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...ok it might sound a little bit stupid but where can i enter my twitter username ?  :-\ . When adding the twitter protocol there is no place i see that asks that.. ??? Maybe its me but well i don't know at the moment. I have a twitter acount and don't want to create another one.

Scrappy, if I remember correctly, when you first switch protocol to Online, it should open webbrowser with Twitter API confirmation or something like that. Have you tried that?

But it's weird that in accounts manager is only "Username" label and no editbox. It should inform user in a better way what he should do...

first thanks for the response.

well when i first set the protocol to online it just wants to connect but nothing happens. I have removed and added the protocol many times but nothing works (it did in the past as far as i know) :-[
It looks like it wants to connect but with no username or something like that  :-\ .
There is not one moment that is asks for my twitter username, only a accountname (is that the username ?) but that doesn't work either.

I created new account, switched to online and it immediatelly showed dialog to add Twitter PIN and opened website to authorize Miranda. Try to delete and recreate your twitter account in Miranda.

Btw I'm testing it on development version, maybe it's broken on stable?


--- Quote from: Robyer on 20 09 2014, 18:48:10 ---switched to online and it immediatelly showed dialog to add Twitter PIN and opened website to authorize Miranda
--- End quote ---

well that doesn't happen here  :-[ . Tryed the latest stable and unstable 64bit versions but no dice. I don't get a twitter PIN it just wants to connect but it has no twitter user name........


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