpinalBlood

xStatus notify: deprecated options?
« on: 07 10 2014, 00:02:44 »
Hi, I'm missing two functions that were present in the old "newstatusnotifyW.dll" of Miranda IM:

- Use internal speaker
- Avoid Clipping

While the Miranda NG counterpart of this plugin is pretty much the same as the old one, and also with enhanced options, these options above are not present;

about avoid clipping, I even tried to insert the byte value as it was for Miranda IM, to check if it was still present as an hidden option, but it doesn't work.

While the pc speaker option seems not important anymore (motherboards now have abandoned the old phisical pc speaker), the reason of this request is about the avoid clipping option:
if a certain miranda sound is playing (for example a received message sound or another status notification sound) if in the meanwhile a status notification occurs, the related sound wouldn't play; but when in Miranda IM the option was disabled, the new sound suppressed the one that played before; this is in my opinion preferable, but there is no option anymore and seem to have the "avoid clipping" enabled by default.

Could it be added like before? Thanks

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: xStatus notify: deprecated options?
« Reply #1 on: 07 10 2014, 08:51:27 »
Well.. you might call it a workaround, it might still not do what you like in the end, but you might try this one:

It doesn't just allow you to use different audio formats besides wave, it also handles multiple sounds playing at the same time.. basically it allows up to 6 (IIRC) sounds playing at the same time... so no sound will be killed :P
You can also disable multi channel support IIRC and thus should act again as clipping... so maybe this addon does exactly what you want :P


Offline SpinalBlood

Re: xStatus notify: deprecated options?
« Reply #2 on: 07 10 2014, 12:47:10 »
Yes, it does the trick, thanks!

I also remember a long time ago with miranda IM, instead of switching, the sounds were simultaneous (like these BASS multichannels), maybe it was changed between old updates? I'm not sure about this, but being now able to choose between 1 or more channels sure is useful.

(Although I would still like a solution that comes from the plugin itself rather than using another plugin, especially when it previously existed. They might complement each other well, but they still are two separate plugins, so that their single potential should be as much large as possible...I guess.)

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: xStatus notify: deprecated options?
« Reply #3 on: 07 10 2014, 13:20:05 »
I guess the old way of xStatus notify was to invasive which isn't good... and BASS_interface "fixes" that for the entire Miranda :P

From my point of view, NG tires to eliminate redundant code and works on improved cooperation between plugins. So if one of them adds a feature for all to use and does it better, plugins that used their own workaround will be adapted to rely on said plugin so you've got only one point of failure, one point to fix, and users can't screw up their settings with incompatibilities^^ Generally it reduces the work load of developers and is in the end also better for users.

But that's my point of view, doesn't necessary need to be the cause or correct in this case ;)