I can't get Facebook working.
I get no login and the following log:
[01:05:53 26E8] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] Executing request:
https://b-api.facebook.com/method/auth.login[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] Connection request to b-api.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] (0000000002332410) Connecting to server b-api.facebook.com:443....
[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] (0000000002332410) Connecting to ip ....
[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] (820) Connected to b-api.facebook.com:443
[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] (820 b-api.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] (820 b-api.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] (0000000002332410:820) Connection closed internal
[01:05:53 2228] [Facebook_1] (0000000002332410:4294967295) Connection closed
I tried the following things:
- Facebook user password
- generated a app password at Facebook and used with miranda ng (the used email address is my Facebook login email address?)
- miranda ng stable version
- miranda ng development version
Is there any trick to get this working?