TL;DR: you can download Tipper archive from
IM addons inside which is in folder "docs" file autoexec_tipper_items_eng.ini, which contains predefined settings and you can import this into your database (just put that file next to miranda32.exe and after restart it should ask you about import, or do it manually through DBEditor++)
How Tipper works? You should understand that from readme, but here is my explanation:
1) You can show in tipper any value from database or one of special (system) values (e.g. which aren't saved in database and are computed at runtime).
2) If you want value from Database, you must know what NAME and TYPE has value you want. And also in which "branch" (or "folder") it is saved. To find out, you can browse all settings via DBEditor++ and look what you might find useful.
3) If TYPE of value is not simple (it's not just number or string, but e.g. datetime) but it has special meaning, you can't just show its "raw" value, but you need to use SUBSTITUTION. That simply tells how that value should be showed (e.g. as date and time) and then you can use name of this substitution in item setting.
How to write it?
a) %sys:xxx% - special (system) value, xxx is one of predefined
b) %raw:xxx% - raw value from DB, xxx is name of value in db, usually with / at the beginning, like. %raw:/FirstName% which means it is taken from protocol "branch" of that contact. If it's Facebook contact, it will take value "Facebook/FirstName" of that contact automatically. So it's universal (doesn't depend on protocol or accounts's internal name).
c) %xxx% - substitution, xxx is your name of substitution
How to define substitution?
1) You need to set name, this is needed for using it (see point (c))
2) "Module" which is that "branch" in database. If you want protocol branch (that's most likely; as mentioned in (b)), then check "Protocol module".
3) Setting name - that's the name of setting you want to use in substitution
4) Substitution type - how that value should be showed? As datetime, status, etc.
Was this enough explanation or do you need something more?