[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] (1952) Connected to example.org:5222
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] Thread type=0 server='example.org' port='5222'
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] Stream is initializing after connect
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] (02596B70:1952) Data sent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" to="example.org" xmlns:stream="
http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xml:lang="de" version="1.0">
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] Entering main recv loop
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] (02596B70:1952) Data received
<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='
http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' id='96187972' from='example.org' version='1.0' xml:lang='de'><stream:features><c xmlns='
http://jabber.org/protocol/caps' hash='sha-1' node='
http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/' ver='rBEUwDwH04kFUO/cy54wsfBQW4A='/><starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'><required/></starttls></stream:features>
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 409
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 163
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 246
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] Requesting TLS
[17:09:59 22F4] [JABBER_1] (02596B70:1952) Data sent
<starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] (02596B70:1952) Data received
<proceed xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 50
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] bytesParsed = 50
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] Starting TLS...
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] (1952 example.org) Starting SSL negotiation
[17:10:00 22F4] SSL Negotiation connection gracefully closed
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] (1952 example.org) Failure to negotiate SSL connection
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] SSL initialization failed
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] (02596B70:1952) Data sent
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] Netlib_Recv() failed, error=10058
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] recvResult = 0
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] Thread ended: type=0 server='example.org'
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] (02596B70:1952) Connection closed internal
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] (02596B70:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:10:00 22F4] [JABBER_1] Exiting ServerThread