Vulpix, hi, I've looked through all Steam proto and there are few parts that add events to DB. It is using his custom method "AddDBEvent()", which might be somehow wrong (but for first look it looks okay).
But it is questionable why unsane used this custom function on some places, where is usually used standard variant. One such place is method for receiving messages - CSteamProto::RecvMsg(), where he used "AddDBEvent" instead of classic "Proto_RecvMsg()" which is used in almost all other protocols (AIM, FB, GG, Jabber, MSN, Sametime, Twitter, VKontakte, WhatsApp, Yahoo). Own method is used in Tox too. My bet is this will be part of the problem.
We need response from unsane, why he not used standard method.
+ I'd like to have comment preferably from ghazan to clarify what could be wrong with that custom method (because it's used not only for receiving messages - so it still could break other events).
(... maybe there is just used some wrong flag for codepage?)