Author Topic: A group don't want to stay expended on login.  (Read 5620 times)

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Offline soopah

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A group don't want to stay expended on login.
« on: 12 12 2013, 17:57:34 »
When i start miranda, I have one group who is always collapsed, I have to expand it everytime.
the others groups stay in the state they was before I close Miranda but not this one....

I'm using ClistNicer.

I think I can fix this by creating a new group and deleting this one. but it's MSN group, I have tons of contacts in and sub-group also.

Offline watcher

Re: A group don't want to stay expended on login.
« Reply #1 on: 12 12 2013, 18:10:08 »
Create a new group, use QuickSearch plugin which can mass-move users to groups, move them, delete the group, re-create the group, make sure it behaves properly, move users back.
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Offline soopah

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Re: A group don't want to stay expended on login.
« Reply #2 on: 12 12 2013, 19:01:28 »
Thank you for the quick search plugin,
I used a new group and it seems to be working as it should.