Miranda => uTox:Works! File is transferred just fine.
Miranda => uTox:
Pausing transfer in uTox and resuming:This causes the transfer to restart from the beginning and the progressbar + numbers in miranda become very strange (4651658465135168kb/s for example). The progress bar is also jumping around.
The resulting file is malformed; as the "already-transferred part" is preserved, and the "restarted from beginning" part is appended to it, i.e. you end up with file bigger than the one you are sending.
Miranda => uTox:
Start transfer but then cancel it midway:Everything works fine here, miranda shows "File transfer denied".
Miranda => Miranda
uTox=>MirandaThe receiving miranda crashes.
File receiving is now broken!I tried it with the previous build as well and it's broken there too. Does this have something to do with the blob database conversion? I noticed that I cannot use %userid% variable anymore, but miranda crashes even when I select the save dir manually.
I think a fix similar to
r10432 is necessary for this variable?