Hey, thank you, this worked out for me!

So the development version is atm the only version which is working.
But I have a question regarding the history: In Miranda NG, I have always been using History++. But the history with Discord and Miranda is a little tricky.
Back when the old version of Miranda still worked for me, upon connecting to Discord, all the messages which had been written since the last time it was connected, were loaded.
But If you do a fresh install, like what I now did for testing, Miranda doesn't load the complete history from the server.
That also means that if I were to use my old profile with the new Miranda version, it would leave a gap in the local history, as it's been over a month since I last connected with Miranda, but the new version wouldn't load all the messages that have been exchanged since then.
Therefore I'd like to know if it'd be possible to add a function to Miranda NG like "Load complete history from server", or smth like "Synchronize history" ?
So that the local history would be the same as the history on the server.