Hi, just yesterday I have normally runned miranda NG a few hours, it suddenloy showed some error (I didn't noticed what) and it crashed. After try to rerun miranda I ended with error to load profile. It seems my profile is somehow corrupted. I am adding error screens, it is in czech so I am adding casual ENG translates:
miranda ng error1 - <unknown format>
miranda ng error2 - cannot find correct database addon to open ''.
miranda ng error3 - Miranda cannot open ''. No correct database driver installed.
It won't show file name or name of profile, just ''. I tried to fix it with db checker, but it can't read it too. It seems my old profile is somehow damaged, because my very old backup of this profile works at least in db checker. When I edited my .dat file with classic text editor, at first look it seems correct, but I am sure, there will be some problem.
THX for help.