Miranda NG Official Community Forum

Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users => Bug reports => Topic started by: Vulpix on 10 12 2015, 08:56:26

Title: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Vulpix on 10 12 2015, 08:56:26
PluginUpdater causes a lot of disk seeking if the miranda folder is fragmented, because it for some reason also scans the "received files" folder, if this folder is in Miranda's home dir.

For security reasons as well as for usability reasons, the plugin updater should only scan folders that contain plugins or miranda files.

Easiest fix for this should be to implement an "exclusion" filter for PluginUpdater so that you can exclude your "received files" folder.

A clever implicit setting would be for Miranda to automatically exclude the "received files" folder as set in the Events->File transfers menu.
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Wishmaster on 10 12 2015, 09:18:13
It scans any subfolder, except the profile folder. The user isn't supposed to store anything in the root, except the profile folder, and "Received Files" should be inside the profile folder.
It just scans it, and if the file extension is "txt", "exe" or "dll" it checks if there is an update on the server, there is no security problem.

Apart from that, on stationary installations, profile dir is supposed to be in %APPDATA%
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Vulpix on 10 12 2015, 11:58:56
I'll move my received files inside the profile folder then. I only recently found out it was going over all of my received files and checking for the "txt/exe/dll" ones it found

Question: how do you set miranda to go to your profile to store received files? I can't find the right variable. %userprofile% is the windows user profile, not miranda's; and %miranda_path% is just miranda's path. I can of course use a hard-wired setup by adding \Profiles\Vulpix after mirandapath, but that sounds a little odd.
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Wishmaster on 10 12 2015, 12:47:37
Try %miranda_profilepath%
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Vulpix on 10 12 2015, 13:23:35
I don't think so...


I always had "Received Files" in miranda home dir. I'd set it for a profile if it was possible using variables. In the picture you can see the "crude" way I have to use now.
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: AnrDaemon on 11 12 2015, 01:53:06
Try removing the value. It should set up the default, I presume.
Don't forget to make backup of the profile, though.
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Vulpix on 11 12 2015, 08:49:57
Try removing the value. It should set up the default, I presume.
Don't forget to make backup of the profile, though.

You mean removing the line altogether? But I want my files to be saved with the "nick" folder variable, I can't just remove the whole line. I did try it but it just doesn't even work, it wants to save to \ .

So there is no way of making Received Files default to your profile, from what I can see? (Other than how I did it)
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Mataes on 11 12 2015, 13:21:49
i use %miranda_userdata%\Files and it saves files to \Profiles\Mataes\Files\
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Vulpix on 11 12 2015, 18:06:29
i use %miranda_userdata%\Files and it saves files to \Profiles\Mataes\Files\

A-ha! That worked (I am now using %miranda_userdata%\Received Files\%nick%\ )

Thank you Mataes!

Would it be possible to perhaps add this variable to the gray "variables allowed" hint? Also I couldn't find a wiki page on miranda variables, only the "variables" plugin. Is there such a page?
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Robyer on 11 12 2015, 19:49:29
It scans any subfolder, except the profile folder.
... which is wrong. We should change it to specify only folders to scan and only limited depth (I think just "1" should be correct). So

* /*
* /Core/* (this is part of core archive so PU doesn't check any files there, only /Miranda[32|64].exe)
* /Icons/*
* /Languages/*
* /Plugins/*

or even better: Miranda should compare files based on content of hashes.txt file, not opposite (content of user disk). This way it would be best and most precise. (EDIT: Can't be, because we are using some special filename "selectors".)

Would it be possible to perhaps add this variable to the gray "variables allowed" hint? Also I couldn't find a wiki page on miranda variables, only the "variables" plugin. Is there such a page?
There are perhaps even more variables available, as default string contains %mydocuments%. Would be indeed good to have it correctly updated and stated also on wiki.
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Wishmaster on 11 12 2015, 21:02:09
Miranda should compare files based on content of hashes.txt file, not opposite (content of user disk). This way it would be best and most precise.
Nope, it needs to move certain files, e.g. langpack_*.txt -> "Languages\langpack_*.txt
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Robyer on 12 12 2015, 05:36:27
Wishmaster, you're right. So first part of my message still applies.
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Wishmaster on 12 12 2015, 11:51:08
Wishmaster, you're right. So first part of my message still applies.
Well, I'm not sure about that, but the one who implemented it surely had a reason. I won't touch anything there.
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Wishmaster on 15 12 2015, 21:11:18
Robyer, yes, you're right, I changed it.
Now we only scan subfolders "Plugins", "Icons", "Languages", "Libs", "Core",
Title: Re: PluginUpdater causes high disk I/O
Post by: Vulpix on 15 12 2015, 22:11:20
<3 awesome! You can mark this as closed if you want! :)