Author Topic: Looking for a way to remove CList borders  (Read 12942 times)

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Offline AnrDaemon

Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« on: 03 09 2014, 00:36:24 »
I'm looking for a plugin (or a new feature) for standard contact list to completely remove window borders.
This is basically what holding me on Miranda IM…

Offline watcher

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #1 on: 03 09 2014, 05:50:20 »
And what provides this on Miranda IM? Maybe you just have to change contact list plugin? To use what you calling "standard contact list on Miranda IM" on Miranda NG you have to remove (or uncheck in plugins list) any other contact list plugin. On clist modern you can disable skin engine too. I don't think that you need any new feature or plugin, just to tune your Miranda a bit.
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Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #2 on: 03 09 2014, 05:52:23 »
Modern Clist has an option under "Contact list" tab "Window" -> tick "Borderless main window"

only downside is that whit this enabled, you can't use alt-tab to switch to bring clist to focus, as you also have to tick "Disable skin engine" or "Use non-layerd mode"
[ damned be thee who forgets to nothing remember ]

Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #3 on: 03 09 2014, 05:56:09 »
And what provides this on Miranda IM?
A handy plugin named TweakUI by Angelo Luiz Tartari.

Maybe you just have to change contact list plugin?
No, thank you.

Post Merge: 04 09 2014, 01:19:44
Next time you'll be in the clist_modern code, please reinstate the "List background" settings section.  :PUNISH:
After hours of digging its interface for the ways to set background image, out of desperation, I switched to default clist, set background there, and enabled -modern back. Much to our surprize, it worked.
« Last Edit: 04 09 2014, 14:49:57 by AnrDaemon »

Offline watcher

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #4 on: 07 09 2014, 13:59:01 »
Next time you'll be in the clist_modern code, please reinstate the "List background" settings section.  :PUNISH:

Disable skin engine then reopen clist_modern skin options:


Nothing changed in this code for years. As i said - " I don't think that you need any new feature or plugin, just to tune your Miranda a bit"
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Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #5 on: 07 09 2014, 19:15:02 »
And where I can "disable skinning engine"?

The unreadable captcha on every post is VERY discouraging.
Almost seems like you don't want people to participate in the project.

Offline watcher

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #6 on: 07 09 2014, 20:36:50 »
And where I can "disable skinning engine"?

In options


The unreadable captcha on every post is VERY discouraging.
Almost seems like you don't want people to participate in the project.

After 3 posts it's gone, fair enough?
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Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #7 on: 07 09 2014, 22:35:21 »
Do NOT make checkboxes with negative meaning. It contradict the very idea of a given UI control.

After 3 posts it's gone, fair enough?
Took me a week to make 3 posts. At each moment of time I have better things to do, than to type in unreadable captchas.

Offline watcher

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #8 on: 08 09 2014, 05:31:07 »
Do NOT make checkboxes with negative meaning. It contradict the very idea of a given UI control.

It is like that from 2005, same code, mate, don't start, ok? Our goal is not to rewrite old Miranda from scratch, but to keep it alive and add some new features. I don't see any problem except your unwillingness to go through settings. You don't know Miranda's settings - your problem, don't start with accusations, deal with it.

Post Merge: 08 09 2014, 05:32:38
Took me a week to make 3 posts. At each moment of time I have better things to do, than to type in unreadable captchas.

Same shit, deal with it or don't.  Either way is fine by me.
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Offline AnrDaemon

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #9 on: 08 09 2014, 06:28:50 »
I've been to these settings for HOURS. Digging it up and down.
Not my fault that they contradict themselves.
Anyway, thanks for your support.

Offline White-Tiger

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Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #10 on: 08 09 2014, 10:16:55 »

Post Merge: 08 09 2014, 05:32:38
Same shit, deal with it or don't.  Either way is fine by me.
Well, there are better ways then captchas for registered people, such as proper security and captchas for people who are about to register^^
If bots are able to register, they are able to post anyway. So it won't stop them, just bloat our database at best.
And I know there are better ways, so yeah.

And watcher, don't be so rough. AnrDaemon got some points. Miranda got an awful amount of options, which is fine btw, but they are kinda bad organized or described. So an unexperienced user must search over and over again until he finds the interesting stuff. I've overlooked options in the past myself. Maybe negative checkboxes are one reason of that.

I'm saying it all the time, Miranda doesn't just need new stuff or options, to be user friendly should also be one of our main goals. Keeping a otherwise dying PC IM world alive. People hate complicated stuff, that's why they would use something with less features like Pidgin or QIP or even the default one, etc. (though some also use Pidgin because it's cross platform and sometimes just better :P)
Miranda is mostly the best of them all, but not with the default setup and not without some personalization. (packs are a start, but still not the best options, just a "workaround")

Take a look at Firefox for example, it lost a lot of users because it wasn't as user friendly as Chrome was. Or Opera, who never got a chance because of its weird behavior.
Though Firefox is still quite high rated.. but it's also not the best without custom stuff, though that's also kinda true for Chrome :P
I can't switch to Chrome even if I wanted to because I would be missing lots of stuff that simplifies my live by automation but does currently only work on Firefox. And there once was a point that interested me in Chrome.


Offline watcher

Re: Looking for a way to remove CList borders
« Reply #11 on: 08 09 2014, 11:35:32 »
White-Tiger,  do something useful other than posting wise ass remarks, ok?
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