Author Topic: WhatsApp emojipack (+Apple/Telegram)  (Read 127984 times)

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Offline Thug

WhatsApp emojipack (+Apple/Telegram)
« on: 03 12 2013, 10:57:06 »
I have made some research on whatsapp smileys. Since whatsapp uses the emoji, pretty much like Vkontakte does, you can actually take VK smilepack and see most of the incoming smiles. Thats not a solution ofcourse. So, we can easily extract all the smile icons from the official android client - just unpack it with some archiver and you'll find them at res\drawable-hdpi folder. Finding out all the smile codes manually would take forever since there are over 800 smiles, so the main problem is to find the smiles data inside the client. I guess that data can be found in xml files at the same folder with icons, but those xml's are encrypted, I haven't managed to open them. Perhaps someone knows how to open those xmls?

------------------------ Edited ------------------------

Here is the latest version of the emojipack:
Download WhatsApp emojipack 2.2327.4


WhatsApp 20x20
WhatsApp 32x32
WhatsApp 40x40
WhatsApp 64x64

Apple 20x20
Apple 32x32
Apple 40x40
Apple 64x64
« Last Edit: 29 07 2023, 02:49:46 by Thug »

Offline Robyer

Re:WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #1 on: 08 12 2013, 21:28:11 »
I think that smiley code is in filename. It contains hexadecimal number which should be same (or similar) to number representation of emoji character in unicode. Question is in what format are they received/showed in VKontakte chat in Miranda...
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline watcher

Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #2 on: 08 12 2013, 22:29:40 »
Question is in what format are they received/showed in VKontakte chat in Miranda...
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Offline Robyer

Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #3 on: 09 12 2013, 11:07:10 »

Oh... so this topic is resolved? :-)

OT: Did someone tried these emojis with Facebook plugin?
I was developing mainly Facebook, Omegle, Steam, Dummy and MobileState plugins. Now I'm retired. Goodbye, everyone. ~ You can still find me on Facebook.

Offline Thug

Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #4 on: 09 12 2013, 11:10:08 »
Well, Vkontakte uses 2 (sometimes 3) smiley code formats:
kinda html code: ☝
unicode symboll (emoji): ☝
and simple punctuation marks and characters: :up:

Whatsapp smilies use 1 format for sure - unicode symbols (emoji). You see them when someone sends you a smiley from an official client. But they are not all the same as in VK (50/50 or so).
« Last Edit: 09 12 2013, 11:14:19 by Thug »

Offline Thvle

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Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #5 on: 09 01 2014, 14:58:57 »
Is possible usage of eomticons in whatsapp plugin?

Offline Thug

Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #6 on: 11 01 2014, 00:54:18 »
It is possible, we just don't have a fully-functional smile pack.

Offline el_even

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Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #7 on: 06 08 2014, 01:38:50 »
I hope, that would help (470 WhatsApp smileys, msl file included):
« Last Edit: 06 08 2014, 01:43:01 by el_even »

Offline alitor

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Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #8 on: 14 08 2014, 09:19:07 »
I hope, that would help (470 WhatsApp smileys, msl file included):
Unfortunately it doesn't work, at least not for me.

Post Merge: 14 08 2014, 18:43:11
Here, today I have compiled this smiley pack. Works quite ok.
One thing though, the order of emoticons is somewhat messy.
And also the pictures themselves are pretty big, so in order to make them look better in the message log one needs to scale them down. Go Options -> Customize -> Smileys. And in "Display" section select "Scale smileys to text height". I've set "Minimum smiley height" to 21.
« Last Edit: 14 08 2014, 18:47:36 by alitor »

Offline Thug

Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #9 on: 19 08 2014, 09:24:19 »
Nice work! Did you try some algorithm to convert hexademical picture names to unicode symbols? I have tested your pack and figured out a problem: sending smilies from miranda to of. client works fine, but it is not so fine backwards. You have assigned one code for each smiley, but it looks like whatsapp also uses alternate codes for pretty many of them.

For example:

I have assigned both your variant (invisible symbol, you send this) and the one an android official client sends (face). It works fine in both directions. Perhaps it would work fine if you only assign the second one (if all the official clients send only the face), but ideally they should be both listed. And I dunno any easy way to figure out those alternate codes which the official client sends, other then finding out them manually.
« Last Edit: 19 08 2014, 09:46:35 by Thug »

Offline alitor

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Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #10 on: 19 08 2014, 09:41:24 »
Did you try some algorithm to convert hexademical picture names to unicode symbols?
Well, I've just listed names of the smiley files, pasted them in MS Word and used alt+X on each code to convert them. Unfortunately, I don't have any other info about what combinations are used for each of the smiley in WhatsApp.

Offline Thug

Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #11 on: 19 08 2014, 09:46:41 »
 Actually I have tried to do it manually from scratch, see the progress ;D

Offline alitor

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Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #12 on: 19 08 2014, 09:56:12 »
Actually I have tried to do it manually from scratch
That's one of the ways, of course, although it's gonna take forever. And I would leave my symbol specifications untouched, adding those other symbols to them rather than replacing them. That would make the pack work both ways with no problem, like you did in the previous post.

Post Merge: 19 08 2014, 10:14:14
I have tested your pack and figured out a problem: sending smilies from miranda to of. client works fine, but it is not so fine backwards.
Just now out of curiosity tried sending a bunch of smileys to Miranda from the official Android app. All of them were displayed correctly.  ???
« Last Edit: 19 08 2014, 10:41:15 by alitor »

Offline Thug

Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #13 on: 19 08 2014, 13:01:22 »
Strange. I receive this (I have sent myself all the smileys from the first category).
« Last Edit: 19 08 2014, 13:06:16 by Thug »

Offline alitor

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Re: WhatsApp smiles (need help)
« Reply #14 on: 19 08 2014, 13:11:22 »
Nope, don't have this problem at all.
One thing I forgot to mention when uploading my smiley pack is that when editing the msl file you have to make sure you save it in exactly the same coding system (UTF-16 LE), otherwise it won't work. Maybe this is your case, I don't know. Oh, and I'm using the 64-bit Miranda--not sure if this matters, just in case.