Miranda NG Official Community Forum

Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users => Development => Topic started by: watcher on 19 11 2013, 07:14:38

Title: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 19 11 2013, 07:14:38
This topic will be dedicated to WhatsApp (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:WhatsApp/en) plugins development.

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: nikkho on 23 11 2013, 11:23:28
Thanks for the updated version.
Only problem I see (existing since the beggining), is that moving a contact to a group, is not permanent as soon as Miranda NG is restarted.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 23 11 2013, 22:58:27
even if you add them permanently to list? (right click on a contact)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: nikkho on 24 11 2013, 07:46:24
Ideed is what I do. Right click on a contact, and them Move to group.
After that the contact is moved, but when Miranda NG is restarted, the contact is again out of the group.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 24 11 2013, 08:57:08
No, first you have to add them to permanent list as i said earlier. Only then move them to group.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: andib on 24 11 2013, 11:09:39
hello watcher,
i was looking forward to this for a long time!
Great work, i love it! Thank you very much.  :)

Do you think it's possible to add whatsapp-smiley-support in the future?
Does anyone know how the android-smartphone-app creates the password?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: nikkho on 24 11 2013, 12:44:19
No, first you have to add them to permanent list as i said earlier. Only then move them to group.

It works. Thank you for helping.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 24 11 2013, 13:25:36
andib, unfortunately i am not an author of this plugin - i'm only maintaining fresh compilations and moderating this topic, but i hope author reads this and will reply shortly.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Deeem2031 on 25 11 2013, 16:43:32
Thanks for the plugin even if it's still in development.
I wanted to let you know that i cannot login with the latest version (the whatsapp-icon stays offline whatever i try).
It works fine with the files you posted on the 19.11.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 25 11 2013, 18:08:18
Deeem2031, did you try to re-request a password with a new WART- utility that you can find in in Plugins folder?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thvle on 01 12 2013, 21:48:00
It will be possible to talk to people using mobile?

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 01 12 2013, 22:43:22
It will be possible to talk to people using mobile?


If you manage to register a new account in miranda, using the provided tool - yes, it can communicate with people that use mobile, no server list though - you will have to add their numbers manually in search and then add them to permanent list.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thvle on 01 12 2013, 23:12:21
If you manage to register a new account in miranda, using the provided tool - yes, it can communicate with people that use mobile, no server list though - you will have to add their numbers manually in search and then add them to permanent list.

How can I add manually? I dont know :(

Edit: okay, I know :D
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mrclfdz on 02 12 2013, 07:32:15
If you manage to register a new account in miranda, using the provided tool - yes, it can communicate with people that use mobile, no server list though - you will have to add their numbers manually in search and then add them to permanent list.

first thanks for taking the time to moderate the topic and thanks to the author for this great plugin

now: I wasn't going to ask but since you said it...
I'm trying to add users manually using the find/add contacts. I paste the Whatsapp ID: ###########@s.whatsapp.net then I hit search and nothing is found, then I click on add to list, add the new name but when I click on "add" nothing happens, the contact won't add, perhaps I'm doing something wrong, could you shed some light on it please? the only way I can add users is if another other sends me a whatsapp message. then I hit add permanently and it allows me to click on "add"

EDIT: I finally managed a way to do it. simply by replacing the id of one of the users I already have on my contact list on the "profile".dat file, then logging in and replacing the old name for the new one, don't try replacing it on the same profile.dat file or miranda will crash. this way I have been able to add several users. maybe there's another way but now this one does the trick, thanks anyway.

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: n3311 on 03 12 2013, 16:35:29
Thanks for the plugin even if it's still in development. I wanted to let you know that i cannot login with the latest version (the whatsapp-icon stays offline whatever i try). It works fine with the files you posted on the 19.11.

Same problem here. I already used the new WART utility, but it still doesn't log in. The password and my number work well with the Wassapp programm.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: nikkho on 26 12 2013, 09:53:30
Thanks for the updated downloads.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: cust on 26 12 2013, 13:06:59
I have to say thank you for this amazing work, now i don't have to use Bluestacks :D
Just a question: How to import contacts from Vcard files?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 27 12 2013, 08:51:54
Authorisation (connection) takes about a minute on the latest dev build.
aded: I guess it was a server glitch or temporary internet connection problem - ok now.

P.S. This plugin is awesome! Hope the development will go on, it's really handy.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 30 12 2013, 09:06:14
This is an awesome plugin. Only [problem i get is whenever i start Miranda, a message is shown that Miranda is being restarted. I have to press cancel every time Miranda starts, which is a bit tricky.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 30 12 2013, 09:40:36
Only [problem i get is whenever i start Miranda, a message is shown that Miranda is being restarted. I have to press cancel every time Miranda start

leonarddr, and it's not from PluginUpdater - this message?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 30 12 2013, 09:43:15
leonarddr, and it's not from PluginUpdater - this message?

It is the same message, but it still occurs when plugin updater is disabled.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 30 12 2013, 20:29:10
leonarddr, please post your VersionInfo (see my signature).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 30 12 2013, 20:59:02
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 4007 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Business Edition, 64-bit (build 9600)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.16476 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Dutch/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 9552 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.94.7 alpha build #7428 x64
Build time: 30 Dec 2013 16:15:22
Profile: C:\Users\mail_000\AppData\Roaming\Miranda NG\default\default.dat
Profile size: 8585216 Bytes
Profile creation date: 4 Sep 2013 13:07:36
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (25):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [21 Oct 2013 4:52:04] - Miranda image services
  AIM.dll v. [25 Dec 2013 5:42:44] - AIM protocol
  AssocMgr.dll v. [23 Dec 2013 5:47:38] - File association manager
  BASS_interface.dll v. [11 Dec 2013 5:51:24] - BASS interface
  Clist_blind.dll v. [21 Dec 2013 5:46:48] - BClist
  CrashDumper.dll v. [30 Dec 2013 16:11:52] - Crash dumper
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [11 Dec 2013 5:49:56] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [30 Dec 2013 16:08:16] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [27 Dec 2013 5:44:18] - Facebook RM
  GTalkExt.dll v. [25 Dec 2013 5:44:36] - GTalk Extension
  IRC.dll v. [30 Dec 2013 16:08:54] - IRC protocol
  Jabber.dll v. [30 Dec 2013 16:09:06] - Jabber Protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [25 Dec 2013 5:44:18] - Keep status
  MenuEx.dll v. [23 Oct 2013 6:58:30] - Menu item ext
  Msg_Export.dll v. [28 Dec 2013 5:48:48] - Message export
  NewEventNotify.dll v. [28 Dec 2013 5:47:50] - NewEventNotify
  NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [28 Dec 2013 5:46:30] - xStatus notify
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [11 Dec 2013 5:50:18] - Plugin updater
  Restart.dll v. [27 Sep 2013 5:52:18] - Restart
  Scriver.dll v. [30 Dec 2013 16:08:24] - Scriver
  ShlExt.dll v. [30 Sep 2013 5:56:24] - Shell extension
  Skype.dll v. [18 Dec 2013 5:51:28] - Skype Protocol
  SplashScreen.dll v. [27 Sep 2013 5:49:48] - Splash screen
  Weather.dll v. [28 Oct 2013 5:46:56] - Weather
  WhatsApp.dll v. [21 Dec 2013 10:49:09] - WhatsApp Protocol

Unloadable Plugins (1):
  DbChecker.dll v. [27 Sep 2013 5:51:58] - <unknown>

Weather ini files:
 Accu-Intl-XML.ini v. [6 Mar 2013 7:37:28] - AccuWeather Intl
 gismeteo.ini v.2012.05.03 [30 May 2013 19:44:54] - GisMeteo
 msn.ini v.2011-05-25 [26 May 2013 4:55:22] - MSN Weather
 weatherxml.ini v. 2009-07-16 [6 Mar 2013 7:37:28] - WeatherXML
 wundergrnd_intl.ini v.2011/02/13 [6 Mar 2013 7:37:28] - Weather Underground Int'l
 wundergrnd_xml.ini v.2011/02/13 [6 Mar 2013 7:37:28] - Weather Underground XML

Protocols and Accounts:
AIM                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
IRC                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
Weather                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [27 Sep 2013 5:52:26]
 Proto_AIM.dll [25 Dec 2013 5:45:06]
 Proto_conn_Skype.dll [27 Sep 2013 4:54:41]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [27 Dec 2013 5:44:42]
 Proto_IRC.dll [30 Dec 2013 16:10:50]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [30 Dec 2013 16:10:50]
 Proto_Skype.dll [18 Dec 2013 5:51:06]
 Proto_Weather.dll [28 Oct 2013 5:46:56]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [21 Dec 2013 10:48:56]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [30 Dec 2013 16:09:08]
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 04 01 2014, 12:22:52

    01/04/2014 12:28:16 PM (113 minutes ago)

    WART utility updated

Title: Odp: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 07 01 2014, 09:57:27
The problem i have still persists with the newest version of the plugin. I've tried to disable almost every plugin i have enabled, but it doesn't make any difference. On every start of Miranda the restart dialog is displayed which i have to cancel.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 01 2014, 10:03:33
The problem i have still persists with the newest version of the plugin. I've tried to disable almost every plugin i have enabled, but it doesn't make any difference. On every start of Miranda the restart dialog is displayed which i have to cancel.

Can you please send screenshot of this dialog?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 07 01 2014, 10:15:27
it seems Windows doesn't allow me to make a screenshot of the dialog, nothing happens whenever i use printscreen and paste to a program like paint. In other programs it does work.
I also discovered that whenever the progress bar in the dialog reached 100%, the restart dialog closes without actually restarting Miranda. So it isn't that much of a problem, a bit frustrating though.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 01 2014, 11:33:34
Seems like Miranda restart dialog, but WhatsApp doesn't have this option - to restart Miranda, try temporary removing of Restart plugin.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thvle on 09 01 2014, 14:54:44
Hi. Is not possible usage of emoticons?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 15 01 2014, 19:07:41
Could it be that the downloads disappeared?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 15 01 2014, 19:19:11
leonarddr, it's in a first post, a link to wiki.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: huh? on 19 01 2014, 12:30:32
Where to get my password?
Previously used whatsapp only on iOS.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 19 01 2014, 14:18:15
huh?,  read the first post.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 03 02 2014, 17:19:20
Since the last stable update of miranda-ng the protocol has stopped working for me.
I've tested it using the nightly builds aswell.

I don't seem to be able to go online anymore. After trying to connect, it simply shows/stays offline.

The protocol still works on my other PC running the older stable miranda build so it should not be a password problem, right?

Does anyone else also have this issue or is something wrong on my end?
Will there be a fix soon, if it's a common problem?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 03 02 2014, 17:33:43
Cassio, gave you tried to re-request password with the included tool?

Post Merge: [time]03 02 2014, 19:35:09[/time]
Also - dll  has to be updated manually - plugin updater will not update it! (the binaries are in the first post)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 04 02 2014, 16:15:57
Okay I did "check existing registration" and received a new PW which works with miranda again.
I should have tried that before, I guess.
Thanks alot! :-)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Hancoque on 10 02 2014, 09:28:51
I have myself in the list and no matter what I try, I can't remove the entry. Even hiding doesn't work as the entry reappears after every login. Is this a bug or just a feature that I don't understand?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 16 02 2014, 12:28:30
I have myself in the list and no matter what I try, I can't remove the entry. Even hiding doesn't work as the entry reappears after every login. Is this a bug or just a feature that I don't understand?
It annoys me too. Furthermore, other contacts that I remove reappear in the contact list some time later. And the plugin really lacks 'add contact' feature.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: White-Tiger on 16 02 2014, 16:54:10
you can add contacts... it works somehow for me... but don't ask me how xD (as I try every possible way, national format, international format, XMPP format etc... non of them works instantly, but they somehow appear soon...

And the other party didn't add me ;) (I've asked them since I didn't know why they appeared in the end)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 17 02 2014, 20:49:04
WhatsApp binaries updated (links in first post), updating is mandatory, not updated plugin working with new core versions might cause crashes.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 18 02 2014, 08:28:27
A strange contact has appeared in my contact list a couple of weeks ago:
And, like other removed contacts, it always returns...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Mataes on 18 02 2014, 13:22:56
it is a group chat. you should leave it before deleting
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 27 02 2014, 14:47:44
Attention! Old version of plugin on a new core causes immediate crash! Make sure that you are using latest builds (from the first post of this topic).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: g-force on 09 03 2014, 11:13:24
Will both versions (in Miranda and in Android) work at the same time, parallel?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 09 03 2014, 12:08:18
g-force, sadly no - if you'll use your android version you'll have to re-register Miranda plugin.
Title: Odp: WhatsApp
Post by: netomx on 09 04 2014, 17:36:44
Today's plugin and latest MirandaNG crashes, at least using a x64 OS with x32 images. x64 seems to work
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 09 04 2014, 18:04:56
netomx,  i've updated binaries, try it now - http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:WhatsApp/en
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: netomx on 09 04 2014, 18:50:00
netomx,  i've updated binaries, try it now - http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:WhatsApp/en

it worked. Thanks pal :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 17 05 2014, 17:22:30
Binaries updated to r9209 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9209).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 16 06 2014, 11:16:52
Refreshed binaries.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Grillox on 09 07 2014, 17:46:26
I just can't find/ add contacts. How should I inform the user id?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mida on 13 07 2014, 18:45:36
sometimes i get a message 3 times on whatsapp but my chatpartner did only send one time.

http://uploadpie.com/dlOHn (http://uploadpie.com/dlOHn)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7300 @ 2.66GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 4096 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8 Business Edition, 64-bit (build 9200)
Internet Explorer: 9.10.9200.16921 (build 99200)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : German/German | German/German
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 559 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.2 alpha build #9780 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 13 Jul 2014 5:38:10
Profile: T:\Portables\MirandaNG\Profiles\mida\mida.dat
Profile size: 13238272 Bytes
Profile creation date: 10 Jul 2014 23:00:01
Language pack: German (DE) [0407]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (57):
  AddContactPlus.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:36:46] - Add contact+
  AdvaImg.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:31:40] - Miranda image services
  AIM.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:31:18] - AIM protocol
  AuthState.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:31:54] - Authorization state
  AvatarHistory.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:54:34] - Avatar history
  AVS.dll v. [31 May 2014 5:30:46] - Avatar service
  BuddyExpectator.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:31:42] - Buddy expectator
  ClientChangeNotify.dll v. [13 Jun 2014 9:29:12] - Client change notify
  Clist_modern.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:52:22] - Modern contact list
  CrashDumper.dll v. [1 Jul 2014 5:38:30] - Crash dumper
  Db_autobackups.dll v. [16 Jun 2014 10:03:38] - Db autobackuper
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:53:14] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [13 Jul 2014 5:30:34] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [10 Jul 2014 5:33:06] - Facebook RM
  Fingerprint.dll v. [7 Jul 2014 5:40:12] - Fingerprint NG
  Flags.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:32:04] - Country flags
  FlashAvatars.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:32:10] - Flash avatars
  Folders.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:32:10] - Custom profile folders
  FTPFile.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:40:10] - FTP File YM
  HistoryPP.dll v. [15 Jun 2014 21:16:26] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [13 Jul 2014 5:31:16] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  IgnoreState.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:32:14] - Ignore state
  Import.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:30:52] - Import contacts and messages
  ImportTXT.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:42:24] - Import TXT
  IRC.dll v. [12 Jul 2014 5:32:10] - IRC protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:32:22] - Keep status
  LinkList.dll v. [26 Jun 2014 5:31:50] - History linklist plus
  MenuEx.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:31:58] - Menu item ext
  MobileState.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:38:46] - Mobile state
  mTextControl.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:32:02] - Miranda text control
  NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:51:10] - xStatus notify
  OpenFolder.dll v. [28 Jun 2014 11:40:34] - Open Miranda folder
  PasteIt.dll v. [26 Jun 2014 5:33:54] - Paste it
  Ping.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:39:12] - Ping
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:34:06] - Plugin updater
  PManagerEx.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:38:34] - Miranda NG profile changer
  Popup.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:51:18] - Popup plus
  QuickMessages.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:32:20] - Quick messages
  QuickSearch.dll v. [28 Jun 2014 11:45:08] - Quick Search
  SeenPlugin.dll v. [10 Jul 2014 5:32:34] - Last seen
  SendSS.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:34:16] - Send ScreenShot+
  SimpleAR.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:32:28] - Simple auto replier
  SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:33:00] - Simple status message
  SmileyAdd.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:51:30] - SmileyAdd
  Spamotron.dll v. [12 Jun 2014 5:36:16] - Spam-o-tron
  SpellChecker.dll v. [31 May 2014 5:32:54] - Spell checker
  StartupStatus.dll v. [29 May 2014 5:32:36] - StartupStatus
  Steam.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 20:33:37] - Steam protocol
  TabSRMM.dll v. [11 Jul 2014 5:30:40] - TabSRMM
  Tipper.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:51:34] - Tipper
  TopToolBar.dll v. [3 Jul 2014 5:37:04] - TopToolBar
  UInfoEx.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:51:46] - User info ext
  Variables.dll v. [28 Jun 2014 11:38:32] - Variables
  VersionInfo.dll v. [5 Jul 2014 8:53:16] - Version information
  Weather.dll v. [28 Jun 2014 11:41:44] - Weather
  WhatsApp.dll v. [16 Jun 2014 13:11:16] - WhatsApp Protocol
  Yahoo.dll v. [28 Jun 2014 11:36:54] - Yahoo protocol

Unloadable Plugins (1):
  DbChecker.dll v. [7 Jul 2014 5:38:54] - <unknown>

Weather ini files:
 Accu-Intl-XML.ini v. [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - AccuWeather Intl
 gismeteo.ini v.2012.05.03 [30 May 2013 20:44:54] - GisMeteo
 msn.ini v.2011-05-25 [26 May 2013 5:55:22] - MSN Weather
 weatherxml.ini v. 2009-07-16 [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - WeatherXML
 wundergrnd_intl.ini v.2011/02/13 [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - Weather Underground Int'l
 wundergrnd_xml.ini v.2011/02/13 [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - Weather Underground XML

Protocols and Accounts:
AIM                      0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
IRC                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
YAHOO                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
JABBER                   0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SkypeClassic             0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
Weather                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [31 May 2014 5:35:50]
 Fp_icons.dll [7 Jul 2014 5:40:08]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [16 Jun 2014 10:06:54]
 Proto_AIM.dll [29 May 2014 5:36:58]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [10 Jul 2014 5:33:24]
 Proto_GG.dll [29 May 2014 5:36:58]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [13 Jul 2014 5:33:06]
 Proto_IRC.dll [12 Jul 2014 5:38:04]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [29 May 2014 5:37:00]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [29 May 2014 5:40:54]
 Proto_MSN.dll [29 May 2014 5:37:00]
 Proto_Skype.dll [28 Jun 2014 11:42:48]
 Proto_Weather.dll [28 Jun 2014 11:41:42]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [16 Jun 2014 13:11:06]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [28 Jun 2014 11:39:20]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [11 Jul 2014 5:34:28]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [5 Jul 2014 8:52:18]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [5 Jul 2014 8:51:52]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [13 Jul 2014 5:31:32]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [29 May 2014 5:32:00]
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 22 08 2014, 12:37:03
Binaries updated to r10286 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/10286).  WART utility update.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 26 08 2014, 11:31:51
For those who are interested in using whatsapp smileys - the smile pack is ready. Test it please (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=104.msg6219#msg6219) :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 29 08 2014, 21:55:07
Binaries updated to r10338 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/10338).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 31 08 2014, 16:52:55
Binaries updated to r10346 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/10346).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 05 09 2014, 23:18:58
It suddenly just stopped working ???
My friend can't connect either. Does it work for anybody?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: JonIrenicus on 06 09 2014, 07:30:20
My friend can't connect either. Does it work for anybody?
I cannot connect too!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 06 09 2014, 23:40:29
Seems like actions against non-official client users :) Just change the password in account settings to login (get a new one by clicking "check existing" button in WART). Perhaps it was massive password change on the server, but the official client gets a new password automatically, so it is not a problem for them...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: JonIrenicus on 07 09 2014, 07:39:26
Just change the password in account settings to login (get a new one by clicking "check existing" button in WART).
Thank you! It's worked!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: lokapal on 07 09 2014, 16:07:10
WART up to 1.7.1 stopped working, cannot get new password.
Status: fail, reason: "old_version"
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 07 09 2014, 21:12:31
lokapal, Just tried it - works for me...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 16 09 2014, 15:19:05
WhatsApp moved to the standard nightly repository and will be available for download and updates with PluginUpdater.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: JonIrenicus on 16 09 2014, 15:41:15
WhatsApp moved to the standard nightly repository and will be available for download and updates with PluginUpdater.
Good job!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 19 09 2014, 20:59:20
WART utility is not needed anymore, registering and receiving registration code is available in account manager and protocol options now and password is being set automatically, after entering registration code received in SMS.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 22 09 2014, 22:36:21
Well, this last change is a no go for me if I understand it correctly!

In order to use WA on multiple different PC's I have to enter the same password in every client, correct?
Where do I get or enter the password now? DB Editor?!

Also I have a feature request in case anyone is still developing this further:
Display a contact's status message in the contactlist or user profile! :-)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 23 09 2014, 01:26:13
Well, this last change is a no go for me if I understand it correctly!

In order to use WA on multiple different PC's I have to enter the same password in every client, correct?
Where do I get or enter the password now? DB Editor?!

Al you did from WART utility - you now can go from plugin itself, enter the phone number, ask for sms code, enter the sms code, ask for registration, password is stored in DB automatically. WA won't work on multiple PC's simultaneously - when it works on one, it stops working on the other. In order to switch - ask for sms code on other PC, it will activate it and put the password to DB automatically (cause password is cached for a while, no need for a new sms code to enter). And it will stop working on previous Miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 23 09 2014, 05:24:14
watcher, I think question was why it isn't possible to have same password in different Miranda profiles? If I understand you correctly then I need to request new password every time I want to use different Miranda (e.g. go from home to work) because it makes previous password (on different Miranda) to stop working.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Mataes on 23 09 2014, 06:05:16
thats not right. in all mirandas with same plugin versions you can use 1 password
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 23 09 2014, 06:13:22
When you request SMS code on other Miranda (and not long ago you've received SMS code and then requested a password on previous instance of Miranda) - same password arrives from cache and Miranda puts it to DB and activates this account on this particular Miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 23 09 2014, 06:23:46
Mataes, aha, that's good.

watcher, ok, I'm just bit concerned about that "not long ago" thing, but I'll stop talking about it as I'm not even using this plugin yet.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 23 09 2014, 07:24:59
watcher, ok, I'm just bit concerned about that "not long ago" thing

When time of caching password  is up - it will send a new SMS, that's it.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 23 09 2014, 14:31:17
I’ve noticed that WhatsApp plugin stores Nickname in a regular string instead of Unicode. This prevents to use accents and other non ASCII chars (smileys!) in Nickname. Will I screw it up if I change Nick value from STRING to UNICODE using DBEditor++?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 23 09 2014, 15:07:35
Will I screw it up if I change Nick value from STRING to UNICODE using DBEditor++?

It won't screw up, not bring any benefit.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 23 09 2014, 16:19:13
OK, then I’ll wait for next plugin version to fix this, if possible. I assume it is because I’ve seen people with odd characters and smileys in their nicks.

Another question: when others send me a picture or a video, I receive an URL (based on WhatsApp servers). I can click and open it without problem. If I copy-paste this URL to another user, he receives a link, not the actual picture/file, etc. Is it possible to make it behave like I’m sending a file from the official App?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: lokapal on 26 09 2014, 08:11:50
Cool plugin, but it doesn't work  :-\
I cannot request code - popup emerged with "Registration failed" and nothing else...
I even cannot enter code that have been obtained to the phone a long ago - fields that are created for code - inactive.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 26 09 2014, 11:35:23
lokapal, please provide network log.

Post Merge: 26 09 2014, 11:36:32
I even cannot enter code that have been obtained to the phone a long ago - fields that are created for code - inactive.

Most likely it would not register too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mida on 27 09 2014, 13:45:40
some news about remove or hiding myself from the contactlist?

it would be nice if whatsapp plugin automatic downloading files from whatsapp servers (https://mmi*.whatsapp.net/*) and save it into our Received files folder, maybe with file transfer window
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: thisisfc on 02 10 2014, 10:12:56
lokapal, please provide network log.

Post Merge: 26 09 2014, 11:36:32
Most likely it would not register too.

Same here, it gives you some kind of 403 error.
But I can run Whatsapp through Pidgin using WART flawlessly (obviously it's not opened when trying to register Miranda-NG)
So...any way to use the wart password?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 02 10 2014, 10:17:11
thisisfc, network log? for me it works - what you want me to say? provide network log (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log). We use the same API tht WART uses. To see what could be wrong we need network log.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: lokapal on 02 10 2014, 12:34:25
lokapal, please provide network log.
The reason is the same as in "pure" WART "old_version"
Code: [Select]
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] Connection request to v.whatsapp.net:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (07C8BB78) Connecting to server v.whatsapp.net:443....
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (07C8BB78) Connecting to ip ....
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (688) Connected to v.whatsapp.net:443
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (688 v.whatsapp.net) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (688 v.whatsapp.net) SSL negotiation successful
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (07C8BB78:688) Data sent
POST /v2/code?cc=7&in=9162232323&to=79162232323&method=sms&mcc=250&mnc=020&token=MjQz9MM00ddbdgzzSKlAhG5fAOQ%3D&id=%18%63%9d%01%f3%45%e0%05%64%3e%cb%84%98%3b%ee%fa%dc%bb%82%46&lg=ru&lc=RU HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: WhatsApp/2.11.339 Android/4.0.4 Device/GalaxyS3
Accept: text/json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: v.whatsapp.net
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 0

[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (07C8BB78:688) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[16:21:06 (NULL)] SSL connection gracefully closed
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (07C8BB78:688) Data received
Connection: close
Server: Yaws 1.94
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 12:25:05 GMT
Content-Length: 41
Content-Type: text/json ; charset=utf-8

[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (07C8BB78:688) Data received
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (07C8BB78:688) Connection closed internal
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] (07C8BB78:4294967295) Connection closed
[16:21:06 WhatsApp_1] Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"old_version"}

The log of WART
Could not verify existing registration


I guess that their server DO expect more fresh version of their software to work with.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 02 10 2014, 13:00:48
We work with the same API as "pure" WART. Pidgin works with something else?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 02 10 2014, 13:05:52
So...any way to use the wart password?

In database editor go to WhatsApp account branch, look for a key named Password, if one does not exist - create one (Unicode string) and as a value enter password that you have.

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: lokapal on 03 10 2014, 06:48:58
We work with the same API as "pure" WART. Pidgin works with something else?
Pidgin cannot find out password/activation codes. It relies upon WART. WART doesn't work right now.
I've tried to install pidgin and whatsapp plugin http://topblog.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Install-WhatsApp-for-PC (http://topblog.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Install-WhatsApp-for-PC)
Pidgin and whatsapp plugin cannot figure out password/activation codes at all, they mean to use WART.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 05 10 2014, 18:45:52
To ALL - try tomorrow's nightly, registration should start working again.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 06 10 2014, 13:43:33
Any update about Unicode nick?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 06 10 2014, 13:52:30
Chungalin, open a ticket (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/newticket) on bug tracker.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: lokapal on 07 10 2014, 15:26:12
To ALL - try tomorrow's nightly, registration should start working again.
Festivities and jubilation! Works like charm!  :THUMBS UP:
Nevertheless it would be cool to reveal the password somehow to transfer account to the other computer(s). I mean that it would be good to obtain more convenient way than editing database manually in dbeditorpp.
Title: Export Miranda-WhatsApp-password to Phone
Post by: Rhino Cracker on 16 10 2014, 15:51:52

I started using WhatsApp with Miranda NG before I owned a smartphone only using SMS-code-submission and your plugin.
I've wondered whether you know how I can enter the data I used to access WhatsApp via Miranda into my new smartphone's WhatsApp installation so that I can switch between my handy's and my pc's install without having to request a new password what would disable the old one.

I think as a WhatsApp-PlugIn-Developer you have messed around alot with WhatsApp and if anyone knows how it works - it's you. :)

To clearify what I want: I'm searching for a way to enter the gained password (the long alphanumeric password, not the 6-digit-code you got per sms), maybe the identity and the phone number in a new clean android whatsapp installation without having to request a new password or code.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: White-Tiger on 16 10 2014, 23:43:57
though I'm not the dev, to my knowledge there was no way to achieve that...
Most methods to have a smartphone and 3rd party WhatsApp to co-exist "simply" used to use some kind of proxy... so that you'll catch the password WhatsApp requests and reuse that on the 3rd party App...

So I'm not sure if someone figured it out how to read/write to WhatsApp now.. (at least not public)
But I wish you good luck ;)

P.S. just to clarify it, my "knowledge" is about a year old, so there are hopefully better ways by now...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 17 10 2014, 05:23:07
Well that password has to be saved somewhere on Android device. So if you have root access, you can look at that saved settings. It might be in: systemPartition/data/data/<app namespace>/shared_prefs or in some similar folder from that namespace.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Rhino Cracker on 17 10 2014, 12:21:18
Okay, I've installed WhatsAppPlus and got 4 files in this folder: /data/data/com.whatsapp/shared_prefs/:

I think I have to edit com.whatsapp_preferences.xml but I'm not sure where to enter which information. There is a registration_code(=empty), a registration_state(=1), a registration_jid(=empty) and some more stuff.
Could anyone provide me with an example xml file (with changed passwords, identities and phone numbers of course) so I can see what I have to enter? :)
Title: Re:WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 18 10 2014, 09:38:26
Rhino Cracker, I'm just guessing but did you looked at RegisterPhone.xml? What's there?
Title: Re:WhatsApp
Post by: Rhino Cracker on 18 10 2014, 18:38:05
did you looked at RegisterPhone.xml? What's there?
Yes, it looks like WhatsApp is storing the data you enter in the registration screen there: phone number and country code and verification state in several ways
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 19 10 2014, 00:03:19
When you request SMS code on other Miranda (and not long ago you've received SMS code and then requested a password on previous instance of Miranda) - same password arrives from cache and Miranda puts it to DB and activates this account on this particular Miranda.
Then would the same trick work if you try to request an SMS on Miranda just after registering on a smartphone?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 08 11 2014, 20:39:14
Just installed latest version of WhatsApp (v01.0.4) in latest Miranda nightly (0.95.3, alpha #10923) and I get no sign of life. It's active in the Plugins tab of the Options, but nothing shows up in Accounts, Network, etc. Am I forgetting anything?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 08 11 2014, 23:35:15
Am I forgetting anything?

Yes. Open an account manager and create new account:


Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 09 11 2014, 03:08:51
 :-[ what a foolish mistake... thanks!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 14 11 2014, 23:29:01
Something happend today - failed to go online, failed to re-register :-\ Does anyone have it working?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 15 11 2014, 07:17:20
Thug, it told me that it set password automatically, then couldn't connect:

Code: [Select]
00000030: C0 F7 01 86-B5 B0 97 4D-                         Ач.†µ°—M
[09:16:12 AF40] [WhatsApp] (03A973F0:1572) Data received
00000000: 00                                               .
[09:16:12 AF40] [WhatsApp] (03A973F0:1572) Data received
00000000: 00                                               .
[09:16:12 AF40] [WhatsApp] (03A973F0:1572) Data received

[09:16:12 AF40] [WhatsApp] Exception: Login failure
[09:16:12 AF40] [WhatsApp] (03A977B0:1600) Connection closed internal
[09:16:12 AF40] [WhatsApp] (03A977B0:4294967295) Connection closed
[09:16:12 AF40] [WhatsApp] Set status to offline
[09:16:12 AE08] [WhatsApp] Exception: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.
[09:16:12 AE08] [WhatsApp] Set status to offline
[09:16:12 AF40] [WhatsApp] Break out from loop
[09:16:12 AE08] [WhatsApp] Break out from loop
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 15 11 2014, 12:41:50
Same here. Unable to login. I try to Request Code, but I don’t receive any SMS in a few minutes. I get tired and I close Account window. A few minutes later I get the SMS. When I get back to accound settings, the Code fields are already grayed and I cannot enter code!! (this should be fixed)

I try to request another code and it fails. And again... Looking at the netlog it says:
Code: [Select]
Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"too_recent","retry_after":1463}
Then I turn on the smartphone. It requires me to upgrade to a newer version of WhatsApp, claiming the one I have was obsolete since 12 November. I do it, everything went fine. I turn off smartphone and get back to Miranda. No changes. Now netlogs says I cannot reask a new code in 2-3 hours!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 15 11 2014, 12:48:02
Same problem, cannot login.
I re-registered using the latest WhatsAPI, but don't know if it even is required.

Possible fix for login problems:
Change constants.h
Code: [Select]
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "S40-2.3.53"to
Code: [Select]
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "Android-2.31.151-443"and recompile.

Worked for me. :-)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Wishmaster on 15 11 2014, 13:19:54
Same problem, cannot login. I re-registered using the latest WhatsAPI, but don't know if it even is required. Possible fix for login problems: Change constants.h
Code: [Select]
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "S40-2.3.53" to
Code: [Select]
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "Android-2.31.151-443" and recompile. Worked for me. :-)

Here are the binaries, I will commot it when people confirm it works.

Those only work with the development version of Miranda NG!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: KBeng on 15 11 2014, 13:50:03
Works for me.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Wishmaster on 15 11 2014, 13:56:49
Okay, comitted. (only for development version of course)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 15 11 2014, 14:31:31
Just encountered a small problem with my solution:
Some contacts are unable to send me messages.
They get only one checkmark and are permanently displayed as offline for me.

I'm using stable + dev plugin.. might this be causing THIS issue?
Doesn't work on dev version either.
+ I sometimes don't see last seen statuses + everyone is shown offline but I still can send/receive from certrain contacts as mentioned above.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: JonIrenicus on 15 11 2014, 15:07:39
+ I sometimes don't see last seen statuses + everyone is shown offline but I still can send/receive from certrain contacts as mentioned above.
I've thought that it is normal - I always had this problem...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 15 11 2014, 15:10:18
Nope, until today/yesterday I could see all last seen statuses, all users coming online, typing notification as well as my message status (send/received).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: JonIrenicus on 15 11 2014, 15:38:18
Nope, until today/yesterday I could see all last seen statuses, all users coming online, typing notification as well as my message status (send/received).
I see typing notification, but the contact is shown as OFFLINE!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 15 11 2014, 17:31:39
Here are the binaries, I will commit it when people confirm it works.
Works for me too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 15 11 2014, 21:59:39
Working here. I’ve had to re-verify account.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 16 11 2014, 01:03:45
Here are the binaries, I will commot it when people confirm it works.
Doesn't work for me (32-bit version).

Working here. I’ve had to re-verify account.
How can I re-verify account? I have tried to re-register, but I still don't get sms-code.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 16 11 2014, 11:54:34
I have tried to re-register, but I still don't get sms-code.
I got it quite fast. It's very important that you don't make mistakes in putting your phone number into the 2 fields. In my case I needed to put "49" and "17212345678" into the 2 fields (without quotes of course).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 16 11 2014, 12:11:06
Monty, The number was already entered correctly, and registration still used to fail for some reason. I have just tried to register again - now it works, thanks a lot :DRINK:
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 16 11 2014, 12:40:53
Just encountered a small problem with my solution:
Some contacts are unable to send me messages.
They get only one checkmark and are permanently displayed as offline for me.
I’m in the same boat. I don’t get messages from at least one contact. I can see that he’s typing, but the message never shows up. He doesn’t get any error.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 16 11 2014, 15:19:23
These lost messages *might* be due to some newer clients sending encrypted messages in an <enc> tag missing the <body>.
If that is the case hopefully there is a way to fallback to unencrypted messages.

I'm watching the pidgin plugin as well as some WA APIs and they currently all encounter problems... :-(

Edit: btw. my fix should look a bit different!
Apparently it is DeviceType-WhatsAppVersion-Port
The -443 SSL Port is appended by code later again and thus should be removed!

I tested the latest WA client version for Nokia devices and this fixed my problems of not getting messages from certain contacts! :-D
Code: [Select]
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "S40-2.12.49"
However contacts are still shown offline and last seen status is not updated on the fly. Only after going offline/online in my client.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 16 11 2014, 19:06:21
Works on and off. Contacts disappear from the list even after adding permanently soon after search.

How about automatic downloading of media files? So we get at least a preview in the message window/history.

It also seems like I can't change my nickname/avatar. Or am I just being thick again?

However, apart from contacts being hidden from the list, I can send and receive messages without glitches. I spent half my morning in a group chat, flawless!  :DRINK:
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 17 11 2014, 18:05:17
I can count now two users that send me messages and I don’t receive them. Both use WhatsApp version 2.11.432 (latest).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Wishmaster on 17 11 2014, 19:04:59
Cassio, well I've changed it to  "Android-2.31.151-443", and now it should be "S40-2.12.49"? i.e. Android versus S40, and 2.31.151 versis 2.12.49? Are you sure about what you are doing there?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 17 11 2014, 20:43:02
Of course I'm NOT entirely sure, I haven't looked very deep into the code.
But that -443 is wrong as it is appended by code later.

For that Android-Version string (2.31.151), I found it as solution to a similar problem in WA for Pidgin.
But it looks like they simply incremented an older version string (2.11.151) to a ~3 years into the future WA version.
Acutally I tried many different Android WA versions (2.11.395 to 2.11.444) ), all of them allowed login but also caused problems with contacts not being able to send messages.

Before my suggestion there was already a S40 version number (2.3.53).
I guess WA blocked this very old version last week from logging in.
Android/IOS/S40/... version numbers are NOT related and thus are different for each release.

Apparently the Nokia phones don't have encryption enabled yet and thus send plain text strings.
That's why I'm suggesting to change that resource to the latest S40 WhatsApp version (2.12.49), which is working for me (all contacts can send me messages again).

Could you test if the problem persists using the attached build?

I went back to checking older plugin revisions and there online statuses work.
It looks like a recent update broke these:
Nov 10. 2014; rev10945; "much less crazy imlementaion of xml reader" or one earlier.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 17 11 2014, 23:50:16
Could you test if the problem persists using the attached build?

Thanks. Tomorrow I’ll ask them to send me a message. BTW, I’ve needed to install MSVCP120.DLL in order to run your build.

Edit: I can receive messages from one of them. He shows Offline as he writes. The other one still failing. The first one uses a Sony smartphone, while the second uses an Alcatel. I think both use same WhatsApp version.

Post Merge: 18 11 2014, 16:04:31
This is very strange. The second friend was typing (I can see the typing notification) but nothing is received. At one point, he sends me a video. The video (URL) gets here, and from then on, the messages too!! Even more, I’ve received previous messages! If someone understands this...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: akaber on 20 11 2014, 15:03:02
how to enter password without to request code ?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Wishmaster on 22 11 2014, 18:34:14
Cassio, I changed account resource again, let's try
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 27 11 2014, 10:47:16
Works grate sofar.

But I am having a problem with my nickname. I set it in the settings (after that already logged out and restarted a few times) but when I join a group, it is just showing my number and not the name like with the official client.

Is anyone else having this problem?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: dirkschee on 29 11 2014, 23:04:17
hi, i've got still problems with the plugin. i can't see the online-status of my contacts (come online / go off).  :-[

i use the miranda-ng develop-version x.x.3 and i try to reregister again, too.

what do i wrong??

thanks to all! - dirkschee
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 29 11 2014, 23:07:49
@dirkschee: you know that people only show online when they are in their whatsapp app and have enabeled that their status can be seen? Therefore most contacts show offline. How about when you view these friends in the original app? Do they show online there?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 03 12 2014, 14:58:30
Is there a way to see "Group Information" in a group chat? (Who are the group members, their numbers and profile photos etc.)

EDIT: And is it possible to attach multimedia - such as jpg, mp3 or ogg files? I haven't found a way.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 10 12 2014, 10:15:56
I've downloaded yesterday's (12/09/2014) "whatsapp.zip" file and put it into my Miranda NG

But it doesn't work at all. Miranda doesn't even see this plugin under "Plugins". Additionally I'm getting an error message after every start of Miranda: "Die Ordnungszahl 270 wurde in der DLL "mir_core.dll" nicht gefunden."

Do I need to install something else to get it working?

An older version of the whatsapp plugin was working.


Solved: Needed to update to the development version – see below. Now it works – thanks.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 10 12 2014, 10:38:38
It's not meant for Miranda NG stable version. You need to have development, switch it in Options / Services / Plugin updater.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 10 12 2014, 11:14:07
It will be working on stable, but on the next stable :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 14 12 2014, 07:39:37
@dirkschee: you know that people only show online when they are in their whatsapp app and have enabeled that their status can be seen? Therefore most contacts show offline.
It really used to work like this. Some contacts used to pop online periodically or when they wrote me, but now all the contacts are always offline, even undeletable own number, which used to be always online as far as I remember. If someone ever see any whatsapp contact online on the late builds, please tell.

And about adding contacts. Quote from wiki:
To add contacts search them by their phone number in Main menu → Find/add contacts dialog. The search usually takes about 10–20 seconds and finds nothing.
 Instead the number you searched for appears in your contact list. Right-click the number and select Add permanently to list. This will prevent the contact from disappearing after Miranda restart.
This method doesn't work now either. I guess this is a consequence of always-offline-contacts issue.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 14 12 2014, 10:33:56
If someone ever see any whatsapp contact online on the late builds, please tell.
I also see no contacts online with the late builds. :(

I tested it on 2 computers, same result: All contacts offline, even the own number (same as Thug says). Also my own number, which was added on the other computer, is offline there – meaning from Miranda to Miranda doesn't work either.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Doc Boy on 15 12 2014, 13:51:08
You guys might find this interesting:


Maybe the Miranda integration will work more smoothly then.  :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 17 12 2014, 10:14:21
Why i can't add some contacts (2 of 12)? I'm just waiting and they still not appear in cl. Could be the resason that they've deleted me, or even so they should appear in contact list?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 18 12 2014, 13:20:59
Купил новый телефон, жена не спросив установила вотсап. Я поздно это заметил, сразу удалил. Сейчас он не работает в Миранде. Нажимаю Код Регистрации - выдает ошибку "Неудачная Регистрация". Что делать?

Bought a new phone, wife not asking installed wotsap. I later noticed it, was immediately removed. Now it does not work in Miranda. Press Registration Code - generates an error "Registration Failed". What to do?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 18 12 2014, 13:46:26
What to do?

To wait a day or two until WhatsApp lets you register.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 19 12 2014, 08:40:59
Why i can't add some contacts (2 of 12)? I'm just waiting and they still not appear in cl. Could be the resason that they've deleted me, or even so they should appear in contact list?
Just call them and ask to write you.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: JonIrenicus on 20 12 2014, 09:05:12
Not first month I have Miranda crash with the help of Whatsup plugin...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mida on 30 12 2014, 13:46:32
since a week a contact send me messages but somestimes i get there after 10 minutes or later and not in a few seconds later.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 03 01 2015, 17:30:17
Not too long ago discovered a strange problem. The plugin works, my messages are getting through. But when I someone writes messages I have not received. The writer is recognized that the message has been sent but not read. But I don't get it. Re-register also does not work. Press Registration Code - generates an error "Registration Failed". What to do?


Не так давно обнаружилась странная проблема. Плагин работает, мои сообщения доходят. Но когда мне кто-то пишет то сообщения мне не доходят. У написавшего отражается что сообщение отослано, но не прочиатно. Но я его не получаю. Заного зарегистрироваться тоже не получается. Нажимаю Код Запроса - выдает ошибку "Неудачная Регистрация". Что делать?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 05 01 2015, 07:50:26
since a week a contact send me messages but somestimes i get there after 10 minutes or later and not in a few seconds later.

also have this problem with official app. so dont think its about the plugin :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Whiplash on 06 01 2015, 22:30:18
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong about this. I've installed the plugin and started to set it up. But whenever I'm trying to request the code, it shows me the message: Registration failed.
I think ghazan mentioned that WhatsApp needs a new ID. But what that actually means? Or simply - what am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 07 01 2015, 07:55:49
Why i can't add some contacts (2 of 12)? I'm just waiting and they still not appear in cl. Could be the resason that they've deleted me, or even so they should appear in contact list?

from what I know the other person does not need to have you in contact list. You can still add them. That might be different though when you got blocked.

did you use the international format without + and 00 infront? Do the people still have whatsapp or did they maybe changed their number?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 09 01 2015, 19:10:54
Sometimes when internet trafic is busy, whatsapp is still trying to connect, and even if you set it as "online" it does still try to connect, Only restarting of miranda could help and then connect normal again. Could it be fix in future?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Whiplash on 09 01 2015, 21:34:59
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong about this. I've installed the plugin and started to set it up. But whenever I'm trying to request the code, it shows me the message: Registration failed.
I think ghazan mentioned that WhatsApp needs a new ID. But what that actually means? Or simply - what am I doing wrong?
Will anyone answer this?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 10 01 2015, 08:22:17
On that forum was already written that you should wait about a day before requesting a new code
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 10 01 2015, 08:30:20
Whiplash, when we will have some solution to this - we will write about it.

Post Merge: 10 01 2015, 08:33:13
This is WART utility - we use the same API:


I didn't ask for code for months.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 10 01 2015, 08:55:21
I can't get Registration Code alrady 3 days. After setup WhatsApp on phone. What to do? Wait more?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 12 01 2015, 08:12:11
I update Miranda to version 0.95.3 and plugin WhatsApp (using pluginupdater). But still have "Registration Failed" on request Registration Code. I can't understand what problem?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 16 01 2015, 16:35:45
Hay guys.
I was trying to install whatsapp support in my Miranda NG.
I have the latest stabil version of Whatsapp plugin as well as the latest Miranda from oficial website.
When I add Whatsapp protocol and enter my number and press request a code I need to enter the SMS code in two fields next to phone and nickname textboxes. But, strangely, they aren't enabled. So no matter how hard I click them I'm not able to enter the code.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 16 01 2015, 16:46:48
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: falloutboy84 on 17 01 2015, 17:07:28
Alright folks I am at a loss.

I was able to add a few friends before x-mas, but now for the sake of it, I just can't remember in what form I have to look for a phone number.
do I have to search
country code + number
is it country code with leading 00
or is it just number with the beginning 0 for the provider?

It would be really helpful to have this noted down somewhere, especially if you need to add numbers from different countries.

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 17 01 2015, 17:55:50
Alright folks I am at a loss.

I was able to add a few friends before x-mas, but now for the sake of it, I just can't remember in what form I have to look for a phone number.
do I have to search
country code + number
is it country code with leading 00
or is it just number with the beginning 0 for the provider?

its countrycode without + or 00 and the actual number without leading 0. After the search you will find the contact offline at the buttom of your cList.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: falloutboy84 on 17 01 2015, 20:21:43
Ok, for some bizarre reason, it works with the number of a pal. But the other number - though a different provider - does not work.

*sigh* technology my enemy since I became an engineer
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: falloutboy84 on 19 01 2015, 06:48:38
Alright, we finally figured it out.
Apparently there is a WhatsApp option to show you offline constantly, still getting all messages and so, as long as this option is ticked, Miranda Plug-in won't show the number in the contact list.

thanks for the help.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 21 01 2015, 13:24:38
Strange behaviour: a group I'm in gets its messages into History+, but another group doesn't. What could it be?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Doc Boy on 21 01 2015, 20:02:59
Will this help you guys?  :)

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: White-Tiger on 21 01 2015, 20:31:07
Guess not. Reading their web post: https://blog.whatsapp.com/614/WhatsApp-Web
gives me the conclusion that it won't "help" at all.. simply because the phone must stay online... So it's not really independent from the phone.

Sure, some people might still like it, or say it's at least something, but requiring the phone to be connected and also not even working on phones with iOS is quite bad. Dunno what they are trying to do^^
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: falloutboy84 on 22 01 2015, 09:55:17
indeed especially for me, that does not even have a smartphone, but still "has to use" WhatsApp.
Funny thing is, my phone could not even scan that darn QR-code :)

But alright, for me the Miranda Plugin works fine, even with the little hickup that everyone is shown offline. Which is NO dealbreaker for me.

Thank you very much for this plugin  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 23 01 2015, 07:20:04
Yestarday it was worked, but today, when i did want to connect, it just couldn't. I did try on bluestacks, thinking something wrong with my account, and it was sucessfull, but on miranda it always writes that registering fails. Something wrong with wart? If it just input window for code was available from the start, maybe it was possible to ask code from bluestacks or yowave and then input it in miranda. So what to do now?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: falloutboy84 on 23 01 2015, 08:24:58
Yeah the WhatsApp policy seems to be very strange. Just thinking of all the bans of people that used WhatsApp+ on their cellphones.

But yes, I can't login either today. :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 23 01 2015, 08:30:45
They've just signed out all users i think, I has other account logined in in bluestacks, and when i did launch it, it was not active too. Wassap, app for windows, which i did try can't register too. I think the same for pidgin. So no way to use whatsup on pc? I don't want to use emuls like bluestacks and youwave cause my pc and netbook are week, and became too slow when i run them. The problem is in WART i guess. If it was just possible to ask code from some android emulator and input it in miranda
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 23 01 2015, 10:49:24
Same here.

Code: [Select]
[11:10:16 0A1C] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure
[11:10:16 0A1C] [WhatsApp_1] (00B26ED8:748) Connection closed internal
[11:10:16 0A1C] [WhatsApp_1] (00B26ED8:4294967295) Connection closed
[11:10:16 0A1C] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline

This is not the end.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: LkS on 23 01 2015, 14:33:46
Hey guys!

Today is my first time with miranda and wa plugin, is all uptodate the program x64 + whatsapp plugin.

But i cant use that! Always get "registration failed" with setting up my number.

Thanks for any help.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 23 01 2015, 18:38:01
Login is broken here too.
Looks like the challenge/response auth mechanism causes this -> responds with "failure".

I'm guessing that the old "WAUTH-1" is no longer supported. I've seen other implementations using "WAUTH-2" and they continue to work.

Please fix this quickly! :-)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 23 01 2015, 18:52:18
Cassio, could you point us to other open sourse implementations using "WAUTH-2" please?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 23 01 2015, 21:51:34
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 23 01 2015, 23:30:28
Quote from: WhatsApp spokesman
Starting today, we are taking aggressive action against unauthorised apps and alerting the people who use them.

That declarations are about recently banned WhatsApp+, but I’m afraid this "aggresive action" can cause trouble to our beloved plugin. What I don’t understand is why they care about this, as long as final users pay for the service and 3rd party clients don’t use more resources from their network.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Wishmaster on 24 01 2015, 20:39:57
WhatsApp was updated to support protocol 1.5/2.0, please test :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 24 01 2015, 23:29:39
Does not work for me.
It keeps reconnecting/loosing connection very quickly as far as is can see.

I'll see if I can find out why.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 25 01 2015, 00:30:04
It's not in working state yet.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: dirkschee on 25 01 2015, 01:52:20
the zip-file on wiki . miranda-ng . org look like an old version. so i think it could not work, because the new plugin isn't online, yet?!

does exist another download-area, where i can find the new version?

thanx! :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 25 01 2015, 06:12:25
It's successfully crash miranda
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Wishmaster on 25 01 2015, 08:14:32
dirkschee, For technical reasons, the development versions are only build once a day. They are updated now.

Dimsok, See here (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Crash_reports)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 25 01 2015, 09:46:54
That declarations are about recently banned WhatsApp+, but I’m afraid this "aggresive action" can cause trouble to our beloved plugin. What I don’t understand is why they care about this, as long as final users pay for the service and 3rd party clients don’t use more resources from their network.

they care about it because they get less information about the user. e.g. with Miranda there is no adressbook uploaded. And they keep the date they get. (after I used original WA some time ago, users poped up online in Miranda which I had in my adressbook a year ago. :( ) Thats also the reason why i now ownly use whatsapp whit apps-opps available.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 25 01 2015, 10:37:45
With version plugin able to register. Whatsup constantly connects and disconnects. Some time later, Miranda crash.
This log: http://pastie.org/9858913
I don't know why "filename not available", all necessary .pdb files put in the root:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16331 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17501 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Russian/Russian | Russian/Russian
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 2047 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.3 build #11706 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 1 Jan 2015 15:15:54
Profile: H:\Prog\Miranda NG\Profiles\Mcl\Mcl.dat
Profile size: 35979264 Bytes
Profile creation date: 2 Dec 2014 21:03:15
Language pack: Russian (RU) [0419]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (10):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:08:38] - Miranda image services
  AVS.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:07:40] - Avatar service
  CrashDumper.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:11:18] - Crash dumper
  DbChecker.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:11:34] - Database checker
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:07:44] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  HistoryPP.dll v. [22 Jul 2014 11:48:20] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:08:24] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:09:26] - Keep status
  MobileState.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:12:12] - Mobile state
  MRA.dll v. [1 Jan 2015 15:09:48] - Mail.ru Agent

Protocols and Accounts:
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MRA                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
WhatsApp                 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded

Icon Packs:
 hicoloricq.dll [27 May 2001 0:13:46]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [3 May 2008 18:08:36]
 mirabilisicons.dll [7 Apr 2002 3:05:06]
 Original ICQ Icons.dll [27 May 2001 5:13:46]
 Proto_Skype.dll [30 Dec 2013 16:05:14]
 Proto_AIM.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:18]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:24]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:16]
 Proto_GG.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:18]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:20]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:08:38]
 Proto_IRC.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:20]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:20]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:08:38]
 Proto_MRA.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:16]
 xStatus_MRA.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:02]
 Proto_MSN.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:20]
 Proto_NewsAggregator.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:12:36]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:12:06]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [25 Jan 2015 5:40:18]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:10:22]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [1 Jan 2015 15:15:00]
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 25 01 2015, 13:05:26
I guess you guys heard of the web application already https://web.whatsapp.com/

maybe it helps you with coding.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 25 01 2015, 14:42:01
Whatsup constantly connects and disconnects. Some time later, Miranda crash.
I think the reason of crash is in the core and KeepStatus plugin. It crashes miranda on any protocol when can't connect at all for some time. So whatsapp plugin just can't go online.

I guess you guys heard of the web application already https://web.whatsapp.com/maybe it helps you with coding.
I'll agree with White-Tiger (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=56.msg10237#msg10237) that this can barely help to develop the main plugin. But perhaps it can help to write an alternative plugin which will mirror a chat from an official app, like SkypeClassic. Would be useful for those who want to use the same account on a phone and in miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Naith on 26 01 2015, 01:27:32
Zitat von: MPK am 25 01 2015, 13:05:26

    I guess you guys heard of the web application already https://web.whatsapp.com/maybe it helps you with coding.

I'll agree with White-Tiger that this can barely help to develop the main plugin. But perhaps it can help to write an alternative plugin which will mirror a chat from an official app, like SkypeClassic. Would be useful for those who want to use the same account on a phone and in miranda.

i would love that!!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 26 01 2015, 05:25:47
Updated again.It goes onine, but from all contacts can't see if they when was online as before. When i try to write to someone... you can guess what happens
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 26 01 2015, 07:02:00
Updated again.It goes onine, but from all contacts can't see if they when was online as before. When i try to write to someone... you can guess what happens
The same.
Crash Report: http://pastie.org/9861220
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 26 01 2015, 07:41:52
Same here too. Directly after sending a WhatsApp message it crashes immediately.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 26 01 2015, 09:19:44
Same problem here.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mida on 26 01 2015, 12:38:08
here too, and a correct crashreport
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Wishmaster on 26 01 2015, 15:02:21
Thanks, everyone, crash will be fixed in next version of WhatsApp plugin ( No need to post any more crash reports about that issue. :)

Also user search and addition was fixed.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 27 01 2015, 07:00:46
Also user search and addition was fixed.
Nice! Finally we can properly add new contacts :) It's not actually a search since you can type anything, even unexisting number in the search field, and it will be found. It's more like manual contact addition without checking for existance, but I like it even more :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 27 01 2015, 07:07:26
Version plugin (from 27.01.‎2015) works well. Thank you very much!

Noticed errors:
There is an old problem - all contacts offline.
I don't get message (link), when someone sends me a picture.
After some time, come duplicates messages. Coming and coming, coming and coming...
All duplicate messages were sent once. But come in 7-8 copies. First 1 time, then double, then another...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 27 01 2015, 07:37:19
There are some new bugs. If you try to send a message to yourself, you will receive it and loose connection afterwards. When you reconnect, you will receive it again as well as other messages from your friends you received recently and loose connection eventually. This repeats several times (clearly seen if KeepStatus plugin is working).

The notification check marks are gone :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 27 01 2015, 07:38:12
Clones continue to come. Already 11 instances of one message. Turned off the plugin. Waiting for fix.
log with duplicates
[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:
Саш ты спишь?

[25.01.2015 15:10:17] Катя:

[26.01.2015 11:59:39] CleriC:

[26.01.2015 12:00:45] CleriC:

[27.01.2015 12:03:09] CleriC:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:27] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:31] CleriC:
Катюшкин, тут вроде плагин для вотсапа починили, ответь, если тебе дошло сообщение

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:32] Катя:
Мне дошло

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:41] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:03:42] CleriC:
круто, Кать

[27.01.2015 12:03:49] CleriC:
можешь писать мне

[27.01.2015 12:03:54] CleriC:
попробуй картинку послать

[27.01.2015 12:04:11] Катя:
Ты видишь что пишу?

[27.01.2015 12:04:11] Катя:
Ты видишь что пишу?

[27.01.2015 12:04:11] Катя:
Ты видишь что пишу?

[27.01.2015 12:04:11] Катя:
Ты видишь что пишу?

[27.01.2015 12:04:11] Катя:
Ты видишь что пишу?

[27.01.2015 12:04:11] Катя:
Ты видишь что пишу?

[27.01.2015 12:04:11] Катя:
Ты видишь что пишу?

[27.01.2015 12:04:23] CleriC:

[27.01.2015 12:04:24] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:24] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:24] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:24] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:24] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:24] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:24] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:26] CleriC:

[27.01.2015 12:04:28] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:28] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:28] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:28] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:28] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:28] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:04:28] Катя:

[27.01.2015 12:08:44] CleriC:
ты что-то послала? окно подсветилось, но ничего не пришло

[27.01.2015 12:08:49] CleriC:
ты картинку послала?

[27.01.2015 12:12:05] CleriC:
у меня опять подсветилось окно но ничего не пришло

[27.01.2015 12:12:11] CleriC:
посмотри скайп

[27.01.2015 12:25:38] Катя:
Саш из текста все пришло

[27.01.2015 12:25:38] Катя:
Саш из текста все пришло

[27.01.2015 12:25:38] Катя:
Саш из текста все пришло

[27.01.2015 12:25:38] Катя:
Саш из текста все пришло
Please note the arrival time of the message.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 27 01 2015, 07:41:20
Clones continue to come. For 11 instances. Turned off the plugin.

Plugin was updated to new API and heavily rewritten, i think it tries to show history of previous WhatsApp events every time  ;D But we are getting to a working state, it will take some more time to get it done, but we are on the right path.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 27 01 2015, 07:43:32
but we are on the right path.
Yes. Thank you very much for trying and work!
Maybe our error messages will help.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 27 01 2015, 07:57:52
I noticed that in group chats, the names of the group members aren't shown in their messages. It's not possible to differenciate messages from the different group members.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: LkS on 27 01 2015, 16:36:12
Im still with the problem "registration failed" with trying to register my number for first time usage.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 27 01 2015, 23:30:44
Some strange, but one of my contacts i could have seen onlne for some time, but only for some time. Is it possible to delete permanantly (or hide) my own contact?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 28 01 2015, 06:47:07
About version
No duplicate messages.
But still I don't get message (link), when someone sends me a picture.
Title: Re:WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 28 01 2015, 07:19:05
hello may we know if the registration problem has been solved?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 28 01 2015, 07:36:21
may we know if the registration problem has been solved?
Yes, register possible now.

Another one note for v0.1.2.3: the user sends me a message. I get all the message (except image/link). The user has marked that I did not read the message (one check instead of two).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 28 01 2015, 13:08:49
I noticed that in group chats, the names of the group members aren't shown in their messages. It's not possible to differenciate messages from the different group members.
Yeah, some nicknames in the regular contact list are being reseted to default number@s.whatsapp.net after you chat too.

Some strange, but one of my contacts i could have seen onlne for some time, but only for some time. Is it possible to delete permanantly (or hide) my own contact?
It's normal for whatsapp to display offline status from the phone most of the time. They usually pop up online when they send a message to someone. Strange, but hiding yourself doesn't work indeed - unhides after reconnect ???

P.S. Works stable now, without crashes and disconnects, thanks! Bring back notification check marks please :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 28 01 2015, 13:42:58
Bring back notification check marks please

Please describe what you mean, ghazan has no idea what you are talking about.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 28 01 2015, 13:44:37
Please describe what you mean, ghazan has no idea what you are talking about.
Maybe about this:
the user sends me a message. I get all the message (except image/link). The user has marked that I did not read the message (one check instead of two).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 28 01 2015, 13:44:44
hello may we know if the registration problem has been solved?

Yes - on nightly builds (dev versions).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 28 01 2015, 13:45:50
CleriC, oh - sending read notification to the contact on the other side?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 28 01 2015, 13:57:06
CleriC, oh - sending read notification to the contact on the other side?

I believe its more the read notification on our side. So that we get to know when someone read it. like the ones seen in his earlier post
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 28 01 2015, 13:57:57
CleriC, oh - sending read notification to the contact on the other side?
it's fixed tonight
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 28 01 2015, 14:04:41
I believe its more the read notification on our side. So that we get to know when someone read it. like the ones seen in his earlier post

I had no idea we had that in TabSRMM info panel (i have this panel turned off)  ;D
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 28 01 2015, 14:13:58
I had no idea we had that in TabSRMM info panel (i have this panel turned off)  ;D

I found it in tooltips, too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 28 01 2015, 14:25:20
Thanks to the developer, now this works.
Just one little question. We all know there's an option of file transfer in whatsapp. What about this one in the plugin? I guess it is not implemented? And, that is more importent, could we resieve a file if the contact trys to send one or what will happen?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 28 01 2015, 14:44:03
And, that is more importent, could we resieve a file if the contact trys to send one or what will happen?
File receiving works fine, even with audio messages - you simply get direct links.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 28 01 2015, 16:25:01
it's fixed tonight
Thank you very much!
What about getting picture (earlier it came link)? It's very important.

Post Merge: 28 01 2015, 16:27:38
File receiving works fine, even with audio messages - you simply get direct links.
I don't know why, but I don't get picture (image). Someone people send me picture from WhatsApp on phone, but i get nothing with miranda plugin. I get all text message. But picture not.

Post Merge: 28 01 2015, 16:28:14
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 28 01 2015, 16:35:29
these ugly checkboxes in the status line considered awful and removed.
now wassup uses the standard Miranda's mechanism: it writes to SRMM's status bar
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 28 01 2015, 18:49:55
these ugly checkboxes in the status line considered awful and removed.
now wassup uses the standard Miranda's mechanism: it writes to SRMM's status bar
I also prefere this solution. But it currently does not work for me as well. (ok I use TABSRMM but with e.g. facebook it is the same like in your picture)

but I don't get picture (image).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 28 01 2015, 19:47:58
I also prefere this solution. But it currently does not work for me as well.

It will be in tomorrow's build.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Ducados on 28 01 2015, 21:03:49

I'm not getting the messages people send to me. Sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting several times makes them show, but not always.

Also, yesterday afternoon some messages sent by me took a couple of hours to arrive to the destination.

Anyone else noticed weird issues when sending/receiving messages?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 28 01 2015, 22:02:34
I don't know why, but I don't get picture (image). Someone people send me picture from WhatsApp on phone, but i get nothing with miranda plugin. I get all text message. But picture not.
Oh, sorry, I haven't checked it recently. Seems like file transfer is broken :/

these ugly checkboxes in the status line considered awful and removed.now wassup uses the standard Miranda's mechanism: it writes to SRMM's status bar
These daws were cool :( Sigh..
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 28 01 2015, 23:16:57

I'm not getting the messages people send to me. Sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting several times makes them show, but not always.

Also, yesterday afternoon some messages sent by me took a couple of hours to arrive to the destination.

Anyone else noticed weird issues when sending/receiving messages?

Try to re-register your number in Miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 29 01 2015, 07:18:28
v0.1.2.4: still
transfer is broken

Unusual writes to SRMM's status bar. Can you do it custom? The ability to disable visibility. As before.

Otherwise all is well. Thank you very much!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Ducados on 29 01 2015, 07:46:09
Try to re-register your number in Miranda.


This and seem to have fixed the issue.

BTW, Plugin Updater was warning yesterday about a new WA plugin version. That was with installed and it was obviously not true.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 29 01 2015, 09:27:26
Ducados, version doesn't mean much to updater - checksum hash does, so it could be the same version, but 1-2 builds later. Updater would see it as a difference and try to update. Or even compilation in MSVS other than 2010 might trigger this too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 29 01 2015, 10:33:19
Trying and most noticeable issues to me:
-Group messages without preceding user name or ID. (already reported by someone else)
-No typing notifications.
-And still no links to images or videos.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 29 01 2015, 18:33:43
Trying and most noticeable issues to me:
-Group messages without preceding user name or ID. (already reported by someone else)
-No typing notifications.
-And still no links to images or videos.
ok, let me see... it's so hard to jump over three protocol's versions

PS: user typing notifications fixed

PPS: Chungalin, send me, please, network log with these images & videos, when Miranda receives such a message
I cannot run wassup on my android and PC simultaneously. I need just one xml with such a message
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 29 01 2015, 21:11:20
PPS: Chungalin, send me, please, network log with these images & videos, when Miranda receives such a message
I cannot run wassup on my android and PC simultaneously. I need just one xml with such a message

No need to - we took care of this.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 29 01 2015, 22:00:45
-No typing notifications.
-And still no links to images or videos.
also fixed. gotta have some sleep, cya
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 29 01 2015, 23:04:28
Wow great job guys, especially ghazan! :-D

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 30 01 2015, 07:59:46
Transfer is not broken now (v0.1.2.5).
But now I get a picture like 2 links (before was 1).
First link — as before, picture on WA server.
Second link — the thumbnail (miniature) in the temp folder. 75x100 pix.
I think the second link is not needed. Or make it configurable, please. The ability to customize and obtain as before 1 link.

Anyway, great job! Thank you very much!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 30 01 2015, 08:22:59
Guys, you do a grate job.  :THUMBS UP:

with current Version pictures work (yea, one link would be nicer or maybe even display thumpnail as custom smiley?)
But the message sent with a text gets lost.
same with videos.

Voice messages are lost.

gps position is displayed as empty message.

Contact message is lost.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 30 01 2015, 12:23:28
Second link — the thumbnail (miniature) in the temp folder. 75x100 pix.
I think the second link is not needed. Or make it configurable, please. The ability to customize and obtain as before 1 link.
Yes, I've removed it already this morning. The idea was to display it somehow in IEView, without downloading the whole picture (and especially video)
dunno, maybe this option could be made optional

with current Version pictures work (yea, one link would be nicer or maybe even display thumpnail as custom smiley?)
But the message sent with a text gets lost.
same with videos.
Voice messages are lost.
gps position is displayed as empty message.
Contact message is lost.
yes, it was about 3am when I finished coding :) I'll complete message processing today
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 30 01 2015, 15:27:25 Images and videos: fixed. But group messages still without author name or any way to identify them.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Ducados on 30 01 2015, 15:39:52
yes, it was about 3am when I finished coding :) I'll complete message processing today

Wow! You are doing a hell of a work.

Thank you very much.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 30 01 2015, 16:38:51
But group messages still without author name or any way to identify them.

Group chats will be fixed later, maybe the last thing that will be fixed in this plugin.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 31 01 2015, 14:10:13
I still don't understand is there a way to delete/hide my own contact from cl?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 31 01 2015, 14:24:32
... maybe the last thing that will be fixed in this plugin.
What about the issue that all contacts are always shown offline?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 31 01 2015, 16:01:28
Monty, cause they are on push notifications - if someone opens WhatsApp application, you see this person online.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 31 01 2015, 16:07:43
But before global changes in that plugin, it was possible to see from all contacts wheere they was online at the last time. It was possible to find out which contact don't have you in contact list, if after connection you can't see from some when it was online last time. In that way i found out 2 persons which deleted me. It's not possible now
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 31 01 2015, 16:25:36
Dimsok, 200 changes of jumping 3 protocols versions up (which means rewriting the whole plugin) can't be don in 2 days. Wait a bit and it will be done.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 31 01 2015, 16:29:55
Monty, cause they are on push notifications - if someone opens WhatsApp application, you see this person online.

I see, didn't know that. But it's quite impractical.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 31 01 2015, 16:33:39
Monty, i'll ask ghazan if we can somehow show them online in away status or something like that.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 31 01 2015, 16:36:44
Monty, i'll ask ghazan if we can somehow show them online in away status or something like that.

That would be great!  Thank you!

You people are doing really great work! :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 31 01 2015, 16:49:34
Unusual writes to SRMM's status bar («Message received...»). Can you do it custom? The ability to disable visibility. As before.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 31 01 2015, 19:21:28
I still don't understand is there a way to delete/hide my own contact from cl?
there definitely should be a way not to create it at all ;)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 31 01 2015, 19:47:02
I didn't create anything, especially contact with my own number
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 31 01 2015, 20:10:05
Today some one tried to send me some audio files (MP3s) but with no luck. I mean I just seen nothing (no links or anything).
After that he tried to sent a picture (jpg image) and everything went perfectly (I got a direct link). So wtf:)? At first I thought that no matter what's said here but file transfer just doesn't work but the picture was sent instantly.
And the other question: could I somehow get the files out of Whatsapp without the person sending them again?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 31 01 2015, 20:40:42
I didn't create anything, especially contact with my own number
yes, I know. the problem is that when you get logged in, server sends you a presence that you're online now
stupid plugin adds a temporary contact for everybody who'd sent you a presence, thus creating a temporary contact of you
fixed in rev. 11966

Today some one tried to send me some audio files (MP3s) but with no luck.
perhaps I forgotten to pay attention to them... thanks, I'll try to look at this type of files.
PS: also fixed.

But before global changes in that plugin, it was possible to see from all contacts wheere they was online at the last time.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 31 01 2015, 21:30:29
perhaps I forgotten to pay attention to them... thanks, I'll try to look at this type of files.
PS: also fixed.
Ok thx. But getting the files (without resending them) out of whatsapp isn't possible right?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 31 01 2015, 21:32:28
What about the issue that all contacts are always shown offline?

Apparently WhatsApp server shows them offline - as workaround i can suggest putting all the WhatsApp contacts to dedicated group and then enabling showing offline contacts in that group regardless of what global settings are:

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 31 01 2015, 21:33:09
Ok thx. But getting the files (without resending them) out of whatsapp isn't possible right?

On the phone maybe - from WhatsApp history.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 31 01 2015, 21:36:57
What about the issue that all contacts are always shown offline?
that's how that protocol works. Your client is getting presence packets when your contacts change their statuses.
otherwise they are displayed offline , and unfortunately it's not possible to detect if they are running on a phone...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 31 01 2015, 21:38:06
Ok thx. But getting the files (without resending them) out of whatsapp isn't possible right?
what do you mean? Miranda catches offline messages as well as a phone, so you will see all messages that were sent to you
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 31 01 2015, 23:00:42
Apparently WhatsApp server shows them offline - as workaround i can suggest putting all the WhatsApp contacts to dedicated group and then enabling showing offline contacts in that group regardless of what global settings are.
Great idea – thanks.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 01 02 2015, 09:17:42
Has anyone connection dll for it?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 01 02 2015, 10:52:19
Has anyone connection dll for it?

There never was one.
Title: Odp: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 01 02 2015, 13:27:04
Created simple animated dll
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 01 02 2015, 13:44:28
Created simple animated dll
What is it?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 01 02 2015, 13:51:39
If you don't know - you don't need it
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 01 02 2015, 14:39:58
Hm be4 i started using Miranda I didn't know that I need it :) so maybe tell us what's this and we will enjoy it.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 01 02 2015, 16:29:57
as workaround i can suggest putting all the WhatsApp contacts to dedicated group and then enabling showing offline contacts in that group regardless
I have it this way too. I soon got tired of contacts dancing in and out the list, so I unchecked Contact list > General > Hide offline users. I prefer a static list and organize it in groups that can be expanded or collapsed. I have major groups by protocol (facebook and WhatsApp in my case), and then subgroups based on proximity or relationship. I didn’t like metacontact handling.

By the way, as of I see WhatsApp contacts going online/offline in realtime. Great progress this week, thanks for your work!!

Regarding WhatsApp groups, do you plan to keep handling them like before (like a single user chat, with preceding [nickname]) or will you adapt them to Miranda group chat handling?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: dirkschee on 01 02 2015, 23:38:00
strange?! now, in my miranda online/offline status (whatsapp user) is working fine?! no problems here! :) :) :)

but in the popup-plus- history i get no on/off entries?! only messages.

am i doing anything wrong, or is the option not yet implemented in the whatsapp-plugin?

also from me, very very thanks for developing the plugin. you do a great job and i'm happy, that i can still use whatsapp without handy! :)

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 02 02 2015, 08:18:52
Do I understand correctly that the problem with forever offline contacts WhatsApp solved?
For this purpose it is necessary to select "Show offline users in here" like on this screen:
I don't know why, but I do not see this option:
Need to do something in the settings?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 02 02 2015, 09:44:44
Do I understand correctly that the problem with forever offline contacts WhatsApp solved?

No - just a workaround - to always show offline contacts in specific group regardless of what global settings are.

I don't know why, but I do not see this option:

Well - i was talking about Clist_modern, don't know which one do you have.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 02 02 2015, 09:48:51
I don't know why, but I do not see this option:

Need to do something in the settings?
check the settings under customize->menu->group menu. maybe you disabled it there.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: CleriC on 02 02 2015, 09:52:21
Well - i was talking about Clist_modern, don't know which one do you have.
Ok, i don't use Clist_modern.dll. In my case this option not available. It's not terrible. I always visible to all contacts. Which offline too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 02 02 2015, 19:14:00
but in the popup-plus- history i get no on/off entries?! only messages.

am i doing anything wrong, or is the option not yet implemented in the whatsapp-plugin?

WhatsApp has nothing to do with it, protocols do not log status changes, nor popup plugin.

NewXstatusNotify plugin can write status changes to history. (Options>Staus>Status notify):

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 02 02 2015, 19:18:04
Regarding WhatsApp groups, do you plan to keep handling them like before (like a single user chat, with preceding [nickname]) or will you adapt them to Miranda group chat handling?

We will present them as Miranda group chats.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 03 02 2015, 10:27:38
We will present them as Miranda group chats.
OK, now I understand why this will mean a lot of work and will be the last thing to code.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 03 02 2015, 22:02:12
Hm looks like the problem with getting audio files (MP3 & WMA) isn't compleetly resolved. At least I don't resieve MP3 files sent by contacts and not every WMA file. If you have some time maybe you could have a look.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: NazZaR on 04 02 2015, 05:27:09
Is registration working at the moment?
Tried two different numbers, always receive 'registration unsuccessfull' message :(. Tried it for several days/weeks already.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 04 02 2015, 08:11:56
Is registration working at the moment?

Yes - it works for me.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: NazZaR on 04 02 2015, 08:30:07
Yes - it works for me.
What can i do to make it work?
Any logs needed?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 04 02 2015, 10:06:31
NazZaR, what version are you on? stable or nightly? Present VersionInfo (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Version_information) please.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 04 02 2015, 10:06:42
you have the only try per day due to wassup limitations. all another attempts will be rejected
you just need to wait for a moment (and yes, you need to use a nightly build)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: NazZaR on 04 02 2015, 10:18:12
NazZaR, what version are you on? stable or nightly?
I tried both and stable, no difference.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 04 02 2015, 11:03:33
ok. don't disturb wassup servers for a day, and then try again
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 04 02 2015, 11:03:41
you can't use  with stable core, whole mirada must be updated.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: NazZaR on 04 02 2015, 11:51:35
you can't use  with stable core, whole mirada must be updated.
Will try it.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 04 02 2015, 13:56:39
you can't use  with stable core, whole mirada must be updated.
Hm and what should the Miranda version be? Mine is
v0.95.3 build #11706
And if it needs to be updated how to do that?

Btw some times the plugin updater is trying to "update" whatsapp plugin but it actually installs old (stable) version so then if I allow it I should download the plugin and replace it with new version. Ofc I just do not let it "update" the plugin but wonder why it trys to downgrade to an older version?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 04 02 2015, 19:34:43
Hm and what should the Miranda version be? Mine is
v0.95.3 build #11706
And if it needs to be updated how to do that?

Go to options, services, plugin updates and change setting from stable version to development, then check for updates from main menu.

Btw some times the plugin updater is trying to "update" whatsapp plugin but it actually installs old (stable) version so then if I allow it I should download the plugin and replace it with new version. Ofc I just do not let it "update" the plugin but wonder why it trys to downgrade to an older version?

Miranda NG guarantees stable work within one build. If you put newer plugin with older core or vice versa Miranda might crash and nor start at all. This is why Miranda NG should only be updated as whole to development or stable version. Therefor updater does not check for versions - it compares hashes and anything that differs - it will revert to right version per specific repo it was set to work with.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 07 02 2015, 07:31:46
Is it possible to find out somehow that you are still in the phonebook of your contact? Before global changes it was possible to recognize if your contact is online and it's online status was shown right after you message to it. Now i have one contact which often shown as off but sometimes message to me and some with shown last online time also i almost sure i'm not in her cl. In natural watsapp i detected it when profile picture of contact is dissapear. Maybe if it's possible to detect you absence in cl of your contacts, it could be deleted his/her avatar too?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 07 02 2015, 08:26:31
It seems that the plugin now uses regular Miranda group chats. This is quite buggy yet. Could you please add an option to restore previous behavior? For example, messages sent from my pc don't show up in the chat history, also history is broken in general.
Furthermore, it doesn't seem possible to leave groups and all groups open maximized upon connecting.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 12:17:13
Could you please add an option to restore previous behavior?

No - it would be impossible. The old code does not work at all.

Furthermore, it doesn't seem possible to leave groups



For example, messages sent from my pc don't show up in the chat history, also history is broken in general.

Chat history is stored in text files and must be enabled in a first place:


This is quite buggy yet.

Sometimes "bugs" - are just lack of knowledge of Miranda. Please be spesific about every bug you find - we will fix all we can.

Post Merge: 07 02 2015, 12:18:23
and all groups open maximized upon connecting

Specify chat module that you are using or better - present VersionInfo.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 12:26:25
Now my 5 cents - the original author wrote this plugin halfway and abandoned it - as i tested it it was half working crashware with 3-rd party tool for registration. Now, when old code is completely unusable - we will do things Miranda way - chats will be implemented as chats and stuff that works in other protocols specific way - will be working the same way in this plugin.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 07 02 2015, 12:31:20


Could you please provide written instructions about this? I'm a blind Miranda user and have tried the chat's context menu, as it worked before.

Sometimes "bugs" - are just lack of knowledge of Miranda. Please be spesific about every bug you find - we will fix all we can.

In the current situation, every message i send using the most recent Scriver ( doesn't show up in the message window. Also, it doesn't show up when i have no chat module loaded. tabsrmm seems to work fine.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 07 02 2015, 12:35:14
we will do things Miranda way
I fully agree with you. Thanks for all the work.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 12:36:22
Could you please provide written instructions about this? I'm a blind Miranda user and have tried the chat's context menu, as it worked before.

Leonard, right mouse click on a chat log, room options, Leave chat sessions.

In the current situation, every message i send using the most recent Scriver ( doesn't show up in the message window. Also, it doesn't show up when i have no chat module loaded.

We will check this out!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 07 02 2015, 12:37:45
every message i send using the most recent Scriver ( doesn't show up in the message window
Here it works – I'm also using Scriver
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 13:04:12
In the current situation, every message i send using the most recent Scriver ( doesn't show up in the message window.

Just checked it - it works in Scriver for me as well as in TabSRMM.

Post Merge: 07 02 2015, 13:08:10
Also, it doesn't show up when i have no chat module loaded.

How do you unload chat module exactly? And how group chat supposed to work without it?

Post Merge: 07 02 2015, 13:22:10
and all groups open maximized upon connecting

Couldn't reproduce that either.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 07 02 2015, 14:08:27
I’m unable to prevent that all WhatsApp groups I belong open a new chat window each time I go online, regardless if there’re unread messages.

Now I have duplicated contact entries for groups: the old ones plus the new ones under "WhatsApp/Chat rooms". Should I delete the old ones? On the other hand, I can see group icon on old contact but not in new ones under Chat rooms.

My own messages don’t appear on message log, and I don’t use Scriver, just default setup for Miranda.

Images and videos received from groups show up on old "person" contact, not under chat room. I notice a row of gray underscores after some messages:

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 07 02 2015, 14:36:49
I’m unable to prevent that all WhatsApp groups I belong open a new chat window each time I go online, regardless if there’re unread messages.

Now I have duplicated contact entries for groups: the old ones plus the new ones under "WhatsApp/Chat rooms". Should I delete the old ones? On the other hand, I can see group icon on old contact but not in new ones under Chat rooms.

My own messages don’t appear on message log, and I don’t use Scriver, just default setup for Miranda.

Images and videos received from groups show up on old "person" contact, not under chat room. I notice a row of gray underscores after some messages:


Good to hear i'm not the only one who experiences this. Unloading chat module is done by simply disabling scriver in the options plugin tab.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 15:49:52
On the other hand, I can see group icon on old contact but not in new ones under Chat rooms.

There is no such thing as "group icon" in Miranda. Therefore it was removed.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 15:51:44
Unloading chat module is done by simply disabling scriver in the options plugin tab.

When you disanle Scriver or TabSRMM - StdChat and StdMsg take role of chat and message window - and as i can see WhatsApp groupchat works this way too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 15:56:37
I’m unable to prevent that all WhatsApp groups I belong open a new chat window each time I go online, regardless if there’re unread messages

This will be taken care of (there will be an option "do not pop up group chat window on start up")

Now I have duplicated contact entries for groups: the old ones plus the new ones under "WhatsApp/Chat rooms". Should I delete the old ones? On the other hand, I can see group icon on old contact but not in new ones under Chat rooms.

I thing this is the source of your problems - delete the old group with the same name.

Post Merge: 07 02 2015, 15:58:40
mages and videos received from groups show up on old "person" contact, not under chat room.

It is not implemented in chats yet.

Post Merge: 07 02 2015, 16:02:03
I notice a row of gray underscores after some messages

Once again - Miranda thing:

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 07 02 2015, 16:41:53
There is no such thing as "group icon" in Miranda. Therefore it was removed.
No, I mean this:

Here in my "Grups" are the old contacts for WhatsApp groups. They got the group avatar (assigned by group administrator) automatically, but new chat rooms don’t get that icon automatically. I can assign one by hand, but I think that by default it should get the icon from whatsapp servers.

I thing this is the source of your problems - delete the old group with the same name.
I can confirm that once I’ve deleted old "personal" contact for WhatsApp group, then my messages show up in chat room, while the problem remains on the other two groups that are still duplicated. Unfortunately, deleting contact will mean losing history. :-[
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 16:52:12
Here in my "Grups" are the old contacts for WhatsApp groups. They got the group avatar (assigned by group administrator) automatically, but new chat rooms don’t get that icon automatically. I can assign one by hand, but I think that by default it should get the icon from whatsapp servers.

I'll as ghazan what can be done about that.

Post Merge: 07 02 2015, 16:53:11
I can confirm that once I’ve deleted old "personal" contact for WhatsApp group, then my messages show up in chat room, while the problem remains on the other two groups that are still duplicated. Unfortunately, deleting contact will mean losing history. :-[

Try to rename them - maybe this will help.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 07 02 2015, 17:09:34
Try to rename them - maybe this will help.
No, they already had different names. I’ve also tried to just hide the contact, to no avail. They need to be deleted.

It’s a shame that History++ is not applicable to chat rooms.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 17:12:56
No, they already had different names.

Then they have same ID... And for this i need ghazan once again.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 07 02 2015, 17:17:00

Just export that history via History++ to text file. Group chat history will be only in text file too anyway. And it's not problem of History++, group chat messages just aren't saved in .dat profile.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 07 02 2015, 18:21:43
Just export that history via History++ to text file.
OK, done, and contacts deleted. Now all chat rooms show my own messages. Now I receive Topic change notifications every minute or so, from all WhatsApp groups, even if topic hasn’t changed. If I closed chat windows, then this notification reopens all of them.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 21:02:45
Chungalin, pleas try this new build, it fixes audio and video attachments links receiving in group chats. If some chat keeps blinking in contact list, then close the chat dialog window and open it from contact list, it will open as a contact once and then stop blinking, next time it will open as a group chat.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 07 02 2015, 21:31:13
Chungalin, pleas try this new build, it fixes audio and video attachments links receiving in group chats. If some chat keeps blinking in contact list, then close the chat dialog window and open it from contact list, it will open as a contact once and then stop blinking, next time it will open as a group chat.
This Version solved the Problem with not seeing my messages. Before even in newly created Chats i did not show mine.

But still Chat opens every time i go online. And every time it adds a line "Topic is...."
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 21:33:56
But still Chat opens every time i go online. And every time it adds a line "Topic is...."

We will take care of chats opening on startup.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 22:10:55
We will take care of chats opening on startup.


Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 02 2015, 22:35:33
Sad news - it might be impossible to implement avatars for group chats.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 08 02 2015, 08:02:25

The chat is not opened anymore. But still I get popups telling me "The topic is 'xxx' (set by xxx ()" for each of my groupchats when signing in.

This message is also added to the logs every time i open the chat. Always with an old timestamp (the date it was changed).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 08 02 2015, 09:11:19
But still I get popups telling me "The topic is 'xxx' (set by xxx ()" for each of my groupchats when signing in.

This message is also added to the logs every time i open the chat. Always with an old timestamp (the date it was changed).

This is what server sends every time. There is a small bug with default settings of TabSRMM default notifications, here is workaraund - check, apply, then uncheck and apply again this setting:


You won't be notified about topic change by popup (as it should work by default).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 08 02 2015, 09:46:17
This is what server sends every time. There is a small bug with default settings of TabSRMM default notifications, here is workaraund - check, apply, then uncheck and apply again this setting:


You won't be notified about topic change by popup (as it should work by default).

Looks like a workaround for the moment. With the filters I can also prevent it from showing or logging. But that will also suppress real changes. Could you maybe save the timestamp from the last change and then ignore further changes at that timestamp?

Post Merge: 08 02 2015, 09:54:26
I found the option "start private conversation on double click in nick list (insert nich if unchecked)" in group chats -> settings. But it does not seem to work for Whatsapp. Is it a problem with whatsapp or another plugin? Nick insertion works.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 08 02 2015, 10:34:04
. Is it a problem with whatsapp or another plugin? Nick insertion works.

Whatsapp - the phone app - itself won't let you send private message to a group member before you add him/her to your list. So no - it won't work. Contacts that you have on your contact list - you should writhe them from double clicking on them on the list, contact that you don't have should be added in order to be accessible for private messaging.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 08 02 2015, 10:44:28
Whatsapp - the phone app - itself won't let you send private message to a group member until you add him/her to your list.

are you sure? When I open the member list in the android app and long click on a contact than i can message him directly without having him as a contact (will show number instead of name and buttons "add" and "ignore" at the top.

But yea, it would be a cool function but not really important.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 08 02 2015, 10:48:01
MPK, well - on iPhone it won't let me (well - that figures  ;D ), i'll ask ghazan if it can be implemented then.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 08 02 2015, 12:16:19
one more thing i realized.
although I have set a nickname, it is not showen to others who dont have me in their contact list when i write in a group.

Just reentered the nickname. And it works now. Probably saved too long ago or when it was working incorrectly.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 08 02 2015, 12:56:22
Sad news - it might be impossible to implement avatars for group chats.

Strange. If I’m able to manually set an avatar for the group contact entry AND group avatar could be retrieved in previous versions of the plugin, why it’s not possible to do both things now?

I notice that my nickname is shown with the same color than the other nicks, while at Customize - Fonts and Colors - Message Sessions - Group chats - Your nickname has a distinct color. Also, my messages are >> (incoming) instead of << (outgoing).

On the other hand, one thing that could be improved is the behaviour when I copy-paste a link from one group/chat to another whatsapp contact or group. When I do this, others keep receiving a link instead of the normal thumbnail, etc. There has to be some kind of extra metadata that I cannot replicate in order to appear as a "normal" whatsapp user.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 08 02 2015, 13:19:46
Looks like a workaround for the moment. With the filters I can also prevent it from showing or logging. But that will also suppress real changes. Could you maybe save the timestamp from the last change and then ignore further changes at that timestamp?

Done (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12054).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 08 02 2015, 13:33:25
Strange. If I’m able to manually set an avatar for the group contact entry AND group avatar could be retrieved in previous versions of the plugin, why it’s not possible to do both things now?
because chat window is not a SRMM window: it doesn't display avatars, but supports nick list.
perhaps in future chat window will disappear, but definitely not now
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 08 02 2015, 13:35:33
are you sure? When I open the member list in the android app and long click on a contact than i can message him directly without having him as a contact (will show number instead of name and buttons "add" and "ignore" at the top.

Done (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12055).

Post Merge: 08 02 2015, 13:43:18
I notice that my nickname is shown with the same color than the other nicks, while at Customize - Fonts and Colors - Message Sessions - Group chats - Your nickname has a distinct color.

OK for me:


Post Merge: 08 02 2015, 13:43:29
On the other hand, one thing that could be improved is the behaviour when I copy-paste a link from one group/chat to another whatsapp contact or group. When I do this, others keep receiving a link instead of the normal thumbnail, etc. There has to be some kind of extra metadata that I cannot replicate in order to appear as a "normal" whatsapp user.

We do not receive nor send media contest, text only, therefore nothing can be done.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 08 02 2015, 14:01:49

Now i just need to wait untill it compiles again.

Post Merge: 08 02 2015, 14:06:33
When i create a whatsapp group, i appear twice in the user list.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 08 02 2015, 15:42:26
because chat window is not a SRMM window: it doesn't display avatars, but supports nick list. perhaps in future chat window will disappear, but definitely not now

I don’t mean avatars INSIDE the chat nick list. I mean the avatar associated to the group contact entry:


In previous versions of the plugin, these avatars were retrieved from WhatsApp like all other user avatars, but now they appear empty. Is it just me?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 08 02 2015, 19:17:05
In previous version of plugin groups were usual contacts that have avatars.
I'll try to do smth
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 08 02 2015, 21:19:58
ok, so:
- group's avatars work ok;
- no duplicate nicks on chat creation;
- bunch of smaller fixes
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 09 02 2015, 08:55:18
    Looks like a workaround for the moment. With the filters I can also prevent it from showing or logging. But that will also suppress real changes. Could you maybe save the timestamp from the last change and then ignore further changes at that timestamp?


I just updated the plugin via updater. But the status changes are still showen when signing in again :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 09 02 2015, 09:01:32
I just updated the plugin via updater. But the status changes are still showen when signing in again :(

Every time? It doesn't poppup on start for me anymore. Only when theme change occurred while i was online. And i set notifications to show popup for theme changes.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 09 02 2015, 11:16:03
Every time? It doesn't poppup on start for me anymore. Only when theme change occurred while i was online. And i set notifications to show popup for theme changes.

Hmm, it is getting really strange now.
In group settings i have al checkboxes for topic changes checked.
there are no popups/trayinfos/logs about the old changes. But when i go offline and back online again, new lines are added to the chat window for the old changes.

Then the topic is changed again i get popups and tray notifications, but nothing is written to the logs.
Now going offline and on is even adding the line for the last change twice. and the first time another line for the change befor.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 09 02 2015, 12:50:42
With some last updetes i've noticed miranda stopped unload/restart correctly - have to unload it manually from process manager. After some experimentng with deleting pluings found out the reason is one of the last whatsapp.dl. Rolled up on older revision with wich process of miranda32.exe can unload
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 09 02 2015, 12:58:41
Dimsok, http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Using_Process_Explorer_as_the_debugging_tool

Cause i can't reproduce it and i need stack.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 09 02 2015, 13:07:45
realized what caused my problem with nick not being visible to other group members when they dont have me as contacts. This happens when i write any message from invisible status. And the bad thing seems to be that an message from invisible mode will reset nickname on server and therefore in every group it will only show my number not the name.

Post Merge: 09 02 2015, 13:14:06
when testing the problem mentsioned above i realized that the text line "The topic is 'test5' (set by Mark)" is appearing when switching to invisible.

and none of these is logged or causing a popup. Just a new line in chat window.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 09 02 2015, 14:59:43
"The topic is 'test5' (set by Mark)" is appearing when switching to invisible.

Confirming - we'll see what can be done about that.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 09 02 2015, 20:59:53
Confirming - we'll see what can be done about that.

Done (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12074).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 10 02 2015, 08:04:08
Done (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12074).
confirm. Works great now.

only things that would be cool to correct:
- does delete/not send nickname when in invisible mode => users from Groupchat without me as contact receive only number when i am invisible
- topic changes are not logged to file (is this a whatsapp or group chat problem?)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: NazZaR on 10 02 2015, 11:14:03
Tried wilth nightly builds, still get an "refistration unsuccessfull" error
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 10 02 2015, 12:26:19
I also would like to save history somehow, so I read with interest:

Chat history is stored in text files and must be enabled in a first place:


Feeling stupid, but I don't have this option menu!

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 10 02 2015, 12:33:04
Feeling stupid, but I don't have this option menu!
looks like an option from tabsrmm.
Try this chat window plugin. Which one do you use?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 10 02 2015, 12:42:02
looks like an option from tabsrmm.
Try this chat window plugin. Which one do you use?
I use scriver (everything updated to latest version)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 10 02 2015, 12:48:10
I use scriver (everything updated to latest version)

Well, then your settings are here:

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 10 02 2015, 13:11:45
I did feel stupid indeed...  ;D
Thanks for the help!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: blubbfish on 10 02 2015, 14:55:00
Maybe i have trouble with my Miranda or its a Bug.

When i send a Message to a Whatsapp Group it won't show my own message in the Tabsrmm Groupchat Window, but send it out into the world.
Before Groupchat was used it works.

Greedings Blubb
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 10 02 2015, 15:49:49
Maybe i have trouble with my Miranda or its a Bug.

When i send a Message to a Whatsapp Group it won't show my own message in the Tabsrmm Groupchat Window, but send it out into the world.
Before Groupchat was used it works.
the problem persists with the old simple contacts erroneously set as chats
you need to kill them, otherwise your message will be written to their history, not to the chat's one
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: blubbfish on 10 02 2015, 17:05:40
Killing them and a restart solved the problem :) Maybe put that to the wiki?

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 10 02 2015, 20:39:58
Just downloaded process explorer to make stack which could help to find out issue which makes whatsapp freezes miranda. updated to the last version and surpize. it's unload now correctly, Thanks for fixing
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Wishmaster on 10 02 2015, 20:55:09
Killing them and a restart solved the problem :) Maybe put that to the wiki?
Maybe those contacts could be automatically deleted if you upgrade from older version?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 10 02 2015, 21:23:28
Wishmaster, users will eat us alive for their lost history.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 10 02 2015, 21:23:42
Maybe those contacts could be automatically deleted if you upgrade from older version?
then all people will lose their histories...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 10 02 2015, 22:45:55
One of my contacts has "offline" instead "last seen..." and now doesn't have avatar. What does it mean?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: riki on 11 02 2015, 01:16:20
Maybe those contacts could be automatically deleted if you upgrade from older version?

Or maybe upgrading from older version could duplicate those contacts, slightly changing their ID so they remain in the database and the histories aren't lost. Before doing that it could ask permission from the user.
Or maybe the upgrade procedure would be too cumbersome?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 11 02 2015, 07:04:44
Or maybe upgrading from older version could duplicate those contacts, slightly changing their ID so they remain in the database and the histories aren't lost.

That would be great - question is if ghazan can implement it...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 11 02 2015, 21:35:52
Or maybe upgrading from older version could duplicate those contacts, slightly changing their ID so they remain in the database and the histories aren't lost. Before doing that it could ask permission from the user.
Or maybe the upgrade procedure would be too cumbersome?

Done (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12090). It wasn't supposed to have the same ID in a first place, just turned out this way.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 12 02 2015, 09:21:13
I am again getting popups for old tpoic changes at every first signin after a restart of miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 12 02 2015, 09:46:40
I am again getting popups for old tpoic changes at every first signin after a restart of miranda.

I see only those i've missed. The ones that happened when i was online don't induce popup on next restart and i don't see them in chat log.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 12 02 2015, 10:14:36
I see only those i've missed. The ones that happened when i was online don't induce popup on next restart and i don't see them in chat log.
For me it is the following:
at every start miranda is showing popups with topic update for all groups i am in.
the very first message after every miranda start in all my groups is a topicupdate which is not logges in a file.

also deleted a group but still the same. how can i help you getting that error ;)

EDIT: after deleting the group and it was autoreadded at next start, my nickname was changed to the topic of the group :S
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 12 02 2015, 14:04:49
MPK, ghazan says that old contacts that used to be groupchats - is the cause of this.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 12 02 2015, 14:06:31
I am again getting popups for old tpoic changes at every first signin after a restart of miranda.
then after converting old chats some of them got broken.
are you sure that the chat with these topic changes has no history in clist contact's menu?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 12 02 2015, 14:11:06
MPK, ghazan says that old contacts that used to be groupchats - is the cause of this.
Have to disagree :( It is also the case with groups i created today.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 12 02 2015, 14:24:14
then after converting old chats some of them got broken.
are you sure that the chat with these topic changes has no history in clist contact's menu?
Yes. For testing i now deleted all Whatsapp Contacts via the DB Editor. Of course groups reappear and at every restart i get the popups.

After deletion of all contacts i also had the effect again that my nickname was changed to one of the groups.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 12 02 2015, 16:41:43
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 12 02 2015, 20:41:00
WhatsApp has been updated in stable builds.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 14 02 2015, 15:31:45
Today one WhatsApp group has been renamed to '(Unknown contact)' (simple quotes are visible too) for no apparent reason. Also, all new unread messages come with the same time and it’s wrong. This could be a WA server problem, but I report just in case...

It’s not the first time that I see that (Unknown contact) flashing when loging in, but it disappears almost instantly.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 14 02 2015, 16:48:40
Today one WhatsApp group has been renamed to '(Unknown contact)'

Check your nickname in plugin's settings, most likely you'll find the name of this group. Enter your nickname, apply and restart.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 14 02 2015, 23:31:35
My nickname is fine under plugin’s settings, but now I’ve discovered this new option Default Group. What does it mean?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 14 02 2015, 23:40:25
new option Default Group. What does it mean?

That newly added contacts will go to that group instead of being out of groups.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 15 02 2015, 15:36:48
Interesting and useful. However, the term is ambiguous, since WhatsApp chats are called Groups (Group Chat), the same as Miranda contact Groups. I would rename it to "Default contact group".

By the way, something is creating a new contact group named "Chat rooms" in root group category. Everytime I delete it, it recreates upon restart.


Still new unread messages show up with the same time (the time I open the window for 1st time).

And something new: the status bar shows the name of another chat group!
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 15 02 2015, 18:16:36
when i click on a popup to open a group chat that just got a message, it opens the topic in contact layout and not group chat. Therefore there is no access to history and messages are not seen. Is that a whatsapp problem or tabsrmm?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 15 02 2015, 23:55:02
since WhatsApp chats are called Groups (Group Chat), the same as Miranda contact Groups. I would rename it to "Default contact group".

By the way, something is creating a new contact group named "Chat rooms" in root group category. Everytime I delete it, it recreates upon restart.

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: NazZaR on 16 02 2015, 04:11:56
Still getting an "registration unsuccessfull" error.... This continues for weeks now.
All builds is nightly. And, i try only one registration attempt per day. What is wrong?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 16 02 2015, 11:59:17
OK, I didn’t know about that "Add new rooms to group...". Sorry if I’m reporting issues that are not WhatsApp plugin related. :-[

Messages sent by others while I’m offline lose their original timestamp and they’re shown with time/date I log in to WhatsApp. This affects Chat Groups and individual contacts.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: KBeng on 16 02 2015, 13:02:29
Everytime I restart Miranda, my previously set & applied Nickname gets reset to the name of a (random?) existing WA group (latest
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 16 02 2015, 13:40:15
Everytime I restart Miranda, my previously set & applied Nickname gets reset to the name of a (random?) existing WA group (latest
are you sure that you've got no doubles with the same ID? that could be controlled using dbeditor plugin
all duplicate contacts should be deleted
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: KBeng on 16 02 2015, 14:41:09
I deleted all groups completely via dbeditor, checked all remaining single contacts for unique ids and set the nickname. Restart.

All groups appeared again as expected, but without a topic set. Nickname stays. Restart again.

Nickname gets set with random group name, topics are all set correctly.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 16 02 2015, 15:08:31
It happens to me too. I think it happens only when I log in to WhatsApp AND there’re unread messages from chat groups.

Confirmed again today: start Miranda, new unread messages from one (out of three) Whatsapp groups. The group with new messages gets renamed to '(Unknown contact)' and my nick is changed to the name of that group, but it’s still the right nick when I send messages. All new messages get the same timestamp.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 17 02 2015, 12:57:48
I can also confirm this weird issue.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 19 02 2015, 14:11:02
It happens to me too. I think it happens only when I log in to WhatsApp AND there’re unread messages from chat groups.

Confirmed again today: start Miranda, new unread messages from one (out of three) Whatsapp groups. The group with new messages gets renamed to '(Unknown contact)' and my nick is changed to the name of that group, but it’s still the right nick when I send messages. All new messages get the same timestamp.

Fixed, please check now the attached files and also it will be in tomorrow's update of nightly build.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 20 02 2015, 10:25:26
With automatic update to '(Unknown contact)' flashes while loging in on all chat groups names, and then it becomes the right name. All unread messages received twice, not interleaved copies of each message but all the conversation block duplicated. Original message timestamp lost.

Now I’ll try with attached version.

Timestamps lost too, but no duplicated messages. Some groups now show "No topic set", but group name is correct.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 20 02 2015, 10:48:37
the original timestamp is ignored, because in the case of wrongly set clocks you'll get so called 'time machine', with the total chaos in the message log
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 20 02 2015, 11:10:58
the original timestamp is ignored, because in the case of wrongly set clocks you'll get so called 'time machine', with the total chaos in the message log

 :( Sometimes it’s difficult to understand a conversation if you don’t know when it took place, or if there’s a lapse of time between two consecutive blocks of messages. Why this doesn’t happen with messages from individual contacts?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 20 02 2015, 15:00:03
the original timestamp is ignored, because in the case of wrongly set clocks you'll get so called 'time machine', with the total chaos in the message log

Fixed (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12219), will be available in tomorrow's nightly build.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 21 02 2015, 15:36:27
when i get a message in a group and click on the popup, it opens a contact window (not group chat). And any message send there is lost.

Can anyone confirm that? Is it a whatsapp problem?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 21 02 2015, 17:50:00
MPK, can you look at the context menu of the group contact in contact list - does it have a "View history" item?

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mida on 21 02 2015, 19:58:50
what for whatsapp features come on next?
changing own avatar would be nice too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 21 02 2015, 20:10:46
what for whatsapp features come on next?
changing own avatar would be nice too.

Done long time ago - go on and change it.

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 21 02 2015, 21:11:37
the original timestamp is ignored, because in the case of wrongly set clocks you'll get so called 'time machine', with the total chaos in the message log

Doesn't WhatsApp server return server time for sent messages somehow? It would solve this time problem like I have it in Facebook protocol.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 21 02 2015, 21:21:41
Doesn't WhatsApp server return server time for sent messages somehow? It would solve this time problem like I have it in Facebook protocol.
no, it simply transfers a time from one client to another, thus creating problems with 'time machine' when the GMT time on two clients is different
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 21 02 2015, 22:16:20
MPK, can you look at the context menu of the group contact in contact list - does it have a "View history" item?

after clicking on the popup and trying to send something in contact window yes. But all other messages are stored in group chat history (logfile).

btw, i am using tabsrmm and popup+
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 22 02 2015, 00:31:20
MPK, can you look at the context menu of the group contact in contact list - does it have a "View history" item?

I’ve checked this too. Out of three chat groups, two have View history. In both cases, history consists of a single line from 7 February. By that time I converted my previous groups from individual contacts to chat groups, and I deleted all previous history, following your instructions. It seems that those two messages made it to history during that short transition time. I’ve cleared both. Let’s see if that was causing me issues...
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mida on 22 02 2015, 01:04:03
Done long time ago - go on and change it.

oh sorry, than its my fault. i didnt notice that is implemented
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 22 02 2015, 13:34:05
after clicking on the popup and trying to send something in contact window yes. But all other messages are stored in group chat history (logfile).

btw, i am using tabsrmm and popup+

Problem solved!!!
I used the middle mouse (with popup overwrite) to open the window. When keeping it with default, it works fine :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 22 02 2015, 15:11:26
Hey guys.
I noticed one wierd problem.
Since some days all contacts in miranda whatsapp show offline. They don't go online even while I'm chatting with the user. before such problem didn't exist. Have any of you faced the same trouble?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 23 02 2015, 01:08:55
all contacts in miranda whatsapp show offline
I have no problem about this in latest development version.

Another issue that remains unsolved is that my nick is coloured with the same ink, font, etc. than the other nicks of the chat room.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 23 02 2015, 07:19:40
Another issue that remains unsolved is that my nick is coloured with the same ink, font, etc. than the other nicks of the chat room.

There is also no highlighting  when someone mentions your nickname in group conference.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 23 02 2015, 14:50:19
Are there more users who currently can't sign in?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 23 02 2015, 19:42:05
Leonard, Yep. Can't sign in either.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 23 02 2015, 21:58:44
Sometimes you must wait up to 24 hours to re-register.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 24 02 2015, 08:03:23
I am registered for like 9 months now, I think. From one day to another, it stopped working.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 24 02 2015, 10:27:20
I am registered for like 9 months now, I think. From one day to another, it stopped working.

And your attempts to renew the registration fail?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 24 02 2015, 10:47:43
watcher, As Leonard says, yesterday whatsapp suddenly just stopped working (for me too). I can't log in, and when I have tried to reregister, a message window showed up telling me that an sms will arrive soon, but I don't receive it. Does it work for you or anyone else?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 24 02 2015, 10:48:46
watcher, As Leonard says, yesterday whatsapp suddenly just stopped working (for me too). I can't log in, and when I have tried to reregister, a message window showed up telling me that an sms will arrive soon, but I don't receive it. Does it work for you or anyone else?

Same here. Miranda console reports connection lost. Tried with both ssl enabled and disabled.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 24 02 2015, 10:59:47
Same issue here.

Edit: After re-registration it works again. It seems that all people with this issue needs to re-register.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 24 02 2015, 13:59:38
everything is ok here.
would you please make a network log (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log) of such an error
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Leonard on 24 02 2015, 14:08:04
Added it as an attachment.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mida on 25 02 2015, 16:15:53
yesterday works for me normally but today same problem here too
netlog, but only account name censored:
[17:05:56 039C] [068xxxxxxxxx] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[17:05:56 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] Connecting...
[17:05:56 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:443 (Flags 4)....
[17:05:56 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] (1839A360) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:443....
[17:05:56 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] (1839A360) Connecting to ip ....
[17:05:57 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] (8104) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:443
[17:05:57 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] >> sent stream start
[17:05:57 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] >> sent features
[17:05:57 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] >> send auth, auth blob size 0
[17:05:57 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] >> read stream start
[17:05:57 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] >> <stream:features>
[17:05:57 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] >> <challenge>
[17:05:57 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] >> Send response
[17:05:59 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] Exception: Login failure
[17:05:59 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] (1839A360:8104) Connection closed internal
[17:05:59 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] (1839A360:4294967295) Connection closed
[17:05:59 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] Set status to offline
[17:05:59 0FD0] [068xxxxxxxxx] Break out from loop
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Kajuru on 25 02 2015, 17:44:33
For me its working, both yesterday and today.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 25 02 2015, 22:06:22
Today I tried to register again and this time I have received an sms with registration code. Entered it, but still can't go online. Seems like account ban, but cant's say for sure since I'm out of not-used phone nubers to test ???
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 26 02 2015, 06:20:23
I have just tried to register again, and the registration was successfull. It finally works! :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 26 02 2015, 08:30:54
Could you please remove 500 characters per message limitation? As far as I know, whatsapp doesn't have such limitation.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 26 02 2015, 08:36:04
From one day to another, it stopped working.

I had the same issue. After re-registration it works again. It seems that all people with this issue needs to re-register.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: mida on 26 02 2015, 16:45:08
you have right, i tried re-register too and now i can going online.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 26 02 2015, 17:51:30
Could you please remove 500 characters per message limitation? As far as I know, whatsapp doesn't have such limitation.

Fixed (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12275).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 27 02 2015, 16:04:19
Message Timestamp is also set to NULL on personal messages. I thought it was only on chat messages, but now I realize I was wrong. Could it be fixed like chats, please? I understand the point of sharing local timestamps, but while there isn’t a better solution, I prefer to see original timestamps and assume the risk of receiving a timestamp from another timezone (rather unlikely, as all my contacts are from same country and timezone).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 27 02 2015, 16:31:57
Message Timestamp is also set to NULL on personal messages.
Message timestamp is never set to 0, it doesn't matter for which kind of messages.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 28 02 2015, 11:14:28
Message timestamp is never set to 0, it doesn't matter for which kind of messages.

He mean it's set to "time(0);" - using local time instead of server time.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 28 02 2015, 11:27:07
He mean it's set to "time(0);" - using local time instead of server time.
Yes, I meant this (messages.cpp):

Code: [Select]
recv.timestamp = time(NULL);
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 28 02 2015, 13:07:16
for private messages it's mandatory, otherwise the order breaks down
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: hasselh on 01 03 2015, 16:02:24
Feature request: Storing of WHatsApp group chats in Miranda DB

Don't know of a better place, so I post it here. I really miss that feature from the early times of the Whatsapp plugin.  :o
Workaround of storing as plain file for me is no option, as I need to have the history my group chats stored encrypted and searchable

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 01 03 2015, 17:48:01
today i got a new unknown contact. Seems to be handeled like a group. Strange thins is the id it got.

Did Whatsup change something again? Dont have a netlog, and with the other numbers i had, i could not reproduce it.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 01 03 2015, 17:50:08
Feature request: Storing of WHatsApp group chats in Miranda DB

Don't know of a better place, so I post it here. I really miss that feature from the early times of the Whatsapp plugin.  :o
Workaround of storing as plain file for me is no option, as I need to have the history my group chats stored encrypted and searchable

You will need to convince someone from tabsrmm or similar. It is very good, that whatsapp now uses group chat (invite users, leave groups etc.) but tabsrmm etc only support storing group messages in plain text. So nothing whatsapp plugin can do against that.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 01 03 2015, 19:42:22
Feature request: Storing of WHatsApp group chats in Miranda DB

Not gonna happen, it's against "Miranda way".
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: hasselh on 02 03 2015, 09:17:54
Not gonna happen, it's against "Miranda way"

OK, thanks and I accept the decision. Just trying to understand what in the "Miranda way" prevents this ?
The feature (even if not intended) was available before and I loved it having...

Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 02 03 2015, 09:34:30
Just trying to understand what in the "Miranda way" prevents this ?

1 - group chats are handled by chat modules and not by srmm as private messages.
2 - chat modules can not yet (and maybe never will) store messages in database (cause database will grow in size enormously for IRC or XMPP chats).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Robyer on 02 03 2015, 09:43:25
hasselh, group chats are designed to have history logged into .txt format. Changing it would require changing all chat related plugins.

It was this way because for chats was used mostly IRC/Jabber where are many users (20, 50, 100...) and many events and all that would bloat your profile very easily and quickly - even that .txt file could grow few MB per day depending on how much how active chats you have. And having that much data in a single file together with contacts and settings doesn't sounds good.

However, with WhatsApp, Facebook, VK and similar networks, where are multi user chats with much smaller amount of people, and all messages are really related to you (not like in public irc/jabber chats) it makes sense to save them into profile.

I'd like to see improvements in Miranda regarding this multi user conversations to behave more like private conversations and not like public irc/jabber chats. It will require much work across core and chat plugins. So probably ghazan have to say something about this.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: AnrDaemon on 02 03 2015, 16:46:23
Would it be feasible to store chat logs into a separate DB (one per account, or some other separation)? Then you will get best of both worlds.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 05 03 2015, 12:42:43
I’m noticing that after any user goes online, contact list reports "Last seen on 01/01/1970 01:00:00".
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 05 03 2015, 16:51:11
SSince 1 or 2 days I have a strange problem.
Whenever I start Miranda whatsapp protocol icon is "offline", when I try clicking on it and press "online" it trys to connect, but after few seconds it is offline. No error messages are displayed or whatever.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 05 03 2015, 16:53:44
kxp, present netlog (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log) please.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 06 03 2015, 09:51:00
I’m noticing that after any user goes online, contact list reports "Last seen on 01/01/1970 01:00:00".
Have noticed it too. Seems like a disruption in the space-time continuum ???
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 06 03 2015, 11:02:56
kxp, present netlog (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log) please.
[14:00:45 09FC] [WhatsApp_1] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[14:00:45 0370] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[14:00:45 0370] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:5222 (Flags 4)....
[14:00:45 0370] [WhatsApp_1] (0332C7D8) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:5222....
[14:00:45 0370] [WhatsApp_1] (0332C7D8) Connecting to ip ....
[14:00:46 0370] [WhatsApp_1] (1712) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:5222
[14:00:46 0370] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[14:00:46 0370] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[14:00:46 0370] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 0
[14:00:46 0370] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[14:00:46 0370] [WhatsApp_1] >> <stream:features>
[14:00:46 0370] [WhatsApp_1] >> <challenge>
/P№лЭa†EЙџunлР Х’‚x\</challenge>
[14:00:46 0370] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[14:00:47 0370] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure
[14:00:47 0370] [WhatsApp_1] (0332C7D8:1712) Connection closed internal
[14:00:47 0370] [WhatsApp_1] (0332C7D8:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:00:47 0370] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline
[14:00:47 0370] [WhatsApp_1] Break out from loop

Just to be clear, no changes were made to any whatsapp/Miranda settings, one day it just stopped working.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Monty on 06 03 2015, 11:10:47
I’m noticing that after any user goes online, contact list reports "Last seen on 01/01/1970 01:00:00".
Here too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 06 03 2015, 11:50:35
Just to be clear, no changes were made to any whatsapp/Miranda settings, one day it just stopped working.
have you tried menu->Account-YWhatsapp->request code?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 06 03 2015, 13:40:18
have you tried menu->Account-YWhatsapp->request code?
No I didn't.
I don't have that phone number any more so couldn't request any SMS code to it.
But why that problem accored?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 06 03 2015, 14:25:37
I don't have that phone number any more so couldn't request any SMS code to it.
But why that problem accored?

If this number now belongs to someone else and he/she installed WhatsApp and tried to use it - you automatically unregistered.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Chungalin on 06 03 2015, 14:58:10
I don't have that phone number any more
WhatsApp service is bound to a real phone number. It doesn’t use anything from the phone service, but you need to receive a SMS to that number in order to authenticate. Otherwise you’re toasted.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 06 03 2015, 18:11:08
I’m noticing that after any user goes online, contact list reports "Last seen on 01/01/1970 01:00:00".
Modify message

Fixed (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12351).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 07 03 2015, 13:23:25
The last version in which i've seen the time of the contacts' last online activity was The last?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 03 2015, 13:46:34
Dimsok, open person's user info - it will appear. It just does not do it automatically anymore, because if you have a long list WhatsApp starts to return error 404 for every request if it done massively.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Dimsok on 07 03 2015, 14:14:11
And what if i use uinfoex? I will be back on the last version with wich it did work. It's more important for me then the last fixes and changes wich are invisible for me
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 07 03 2015, 14:21:30
I will be back on the last version with wich it did work. It's more important for me then the last fixes and changes wich are invisible for me

Dimsok, it will be until that version stops working and it will eventually.

And what if i use uinfoex?

Wouldn't make any difference.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 09 03 2015, 09:04:37
No I didn't.
I don't have that phone number any more so couldn't request any SMS code to it.
But why that problem accored?
Just try, for me it worked without an sms after i had whatsapp with miranda on that machine.

@watcher: could you prevent this btw? I dont want anyone on the machine to just receive my password without me phone. Everyone could create new protocoll and login to my account currently. only need my machine once.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 09 03 2015, 09:56:46
Is there a way to view other contact's avatars in original size?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 09 03 2015, 10:00:41
Is there a way to view other contact's avatars in original size?
many of the pics in miranda/profiles/xxx/avatarcache/whatsapp seem realsize to me.

seems like these were all old ones. New downloads realy are small size only.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Thug on 09 03 2015, 11:56:08
many of the pics in miranda/profiles/xxx/avatarcache/whatsapp seem realsize to me.EDIT:seems like these were all old ones. New downloads realy are small size only.
Those old cached avatars a really in high quality. I wonder why the new ones are small  ??? Anyway, some button in the profile or option in the contact menu to open an original photo in a browser for example would quite be useful.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: Cassio on 09 03 2015, 17:51:19
About the last seen time...
If you don't want to send out that many requests... why not delay the queries or do multiple smaller batches? How does the original client handle this?
I find it NOT intuitive at all having to open a user's info all the time in order to see the time. (What about doing that when opening the chat window?)

For some reason some user's time isn't updated although they were online whilst my miranda was open, manually querying the last seen time proofs this.

Also I'd like to see the full size profile pics back too, please! :)

On more thing:
Didn't you implement the "read" notification (2 blue checkmarks in the original app)?
How do I differentiate between sent, received and read? I can't remember having seen those statuses reflected in the status bar.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 10 03 2015, 12:15:05
fixed, will be available in the next build
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 10 03 2015, 12:31:00
Didn't you implement the "read" notification (2 blue checkmarks in the original app)?
How do I differentiate between sent, received and read? I can't remember having seen those statuses reflected in the status bar.

We only get OK from server that it was received by it. This is the confirmation.
Title: Re:WhatsApp
Post by: kxp on 10 03 2015, 15:46:28
If this number now belongs to someone else and he/she installed WhatsApp and tried to use it - you automatically unregistered.
Okay I just moved on and registered a new phone, the one that I currently have. But some days after I noticed that I couldn't log in again. So if now I re-register the number, will I lose any messages that were sent to me when I was offline.
And main question, why that happens and how often will it happen? every time I change IP address or how?
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 10 03 2015, 16:11:30
And main question, why that happens and how often will it happen? every time I change IP address or how?

The moment you will use WhatsApp on the phone - you will have to re-register on Miranda and vice versa.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 10 03 2015, 16:15:18
Just try, for me it worked without an sms after i had whatsapp with miranda on that machine.

@watcher: could you prevent this btw? I dont want anyone on the machine to just receive my password without me phone. Everyone could create new protocoll and login to my account currently. only need my machine once.

It has nothing to do with your machine - once you've register WhatsApp on your Miranda it will continue to work until you run WhatsApp application on your phone.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 10 03 2015, 18:44:24
It has nothing to do with your machine - once you've register WhatsApp on your Miranda it will continue to work until you run WhatsApp application on your phone.
So anyone is able to use my phonenumber in miranda for whatsapp?
It is also working with a new database and when it does not have to do with the machine, anyone would be able to enter my phonenumber and login without sms confirmation.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 10 03 2015, 18:47:21
yes, if you retrieved your code to Miranda previously (i.e. to the device with the same 'device id').
if device id changes, you should enter a pin code from sms
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 10 03 2015, 18:49:39
yes, if you retrieved your code to Miranda previously (i.e. to the device with the same 'device id').
if device id changes, you should enter a pin code from sms
I would prefere, if the device id and a ramdon number from the database would be taken. So that same device is not enough (otherwise database encryption is kind of senseless)
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: ghazan on 10 03 2015, 18:53:16
you might send that idea to WhatsApp.
unfortunately the expected result would be your account banned
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 10 03 2015, 18:57:26
you might send that idea to WhatsApp.
unfortunately the expected result would be your account banned
how can they check my real device id?
Miranda just could send a device id 3 characters longer (or directly a ramdon string just stored in the database).
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: watcher on 10 03 2015, 21:37:34
Miranda just could send a device id 3 characters longer (or directly a ramdon string just stored in the database).

It doesn't work this way. In fact it's very hard to find working device ID.
Title: Re: WhatsApp
Post by: MPK on 11 03 2015, 08:14:33
It doesn't work this way. In fact it's very hard to find working device ID.
now i see the problem. :( Thought it could be just any string.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: kxp on 11 03 2015, 10:29:32
The moment you will use WhatsApp on the phone - you will have to re-register on Miranda and vice versa.
But I never used Whatsapp on phone, only in Miranda. I registered it (pressed "request code" in plugin and entered the numbers sent by SMS to my phone number). But after some days it just stopped working for no reason (the only reason I could really think of was the IP address cause nothing else was changed). Now I'ver re-requested the code (in miranda) and registered again with the same number and Whatsapp is working again (in Miranda). But that's strange.
I use Miranda only on one device (my PC), not on phone, tab or anything else. Also I was using whatsapp in Miranda for over a month or so and there wasn' such an issue..
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 11 03 2015, 16:06:44
2 more things about the avatars:
They are never updated for me when one of my contacts changes theirs... I have to manually open the user profile and click reset there.
Before the big rewrite, the Avatar cache kept older avatars adding a timestamp to them. could this be reintegrated please? :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 11 03 2015, 16:13:40
Before the big rewrite, the Avatar cache kept older avatars adding a timestamp to them. could this be reintegrated please? :)
There is AvatarHistory plugin to store older avatars. :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 11 03 2015, 16:50:40
Wow thanks, didn't know that existed!
There should really be someone updating the wiki and explaining all plugins and protocols with screenshots and their settings... ^^
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 11 03 2015, 17:08:53
There should really be someone updating the wiki and explaining all plugins and protocols with screenshots and their settings... ^^
Well, what about yourself?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: White-Tiger on 11 03 2015, 18:42:55
Cassio, , what Wishmaster is trying to say, is that our users are also able to document things and create a nice Wiki with screenshots and all that. Developers could do that as well, but they should rather focus on improving Miranda and fixing bugs, shouldn't they ;)?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 11 03 2015, 23:04:35
Yes, I know and agree completely!
And I was sure that someone would suggest to start doing that myself! :D
But this is getting off topic! :P

Devs, focus on development! ;)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: falloutboy84 on 16 03 2015, 19:20:58
wow, has been a real long time since I posted last time. Somehow i didnt get any message that there are new posts in here.

Soo, my WA still isn't working, and I never got prompt to update the plugin since december. So what do I have to do, to have it working again?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 16 03 2015, 19:28:13

Soo, my WA still isn't working, and I never got prompt to update the plugin since december. So what do I have to do, to have it working again?

I would suggest installing plug in updater and set  it to check every week.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: falloutboy84 on 16 03 2015, 19:37:36
lol, ok I was assuming I had it set to that.
Do I still have to run Development version for the WA plugin to work, or can I use stable version - which I would prefer.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 16 03 2015, 21:50:43
Do I still have to run Development version for the WA plugin to work, or can I use stable version - which I would prefer.

WhatsApp was updated on stable on 13.02.15.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: falloutboy84 on 16 03 2015, 23:11:18
yeahh, gonna try it tomorrow if it works. But the WA icon is green, after the update. Looks very promising :)
Thank you very much
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 16 03 2015, 23:17:54
Just happened:

Start Miranda, log in Whatsapp, I get unread messages from two (out of four) WhatsApp groups. In both groups I get new messages twice and group member list appears empty. If I close and reopen chat window, member list still empty. Log out and log in Whatsapp, same. Have to close and reopen Miranda to see member list again. No problem from groups that didn’t have unread messages.

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: rastrack on 18 03 2015, 19:54:30
hi there. until ~2months ago wa was working (more or less) fine, but now i can't go online, and when i try to re-register it, it always says "registration failed".
anyone an idea what the problem here is and how to possibly fix it?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 23 03 2015, 06:49:47
Prompt, please, why not open the group chat window? I'm in a group in WhatsApp, the group receives a message, but the tray icon is not flashing. Perhaps I need something to set in the settings group chat? I never used it before.
Miranda NG v0.95.3, WhatsApp plugin v0.1.2.12
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 24 03 2015, 10:22:42
Group chat does not blink - it has an activity icon on tab and in contact list.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 24 03 2015, 17:06:52
I'm in a group in WhatsApp, the group receives a message, but the tray icon is not flashing.
It flashes a green arrow (Windows tray notification area) but it disappears after a few flashes. This behavior is different from individual contacts, where they keep flashing until they receive attention. Then, if chat window is closed, the only indicator of unread activity is a small smiley icon near the chat group (contact list). If chat window is open, a green arrow remains until window receives focus.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 25 03 2015, 13:30:17
One more question about WhatsApp groups. Previously I joined the group. Now I want to remove this group from your contact list. I clicked "exit group". I deleted (removed) this group (contact). But, when a program is loaded, it appears in my contacts list again. How to remove it forever?

Еще один вопрос по группам. Ранее я вступил в группу. Теперь я хочу убрать группу из своего контакт листа. Я нажимал "Покинуть группу", удалял контакт. Но, при загрузке программы, он появляется в списке контактов снова. Как его убрать навсегда?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 03 04 2015, 18:36:44
I sometime receive friend requests from contacts without a phone number. They never send me messages or show as online, yet, i find it strange. I cant simply ignore the friendship request because the dialog only shows the name and you can check if he has a number or not after opening the message dialog.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 09 04 2015, 07:00:24
One more question about WhatsApp groups. Previously I joined the group. Now I want to remove this group from your contact list. I clicked "exit group". I deleted (removed) this group (contact). But, when a program is loaded, it appears in my contacts list again. How to remove it forever?

Did you delete/left the group in invisible mode? If so that might be the problem. From what I was told nothing is realy sure to work in invisible mode except receiving messages (sending for example deletes your nickname on the server)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 09 04 2015, 07:12:51
Did you delete/left the group in invisible mode?

No. I was online mode. Now try again (online mod). Leave group, delete group contact After. close and open Miranda NG program - again appear that group.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 09 04 2015, 07:15:08
Have some things I found that could be improved

No. I was online mode. Now try again (online mod). Leave group, delete group contact After. close and open Miranda NG program - again appear that group.
:( no idea then
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 09 04 2015, 07:58:38
This is how you leave the group:


This must be removed, it's not working;

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 09 04 2015, 08:00:43
This is how you leave the group
Thank You! It's help.
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: x46x on 22 04 2015, 11:48:37
Hi, i can't get an sms with code, I set number in international format, is there any other thing which I must to do?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 22 04 2015, 12:32:54
Hi, i can't get an sms with code, I set number in international format, is there any other thing which I must to do?
in the very first box for number you have to input the country code without 00 or +
the next box ist for the rest of the number without leading 0.
does that work?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: x46x on 22 04 2015, 12:43:51
yes i have it set up, but when I request code a can't get any sms.. And the square for sms code is grey..
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dr_IT on 22 04 2015, 21:12:51
Last year Whatsapp implemented end-to-end encryption on android clients.
Does the Whatapp plugin also use this technology so that all messages send with miranda whatsapp are encrypted?
Or is it not possible to implement this?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 24 04 2015, 11:03:47
If you open a netlog you’ll see that all WhatsApp communication is NOT in plain text, but I don’t know how hardly is encrypted.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: ghazan on 24 04 2015, 13:15:48
Title: Odp: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Novack on 27 04 2015, 02:17:24
Heya Guys, sorry t ask without reading the thread, but I dont have at this precise moment, time to read a 32-pages thread, in case this has be asked previously:

Is there a wiki page or centralized place where to look for help using this plugin?
Im not sure what to do after "Registration Failed" popup that appears when I hit the "request code" button.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 28 04 2015, 18:02:23
My whatsapp just stopped working.
I haven't used it for quite a few months and now whenever i try to log in it drops me offline after some seconds of trying to connect.
I guess my authentication [password/device id?] expired, is there anything i can do about it?
Please help.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 28 04 2015, 18:10:25
Der Jude, I was just about to tell you to update and hit the request code button. But as Novack, said, there seems to be a registration problem. so good mine is working right now^^
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 29 04 2015, 09:16:57
MPK it is impossible to register already registered account as it throws an error while doing so, so yeah.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 01 05 2015, 02:58:31
Just since about an hour ago I can't login or register either :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 01 05 2015, 04:01:33
I too lost connection a few hours ago
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 01 05 2015, 06:20:38
I too lost connection a few hours ago
Here too. Does not log in any more.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 01 05 2015, 06:48:35
The same for me
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 01 05 2015, 09:41:41
Same boat here. I haven’t tried to re-register, but if others have failed I won’t even try. Netlog says: Exception: Login failure
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 01 05 2015, 09:51:46
Same boat here. I haven’t tried to re-register, but if others have failed I won’t even try. Netlog says: Exception: Login failure

Registration dont work for me for a very long time, since the old external tool. I dont even know how it works on the current method.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: BadSeed on 01 05 2015, 10:20:15
I too lost connection a few hours ago
Same here. Lost connection last night, I tried requesting a new code but it failed almost immediately.

Here's my netlog in case one is needed:

[05:48:02 0E40] [Whatsapp] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] Connecting...
[05:48:02 0E40] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 to Whatsapp
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:5222 (Flags 4)....
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:5222....
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88) Connecting to ip ....
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] (1476) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:5222
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] >> sent stream start
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] >> sent features
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] >> send auth, auth blob size 0
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] >> read stream start
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] >> <stream:features>
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] >> <challenge>
[05:48:02 17E8] [Whatsapp] >> Send response
[05:48:03 17E8] [Whatsapp] Exception: Login failure
[05:48:03 17E8] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88:1476) Connection closed internal
[05:48:03 17E8] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88:4294967295) Connection closed
[05:48:03 17E8] [Whatsapp] Set status to offline
[05:48:03 17E8] [Whatsapp] Break out from loop
[05:48:03 0E40] KeepStatus: connection lost! (Whatsapp)
[05:48:03 0E40] KeepStatus: Whatsapp status error (next retry (1) in 3 s)
[05:48:05 0E40] KeepStatus: assigning status 40071 to Whatsapp
[05:48:06 0E40] KeepStatus: Status was set ok
[05:48:06 0E40] KeepStatus: stop checking (success)
[05:48:11 0E40] [Whatsapp] Connection request to v.whatsapp.net:443 (Flags 11)....
[05:48:11 0E40] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88) Connecting to server v.whatsapp.net:443....
[05:48:11 0E40] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88) Connecting to ip ....
[05:48:11 0E40] [Whatsapp] (1476) Connected to v.whatsapp.net:443
[05:48:11 0E40] [Whatsapp] (1476 v.whatsapp.net) Starting SSL negotiation
[05:48:12 0E40] [Whatsapp] (1476 v.whatsapp.net) SSL negotiation successful
[05:48:12 0E40] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88:1476) Data sent
POST /v2/code?cc=58&in=4125532087&to=584125532087&method=sms&mcc=734&mnc=004&token=8f6f2bfa0b4a0198d2b7a4a534a77114&id=%ab%a6%1b%34%16%16%6d%0d%1a%ed%88%45%9e%6c%51%30%4f%bd%ce%4b&lg=es&lc=VE HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: WhatsApp/2.12.60 S40Version/14.26 Device/Nokia302
Accept: text/json
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: v.whatsapp.net
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 0

[05:48:12 0E40] SSL connection gracefully closed
[05:48:12 0E40] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88:1476) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[05:48:12 0E40] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88:1476) Data received
Connection: close
Server: Yaws 1.98
Date: Fri, 01 May 2015 10:18:11 GMT
Content-Length: 41
Content-Type: text/json ; charset=utf-8

[05:48:12 0E40] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88:1476) Data received
[05:48:12 0E40] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88:1476) Connection closed internal
[05:48:12 0E40] [Whatsapp] (0BE49B88:4294967295) Connection closed
[05:48:12 0E40] [Whatsapp] Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"old_version"}
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 01 05 2015, 11:13:44
"old_version". Is there a db entry for version number? If thats the sole reason for the fail and not a proto change, it would make it faster to fix it ourselves and post here the current working number.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 01 05 2015, 12:29:02
My Miranda is in development mode and it updates automatically with latest development versions, so I guess the reason is not an obsolete version of the plugin.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 01 05 2015, 12:30:36
My Miranda is in development mode and it updates automatically with latest development versions
Mine too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 01 05 2015, 12:39:07
same. I meant the user agent sent to the server
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 01 05 2015, 15:37:26
User agent is not stored in db - in fact it's pretty hard to find a new working one. I guess this one is banned already.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 01 05 2015, 20:46:10
Stable version is fixed - check for updates, nightly is on its way.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dirkschee on 01 05 2015, 20:59:38
YEAR! you're an angel! :-* ;)

thank you ever so much! relogin success!!  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 01 05 2015, 21:45:33
Stable version is fixed
Thank you very much for your great work.  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 01 05 2015, 21:47:02
Nightly is ready too - check for updates.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 01 05 2015, 21:49:01
YEAR! you're an angel! :-* ;)

thank you ever so much! relogin success!!  :THUMBS UP:

Thank you very much for your great work.  :THUMBS UP:

Yes ghazan is fast in fixes  ;D You are welcome
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 01 05 2015, 21:50:50
Yes ghazan is fast in fixes
Really amazing!  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 01 05 2015, 22:53:45
Great! I’ll have to wait a few minutes because I’ve used the official app this afternoon and now I receive a "too_recent" failure.

same. I meant the user agent sent to the server
You were right, reported version has changed from 2.12.60 to 2.12.68.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 02 05 2015, 02:32:05
Thank you guys, great work  :DRINK:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dirkschee on 02 05 2015, 21:10:52
hi developer!

sorry, if I get on your nerves, but I've got an additional question respective "online/offline status".

I used the version v. from 12.02.2015 till yesterday. It was the last build, where I could see always all online/offline changes from ALL contacts! (popup history)

After > in most cases I got nothing display?! :/

So I had to go to my contact list -> right click 'user X' -> user details -> update. After this it's possible to see (at least), when the user was last time online. This don't work by all of my friends (only a few of them)! Unfortunately this way is a little bit difficult, too. ;)

Sometime the on-/off status becomes display, too, if the user sent me a message. - When I rebooted or updated my miranda the status-message won't be display again.

I would love to get all status changes in future again (as it used to be). Do you see any chances for me?

What's the reason, why you removed this option/it doesn't still work in version ?

Does exist another possibility, to receive all status messages from all contact without using build ?

Or is there any settings in my miranda wrong? I disbelive it, because it worked once perfect.
(The option "show offline users in here" I don't have, for example!)

Is it posible to take the changes from yesterday and merge this in the old version (for me and other interested persons)? I can't estimate, how costly it would be.... (excuse me, if the question was shameless...!)

I hope, I could show the problem despite my bad English. :( Thank you very much in advance for your answers! :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 04 05 2015, 13:37:52
I am Not totally into it. But whatsapp had problems with users being able to do mass survailance with just the phone number of others. That's why they restricted the number of status requests a user can send. For this reason it probably was removed from Miranda version as it may lead to banns.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: mida on 09 05 2015, 15:39:03
sometimes i get only messages if i change whatsapp status, going offline and online or to invisibile.

v. [4 May 2015 9:12:02]
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Paranoia on 09 05 2015, 20:20:11
I got message when tries to set "Online" status:
"Please enter a password"
What I should do? Which password?

При попытке выйти в "Online", получаю сообщение:
"Введите пароль"
О каком пароле речь? Пробовал вызывать "Код запроса" — он пришел на телефон, я его ввел один раз, но это ничего не изменило, а более ввести не могу (серая форма ввода) и на последующие запросы получаю ошибку: "Неудачная регистрация".

Извиняюсь, если обсуждалось.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 09 05 2015, 20:21:59
Paranoia,  wait for 6-8 hours and try to repeat getting the code procedure.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: NazZaR on 10 05 2015, 04:45:59
Paranoia,  wait for 6-8 hours and try to repeat getting the code procedure.
I am doing this for months already, no result.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Paranoia on 10 05 2015, 11:23:14
Right now I received code (same code) and type it in fields, press OK and set status to "Online" — still got "Please enter a password" error.

Только что получил код (такой же), ввел его в поля, нажал Ок и попробовал подключиться — ничего не изменилось. Очень похоже на то, что код из этой формы никак не читается.
И не знаю на сколько правильно блокировать формы ввода этого кода, было бы удобно иметь возможность вводить этот код в любой момент, а не только тогда, когда SMS была запрошена.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 10 05 2015, 18:46:19
I tried - got the code, entered it, pressed "Register code" and got a working WhatsApp in Miranda. So i think you should provide network log (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/Network_log) which is taken while you try to register.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Paranoia on 10 05 2015, 21:13:52
I tried - got the code, entered it, pressed "Register code" and got a working WhatsApp in Miranda. So i think you should provide network log which is taken while you try to register.
OMG, I don't press "Register code" button after code entering.
It's works!
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: sh on 12 05 2015, 09:06:22
Hello All,

Is it only me that seems to be getting WA messages with a way too long a delay, sometimes several hours after they'd been sent by a user to me? This has been happening roughly since just before the last issue with login failures.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: NazZaR on 12 05 2015, 09:56:06
Yep, same thing for me. Sent messages appear almost instantly, but received can be delayed for hours.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: NazZaR on 12 05 2015, 10:30:52
Here is how it does look.
I send a message from the phone to my miranda, that uses another phone number, and it just hangs for some time with only one check mark, just like the contact isn't online. Then, after some random amount of time, it pops in the chat window.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 12 05 2015, 12:16:42
I’m experiencing weird issues too. Sometimes messages fail to be delivered, useless to retry. Sometimes it goes offline without reason. I need to close Miranda and reopen and then I get previous messages. Rather undeterministic, difficult to help.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 18:17:24
Currently in a group chat i see people numbers instead of nicknames, and on join it did list all users like that
The topic is '*nickhere*' (set by *phonenumber*)
The topic is '*nick2here*' (set by *phonenumber2*)
etc. but still it shows all group users as phone numbers.
How to fix it?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 12 05 2015, 18:23:16
Currently in a group chat i see people numbers instead of nicknames, and on join it did list all users like that
The topic is '*nickhere*' (set by *phonenumber*)
The topic is '*nick2here*' (set by *phonenumber2*)
etc. but still it shows all group users as phone numbers.
How to fix it?

You have to add every phone number to your miranda contact list. To do so, double click on the number in the groupmember list. This will open a chatwindow for this contact and there you will find an option to add to contactlist. Afterwards the chooses username will be displayed in chat.

Sadly currently miranda does not support displaying the nicknames send by a user.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 18:31:18
@MPK it seems i cannot even add people now, whenever i add them to the list they dont appear on the contact list, however if i do open pm chat window, from the group chat window, it will show them under my chosen nickname for contact, acting like they are added.
Still do show as phone number at group chat however.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 18:32:28
Also why is it like that, it used to show group chat nicknames correctly in 2014.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 12 05 2015, 19:08:46
@Der Jude: You probably have offline contacts hidden from your contact list. And as Whatsapp contact are offline (except for groups) they are hidden. I suggest to make a special Whatsapp group in your cList and turn off hiding offline contacts there.
There where huge changes in whatsapp since that time. So its not jet implemented.

@watcher: How about showing whatsapp contact as invisible instead of offline? Then you could show them together with others in a group.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 19:12:26
@MPK no i don't hide offline contacts and i even tried search for nickname, its totally NOT IN THE LIST, and old whatsapp contacts that i added in 2014 are on the list.
Who broke the plugin code and why  :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 12 05 2015, 19:19:36
Der Jude, options, contacts, ignore - check if you can see the contacts there.

Post Merge: 12 05 2015, 19:22:19
My guess would be - they in the "Root group" of contact list and this option got turned on:

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 19:25:55
@watcher no that's not the case, i checked in database editors that the new contacts seem to have Group key with empty value in CList, while old ones don't. I think this is the case, however is it safe to delete that key from database manually?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 12 05 2015, 19:27:27
@watcher: How about showing whatsapp contact as invisible instead of offline? Then you could show them together with others in a group.

There is no way to do that.

Also why is it like that, it used to show group chat nicknames correctly in 2014.

Forget about the old plugin - it stopped working, then most of the code was rewritten by ghazan.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 12 05 2015, 19:29:13
@watcher no that's not the case, i checked in database editors that the new contacts seem to have Group key with empty value in CList, while old ones don't. I think this is the case, however is it safe to delete that key from database manually?

Make a backup of your profile and give it a try.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 19:32:27
@watcher it worked, the contact instantly showed up on the list after deleting the key
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 19:44:10
Also it is not possible anymore to keep a history/message log of the group?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 12 05 2015, 19:51:52
Also it is not possible anymore to keep a history/message log of the group?
It is. Just it is now saved into a logfile. See settings->message session->group chat->log format.

There were thought of getting it back to db, but it will be a long way.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 20:02:17
@MPK but that way it doesn't display the last logged messages from it, and i have to manually open logfile instead of just pressing history button.
I guess there is currently nothing i can do about it, right?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 12 05 2015, 21:09:54
have to manually open logfile instead of just pressing history button

History button should open log file.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 12 05 2015, 21:13:34
There were thought of getting it back to db, but it will be a long way.

No - ghazan doesn't want to do it - chats will be chats.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Der Jude on 12 05 2015, 23:24:30
No - ghazan doesn't want to do it - chats will be chats.

Yeah, being able to see list of participants of group is a certain advantage compared to how it worked in previous whatsapp plugin.

I hope ghazan can work out current issues, add automatic nicks discovery for groups and make the plugin pull new messages from server as soon as there are any. At current time it can lag and stay silent for 10+ minutes and then bomb you with messages, also giving them timestamp by receive date so all of them end having same hh:mm:ss [happens for both the group as well as individual wa contact windows].
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: NazZaR on 13 05 2015, 03:40:23
Is there a way to display emoji smiles in whatsapp?
Haven't seen any emoji smile packs out there...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 13 05 2015, 05:48:20
No - ghazan doesn't want to do it - chats will be chats.
I didn't mean removing chats. But you mentioned it would be an idea to safe group messages to db (not this plugin.

@NazZaR, check the wiki. It will bring you to http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=104
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 13 05 2015, 05:50:04
But you mentioned it would be an idea to safe group messages to db

I did :) But not many agree with me  :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 13 05 2015, 05:51:20
I did :) But not many agree with me  :(
I do :)
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 05 2015, 08:36:54
I did :) But not many agree with me  :(

I do :)
I do too, but only for "multi user conversatoin" (like on FB), not for "chat" (like on IRC or Jabber).
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: White-Tiger on 13 05 2015, 08:48:22
I did :) But not many agree with me  :(

well... I'm fine with saving to file, but what's the problem with reading the last X lines from it to fill the message window history? (open log, seek to end, and read data in 1024 KB chunks backwards until X lines were found)
Or save full log to file, and a short one to DB... but reading from that file should actually be fast enough.

And for IRC servers that send us their history (though that one was always messed up for me... never in the correct order) we might either be able to detect that they send a history and also append it with a spacer in-between, and or people can disable our history feature on a per group basis.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 13 05 2015, 09:01:08
I do too, but only for "multi user conversatoin" (like on FB), not for "chat" (like on IRC or Jabber).

Totally agree with you!
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: kaomot on 15 05 2015, 22:12:05
Now that there is a web version for Whatsapp, are there plans to make it available for Miranda NG? This way we would not have to use two phone numbers, one for the mobile device and another for Miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 16 05 2015, 12:45:08
I’m reading netlog and I’m having a lot of disconnect / reconnect like this:

Code: [Select]
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] Exit from read-loop
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (00CAB330:736) Connection closed internal
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (00CAB330:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:5222 (Flags 4)....
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (00CAB330) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:5222....
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (00CAB330) Connecting to ip ....
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (736) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:5222
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 20
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> <stream:features>

WhatsApp server or plugin problem?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 17 05 2015, 11:47:15
I’m reading netlog and I’m having a lot of disconnect / reconnect like this:

Code: [Select]
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] Exit from read-loop
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (00CAB330:736) Connection closed internal
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (00CAB330:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:5222 (Flags 4)....
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (00CAB330) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:5222....
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (00CAB330) Connecting to ip ....
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] (736) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:5222
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 20
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[12:21:17 0C60] [WhatsApp_1] >> <stream:features>

WhatsApp server or plugin problem?

I'm experiencing the same.

In my case, Miranda fails to reconnect every single time once it has been disconnected, but connects perfectly at startup.

I'm using stable Miranda and plugins.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 17 05 2015, 12:41:54
Today, 30 instances of this error in one hour and half. I’m in development mode and I update every time it’s proposed.

Sometimes I find it offline too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 17 05 2015, 13:09:16
Today, 30 instances of this error in one hour and half. I’m in development mode and I update every time it’s proposed.

Sometimes I find it offline too.

I'm from Spain and you seem to be a spaniard too.

Maybe it has something to do with the disconnections issue...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 21 05 2015, 20:56:29
Since we cant use IEView on chat windows(afaik), is there any possibility that, whenever we receive an image/movie/sound to save it into some folder automatically? Or it belongs to srmm-like modules?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 27 05 2015, 17:51:02
Today I’ve been disconnected and after that I’ve been unable to reconnect. Finally I try to re-register and it fails (Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"blocked"}). I have tried just once. And it doesn’t say for how long I’ll be blocked... :-\

Update: several hours later I’ve turned on my smartphone, official WhatsApp requires verify and then it replies: "Your number xxxxxx is no longer allowed to use our service". Am I toasted?

Update2: it’s this message:


So it seems that is permanent!! From that list of "sins", my only one is to use unofficial client.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 28 05 2015, 14:22:02
This morning I've fired the WA in my phone (with Miranda closed) and it asked to register my phone, which it did successfully.

Then I had to wait a couple of hours and register back the WA in Miranda.

The result is still the same: it connects fine at startup but disconnects randomnly and then is unable to connect again until I restart Miranda.

Log for the startup connection:

[16:06:23 1AC8] [WhatsApp_1] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:443 (Flags 4)....
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] (0641F068) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:443....
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] (0641F068) Connecting to ip ....
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] (972) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:443
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 0
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] >> <stream:features>
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] >>
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] >> Read success
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] XML written:
[16:06:24 38B8] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to online

Log for the failed connection:

[15:57:44 029C] [WhatsApp_1] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:443 (Flags 4)....
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] (08331090) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:443....
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] (08331090) Connecting to ip ....
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] (704) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:443
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 20
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] >> <stream:features>
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] >> <challenge>
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] (08331090:704) Connection closed internal
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] (08331090:4294967295) Connection closed
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline
[15:57:44 2A10] [WhatsApp_1] Break out from loop

There is a "challenge" entry in the failed connection. According to Google, this seems to be a part of the standard authentication procedure, but WA server doesn't seem to like the response from my client. Is that the problem?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 28 05 2015, 14:32:41

After messing up a bit with this, I've found this message from server:

[16:28:43 1AC8] [WhatsApp_1] (087B5A58:912) Data received
{"status":"ok","login":"myphonenr","pw":"mypass","type":"existing","expiration":1446021566,"kind":"free","price":"0,89 \u20ac","cost":"0.89","currency":"EUR","price_expiration":1435582017}
[16:28:43 1AC8] [WhatsApp_1] (087B5A58:912) Connection closed internal
[16:28:43 1AC8] [WhatsApp_1] (087B5A58:4294967295) Connection closed
[16:28:43 1AC8] [WhatsApp_1] Server response: {"status":"ok","login":"myphonenr","pw":"mypass","type":"existing","expiration":1446021566,"kind":"free","price":"0,89 \u20ac","cost":"0.89","currency":"EUR","price_expiration":1435582017}

It is asking for me to pay?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 28 05 2015, 16:15:27
"1446021566" is 28 October 2015 (encoded in Unix time format), so it doesn’t seem that your free time has expired.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 28 05 2015, 16:26:41
"1446021566" is 28 October 2015 (encoded in Unix time format), so it doesn’t seem that your free time has expired.


I fired back the WA in the phone and it asked again to verify the phone because the account was used in  another device.

Looks like Miranda can't trick the server anymore. I've updated to the development version to see if it fixes this. It's a very easy process using Plugin updater, but I have to wait 7 hours to register again.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 28 05 2015, 16:35:02
I was in development mode too, but I was fired by WhatsApp anyway... :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 29 05 2015, 13:28:17
I think I should update this...

After the waiting period I regged Miranda again with WA and now is working OK. It doesn't disconnect randomly and is able to reconnect after being disconnected.

I did nothing special except disabling the KeepStatus plugin. Still using stable.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 30 05 2015, 12:36:58
They have "forgiven" me and now it’s working apparently fine. I’m still wonderin why the hell they banned me. However, netlog keeps showing stream error entries every 5-10 minutes:

Code: [Select]
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] Exit from read-loop
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] (00BE86D0:944) Connection closed internal
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] (00BE86D0:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:5222 (Flags 4)....
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] (00BE86D0) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:5222....
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] (00BE86D0) Connecting to ip ....
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] (944) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:5222
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 20
[14:25:34 0400] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start

The automatic reconnect is successful, so I wouldn’t notice anything if I wouldn’t read netlog, but I think that someone should take care of this. Perhaps is absolutely normal. Can anyone else check netlog and search for <stream:error> occurrences?

On the other hand, this is not going well:

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 06 06 2015, 06:34:32
How can I quit whatsapp chat groups? Every time I delete one it returns after miranda reloads.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 06 06 2015, 07:13:18
How can I quit whatsapp chat groups? Every time I delete one it returns after miranda reloads.

Title: Odp: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: mida on 08 06 2015, 15:59:04
i did nothing on miranda, it was minimized to tray and got a crash
dont know how i can reproduce it but maybe the log file helps to fix

crashlog: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=zSfN3J0s

edit: got now a crash with same problem
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: RiP on 12 06 2015, 11:16:37
How to send message with WhatsApp plugin? It doesn't load my contacts  ???
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 12 06 2015, 15:28:47
You have to add Contacts to Miranda from scratch.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: RiP on 13 06 2015, 17:14:32
Miranda from scratch
Would you explain more?

The plugin also crashes too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: NazZaR on 15 06 2015, 08:22:54
Can't connect since friday.
Whatsapp status error.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: NazZaR on 17 06 2015, 04:34:09
Looks like whatsapp banned my number :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 18 06 2015, 01:09:55
Looks like whatsapp banned my number :(
Welcome to the club. I was "forgiven" a few days later.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 20 06 2015, 09:21:07
I had some problems with whastapp and I decided to reinstall Miranda. I made a backup of my profile and deleted everything, reinstalled latest versions and now I have some different problems:
-Whatsapp Group chats cannot be opened by double click unless there’re new messages.
-Whatsapp Group chats user list is empty (all groups). Title bar says: "name: chat room (0 users)"
Any ideas?
The most surprising thing is that I didn’t need to receive a SMS from Whatsapp in order to register my number. I clicked Request code and it said that password was set automatically! I’m pretty sure I deleted/renamed my profile, so nothing could be retrieved from previous installation. How is it possible that I could authenticate without SMS?

Checking netlog I see this:
Code: [Select]
[12:25:36 06B4] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
<ib from="s.whatsapp.net">
<offline count="29">
[12:25:37 06B4] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
<presence from="34*********@s.whatsapp.net">
[12:25:37 06B4] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
<iq from="g.us" id="iq_1" type="error">
<error code="501" text="feature-not-implemented">
[12:25:37 06B4] [WhatsApp_1] >> WAConnection: error node iq_1: code = 501
It seems to me that those <iq...> tags are used for chat group management.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 22 06 2015, 07:55:48
I do not know why, two or three days ago, can't enter group chat. Previously, the chat always online. Now he's offline. Double-click on the chat no effect. There is a mark that there are new messages. But it doesn't open. Although new messages are written to the log file on disk. Two or three days ago everything worked, everything was open. Have not changed anything since then. Conventional contacts (not group chat) are working normally.
Does anyone have this? What do I do?
WhatsApp.dll (from 01.05.2015). Miranda NG 0.95.4.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: KBeng on 22 06 2015, 09:22:01
I can confirm the group chat issues since three days ago. Maybe they changed the protocol.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 22 06 2015, 09:42:08
How is it possible that I could authenticate without SMS?
You can look somewhere earlier in this chat.
I was explained that it is difficult to get working device ids and therefore all Miranda users have the same one. This means that as long as a number is registered for the miranda plugin it can be used by anyone. The person using it before just will have to request a passwort again. (dont like that idea, but sounded like difficult to solve in an other way)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 22 06 2015, 10:23:53
CleriC: Try to check "Automatically open group chats" (Accounts settings). At least, this way you’ll be able to open those groups with new messages. The problem is when you want to send a message to a group that hasn’t had activity (since starting session). I can’t open any group chat until someone else writes something.

MPK: It doesn’t make sense. You’re saying that anyone can impersonate any whatsapp user!! What I understood from previous discussion was that it was difficult to find a working device ID (is like saying a brand and model version of smartphone). This means that all users using the plugin appear to be using the same brand/model of smartphone, but NOT that we’re all the same user (or passing through an user "hub"). On the other hand, the FACT that I could authenticate without giving any password or receiving any SMS confirms that anyone could be "me", or I could be "anyone". I still don’t get how can this work...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 22 06 2015, 16:50:10
You’re saying that anyone can impersonate any whatsapp user!!

Not every user but every miranda-whatsapp-plugin-user (and maybe of some other third party apps). That is what i understood. But also dont get it why whatsapp server accept that.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 23 06 2015, 16:58:14
i added my phone number.
i added nickname
i got and entered the validation sms code.

now i want to add contacts with miranda.
how can i do it ?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 24 06 2015, 08:08:03
i added my phone number.
i added nickname
i got and entered the validation sms code.

now i want to add contacts with miranda.
how can i do it ?

search whatsapp for contacts number with countrycode but no leading 0/+ and add to list. (e.g. 49 173636366363333333)
It will show a result also when contact does not have whatsapp. so dont get angry if someone does not reply.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 24 06 2015, 11:46:10
works like a charm. :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 24 06 2015, 15:51:12
crash while idleing around:

Code: [Select]
Miranda Crash Report from 24 Jun 2015 17:34:21. Crash Dumper v.

Likely cause of the crash plugin: WhatsApp protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 78ABF97B. Reading from address CC0C73C6.

Stack Trace:
78ABF97B (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): vsprintf_s_l
78ABF59B (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): wcsncat_s
78ABF5FF (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): vsprintf_s_l
78AC1B7E (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): vsprintf_s
1782FE3E (WhatsApp 17820000): (filename not available) (0): Unload
17836BAF (WhatsApp 17820000): (filename not available) (0): Unload
178367D5 (WhatsApp 17820000): (filename not available) (0): Unload
178252EA (WhatsApp 17820000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
121ABE8B (mir_core 121A0000): (filename not available) (0): Thread_Push

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2390T CPU @ 2.70GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 4050 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Datacenter Edition Service Pack 2 (build 3790)
Internet Explorer: 8.0.6001.18702 (build 86001)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : German/German | German/German

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #14351
Build time: 23 Jun 2015 15:33:46
Profile: D:\_apps\miranda\Profiles\icq\icq.dat
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (9):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:26:37] - Miranda image services
  AVS.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:25:35] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:28:46] - Modern contact list
  CrashDumper.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:29:28] - Crash dumper
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:25:44] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:28:10] - Facebook RM
  ICQ.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:26:32] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:27:39] - Keep status
  WhatsApp.dll v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:04] - WhatsApp protocol

Loaded Modules:
D:\_apps\miranda\Miranda32.exe  00400000 - 00409000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:46]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll  7C920000 - 7C9E9000 v.5.2.3790.5583 [17 Mar 2015 8:29:46]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll  7C800000 - 7C917000 v.5.2.3790.5295 [6 Feb 2014 11:26:13]
C:\Programme\Sandboxie\SbieDll.dll  7D220000 - 7D278000 v. [28 May 2015 0:48:14]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll  77E20000 - 77EB2000 v.5.2.3790.4033 [29 Jul 2008 10:21:32]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll  77BD0000 - 77C19000 v.5.2.3790.5563 [5 Mar 2015 22:53:22]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll  77F30000 - 77FDC000 v.5.2.3790.4455 [9 Feb 2009 13:04:13]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll  77C20000 - 77CC1000 v.5.2.3790.5254 [7 Nov 2013 7:38:01]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll  76E40000 - 76E53000 v.5.2.3790.4455 [4 Feb 2009 13:40:35]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll  7C9F0000 - 7D1F9000 v.6.0.3790.5558 [19 Feb 2015 4:04:33]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll  77B70000 - 77BCA000 v.7.0.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll  77EC0000 - 77F12000 v.6.0.3790.5318 [26 Mar 2014 5:45:23]
D:\_apps\miranda\MSVCR100.dll  78AA0000 - 78B5F000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 1:58:52]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.DLL  76180000 - 7619D000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.3790.5190_x-ww_319264BE\comctl32.dll  77340000 - 77443000 v.6.0.3790.5190 [4 Jul 2013 13:21:42]
D:\_apps\miranda\libs\mir_app.mir  12020000 - 120DF000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:26:07]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll  71A10000 - 71A27000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll  71A00000 - 71A08000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\UxTheme.dll  71980000 - 719B6000 v.6.0.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMDLG32.dll  761A0000 - 761EA000 v.6.0.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll  774F0000 - 7762A000 v.5.2.3790.5209 [5 Aug 2013 15:34:52]
D:\_apps\miranda\libs\zlib.mir  12220000 - 12237000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:25:39]
D:\_apps\miranda\libs\mir_core.mir  121A0000 - 121BD000 [23 Jun 2015 15:25:38]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll  77B60000 - 77B68000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll  76990000 - 769BE000 v.5.2.3790.4916 [14 Oct 2011 22:54:05]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll  4B3C0000 - 4B411000 v.5.2.3790.5528 [22 Jan 2015 4:00:19]
D:\_apps\trayit\TrayIt4!.dll  494E0000 - 494E7000 v. [6 Jul 2007 22:07:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll  75D40000 - 75D67000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime  4DC60000 - 4DC8E000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll  14C60000 - 14C71000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:29:28]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dbghelp.dll  6D790000 - 6D838000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll  14E40000 - 14E51000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:25:44]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdcrypt.dll  130E0000 - 130EC000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:47]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdssl.dll  131C0000 - 131C7000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:28]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll  760A0000 - 76137000 v.5.131.3790.5362 [4 Jun 2014 3:26:46]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll  76080000 - 76092000 v.5.2.3790.4584 [4 Sep 2009 23:27:43]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll  719C0000 - 719CA000 v.5.2.3790.0 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Msftedit.dll  68850000 - 688D6000 v. [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\AdvaImg.dll  14540000 - 145D0000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:26:37]
D:\_apps\miranda\MSVCP100.dll  78050000 - 780B9000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 1:58:52]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\Clist_modern.dll  149C0000 - 14A35000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:28:46]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSIMG32.dll  76170000 - 76175000 v.5.2.3790.0 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6002.23386_x-ww_F56D83D5\gdiplus.dll  4DD90000 - 4DF3B000 v.5.2.6002.23386 [5 May 2014 15:23:45]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\AVS.dll  147C0000 - 147D2000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:25:35]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\Facebook.dll  14F20000 - 14F61000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:28:10]
D:\_apps\miranda\libs\libjson.mir  12000000 - 1200C000 [23 Jun 2015 15:25:39]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\ICQ.dll  158C0000 - 15913000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:26:32]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll  77CD0000 - 77D5C000 v.5.2.3790.5464 [18 Oct 2014 3:10:21]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\KeepStatus.dll  15CC0000 - 15CD0000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:27:39]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll  40DF0000 - 40ED7000 v.8.0.6001.23687 [3 Jun 2015 4:04:41]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Normaliz.dll  01790000 - 01799000 v.6.0.5441.0 [7 Jan 2009 18:20:36]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll  441C0000 - 442F5000 v.8.0.6001.23687 [3 Jun 2015 4:04:40]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\iertutil.dll  41490000 - 4167D000 v.8.0.6001.23687 [3 Jun 2015 4:04:40]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL  76BE0000 - 76BFA000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL  76A60000 - 76A6B000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
D:\_apps\miranda\Plugins\WhatsApp.dll  17820000 - 17852000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:04]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stduserinfo.dll  13220000 - 1322C000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:46]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdurl.dll  13200000 - 13209000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:43]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdemail.dll  13100000 - 13106000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:32]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdauth.dll  13000000 - 13007000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:34]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdfile.dll  13120000 - 13130000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:46]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdhelp.dll  13140000 - 13146000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:40]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stduihist.dll  131E0000 - 131E7000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:40]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdidle.dll  13160000 - 13167000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:39]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WTSAPI32.dll  76DF0000 - 76DF8000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSTA.dll  779B0000 - 779C1000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll  71A50000 - 71AA7000 v.5.2.3790.5030 [29 Jun 2012 18:14:54]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdautoaway.dll  13020000 - 13026000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:43]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stduseronline.dll  13240000 - 13246000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:35]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdaway.dll  13040000 - 13049000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:33]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdchat.dll  13060000 - 13083000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:32]
D:\_apps\miranda\Core\stdmsg.dll  13180000 - 13194000 v. [23 Jun 2015 15:33:31]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL  77630000 - 776B3000 v.2001.12.4720.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll  76F00000 - 77093000 v.2001.12.4720.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleacc.dll  61880000 - 618BB000 v.7.0.3790.4909 [26 Sep 2011 12:10:44]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\mswsock.dll  71930000 - 71972000 v.5.2.3790.4318 [20 Jun 2008 20:30:41]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll  76DC0000 - 76DEB000 v.5.2.3790.4840 [3 Mar 2011 9:06:18]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll  76E60000 - 76E67000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll  76E00000 - 76E2F000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netman.dll  776C0000 - 77702000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\netshell.dll  770A0000 - 77265000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rtutils.dll  76D20000 - 76D2C000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\credui.dll  76A70000 - 76A9F000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATL.DLL  76970000 - 76982000 v.3.5.2284.2 [17 Jul 2009 20:47:53]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLUSAPI.dll  74CC0000 - 74CD2000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MPRAPI.dll  76BC0000 - 76BD9000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ACTIVEDS.dll  76CE0000 - 76D15000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\adsldpc.dll  76CB0000 - 76CD8000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SAMLIB.dll  7E020000 - 7E02F000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll  76490000 - 76599000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RASAPI32.dll  76D80000 - 76DBF000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasman.dll  76D30000 - 76D42000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\TAPI32.dll  76D50000 - 76D7F000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WZCSvc.DLL  4A380000 - 4A40F000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WMI.dll  76BB0000 - 76BB5000 v.5.2.3790.0 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DHCPCSVC.DLL  76C00000 - 76C1F000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ESENT.dll  4B180000 - 4B287000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WZCSAPI.DLL  72EC0000 - 72ECE000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll  68000000 - 68035000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll  073E0000 - 0743B000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll  718F0000 - 718F8000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasadhlp.dll  76E70000 - 76E75000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\schannel.dll  76640000 - 76669000 v.5.2.3790.5618 [30 Apr 2015 18:30:26]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll  76810000 - 768D4000 v.5.2.3790.5491 [6 Dec 2014 5:21:03]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dssenh.dll  68100000 - 68127000 v.5.2.3790.3959 [18 Feb 2007 12:00:00]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll  75370000 - 753D5000 v.1.422.3790.5340 [5 May 2014 15:21:59]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msls31.dll  02BE0000 - 02C09000 v.3.10.349.0 [8 Mar 2009 4:22:38]
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 27 06 2015, 19:20:57
I have something to be looked at.

Some messages ago I was complaining about WA disconnecting after a while and not being able to reconnect again unless Miranda is restarted.

It happened today again and I've found the source of the issue.

If a contact that doesn't have messaged you previously is added in WA and you message that contact, it will start to disconnect and being unable to reconnect. This doesn't happen when the contact is the one to send the first message.

The way to fix it is to fire WA on the phone, regging the phone with the SMS and shut down WA in the phone. Then try to connect with Miranda, watch it fail and request the sms with Miranda. Half an hour should pass if you haven't requested a code previously in the same day.

I'm using stable, by the way.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 01 07 2015, 08:49:09
CleriC: Try to check "Automatically open group chats" (Accounts settings). At least, this way you’ll be able to open those groups with new messages. The problem is when you want to send a message to a group that hasn’t had activity (since starting session). I can’t open any group chat until someone else writes something.

"Automatically open group chats" switch on (the checkbox is checked).
The same problem. Can't write to the group. Have to wait until somebody will write. The plugin developers know about this problem?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 01 07 2015, 09:20:14
The plugin developers know about this problem?
That’s supposedly the purpose of this thread. What annoys me is that there isn’t a lot of complains about it, looks like it’s not a general issue. Perhaps not everybody uses group chats? But it’s a basic functionality of WhatsApp. Why the "feature-not-implemented" error in netlog?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: MPK on 01 07 2015, 09:57:24
That’s supposedly the purpose of this thread. What annoys me is that there isn’t a lot of complains about it, looks like it’s not a general issue. Perhaps not everybody uses group chats? But it’s a basic functionality of WhatsApp. Why the "feature-not-implemented" error in netlog?

if it helps :)
I also cant open group chats.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: hasselh on 02 07 2015, 13:57:08
same problem here. It only works with "Automatically open group chats" option enabled in WA Network tab and responding to a window that has popped up this way. But opening chats that have bee idle since last Miranda start doesn't work for me either.--
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 03 07 2015, 09:28:02
It’s a bit silly, because sometimes I have to ask a friend to "say something at the group", and then I’m able to write to that group. ;D
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 03 07 2015, 15:40:32
I also have that issue with group chats not opening. Not only that, but i cant see the member names on list 99% of the time, its just empty.

BTW i noticed another issue(not new): if you add a contact all goes well, but if someone asks for your auth, it will not have a phone number attached, meaning it will never receive your messages(afaik). To make things worse, if a second person asks for your auth, it will overwrite the first(numberless) one. Meaning you basically have a placeholder that gets overwritten at every request you receive.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 16 07 2015, 23:16:21
Maybe its just me, but plugin isnt working since a few minutes ago, with Exception: Login failure
If i request new password, i get error Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"old_version"}
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 17 07 2015, 00:18:50
Maybe its just me, but plugin isnt working since a few minutes ago, with Exception: Login failure
If i request new password, i get error Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"old_version"}

Same issue here. They'll fix it tomorrow hopefully.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 17 07 2015, 01:15:32
Same here.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 17 07 2015, 09:26:35
They'll fix it tomorrow hopefully.
:( I’m not so optimistic. Since WhatsAPI was shutdown last May, it’s not clear (to me) who is catching up with changes made by WhatsApp on their protocol. Now, each developer wanting to interface with WhatsApp has to do his own reverse engineering, and that’s a work that not everybody wants or knows how to do.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 17 07 2015, 16:22:47
his own reverse engineering
why ? 1 can do it, make it public and so all can use it. :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 17 07 2015, 16:59:53
Ah, yes, but that "1" better preserves his/her anonymity or he/she will become next friend of WhatsApp lawyers, like what happened to Venomous (https://github.com/venomous0x/WhatsAPI).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 17 07 2015, 17:40:56
what happened to Venomous.
That's really bad. Thank you for this insights.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: viper on 19 07 2015, 01:28:27
Ouch that doesn't look good.

But what does that mean?
That we probably won't see a working version of this plugin anymore ?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: lsteffen on 19 07 2015, 16:37:56
I think there are still some working APIS (in php or python) like https://github.com/WHAnonymous/Chat-API   or    https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup

So there is maybe no need for reengineering everything?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 19 07 2015, 20:46:32
lsteffen, looks like etoken and version bump are needed, just like the previous time at revision 13348 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset?old=13347&old_path=trunk%2Fprotocols%2FWhatsApp&new=&new_path=trunk%2Fprotocols%2FWhatsApp)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 19 07 2015, 20:58:25
Thug: Thanks, I just comitted updated constants to SVN, please try it as I don't use WhatsApp. :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dirkschee on 20 07 2015, 04:35:41
 :THUMBS UP: :THUMBS UP: Thank you very much!!  :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 20 07 2015, 08:50:30
Works fine, thanks :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: viper on 20 07 2015, 09:03:02
Works again.
Thanks very much !  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: permensugus on 20 07 2015, 10:59:13
I'm having a problem with the new version, it seems like incoming message is not received somehow, miranda icon is showing someone writing and then it just stop, no incoming message. I have tried this with my other account and seems like miranda wouldn't receive the message, eventhough other account get the message just fine. Outgoing message work fine though ;D
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 20 07 2015, 11:15:32
I can't connect. Should i reregister it?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 20 07 2015, 11:21:08
After Miranda starts a message box says "mir_core.mir" is missing.

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 20 07 2015, 11:37:32
After a couple of hours of smooth work it suddenly disconnected and I can't go online on two accounts anymore. When I try to reregister and tap "Request code", a message pops up saying "Your password has been set automatically. You can proceed with login now" - this message is supposed to pop up after successful sms code registration. That's strange. Something is messed up. Any ideas? ;D
Title: Odp: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 20 07 2015, 11:45:16
After Miranda starts a message box says "mir_core.mir" is missing. ???
Yes, you cannot use the development version with a stable core.

Either update everything to development version with PluginUpdater or wait for an update of the stable Whatsapp.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 20 07 2015, 15:38:22
miranda icon is showing someone writing and then it just stop, no incoming message
Same here, but not for all contacts.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 20 07 2015, 20:45:24
Goes online again, looks like it was temprorary ban.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 21 07 2015, 20:35:20
Cant receive messages from contacts, but groups work ok.

BTW can this be implemented?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 22 07 2015, 21:06:34
i updated miranda and whatsapp and after that i had full cpu load on 1 core.
then i disabled whatsapp plugin and reenabled it again and now all looks fine since 10 hrs.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 24 07 2015, 09:50:18
I'd like to contribute a bit to the code adding/improving a thing here and there.
Should I make a pull request on the github repo  for such things (this appears to be rarely updated) or how does it work here? :D
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 24 07 2015, 10:16:24
I'd like to contribute a bit to the code adding/improving a thing here and there.
This is welcome :)

Should I make a pull request on the github repo  for such things (this appears to be rarely updated) or how does it work here? :D
You can checkout the SVN and provide a patch here. It's much easier to merge, sinse the github is read-only.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 24 07 2015, 10:16:54
Cassio, svn patch.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 24 07 2015, 10:38:01
Whatsup in stable branch was also updated to new working build, check for updates.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 24 07 2015, 10:57:56
Alright svn patch it is then! :D
I'm not a C/++ programmer but I'm trying my best here.

The first one was requested by a few users and I myself prefer to use it:
It adds an option to use remote message timestamps instead of local receival timestamps. (default=local=current behavior)
However enabling this option may cause messages to get displayed out of order.

The second forces user avatars to be refreshed when opening a user profile and subscribes to their presence.
This works around the problem of avatars not being refreshed correctly and allows one to see when someone comes online.
Opening the user profil is probably not the best place for call these functions but it's better than nothing. :)

Let me know what you think.

Btw: *.patch files cannot be uploaded here, so i changed them to *.txt.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 24 07 2015, 11:49:22
It looks good, I'll look at it  :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 24 07 2015, 13:44:06
Whatsup in stable branch was also updated to new working build, check for updates.

What about dev build not receiving messages? Will be on next build?

Im using androidx86 inside Virtualbox in the meantime, since a few friends complained i was not answering their messages, but keeping miranda open to catch-up on any update.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 24 07 2015, 17:16:58
Netlog of chat with one of my contacts. She did reply, but nothing on msg window or popup, just the typing notification.

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 24 07 2015, 17:29:02
Looks like you are getting encrypted messages which is not yet implememted here.
Have you been using the android app before this occured happening?

Maybe try to reregister using the plugin and see if that helps.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 24 07 2015, 17:36:37
I tried, just for that test, was using androidx86, but that behaviour is happening ever since the last login fix, when I used miranda exclusively.

Add: downloaded openssl from pluginupdater, but that didnt help either, still getting <enc type="pkmsg" v="1"> , im supposedly getting the msg but miranda doesnt know what to do with it.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 25 07 2015, 14:09:30
Cassio, applied in r14684 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/14684). Thanks :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 07 2015, 20:27:36
The first one was requested by a few users and I myself prefer to use it:It adds an option to use remote message timestamps instead of local receival timestamps. (default=local=current behavior)However enabling this option may cause messages to get displayed out of order.

I have a working solution for this "timestamp hell" problem in Facebook plugin. I'm using server time for received AND sent messages (which is correct behavior, without any options for local/server time) which means they won't be reordered.  :)
I wonder why devs of other protocols (VK, Skype, WhatsApp...) aren't using it this way too... ???  (I can explain solution in a more detail if needed)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Chungalin on 26 07 2015, 10:37:39
As a source of inspiration, it’s possible to peek at WhatsApp Web JS source code:


It’s obfuscated, but one can get some insight after processing it with some JS beautifier. The protocol is all there.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: KtW on 27 07 2015, 23:05:24
Adding OnlineNotify Functions...


It's A Cydia Tweak That Can Show Some Free Public Available Infos About Your Contacts
Even If They Have Disabled Some Functions Like "last online"...

You Know That When A User Goes "Online" Whatsapp Write The Online
Word Under The Name... :)

It Will Be Nice That Miranda In Contact List Can Write This Information Too Under The
Name Of The Contact And A Green Icon Over The Avatar When The Usere Is Online...
GrayedOut When He Have Disabled The "Last Online" Information And No Icon When Is

Also Ability To Don't Have A Second Phone Number To Use It... Like It's Possible For
Every Platform Using The web.whatsapp.com Escluding The IOS One...

Later And Keep Up Great Work!  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 30 07 2015, 06:46:15
Weird stuff on my side.

I can send messages (which my partner can read), but I can't receive any.

I get the message "user is typing..." in the status bar (scriver) and in the log I guess I can see that the message arrives to Miranda:

[8:36:17 30C4] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
<message from="phonenumber@s.whatsapp.net" id="id" notify="name" offline="0" t=
"1438238035" type="text">
<enc type="pkmsg" v="1">
3Ç!â-_w<t8û­|ú¼ßúmore garbled stuff›ÙDŸ˜ÄØ„*(\.‘Þ¨¼v¬¼iЂAŠÄËr"B3
!X¤’qmS ¹ÉÄ

The same message arrives several times with an increasing number in the final part of the id (-15, -16, -17...), but nothing is displayed in my chat window except my own messages. My partner says she gets a gray double tick on the messages she sends to me, but not the blue double tick that confirms that I've received the message.

I've re-regged, but that didn't work.

BTW, is there a way to force re-registration on Miranda? I normally use the phone to deregister Miranda, but do that a couple of times and WA refuses to send the sms for a lot of hours.

Using stable, BTW.

EDIT: Tested with development version. Same thing.
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 30 07 2015, 12:51:55
@Kajuru & Ducados

Could you please test what happens using the attached plugin build?
I don't have contacts sending me encrypted messages and thus cannot really test that.
It should show that an ciphered messages was received in the message window + the other contact should get no received checkmarks for their message.

(use at your own risk and revert back to the development version after testing)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 30 07 2015, 15:56:13
I'm getting the message and seeing "[Ciphered message received]" instead of the actual message.

The contact gets single gray tick (not double) instead of blue double tick.

The console shows the same stuff I pasted this morning.

BTW, this started to happen after I updated WA client on the phone (Nokia C5-00). I fired the WA in the phone in order to force re-registration in Miranda and was forced to update to a new version.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 30 07 2015, 17:20:56
Same behaviour as before. Also no visual indication of encrypted message(using tabsrmm).
Registered and logged without ssl enabled, port 5222, if it makes any difference.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 30 07 2015, 18:45:40
Quote from: Kajuru link=topic=56.msg13561#msg13561and default date=1438276856
Same behaviour as before. Also no visual indication of encrypted message(using tabsrmm).
Registered and logged without ssl enabled, port 5222, if it makes any difference.

I use Scriver and I get everything as usual (time and name of the contact) but "[Ciphered message received]" instead of the actual text. I'm on SSL and default port, if it matters.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 30 07 2015, 19:32:44
Alright thanks, that ciphered text is supposed to show up.

2 more builds to try out.
The "retry" one notifies the WA server or other client to resend the message. No idea if that helps but i've seen it implemented recently in the pidgin plugin.
The "ressource" one uses a different account ressource for the connection (S60 instead of S40). This helped a few pidgin users as well.

If all this fails to help in any way (please give me feedback) apparently one must remove his WA account (unregister) completely and then register one's number freshly. The reason is that the WA server may have stored if you logged in with a encryption capable device before and thus defaults to that...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 30 07 2015, 20:05:31
I'm getting the messages perfectly OK with the ressource build. With the retry build I don't even get the encrypted messages (but can see the contact typing notification).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 30 07 2015, 22:38:36
Okay too bad the other thing doesn't work. I guess there'll come the need to implement the lib axolotl in near future when these version work arounds stop working.

This is what I used as account ressource. Maybe someone could change it in the build?
Code: [Select]
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "S60-2.12.21"Edit: Something seems tobe wrong with this -> "unable to parse resource error" -> any ideas?

I don't have a matching user agent string and token for this, so maybe this may cause other issues with getting the password/registration at some point.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 30 07 2015, 22:43:31
Retry build got the notification of encryption that should have arrived in the build you posted earlier. Resource build is WORKING!!!! messages are coming inside <body></body> tags, not the <enc type> anymore.

Youre my hero!

Maybe if theres not much work to do, add the option to chose between s40 and s60 from gui?

On a side note, after about 2 mins, i got a server msg "unable to parse resource", even tho the plugin is still working.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 30 07 2015, 23:04:38
This is what I used as account ressource. Maybe someone could change it in the build?
Code: [Select]
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "S60-2.12.21"
I don't have a matching user agent string and token for this, so maybe this may cause other issues with getting the password/registration at some point.

That's exactly the WA version my phone was upgraded to yesterday. It is indeed a Symbian S60 phone. Can  I help with the user agent string and token?

BTW, it is possible to hex edit such string in the dll and get stable working again?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 31 07 2015, 00:01:24
Im not receiving 100% of the messages, maybe around 90%, when i get the cant parse resource msg probably.

Also, since it could be a conflict coz I changed from a s40 to s60(miranda) without reregistering, i tried to request code: once it crashed, the second time it closed miranda silently. The silent closing bahaviour happens by itself too, about 2 or 3 times.

Going back to official dev builds:
Following the advice to delete my account on the official client in hopes it would forget i had a encryption enabled client... had to wait 5 hours before could re-register in miranda and now im getting <enc type="msg" v="2"> , unlike previously that i was getting v1.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 03 08 2015, 09:43:36
It looks like the message encryption setting is reversible.

Sick of Miranda crashing with the development platform, I reverted back to the stable version, whose WA plugin is dated 8/24, and I'm getting the messages OK. The logs shows that the message is not encrypted:

[11:35:13 F2674] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
<message from="cellnumber@s.whatsapp.net" id="id" notify="d" t="t" ty
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 04 08 2015, 22:25:37
Problem is that youre receiving the unencrypted messages, but not all.
I know for sure that, inside on single session(not closing message dialog), i get encrypted and plain text messages from the same contact. Im talking to person normally, after a couple minutes he asks why im not answering anymore, when i check log theres encrypted messages there.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Eugene Muzychenko on 09 08 2015, 09:56:45
Tried to register on a fresh phone number - got the permanent "registration failed" and "old version" in the log.

Have created a ticket (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/ticket/986).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Tobi on 09 08 2015, 11:04:07
I can't rgister a phone number as well. But I get a slightly different error ("status":"fail","reason":"no_routes"). I use Miranda-NG 0.95.4 # 13028 x64 and the Whatsapp Plugin Version Full log at: http://pastebin.com/yN21bnrb

Any ideas what's wrong here?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 12 08 2015, 12:17:06
Just a minor thing but wouldn't hurt to patch this in:
Currently the features sent to the WA server on login do not correspond to what an official client sends.
This patch fixes that.

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 12 08 2015, 21:43:03
Cassio: Committed, thanks:)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 27 08 2015, 20:40:24
Added some friend to whatsapp but cannot receive any text messages, only direct links to video/audio/photos works. Looked how they are in netlog, looks like some crypted trash. Those text messages seems was in cyrillic:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 27 08 2015, 21:17:40
Thats how it is currently, unless you never registered on Android, youre not getting messages due to lack of axolotl encryption support.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 27 08 2015, 21:53:21
I registered on "android" through GenyMotion emulator at first, and even entered the app (but not messaged).
Then tried, registered in miranda, and got such encrypted messages that are not sent in messanger.

If I register again on android it goes offline in miranda and gives such in netlog:

Code: [Select]
[1:02:16 02E4] [WhatsApp_1] >> <challenge>

[1:02:16 02E4] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[1:02:19 02E4] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure
[1:02:19 02E4] [WhatsApp_1] (011CCB08:2416) Connection closed internal
[1:02:19 02E4] [WhatsApp_1] (011CCB08:4294967295) Connection closed
[1:02:19 02E4] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline

And I can re-register on miranda only after 44 hours 0_0
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 28 08 2015, 05:15:05
Im using Genymotion too since the plugin isnt working for me. Usually the time for re-register is about 20000 seconds, ie under 6 hours.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 28 08 2015, 12:12:16

first: thanks to all who keep this nice plugin alive :-)

Now i want to ask if i understand it right.
In stable its still not possible to get messages from official clients.
I can send messages to others and they told me they have received it with the official client.

So i have to wait until axolotl crypt is implemented in stable plugin?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 28 08 2015, 16:56:14
Or some workaround is found to force receiving unencrypted messages from official client. Miranda gets the messages, you can check your netlog, it just doesnt know how to decrypt and display it on your message module.
Cassio tried compiling with a different Nokia ID, but while it partially works, not all messages are in plain text.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 29 08 2015, 02:57:03
Ah ok.
In pidgin the wa-plugin is still working fine. i will have a look tomorrow in that cfg (phone-id and version).
Maybe its helpful to try compiling it in miranda too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 30 08 2015, 02:13:58
OK this cfg i use on pidgin for wa-plugin (and it works still fine):

Server: c3.whatsapp.net
Port: 443
Resource (ID): Android-2.31.151-443

Maybe its worth a try for compiling it in miranda?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Loki on 30 08 2015, 20:10:47
I've some problems with this plugin - I don't receive messages  from my contacts if there just text. If they send text with attachment or with link - everything is OK. The netlog is attached.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 31 08 2015, 21:45:27
Hey there,

I need some help from you C++ gurus.
I've implemented sending images/audio/video for WA.
The main problem are dependencies as a sha256 hash is required but I've only seen miranda provide sha1 and md5 stuff.
I got it running on my PC by including additional openSSL headers and libraries which I downloaded. However I have no idea how to properly add them to miranda.
Also I'm building with VS2015 and when testing the .dll on my laptop it said a msvcp14.dll (or similar) was missing.

Some code is borrowed from WA purple implementation and should be replaced by internal miranda functions.
I've documented TODOs on everything so please review and improve my code. :)
Especially the transfer handling by miranda needs some work as i have no idea how to make it show progress and completion.

Code is attached. :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: ghazan on 01 09 2015, 17:47:45
I will export sha256 related functions from StdCrypt now. brb

PS: exported. you can use it
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 02 09 2015, 09:06:11
Alright, thanks.

Here is the updated file with the mir_sha256 implementations.
Everything else is still the same.

And there is also a fix for StreamErrors occuring because of ack issues. This caused message receptions to be delayed for minutes or even hours.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: ghazan on 02 09 2015, 18:13:18

Here is the updated file with the mir_sha256 implementations.
Everything else is still the same.
Slighlty adapted (VS2010 doesn't recognize C++'11) and committed. Thanks
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 03 09 2015, 14:12:14
Doesn't connect anymore? Can't log in
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 04 09 2015, 05:09:15
Can someone confirm of it's workability status?
Title: Odp: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 04 09 2015, 09:02:16
Works perfectly fine for me on current dev build.

Why don't you post a netlog?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 04 09 2015, 09:17:41
I just wanted to be be sure that it's only my problem. Maybe i need to pay for it. Registered more then a year ago.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 04 09 2015, 09:30:20
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 04 09 2015, 21:31:06
Have you tried resetting your password?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 05 09 2015, 05:52:12
No. So what should i do? Try to reregister it in miranda or check if i should pay for whatsapp? It should be payed every year, no? And if so, how can i do that? I mean to check if it's necessary to be payed and to pay for it without mobile device which supported whatsapp app. I registered it more then a year ago with youwave emu so...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 08 09 2015, 23:52:35
Hi there,

I have 3 wa-accounts for over 1 or 2 years (2 landlines and one mobile-number) and never paid for it. So in past wa said u have to pay after a year. But it seems thats not nessery anymore? So i think there's another problem cause u cant login?
Try to reregister ur telephone-number over miranda accountsettings or wart (whatsapp registration tool) if u dont use the official wa-client on mobile.

Whats about implementing of axolotl crypt in miranda?
I mean if someone login to official client with a mobile-number that are used in wa-plugin only over miranda before. They dont get messages if they turned back theire number to wa-plugin in miranda.
Maybe its a question of time that wa blocks unencrypted messagetransfer without axolotl (especialy for landline-accounts)?

second @devs:
How i can delete permanently chatgroups opened by other wa-users in miranda?
I mean there is an option i can activate that chatrooms dont popup anymore on start of miranda (and this works fine) but they still come up in my contactlist even i deleted them bevore included the group itselve.

third @devs:
THX for all ur work (pastly and in future). U r great :-)

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 09 09 2015, 05:26:51
I try reregister but it gives me "register failed" Can someone confirm that it doesn't work?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 09 09 2015, 05:41:51
or wart (whatsapp registration tool)
And how can i use it with miranda? Until i will not press "request code" input zone for sms code in wa settings is inactive. Is there a way to input new code via db editor?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 09 09 2015, 10:24:08
Yes use WART or external services such the Chat-Api or https://davidgf.net/whatsapp/pwd.html to reregister if you trust that developer.
Once you have received the SMS code and entered it to obtain the password, you can set it in miranda via the DB editor:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 10 09 2015, 11:08:58
Yesterday I had to use the phone to send some pictures through WA. When I've registered again with Miranda, I wasn't getting any messages. It turned out to be that I was getting encypted messages, just like it happened a month ago or so.

I'm writing this because I've fixed it by temporarily switching to the "ressource build (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=56.msg13564#msg13564)" and logging in to WA with it at least once. I'm now at stable again and getting the messages correctly. Apparently that build can reset the encryption setting with WA servers.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 10 09 2015, 12:11:12
I have 3 wa-accounts for over 1 or 2 years (2 landlines and one mobile-number) and never paid for it. So in past wa said u have to pay after a year. But it seems thats not nessery anymore?
Hm, seems like it should be paid. I have another account and with requesting sms with mirana it successful, but with with main number i have popup window saying that requesting failed
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 10 09 2015, 21:59:31
Thats strange indeed.

U tryed reregistering over an actual WART or https://davidgf.net/whatsapp/pwd.html too?
And if - u got the same result?

Maybe others here have some (same) experience with or without paying?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 11 09 2015, 13:40:03
The tool in link wich you provided doesn't work with any number, WART works normal wiith more late account but with my main it gives sms fail status reason blocked and voice status reason blocked
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 11 09 2015, 19:42:04
Hmmm ok,

i never tried that Link before cause im only used WART or Miranda for registering the two Landlines over one Year before.
The Mobilnumber i registered over 2 Years before on an official Client but didnt used that official Client for all the Time.
Maybe for 2 Months and then i deinstalled WA on Mobilephone and reregistered that Mobile Number on Miranda and used it until now.

It seems that ur Main-Account is realy blocked cause its unpaid :(
Maybe it resets after a Time of "Sleeping" but dont know.
As i said before maybe others here on Forum can post theire Experiences with that.

But anyway u can registering just another Number and make an Account for use in Miranda.
U only have to tell ur Contacts about it ;-)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 13 09 2015, 11:13:56
Another patch, which fixes last seen timestamps/presence due to a change in WA protocol:
There is no longer a last seen request/response as this info is now received within the presence response.

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 13 09 2015, 14:34:14
Thanks, I changed some minor details and comitted it :) r15345 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/15345)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 13 09 2015, 17:03:32
Okay there has been a small bug in my code.
Here is a fix.
It should also now display the following in the contact list:
"Last online TIMESTAMP"; When a user is online currently
"Denied: last online TIMESTAMP"; When the user is offline and has blocked "last seen". The time the user was last online simultaneously is used
"Last seen TIMESTAMP"; When a user is offline but "last seen" info is available.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 13 09 2015, 17:16:09
"Denied: last online TIMESTAMP"; When the user is offline and has blocked "last seen". The time the user was last online simultaneously is used
Why do you show a timestamp there? If it is denied, it will use outdated timestamp from database, and if a user denies it all the time, that timestamp will be old and outdated. I do not see much point in doing it like that.

BTW I noticed that "int lastSeen = getDword(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_LAST_SEEN, 0);" is quite a bad idea, should be DWORD to read a time correctly. Same for things like "atoi(lastSeen.c_str())" which returns an int, not a DWORD.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 13 09 2015, 17:34:32
Can Miranda sends voice call with verification call during registration like WART does?
Title: Odp: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 13 09 2015, 19:07:17
Why do you show a timestamp there? If it is denied, it will use outdated timestamp from database, and if a user denies it all the time, that timestamp will be old and outdated. I do not see much point in doing it like that.
Yes it does read an old timestamp BUT it is updated when a user comes online so if miranda is running, users that go on/off are tracked, even though they blocked it by protocol. It's a workaround but I find it very useful. :)
The "Denied" is an additional info to know that the timestamp may not be totally up to date as the user blocked it.

Will you commit it? The behaviour is definitely better than showing time(NULL) whatever happend as it was before.

BTW I noticed that "int lastSeen = getDword(hContact, WHATSAPP_KEY_LAST_SEEN, 0);" is quite a bad idea, should be DWORD to read a time correctly. Same for things like "atoi(lastSeen.c_str())" which returns an int, not a DWORD.

Yes please fix such things. I have a hard time with these datatypes and C++ not being typesafe... ^^
I'll keep it in mind :)

It is not implemented currently but I'll have a look at this.
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 14 09 2015, 14:38:13
Cassio, Hi. Do you mean we are supposed to see every whatsapp user's online status in our contact list now? Seems like still only those whom I have wrote recently or whose personal info I have checked are tracked ???
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 14 09 2015, 18:58:03
Yes it does read an old timestamp BUT it is updated when a user comes online so if miranda is running, users that go on/off are tracked, even though they blocked it by protocol. It's a workaround but I find it very useful. :) The "Denied" is an additional info to know that the timestamp may not be totally up to date as the user blocked it. Will you commit it? The behaviour is definitely better than showing time(NULL) whatever happend as it was before.
Okay, comitted.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 15 09 2015, 11:50:49
Hm, i try to check how to pay it in emulator, but in bluestacks it says that my phone number is blocked. No paying options. Could it be possible that they block users who often use miranda plug or other not native clients?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 15 09 2015, 12:44:46
In terms of use at least i've found that they can block numbers which use to send messages with unofficial client's So using it is should be dangerous
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 16 09 2015, 13:28:45
When I press ask for code on this button, it sends code in SMS to my mobile.
I enter the code in two fields and press ENTER button.. And nothing - It just exits from account manager window/menu and I have to enter it again and press this "ask for code" again AFTER 30 min (because it have just ONE TRY and blocks text field)...
Could you make this text field enabled ALWAYS, so IF i mistakely press Enter or exit from Account manager I wouldnt have to ask for code again and again, I could just enter code I ALREADY have...
Also if it's possible to change "Enter" button event pressing to "Registration Code" button.. Because now those menu buttons and text field almost useless.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 16 09 2015, 19:49:36
I slightly changed it: After pressing "Request Code", both fields will be enabled forever, after pressing "Register Code" they will be disabled forever.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 16 09 2015, 20:38:28
That's good! Better then was before! Thanks!
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 20 09 2015, 21:18:30
Cassio, Hi. Do you mean we are supposed to see every whatsapp user's online status in our contact list now? Seems like still only those whom I have wrote recently or whose personal info I have checked are tracked ???

No, I'm not sure when exactly those presence respones are sent by the WA server or if/how it would be possible to get them all the time.

Unofficial clients may get banned, that's correct. Switching between clients may increase your chances of this happening. That's why you shouldn't do that.
Use this plugin at your own risk.


I've implemented voice code requests by adding another button to the options/account dialog.
Also some clean up is done and reasons for failed registrations are shown now.
I cannot currently test the registration process but I don't see why anything could have become broken.

Btw: Is there a way to manually add a text message originating from the current user to the history/message window? Like the description sent with a file transfer.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 21 09 2015, 06:04:27
WhatsApp protocol on miranda is not receiving text messages from android / ios apps - they crypted messages.

Also Someone also metioned about "lack of axolotl encryption support" on forum:

Code: [Select]
[20:45:48 0B58] [WhatsApp_1] XML received
<message from="972547562463@s.whatsapp.net" id="wH5bpH1UjR9w1" notify="Vadim Dashevsky" of
fline="3" t="1442770518" type="text">
<enc type="pkmsg" v="1">
3жЪб!Д¤k@б NNхPiт>ФтTҐ3L}Ь\(x¶z!—Ёш бFbeQEc/[JGкJзjЖИ(фМ”Ш—жr"R3
!B°~ШGьпТ яЉ‘у ЈНkЦhхwЯ76fу|ЌВ

Ticked created here


Is there any way to fix it/uncrypt them?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 21 09 2015, 19:32:49
Cassio: I comitted that patch, thanks again :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: ghazan on 21 09 2015, 19:49:12
Btw: Is there a way to manually add a text message originating from the current user to the history/message window? Like the description sent with a file transfer.

typedef struct {
   DWORD dwFlags;          // PRFF_*
   DWORD timestamp;        // unix time
   MAllStrings descr;      // file description
   int fileCount;          // number of files being transferred
   MAllStringArray files;  // array of file names
   LPARAM lParam;          // extra space for the network level protocol module
ProtoChainRecvFile(MCONTACT hContact, PROTORECVFILET *pre);

   // Send chain event
   prf.dwFlags = PRFF_UNICODE;
   prf.timestamp = _time32(NULL);
   prf.descr.w = dat->pwszDescription;
   prf.fileCount = 1;
   prf.files.w = &dat->pwszFilesList;
   prf.lParam = dwIDRequest;
   ProtoChainRecvFile(hContact, &prf);
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Lutheren on 29 09 2015, 20:47:03
first of all, sry for my bad english. I hope you understand me anyways.
I have a problem with my Whatsapp plugin.
I installed Miranda and the Whatsapp Plugin, got the password per sms and went online.
I added new contacts, but they are always offline and they don't recieve the messages i sent (and vice versa)
We spoke over teamspeak, so I know for sure, that they were online.
Can someone help me?
MfG Lutheren
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 03 10 2015, 06:39:03
After a month of appealing and a bunch of mailings to whatsapp support, at last i have recieved that:

Peter (WhatsApp Support)

Oct 2, 18:09


Thanks for your message. Your WhatsApp account was banned because you violated our Terms of Service.

Please review this FAQ article for more examples of actions that result in an account becoming banned.

At this time, your account has been unbanned. Please abide by the following:
- Only communicate with users you know and those who wish to receive messages from you.
- Ask your friends to save your phone number in their address book.
- Use the Broadcast feature if you want to send the same message to multiple contacts at once.

Should we determine that your actions continue to violate our Terms of Service, your account will be banned again. There will be no possibility of an appeal.


WhatsApp Support Team

Interested in translating for us? Please visit our website: http://translate.whatsapp.com

Take a look at our FAQ: http://www.whatsapp.com/faq

Nothing has said about using only native client. I have setted up whatsapp with autoconnecting plugin, and i often reconnect internet, so maybe the reason of banning in it? Should i turn of autoconnecting of whatsapp to low down the risk to be banned again?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 05 10 2015, 15:47:48
Don't miss the new version of whatsapp smilepack (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=104.msg14507#msg14507) :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 07 10 2015, 06:15:50
Cannot reconnect after some disconnection:

Code: [Select]
[9:16:14 0998] [WhatsApp_1] >> <challenge>
Ѓж!а vаЗ.СљќЅ)BЕ/</challenge>

[9:16:14 0998] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[9:16:16 0998] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure
[9:16:16 0998] [WhatsApp_1] (01414340:3316) Connection closed internal
[9:16:16 0998] [WhatsApp_1] (01414340:4294967295) Connection closed
[9:16:16 0998] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline
[9:16:16 0998] [WhatsApp_1] Break out from loop
[9:16:23 0E28] [WhatsApp_1] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[9:16:23 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[9:16:23 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:5222 (Flags 4)....
[9:16:23 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] (01414340) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:5222....
[9:16:23 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] (01414340) Connecting to ip ....
[9:16:23 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] (3180) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:5222
[9:16:23 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[9:16:23 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[9:16:23 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 20
[9:16:24 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[9:16:24 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] >> <stream:features>

[9:16:24 15E4] [WhatsApp_1] >> <challenge>

Restored and connected normally only after full miranda restart.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 11 10 2015, 12:34:54
Got crash on "waconnection.cpp: WAConnection::logData"

waconnection.cpp: WAConnection::logData
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: WhatsApp protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 78ABF97B. Reading from address 1DB990AA.

Stack Trace:
78ABF97B (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): vsprintf_s_l
78ABF59B (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): wcsncat_s
78ABF5FF (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): vsprintf_s_l
78AC1B7E (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): vsprintf_s
177F1455 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\waconnection.cpp (94): WAConnection::logData
177F93F4 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\walogin.cpp (108): WALogin::readFeaturesUntilChallengeOrSuccess
177F8F79 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\walogin.cpp (46): WALogin::login
177E4E6E (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\connection.cpp (76): WhatsAppProto::stayConnectedLoop
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 14 10 2015, 13:47:50
I've been working on an update for file transfers and need some help:

How can resizing an image and get it's bytes be done properly? My workaround is saving to disk and then load again:
Code: [Select]
ResizeBitmap resize = { 0 };
if ((resize.hBmp = Bitmap_Load(ppszFiles[0])) == NULL)
return 0;
resize.size = sizeof(resize);
resize.max_height = resize.max_width = 100;

HBITMAP hbmpPreview = (HBITMAP)CallService(MS_IMG_RESIZE, (LPARAM)&resize, 0);
if (hbmpPreview == NULL)
return 0;

tstring abc = _T("WaImgTemp.jpg"); // temp image path
TCHAR tszTempFile[MAX_PATH];
_tcsncpy_s(tszTempFile, abc.c_str(), _TRUNCATE);

IMGSRVC_INFO saveInfo = { sizeof(saveInfo), 0 };
saveInfo.hbm = hbmpPreview;
saveInfo.tszName = tszTempFile;
saveInfo.dwMask = IMGI_HBITMAP;
saveInfo.fif = FIF_JPEG;
CallService(MS_IMG_SAVE, (WPARAM)&saveInfo, IMGL_TCHAR); // save image

return NULL;

DWORD upperSize, lowerSize = GetFileSize(hFile, &upperSize);
std::vector<unsigned char> *result = new std::vector<unsigned char>(lowerSize);
ReadFile(hFile, (void*)result->data(), lowerSize, &upperSize, NULL);

fmsg->icondata = result;
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 14 10 2015, 14:05:32
Forget it...You mean how to get its size in bytes?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 14 10 2015, 14:23:19
No I need a byte representation of the resized image (=icon) to be put in a std::vector<unsigned char> *
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: ghazan on 14 10 2015, 17:47:48
No I need a byte representation of the resized image (=icon) to be put in a std::vector<unsigned char> *
Look at GetBitmapInfo() win api function
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 18 10 2015, 15:49:05
Got some fresh crash on whatsapp:
+ This crash simply killed my profile database (zero all data).


WASocketConnection::`scalar deleting destructor'
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: WhatsApp protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 7C9109DA. Reading from address 00050011.

Stack Trace:
7C9109DA (ntdll 7C900000): (filename not available) (0): wcsncpy
7C91080B (ntdll 7C900000): (filename not available) (0): wcsncpy
78AB016A (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): free
177ECC45 (WhatsApp 177E0000): (filename not available) (0): WASocketConnection::`scalar deleting destructor'
177E4CA9 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\connection.cpp (46): WhatsAppProto::stayConnectedLoop
1224C554 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 22 10 2015, 20:10:56
Some very rare crashes on relogin have been fixed. :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 27 10 2015, 18:07:04
Today I had to log to WA on the phone and now WA refuses to send me a new registration code. It complains that WA version is too old:

[19:03:26 0EB0] [WhatsApp_1] (07EC93B8:672) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[19:03:26 0EB0] [WhatsApp_1] (07EC93B8:672) Data received
Connection: close
Server: Yaws 2.0
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 18:03:26 GMT
Content-Length: 41
Content-Type: text/json ; charset=utf-8

[19:03:26 0EB0] [WhatsApp_1] (07EC93B8:672) Data received

[19:03:26 0EB0] [WhatsApp_1] (07EC93B8:672) Connection closed internal
[19:03:26 0EB0] [WhatsApp_1] (07EC93B8:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:03:26 0EB0] [WhatsApp_1] Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"old_version"}
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 29 10 2015, 05:57:41
Today cannot connect WhatsApp. Last evening everything worked. Does anyone have this?
Miranda 95.5 alpha #15639.  WhatsApp plugin
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 29 10 2015, 06:45:50
Yeah, can't connect either. I have tried to reregister, and got this:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 29 10 2015, 07:00:06
Same here.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: rastrack on 29 10 2015, 07:41:58
lost connection after newest miranda update
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 29 10 2015, 08:09:12
lost connection after newest miranda update
Not only with udpate. I have very old version still which connected yestarday, but at the last time. Thought that was banned again
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 29 10 2015, 08:20:30
Changing version to 2.13.9 allows login again. :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 29 10 2015, 09:44:28
Same here since some Hours:

[10:43:06 2838] [WhatsApp_1] (948) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:443
[10:43:06 2838] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[10:43:06 2838] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[10:43:06 2838] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 0
[10:43:06 2838] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[10:43:06 2838] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[10:43:06 2838] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 635 Processor [x86 Family 16 Model 5 Stepping 2] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3070 MBytes
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
Internet Explorer: 8.0.6001.18702 (build 86001)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : German/German | German/German
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 11850 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #15639
Build time: 28 Oct 2015 20:34:14
Profile: F:\Programme\Miranda NG\Profiles\SunXP\SunXP.dat
Profile size: 589824 Bytes
Profile creation date: 28 Sep 2015 21:19:34
Language pack: German (DE) [0407]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (12):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [9 Sep 2015 23:42:58] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [28 Oct 2015 20:32:24] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [20 Oct 2015 13:52:06] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [20 Oct 2015 13:51:20] - Db autobackuper
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [28 Oct 2015 20:32:26] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v. [28 Oct 2015 20:32:58] - Facebook RM
¤ ICQ.dll v. [28 Oct 2015 20:32:30] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [20 Sep 2015 0:42:20] - Import contacts and messages
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [20 Oct 2015 13:52:14] - Plugin updater
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [20 Oct 2015 13:53:44] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [28 Oct 2015 20:32:48] - SmileyAdd
¤ WhatsApp.dll v. [28 Oct 2015 20:33:46] - WhatsApp protocol

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [28 Oct 2015 20:33:06] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Proto_AIM.dll [9 Sep 2015 23:42:44]
 Proto_GG.dll [9 Sep 2015 23:42:46]
 Proto_IRC.dll [9 Sep 2015 23:42:46]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [9 Sep 2015 23:42:46]
 Proto_MSN.dll [9 Sep 2015 23:42:46]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [9 Sep 2015 23:42:46]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [9 Sep 2015 23:42:08]
 Proto_Skype.dll [20 Oct 2015 13:53:28]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [28 Oct 2015 20:32:56]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [28 Oct 2015 20:32:30]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [28 Oct 2015 20:32:54]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [28 Oct 2015 20:33:08]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [28 Oct 2015 20:32:56]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [28 Oct 2015 20:33:38]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [28 Oct 2015 20:33:38]
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 29 10 2015, 10:05:06
Same problem now. Cannot login. And repeating.

Code: [Select]
[13:04:42 2010] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[13:04:42 2010] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:5222 (Flags 4)....
[13:04:42 2010] [WhatsApp_1] (0145BDB8) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:5222....
[13:04:42 2010] [WhatsApp_1] (0145BDB8) Connecting to ip ....
[13:04:42 2010] [WhatsApp_1] (408) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:5222
[13:04:42 2010] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[13:04:42 2010] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[13:04:42 2010] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 0
[13:04:43 2010] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[13:04:43 2010] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[13:04:44 2010] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure
[13:04:44 2010] [WhatsApp_1] (0145BDB8:408) Connection closed internal
[13:04:44 2010] [WhatsApp_1] (0145BDB8:4294967295) Connection closed
[13:04:44 2010] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline
[13:04:44 2010] [WhatsApp_1] Break out from loop
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 29 10 2015, 13:30:30
Changing version to 2.13.9 allows login again. :)
what do you mean with version 2.13.9 ?
i dont find any whatsapp plug with that version.

i used the stable version with whatsapp and also cant login anymore.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 29 10 2015, 14:18:49
I mean the user agent version number needs to be changed in the code to this up to date one. ;)
Just wait for the Devs here to push an updated build.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 29 10 2015, 14:19:46
Changing version to 2.13.9 allows login again. :)

I can confirm that this works.

what do you mean with version 2.13.9 ?
i dont find any whatsapp plug with that version.

i used the stable version with whatsapp and also cant login anymore.

It means the version that our WA client identifies to the server with. I did it by hex editing the Whatsapp.dll file (at offset 144259).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 29 10 2015, 14:38:12
I can confirm that this works.

It means the version that our WA client identifies to the server with. I did it by hex editing the Whatsapp.dll file (at offset 144259).
Works, thx for the Hint.

Maybe Devs can implement a expert Setting to Change this without editing the File.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 29 10 2015, 17:29:20
It has been fixed (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/15647) by ghazan
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: sh on 29 10 2015, 17:34:17
It means the version that our WA client identifies to the server with. I did it by hex editing the Whatsapp.dll file (at offset 144259).

Worked here, too.
Just a clarification that the mentioned offset is decimal, hex would be 23383. ASCII text 12.89 (or whatewer) at this offset should be replaced by 13.9, and the remaining byte (if any) set to hex 00. This can be done using HT Editor for example.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 29 10 2015, 18:33:09
Binaries updated in Nightly and Stable builds.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 10 2015, 18:42:40
I think it would be good to allow user choose their own useragent / client version. E.g. by hidden setting (or classic setting).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 29 10 2015, 19:16:16
Allowing to chose S40 or S60 and then a field to type the version number would be cool. Or at least hide it so we can DBEdit the values.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 01 11 2015, 06:10:53
New crash on "stayConnectedLoop"

Added here (same error was with 'scalar destuctor')

Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: WhatsApp protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 177E4E9C. Writing to address 00000AB8.

Stack Trace:
177E4E9C (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\connection.cpp (77): WhatsAppProto::stayConnectedLoop
1224C536 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 06 11 2015, 08:08:59
Got new crash on "whatsapi++\bytearray.cpp (41): ByteArrayOutputStream::write "


ByteArrayOutputStream crashlog
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: WhatsApp protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 177EF16D. Writing to address 00000005.

Stack Trace:
177EF16D (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\bytearray.cpp (41): ByteArrayOutputStream::write
177EED63 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\bintreenodewriter.cpp (171): BinTreeNodeWriter::writeToken
177EEC88 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\bintreenodewriter.cpp (141): BinTreeNodeWriter::writeString
177EEE40 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\bintreenodewriter.cpp (201): BinTreeNodeWriter::writeInternal
177EF075 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\bintreenodewriter.cpp (269): BinTreeNodeWriter::write
177F6DD1 (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\waconnection.cpp (980): WAConnection::sendPing
177E515B (WhatsApp 177E0000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\whatsapp\src\connection.cpp (16707566): WhatsAppProto::sentinelLoop
1224C536 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
78AFC556 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
78AFC600 (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 17 11 2015, 13:55:48
Is it works now? Can't connect
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 17 11 2015, 13:58:42
Now it's ok
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 19 11 2015, 11:01:09
Today again no more login possible.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 19 11 2015, 20:03:07
Today again no more login possible.

Same here.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 20 11 2015, 08:06:42
Quote from: Monty on 19 11 2015, 11:01:09

    Today again no more login possible.

Same here.

After the today's update it works again.
Thanks  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: stefhf on 20 11 2015, 08:59:04
Can someone tell me how to get the WhatsApp plugin working properly again without having the hexedit anything or having to learn to use SVN? People are talking about "todays update" etc...but WHERE can I download such an update?
AT the moment I can't login at all using whatsapp and in the past I had the problem that I could only login once after starting miranda..if a disconnect occured I couldn not login again with whatsapp. Only restarting miranda fixed that...is this a known issue?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 20 11 2015, 09:05:12
People are talking about "todays update" etc...but WHERE can I download such an update?

I'm using the Plugin Updater with "File source" --> "Development version". It automatically updated a new whatsapp.dll version this morning.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: stefhf on 20 11 2015, 09:10:33
Thanks for the quick reply...i already tried that manually but then I got :

History++ MainWindow: Miranda32.exe - System Error
The program can't start because mir_core.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Did you have to update Miranda NG to development version as well? How to migrate from stable  to development?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 20 11 2015, 09:28:17
because mir_core.dll is missing from your computer...

Did you have to update Miranda NG to development version as well? How to migrate from stable  to development?

As far as I remember the newer development versions do not need mir_core.dll any more. Try to upgrade to development version from here: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Download
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 20 11 2015, 13:16:02
How to migrate from stable  to development?

"File source" --> "Development version
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 20 11 2015, 14:25:53
Thanks for the quick reply...i already tried that manually but then I got :

Did you have to update Miranda NG to development version as well?
Sure, you were supposed to update the whole program (the core and all the plugins), not only whatsapp plugin. No need to do it manually, use integrated plugin updater (Options - Services - Plugin Updater).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Ducados on 22 11 2015, 00:52:52
With the last update I'm getting the messages in the groups with a delay of 5-7 hours. Possibly some messages from regular contacts experience delay as well.

Anyone getting the same?

Edit: Seems fixed by registering on the phone and then on Miranda again.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kreator on 23 11 2015, 13:06:38
Hi. Since some day the plugin doesn't connect. Now the server tells me
Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"bad_token"}
in netlog. How to fix?
Using dev version, updated with plugin updater.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 23 11 2015, 14:55:37
What means "denied" on status message of some contacts? Never had that before
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 23 11 2015, 15:46:22
What means "denied" on status message of some contacts? Never had that before
It means that this user has blocked "last seen", and it will show "last online" from database instead.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 27 11 2015, 07:14:47
A few days ago, not receiving pictures (WhatsApp photo or attached from gallery). Before they came (as link). Text messages arrive normally.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: sh on 29 11 2015, 06:58:27
A few days ago, not receiving pictures (WhatsApp photo or attached from gallery). Before they came (as link). Text messages arrive normally.

Same here. Contacts complain images are not coming through to me.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 29 11 2015, 08:52:53
Well, I updated some constants, maybe it helps, let me know :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 29 11 2015, 11:36:15
let me know
Does not work. No image (no links).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kreator on 30 11 2015, 07:14:16
Hi. Since some day the plugin doesn't connect. Now the server tells me
Server response: {"status":"fail","reason":"bad_token"}
in netlog. How to fix?
Using dev version, updated with plugin updater.
Works OK now v Thank you!
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: sh on 30 11 2015, 14:39:40
Well, I updated some constants, maybe it helps, let me know

Seems to work now.
Thank you!
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 03 12 2015, 07:48:32
Still pictures do not come (as links). A vital function of communication.
Still not open group chats. You have to wait there until someone will write. Very uncomfortable.
Are there any optimistic forecasts on this score?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: mida on 12 12 2015, 22:51:42
same problem here, if i send pictures from my handy to Miranda NG i see on my handy only a clock waiting sign.
but movies as links working
im using  different handy numbers and Miranda NG build #15796 with WhatsApp v.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: netomx on 21 12 2015, 20:37:13
I have download it today, and can't login:

Code: [Select]
[14:36:02 1408] [WhatsApp_1] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:5222 (Flags 4)....
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] (02691B88) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:5222....
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] (02691B88) Connecting to ip ....
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] (1036) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:5222
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 0
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[14:36:02 1170] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[14:36:05 1170] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure
[14:36:05 1170] [WhatsApp_1] (02691B88:1036) Connection closed internal
[14:36:05 1170] [WhatsApp_1] (02691B88:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:36:05 1170] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline
[14:36:05 1170] [WhatsApp_1] Break out from loop

It is a password on the DB
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dyrkin on 22 12 2015, 19:06:35
Same problem with groups. Unable to join saved chat until someone posts anything.
However can't see any problem with pictures. They are received as URLs
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3110M CPU @ 2.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 7889 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.0.8112.16421 (build 98112)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Russian/Russian
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 10433 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #15928 x64
Build time: 22 Dec 2015 8:59:28
Profile: E:\miranda-ng\Profiles\kin\kin.dat
Profile size: 786432 Bytes
Profile creation date: 10 Sep 2015 23:49:46
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (13):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [10 Sep 2015 22:24:59] - Miranda image services
¤ AVS.dll v. [20 Nov 2015 0:51:28] - Avatar service
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [15 Dec 2015 8:07:24] - Crash dumper
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [22 Dec 2015 8:57:50] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v. [17 Dec 2015 7:43:08] - Facebook RM
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [2 Dec 2015 19:04:52] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [23 Nov 2015 23:06:44] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [19 Dec 2015 19:04:58] - Jabber protocol
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [22 Dec 2015 8:58:28] - Plugin updater
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [15 Dec 2015 8:07:08] - SmileyAdd
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [1 Dec 2015 8:59:36] - TabSRMM
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [26 Nov 2015 1:16:44] - TopToolBar
¤ WhatsApp.dll v. [1 Dec 2015 9:00:52] - WhatsApp protocol

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [22 Dec 2015 8:58:26] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [15 Dec 2015 8:07:28]
 Proto_AIM.dll [10 Sep 2015 22:24:42]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [17 Dec 2015 7:43:04]
 Proto_GG.dll [10 Sep 2015 22:24:42]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [23 Nov 2015 23:07:10]
 Proto_IRC.dll [10 Sep 2015 22:24:42]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [19 Dec 2015 19:05:16]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [22 Dec 2015 8:58:58]
 Proto_MSN.dll [10 Sep 2015 22:24:42]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [1 Dec 2015 9:00:42]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [10 Sep 2015 22:24:43]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [1 Dec 2015 9:00:10]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [10 Sep 2015 22:24:42]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [23 Nov 2015 23:06:42]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [19 Dec 2015 19:04:52]
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 22 12 2015, 19:32:13
I have download it today, and can't login: 
Try with next version please. Make sure you use the development build.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 24 12 2015, 09:15:29
This morning I added to the group, but it did not appear in the contact list. I don't see it.
The old group is still not opened until there is someone write. Extremely uncomfortable :(
Is it possible to hope for a fix?
ЗЫ Last develop ver. Miranda and WhatsApp plugin.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: TiffanyHome on 26 12 2015, 12:02:12
a download stable version of this plugin...but i cant send activation code....and the field with this code are grey....cant write there to activate.....
look at the picture pls....
thx for your help...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 26 12 2015, 16:58:28
TiffanyHome, try switch to development version (whole Miranda, not only single plugin). Stable is too old right now...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: wst on 26 12 2015, 20:36:03

1) Not working status indication.  :(   All users are offline

2) While receiving time messages is not correct. Time posts = login time etc in Miranda IM
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: edik76 on 30 12 2015, 18:25:05
I can send text messages normally, but I can not receive them.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 30 12 2015, 18:33:10
I can send text messages normally, but I can not receive them.
Here too. From some senders I'm getting messages, but not from new ones.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Cassio on 30 12 2015, 19:00:33
Looks like encryption has been enabled on a larger scale...
I can't receive text or media messages from any of my contacts either.
Is there a quick workaround to force plain-text? I don't have time to test things out myself.

whatsapp-purple,  Chat-Api and yowsup have implemented encryption.
Would be nice to see it here too ;)
(And no, I currently don't have the time OR knowledge to implement it myself :P )
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Corak on 31 12 2015, 10:27:58
Fresh crash:
 WAException on "WASocketConnection::read" + "WAConnection::read" and Finally Crash on "std::basic_string" on exit


protocoltreenode.cpp (50): ProtocolTreeNode::toString
Code: [Select]
Likely cause of the crash plugin: WhatsApp protocol

Exception: Access Violation at address 158F0406. Reading from address CCCCCCE4.

Stack Trace:
158F0406 (WhatsApp 15890000): d:\soft\coding\microsoft_visual_studio_10\vc\include\xstring (1512): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::size
15944BEF (WhatsApp 15890000): d:\soft\coding\microsoft_visual_studio_10\vc\include\string (38): std::operator+<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >
15949F56 (WhatsApp 15890000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\protocoltreenode.cpp (50): ProtocolTreeNode::toString
1595BF6E (WhatsApp 15890000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\whatsapp\src\whatsapi++\waconnection.cpp (187): WAConnection::read
15909325 (WhatsApp 15890000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\protocols\whatsapp\src\connection.cpp (93): WhatsAppProto::stayConnectedLoop
123F9524 (mir_core 123E0000): d:\soft\network\im\miranda\src\trunk\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (159): forkthreadex_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA

at Visual Studio
Code: [Select]
The first stage of processing exceptions "0x158f0406 (WhatsApp? .dll)" In "Miranda32.exe": 0xC0000005: Access violation reading "0xcccccce4".

WhatsApp?.dll!std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::size() Строка 1512 + 0x3 байт C++

WhatsApp?.dll!std::operator+<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >(const char * _Left, const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & _Right) Строка 38 + 0x16 байт C++
WhatsApp?.dll!ProtocolTreeNode::toString() Строка 50 + 0x18 байт C++
WhatsApp?.dll!WAConnection::read() Строка 187 + 0xc байт C++
WhatsApp?.dll!WhatsAppProto::stayConnectedLoop(void * formal) Строка 93 + 0xe байт C++
 mir_core.mir!forkthreadex_r(void * arg) Строка 159 + 0xb байт C++
 kernel32.dll!_BaseThreadStart@8() + 0x37 байт
Title: Odp: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: wst on 31 12 2015, 13:19:18
Messages don't come :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 31 12 2015, 13:37:03
That's terrible! I can't continue working on new emoji pack version without working incoming messages :( Well, I guess it's time to take a rest for a while for everyone... Happy New Year, community! :DRINK: I'm sure we will have that encryption implemented soon too.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 01 01 2016, 08:13:02
I don't get message. Either photo/image and simple text. My message sends normally.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: wst on 01 01 2016, 16:40:39
Please somebody fixed this f*cking bug!  >:(

P.S. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJscrxxl_Bg
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: sh on 03 01 2016, 09:05:12
Seems like the latest update did not fix inbound messages not being received..
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 07 01 2016, 13:42:51
Is there a chance to get the WhatsApp plugin working again?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: lsteffen on 08 01 2016, 08:33:25
My coding skills in C++ are not really good, but maybe it helps that there is a working API with all the latest changes at https://github.com/WHAnonymous/Chat-API written in PHP.

So nobody needs to reverse engineer Whatsapp to find out what they changed.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 12 01 2016, 21:07:54
It seems that the WhatsApp plugin is dead.

I'm very sorry about that. Thanks for your efforts anyway.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 12 01 2016, 23:17:05
Why should it be dead? I hope not.

Correct me if im wrong but i think its the same Problem like some Time before: the missing Implementation of axolotl crypt in miranda?
Just only Users of official Client getting the messages but Plugin-Users dont receiving it.

Maybe the Devs could tell more?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 13 01 2016, 03:18:08
Why should it be dead?
Because it doesn't receive any messages any more.

Correct me if im wrong but i think its the same Problem like some Time before: the missing Implementation of axolotl crypt in miranda?
Could be. I'm not a developer, just a user.

Just only Users of official Client getting the messages but Plugin-Users dont receiving it.
That's what I mean: A plugin who doesn't receive messages at all doesn't make any sense.

Maybe the Devs could tell more?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 15 01 2016, 08:46:12
I hope we get encryption, Im tired of using Genymotion since I started not getting messages months ago.
I want to go back to Miranda full time, I have been using it as my main/only client since Miranda-ICQ times.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Zack_21 on 15 01 2016, 16:57:18

Is it fast ? Because I've heard almost all the emulators are dead slow.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 15 01 2016, 18:52:43

Is it fast ? Because I've heard almost all the emulators are dead slow.
No, its crap, slow and kills the Sound Driver on each start -.-
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: wst on 15 01 2016, 18:55:01
Translate, read and think http://habrahabr.ru/post/272937/

Your favourite messengers is dead  :o   :'(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 16 01 2016, 05:25:56
Correct me if im wrong but i think its the same Problem like some Time before: the missing Implementation of axolotl crypt in miranda?
That's right. A guy posted (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=56.msg15552#msg15552) a link to a working api. Someone said earlier that there are other open-source projects that support that encryption. So, the whole problem is the lack of people with coding skills and interest in whatsapp protocol and miranda project.

I hope we get encryption, Im tired of using Genymotion
Try Nox (http://en.bignox.com/).
This emulator is fine and easy to use.

Your favourite messengers is dead
They will be someday. So what? Nothing lasts forever. I don't care if it will be dead in 10 years or so. There will be something new anyway. Damn, I don't care if the humanity will exist after million years. But whatsapp is one of the most popular messengers in the world right now, and I need it now :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 16 01 2016, 16:01:33
Try Nox (http://en.bignox.com/).
This emulator is fine and easy to use.
Another crap, already the Installer fails with "c:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe" not found, etc...

No Wonder, my Windows is Intalled on Drive D... big Fail to use Hardcoded Strings on Installers...

And looking into the Files, its just another Emulator using VirtualBox
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 17 01 2016, 12:20:46
is pidgin whatsapp still working ?
if yes why not using it in miranda ?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 17 01 2016, 14:23:49
Another crap, already the Installer fails with "c:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe" not found, etc...
Dunno, I had no problems with installing version 2.3 on Windows 7 located on drive E ???
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dyrkin on 18 01 2016, 08:28:56
No, its crap, slow and kills the Sound Driver on each start -.-

Genymotion is the best emulator I've ever tried. BTW having WA running on any emulator you can easily use https://web.whatsapp.com/
The only thing you need to do is install virtual webcam with ability to share desktop in order to pass QR code validation
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: AnrDaemon on 18 01 2016, 13:32:51
Genymotion is the best emulator I've ever tried.
It's crap and barely works by itself. Installing anything in it is a separate quest.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: sh on 18 01 2016, 15:27:31
BTW having WA running on any emulator you can easily use https://web.whatsapp.com/
The only thing you need to do is install virtual webcam with ability to share desktop in order to pass QR code validation

Right, but to be able to use the web version after that, one must run the emulator constantly on any machine in parallel.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 18 01 2016, 19:51:43
is pidgin whatsapp still working ?
if yes why not using it in miranda ?
Yes, I just compiled it yesterday(linux). But had to change the resource to connect.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dyrkin on 18 01 2016, 20:39:46
Right, but to be able to use the web version after that, one must run the emulator constantly on any machine in parallel.
True. But it's not a big deal to start virtual machine. Once it is done one may forget about machine and its performance and enjoy native features in favourite browser
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 19 01 2016, 10:50:03
Yes, I just compiled it yesterday(linux). But had to change the resource to connect.
Windows version works fine too (with recource/version bump). And no need to re-register - the password retrieved from Miranda with base editor matches. So we only lack enthusiasts ;D
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 20 01 2016, 03:45:14
Windows version works fine too (with recource/version bump). And no need to re-register - the password retrieved from Miranda with base editor matches. So we only lack enthusiasts
Do you have compiled working libwhatsapp.dll? If yes, can you upload it somewhere?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 20 01 2016, 07:49:46
Do you have compiled working libwhatsapp.dll? If yes, can you upload it somewhere?
Sure (I set Android-2.13.176-443 in resource field in profile options to make it work).
Ooops, I'm wrong, the axolotl encryption doesn't work there either - I get messages only from Iphone users, like in Miranda. Perhaps it is not the latest version, I didn't compile it, just downloaded it from the author's site. There is an active development in axolotl branch though
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 20 01 2016, 10:28:04
Thanks. will try. And will try qq, line and telegram which not available in NG
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 20 01 2016, 11:27:02
Ok, listen, I've found a way to receive messages without encryption in Miranda again! Looks like the trick is in identifyer again.

Since we still can receive messages from iPhone users, I thought that there is no such encryption in iOS client, so, if the server thinks that we are iPhone users, it will send us unencrypted messages.

There is an option to manually input resource (whatsapp client version) in pidgin. I have tried to input "iOS-2.12.12" (perhaps other values will work, I did't test), asked my friend on android to send me a message and received it unencrypted! After that I exited whatsapp in pidgin and turned it on in Miranda, and received a message from my friend on android unencrypted again.

It means that we can still use whatsapp without axolotl encryption if we set the right resourse. Can anybody confirm it?

I understand that it is just a matter of time when all the official clients will use the encryption, and the resource change won't help soon. But it's better than nothing for now.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 20 01 2016, 12:57:17
What I have to change there?

Tried to change the Client, but it did not worked.

Still can send Messages but not receive.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 21 01 2016, 02:05:12
Windows version works fine too (with recource/version bump). And no need to re-register - the password retrieved from Miranda with base editor matches. So we only lack enthusiasts ;D

Id like to be able to enter that password directly in miranda gui too. Its very portable from one app to other. Currently you need to either re-register or DBEdit it in.

Compiled for me is subjective, I got whatsapp-purple from Arch AUR repository.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 21 01 2016, 07:50:39
Id like to be able to enter that password directly in miranda gui too.
Right. And not only the password. Entering resource/client version would also help us in a situation like this.

What I have to change there?
I have compiled it - see the attachment. All I have done is edited the resource in WhatsApp\src\constants.h
Code: [Select]
// WhatsApp Samsung Galaxy S3
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "iOS-2.12.12"
This value was improvised. Perhaps anything would work ;D But it works for me. Try it.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 21 01 2016, 08:10:00
Right. And not only the password. Entering resource/client version would also help us in a situation like this.
I suggested it before, but never got an answer.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 21 01 2016, 09:10:39
I have compiled it - see the attachment. All I have done is edited the resource in WhatsApp\src\constants.h
Code: [Select]
// WhatsApp Samsung Galaxy S3
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "iOS-2.12.12"
This value was improvised. Perhaps anything would work ;D But it works for me. Try it.
Yay, works, thx for the compiled File  :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 21 01 2016, 09:28:58
But it works for me. Try it.
Works for me too, thanks!  :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 21 01 2016, 16:01:44
I have compiled it - see the attachment. All I have done is edited the resource in WhatsApp\src\constants.h
Code: [Select]
// WhatsApp Samsung Galaxy S3
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "iOS-2.12.12"
This value was improvised. Perhaps anything would work ;D But it works for me. Try it.
The fix was comitted, thanks. :) Will be available in the next update.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 21 01 2016, 16:05:01
There looks to be another Problem, sometimes I get a Message from "Server" it says "17:01:48 Server: unable to parse resource"

And this is not a User called Server, I can't send a Message back
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 21 01 2016, 16:34:18
There looks to be another Problem, sometimes I get a Message from "Server" it says "17:01:48 Server: unable to parse resource"

That happened in the old alternative builds by Cassio too(resource S60).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 21 01 2016, 18:22:54
sometimes I get a Message from "Server" it says "17:01:48 Server: unable to parse resource"
I got this message once today.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 21 01 2016, 21:34:08
There looks to be another Problem, sometimes I get a Message from "Server" it says "17:01:48 Server: unable to parse resource"And this is not a User called Server, I can't send a Message back
I did't receive this message. But no wonder my resource is incorrect. Just as I thought, any incorrect resource works without axolotl ;D But we should find out a list of correct resources and choose a working one. It should be some phone with the slowest development of official client, which possibly won't support the encryption in the nearest future... Or simply add on option to configure it manually for our own risk :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 22 01 2016, 12:03:52
Hehe, nice hint.

Changed it via hex edit in stable 32 and 64bit too.
And both are working again. Thank you.

But again its a Question of Time how long hm?
Maybe its enough time some devs can implement axolotl in miranda too.

For those who cant wait till stable (new compiled) is up i attached both to try.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 23 01 2016, 15:04:10
Is this useful at all?(assuming the plugin is written in C)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: wst on 24 01 2016, 08:15:15
At the moment the plug-in of WhatsApp http://www.miranda-ng.org/distr/x64/Plugins/whatsapp.zip works? (2016-01-24)

It works, accepts messages or still not ?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: viper on 24 01 2016, 23:18:47
At the moment the plug-in of WhatsApp http://www.miranda-ng.org/distr/x64/Plugins/whatsapp.zip works? (2016-01-24)

It works, accepts messages or still not ?

For the moment it works when you update to the latest version (just via update in Miranda-NG, no need to manually download and replace it).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: viper on 26 01 2016, 03:59:49
For the moment it works when you update to the latest version (just via update in Miranda-NG, no need to manually download and replace it).

Oh.. Scratch that.. It won't even connect anymore now.
Btw how/where do I get to see the log files? It would be more helpful if I could report why it doesn't connect anymore.  :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 26 01 2016, 05:19:53
The official client had/has problems connecting too, as of Jan 25th.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 26 01 2016, 06:58:12
Group chats open in a new plugin version?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 26 01 2016, 09:03:12
Oh.. Scratch that.. It won't even connect anymore now.
Ок, try this (attachment/x86).
Code: [Select]
// WhatsApp Samsung Galaxy S3
#define ACCOUNT_RESOURCE  "iPhone"
Looks like the server now blocks any invalid resource, so this gave me an opportunity to test various resources. I have figured out that the connection works with "S40", "Android" and "iPhone". Since the first two receive encrypted messages for sure, I suggest to try an "iPhone" now. If my theory was right, you will receive not-encrypted messages from all contacts. If not - you will receive unencrypted messages from those with who you used to chat recently, but you won't receive messages from new contacts, or won't receive them at all. Need to test.
And "iOS-2.12.12" was totally incorrect resource. We are lucky it used to work at all and we are still not banned ;D
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 26 01 2016, 09:14:24
Nice, Thx.
Changed it with an Hex Editor to "iPhone", really works , but adding the compiled File would be more nice in Future  :DRINK:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 26 01 2016, 10:01:43
Are you sure? It goes online, but I receive ciphered messages again :-\ Well, I'm out of ideas for now  :-[
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 26 01 2016, 10:05:58
Right, it goes Online, but thats all, I see the other is typing, but the Message itself does not come
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 26 01 2016, 10:42:52
I have figured out two more valid resources: "Symbian" and "BB". But I still get siphered messages using them. I can't guess a resource for Windows Phone, but I don't think it will help anyway. Guess this was some kind of exploit to avoid encryption, and they have noticed and fixed it. For some reason I still can receive unencrypted messages from iPhone users, but most likely we won't do without axolotl implementation anymore :-\

I suggest reverting the last "fix" for whatsapp on SVN to make it atleast go online for now.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 26 01 2016, 11:54:14
For some reason I still can receive unencrypted messages from iPhone users
Any chance to figure out which resources their clients sends on login?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 26 01 2016, 13:42:53
Doesn't connect for me
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 26 01 2016, 13:51:36
Doesn't connect for me

You can go Online and send Messages with this Version, but it wont receive (just edited the String in the File).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 26 01 2016, 14:18:49
From Pidgin does work from someone?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: ps2reality on 26 01 2016, 14:38:58
Pidgin works for me changing the resource to Android-2.31.151-443,
BUT i receive (ciphered message) from some contacts
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 26 01 2016, 14:54:21
Pidgin works for me changing the resource to Android-2.31.151-443
Thanks for tip, it does work
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 26 01 2016, 16:31:56
but adding the compiled File would be more nice in Future
What do you mean? I did attach it from the start :(

Any chance to figure out which resources their clients sends on login?
I have figured out whatsapp version - 2.12.11. Since he uses iPhone 4S, the resource is supposed to be "iPhone". I have tried setting it in miranda and pidgin too ("iPhone-2.12.11" in pidgin format) - didn't take effect.

Pidgin works for me changing the resource to Android-2.31.151-443, BUT i receive (ciphered message) from some contacts
Thanks for tip, it does work
Well, receiving ciphered messages in pidgin is almost the same as not receiving messages in miranda...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 26 01 2016, 17:32:00
I have tested it a little bit more. After removing the resource in pidging at all I was able to receive a normal message from my test account on android emulator. Now I'm also able to get normal messages from my test account in Miranda too (with any valid resource). Looks like the server saves the effect for the contact you ineracted for some time. This means that we can still bypass the encryption :) But removing the resource and client version in miranda makes it fail to connect. I guess pidgin uses default values when the resource field is empty. The default resource in pidgin in the old plugin build I use is supposed to be "Android-2.12.173", but it doesn't work. So let's try in Miranda the latest one (Android-2.12.407 by now (https://github.com/davidgfnet/whatsapp-purple/blob/master/wa_constants.h)).

Can't test it since all my contacts are asleep ;D Please try it (32-bit dll + tortoise svn patch in attachment).
If this doesn't help, try using pidgin with the empty resource field.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 26 01 2016, 18:35:41
Can't test it since all my contacts are asleep ;D Please try it (32-bit dll + tortoise svn patch in attachment).
Does not work  :-[
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 26 01 2016, 22:12:41
But pidgin with empty resource field works fine ??? I get unencrypted messages from all in it and continue receiving them unencrypted in miranda from those with who I interacted in pidgin. Can anybody confirm it?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: ps2reality on 26 01 2016, 23:48:15
you are ***king genius men!!!, Pidgin with empty resource field WORKS PERFECT !!!
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 27 01 2016, 09:11:54
you are ***king genius men!!!, Pidgin with empty resource field WORKS PERFECT !!!
But when i make field empty, sometimes it doesn't connect after starting pidgin cause default resource string appears and need to empty it again
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: vbprofi on 27 01 2016, 10:08:10
Miranda NG can't connect with lastupdate of whatsapp Protokoll from today.
give an Chance to fix it?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 27 01 2016, 10:24:08
Miranda NG can't connect with lastupdate of whatsapp Protokoll from today.
give an Chance to fix it?
Replace the Plugin with any of these from the previous Posts
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 27 01 2016, 10:26:33
Miranda NG can't connect with lastupdate of whatsapp Protokoll from today.
That's strange because I don't see any changes in whatsapp protocol development on SVN. I guess you meen my last fix from several days ago - yep, it doesn't work anymore. But looks like our developers have started implementing axolotl - that's great :)

you are ***king genius men!!!, Pidgin with empty resource field WORKS PERFECT !!!
Nice! Meanwhile, I have spend some more time researching the code, and looks like I have finally found the way to use the same trick in Miranda. Check out the attachment please (compiled dll + patch) :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 27 01 2016, 11:04:39
Check out the attachment please (compiled dll + patch) :)
Fully works, great Job  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: va123 on 27 01 2016, 11:26:02
Please, someone, make x64 dll :-[
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 27 01 2016, 14:09:25
Fully works, great Job
Thanks :) But it's just another exploit to avoid encryption. Most likely it will be fixed very soon. It's possible that whatsapp owners track projects like our's and even read our forum to be aware of possible bugs.

Please, someone, make x64 dll
Sorry, I can't compile in win64 mode because I'm using VS 10 Express with limited functionality :( Hope it will be available for automatic update soon.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 28 01 2016, 10:32:05
Most likely it will be fixed very soon.

Today I got an update for WhatsApp.dll via Updater. But this version doesn't connect. Only Thug's version is connecting and working.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 28 01 2016, 13:37:57
Today I got an update for WhatsApp.dll via Updater. But this version doesn't connect. Only Thug's version is connecting and working.
There were actually no updates since the past week. The updater will offer to update any dll that differs from the latest one on update server. So don't update it untill the changes will be applied to SVN (I guess watcher or someone else from the dev team will inform about it)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 28 01 2016, 15:57:26
The only annoying thing currently is this:

  13:16:44 Server: unable to parse resource
  13:51:43 Server: unable to parse resource
  14:12:01 Server: unable to parse resource
  14:58:44 Server: unable to parse resource
  15:32:08 Server: unable to parse resource
  15:55:26 Server: unable to parse resource
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 28 01 2016, 18:41:25
The only annoying thing currently is this:

We need to know what kinda info the plugin isnt sending to the server.
In the mean time, you could add that contact and ignore it.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 28 01 2016, 21:52:48
The only annoying thing currently is this:
Interesting, I don't even have this contact :) As Kajuru said, you can just ignore it (options - contacts - ignore).

We need to know what kinda info the plugin isnt sending to the server.
Obviously, it doesnt't send the resource. That was the trick to avoid encryption. Who knows how long it will work...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 29 01 2016, 05:31:49
Now working the official whatsapp plugin (which comes through update plugins)? Or just plugin Thug work?
Come/sent messages? Pictures (links)? Group chats open?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: vbprofi on 29 01 2016, 08:03:52
I have tested it a little bit more. After removing the resource in pidging at all I was able to receive a normal message from my test account on android emulator. Now I'm also able to get normal messages from my test account in Miranda too (with any valid resource). Looks like the server saves the effect for the contact you ineracted for some time. This means that we can still bypass the encryption :) But removing the resource and client version in miranda makes it fail to connect. I guess pidgin uses default values when the resource field is empty. The default resource in pidgin in the old plugin build I use is supposed to be "Android-2.12.173", but it doesn't work. So let's try in Miranda the latest one (Android-2.12.407 by now (https://github.com/davidgfnet/whatsapp-purple/blob/master/wa_constants.h)).

Can't test it since all my contacts are asleep ;D Please try it (32-bit dll + tortoise svn patch in attachment).
If this doesn't help, try using pidgin with the empty resource field.

until yesterday night are works. Today I geht that:
[08:58:54 30B0] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[08:58:55 30B0] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Login failure
[08:58:55 30B0] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline
[08:58:55 30B0] [WhatsApp_1] Break out from Loop

What is happend? I don't Change the Logindata. Is an bug or I Need new Registration?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 29 01 2016, 08:47:33
Now working the official whatsapp plugin (which comes through update plugins)? Or just plugin Thug work?Come/sent messages? Pictures (links)? Group chats open?
Only mine, everything works, but group chats still glitch - you can open them if someone else sends there a message when you are online. BTW, when had chat groups started to glitch? I remember them working well. It doesn't look like some update on the official server. Could we mess it up ourselves? I believe a guy who implemented them can fix them in no time ???

vbprofi, You have quoted a post with failed dll. The working one is there (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=56.msg15793#msg15793). You could also automatically update to miranda's latest dll, which fails to connect.
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 01 2016, 08:57:23
Thug, so what did you changed? You only maked resource string empty?
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 29 01 2016, 09:01:00
Thug, so what did you changed? You only maked resource string empty?
In his Archive File you will find a File called "wapatch.patch", there he is showing his Changes.

We need to know what kinda info the plugin isnt sending to the server.
In the mean time, you could add that contact and ignore it.
Ignoring works, I can give you only the Hint, as longer I was Online as shorter the Intervals becomes of getting this Message
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 01 2016, 09:11:24
Sunlight7, thanks, commited. Here are 32/64 binaries - https://www.dropbox.com/s/qxodvndbmp0yh9x/WhatsApp.7z?dl=0

"Ignoring works, I can give you only the Hint, as longer I was Online as shorter the Intervals becomes of getting this Message"
// Uhm... so, is it safe to use?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 29 01 2016, 09:28:08
Thanks  ;D

// Uhm... so, is it safe to use?
If you meen a possible account ban - no idea ??? They have fixed the previous workaround with invalid resource without banning anyone. I heard stories only about banning people who used WhatsAppPlus. Personally I think they could ban Miranda users long time ago if they wanted so. I hope they chose a soft policy against third-party clients.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 29 01 2016, 09:34:42
"Ignoring works, I can give you only the Hint, as longer I was Online as shorter the Intervals becomes of getting this Message"
// Uhm... so, is it safe to use?
I'm Online with it since Thug posted his Update, still works
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: vbprofi on 29 01 2016, 10:02:21
I'm banned. I don't know why. Have somebody an idea?
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 01 2016, 10:29:45
vbprofi, after using Thug's version? Or without using it?
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: vbprofi on 29 01 2016, 10:36:24
after Thug's Version. Until last night 2 o'clock I was online. In the morning I can't go online. I checked after my last post the Status. I'm blocked.
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: viper on 29 01 2016, 10:50:55
I'm banned. I don't know why. Have somebody an idea?

after Thug's Version. Until last night 2 o'clock I was online. In the morning I can't go online. I checked after my last post the Status. I'm blocked.

Sunlight7, thanks, commited. Here are 32/64 binaries - https://www.dropbox.com/s/qxodvndbmp0yh9x/WhatsApp.7z?dl=0

"Ignoring works, I can give you only the Hint, as longer I was Online as shorter the Intervals becomes of getting this Message"
// Uhm... so, is it safe to use?

You mean Thug's fix which is already committed... So in other words, Don't update to the latest version or you'll get banned is a proper assumption here right?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: watcher on 29 01 2016, 13:44:30
If that's the case - i'm reverting last commit and rebuilding nightly.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 29 01 2016, 14:25:17
vbprofi, If reinstalling manually my dll (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=56.0;attach=1844) doesn't help (assuming the reason of connection failure was automatic update), try to register your phone number in the official app - this is the best way to tell for sure.

There were many complaints about possible ban during the thread. I don't really think that my workaround is the case of this problem, because after all the suspicious experiments my account is still working :) Well, everything is possible. Too bad, we are at 'alpha' state again :-\
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 29 01 2016, 19:45:19
Obviously, it doesnt't send the resource. That was the trick to avoid encryption. Who knows how long it will work...
What I meant is that any resource we used so far thats different from S40, gives the error. I noticed it since Cassio's S60 resource build when the S40 builds still worked for some.
That means the server is expecting some other header we dont know. It could very well be unrelated to encryption, like device version or something.
Guess the only way to know is if someone Wireshark or sniff it some other way from official clients in different devices.
But thats obviously low priority compared to encryption.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: vbprofi on 29 01 2016, 22:47:44
vbprofi, If reinstalling manually my dll (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=56.0;attach=1844) doesn't help (assuming the reason of connection failure was automatic update), try to register your phone number in the official app - this is the best way to tell for sure.

There were many complaints about possible ban during the thread. I don't really think that my workaround is the case of this problem, because after all the suspicious experiments my account is still working :) Well, everything is possible. Too bad, we are at 'alpha' state again :-\

I downloaded your DLL and put it in the Plugin Folder. for two days that worked very well (thanks for your working). But this morning I try to go online. I don't know, why I banned. I try to Register. Miranda tell me the message 'blocked'. So I try to Register with the Tool "wart.exe". That tell me same. I don't use whatsapp at my Smartphone.
Could not request code using either sms or voice.
SMS:    {"status":"fail","reason":"blocked"}
Voice:  {"status":"fail","reason":"blocked"}
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 30 01 2016, 01:01:02
What I meant is that any resource we used so far thats different from S40, gives the error. I noticed it since Cassio's S60 resource build when the S40 builds still worked for some.That means the server is expecting some other header we dont know.
No-no, I have tested it for several evenings, and figured out what does it expext :)
It expects a string in the following format: "Device-1.11.11-433"

A "device" must be one of the following existing headers: "S40", "Symbian", "Android", "iPhone", "BB", and some header for WindowsPhone which I failed to figure out. All of them are accepted by the server and work with encryption.

1.11.11 - is whatsapp client version. I'm not sure about the format, but too old versions are blocked by the server, making the users to update periodically. You can actually set 9.99.99, and it will work.

The last value is a port number. It is not necessary.

Firstly I have figured out that encryption doesn't work if you send incorrect resource (I set "iOS" as device, it worked, and we used it for several days untill they fixed it and the server started blocking all the incorrect resources). And now it is empty resource. That's it :)

Miranda tell me the message 'blocked'. So I try to Register with the Tool "wart.exe". That tell me same. I don't use whatsapp at my Smartphone.
Seems like a ban indeed. But all the bans so far were temporary as far as I know. Moreover, there was a discussion in the thread about possible ban for not-paying for the service. That's why I suggest trying official client (just to test and make sure). Personally I'm using WhatsApp in Miranda for more than two years now, never payed for it and still not banned. But it is still a trouble we should expect.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 30 01 2016, 01:12:31
Try using Yowsup to register, its very verbose, I suppose it will output the reason.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 30 01 2016, 01:22:46
Well, that's it. I can't go online with empty resource string anymore. Not a ban - with correct resource still can. I still receive not-encrypted messages from those with whom I used to chat recently, but don't know how long will it last. No more thoughts about bypassing axolotl. Thank you, it was fun ;D
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 30 01 2016, 08:11:38
WhatsApp plugin by Thug can't connect now.
[13:07:24 11CC] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 to WhatsApp_1
[13:07:24 11CC] [WhatsApp_1] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[13:07:24 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] Connecting...
[13:07:24 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] Connection request to c.whatsapp.net:443 (Flags 4)....
[13:07:24 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] (027FDF70) Connecting to server c.whatsapp.net:443....
[13:07:24 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] (027FDF70) Connecting to ip ....
[13:07:24 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] (1328) Connected to c.whatsapp.net:443
[13:07:24 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent stream start
[13:07:24 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] >> sent features
[13:07:24 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] >> send auth, auth blob size 0
[13:07:25 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] >> read stream start
[13:07:25 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] >> Send response
[13:07:26 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] Exception: Операция успешно завершена.
[13:07:26 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] (027FDF70:1328) Connection closed internal
[13:07:26 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] (027FDF70:4294967295) Connection closed
[13:07:26 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] Set status to offline
[13:07:26 12E8] [WhatsApp_1] Break out from loop
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 30 01 2016, 08:21:50
Moreover, there was a discussion in the thread about possible ban for not-paying for the service. That's why I suggest trying official client (just to test and make sure). Personally I'm using WhatsApp in Miranda for more than two years now, never payed for it and still not banned. But it is still a trouble we should expect.

They removed the paying for this service recently (I don't know exactly when). So it's fully free now :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 30 01 2016, 09:49:01
I had the same ban a couple of month ago. So i sent message to whatsapp support and after about a month of waiting get answer that i was banned cause i spammed. So i was unblock "at this time"
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dirkschee on 31 01 2016, 00:29:33
WhatsApp plugin by Thug can't connect now.
I can't login, too. (same log)

Do you connected, again?

btw. Thug, great work (until here) and thank you very much! :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 31 01 2016, 03:56:52
I can't login, too. (same log)Do you connected, again?
All my changes were reverted on SVN because those methods don't work anymore :) So, just update the plugin from server, and you will be able to connect again. You will also continue to receive messages normally from those with who you communicated recently, but I don't know how long this effect lasts.
And thanks. It was actually lame, but I guess we helped whatsapp owners to fix a couple exploits ;D
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 31 01 2016, 04:24:57
Do you connected, again?
Yes. Update official WhatsApp plugin by plugin updater.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 31 01 2016, 09:29:03
Unfortunately, WhatsApp is not working again. My messages getting through. But incoming messages do not reach :'( 
Miranda 95.5.16200, plugin
Everyone have it? We all the same?  :-[
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 01 02 2016, 19:41:14
yes, me too :(
the new official plug must get the iphone hack to work again for incoming ?
why not let us change the whatsapp "user agent" or how it is called in the plugin options ?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 02 2016, 05:15:05
why not let us change the whatsapp "user agent" or how it is called in the plugin options ?
I agree but some might argue with "security" - when we realize we need to change the user agent but you have set custom one, it would be more complicated to force it to change it to ours new. But I've got a simple idea so maybe I'll implement it later...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 02 02 2016, 05:29:16
Plugin ver The same. Incoming messages do not reach.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 02 2016, 05:58:47
You need to wait for implementation of Axolotl encryption to have working incomming messages... (will be done hopefully soon)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: NoCanDo on 07 02 2016, 10:35:39
I'm using both the 32 bit stable build miranda ng and whatsapp plugin. I'm trying to register, but it always tells me registration failed. What's going on?!

I'm from germany, so my phone number is +49 first box, then my phone number without 0 in 2nd box.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 07 02 2016, 10:42:56
Try it without "+"
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: NoCanDo on 07 02 2016, 10:57:52
Did. No dice.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 07 02 2016, 11:29:34
Try to update Miranda to development version with PluginUpdater. Not sure if stable version still works...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 10 02 2016, 13:50:29
After i get banned and messaged to support i get message on attachment.
As i don't have device, supported by official whatsapp, can someone help me by providing with screenshot of screen of installed app? As a proof of my innocence to Peter
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 11 02 2016, 09:13:57
Does the plug-in WhatsApp work correctly someone? Does work incoming messages?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 11 02 2016, 09:15:27
Does the plug-in WhatsApp work correctly someone? Does work incoming messages?

No, unfortunately not. Still no incoming messages.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 11 02 2016, 11:26:39
I'm forced to use WhatsApp while on the smartphone. Please write in this thread when he's working.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 15 02 2016, 16:07:14
How is the Progress of Axolotl Encryption?   ???
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 22 02 2016, 19:18:00
Hmm - it seems we have to wait a little more for a working axolotl implementation.
Hopefully we'll get it soon.
Or an info between about the progress from some devs?
Can't wait  :)

Maybe it's possible to update the stable plugin to actual dev version?
Cause i think it's better the stable plugin can login at least?
Actualy it can't.
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 28 02 2016, 12:32:44
it would be nice if some developer can tell us how long it will take ?
days ? months ? years ?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 02 2016, 14:18:40
monocolumn, well, ghazan once said to me that he want to have it implemented before next stable, so... :-)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 29 02 2016, 13:23:49
ok, thx.
another stupid idea:
web.whatsapp.com for miranda? :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 02 2016, 22:35:46
web.whatsapp.com for miranda?
I just tried it, but that's not a solution as it uses connected particular mobile phone as a gateway to the WhatsApp network. So it only share active session from mobile phone, you can't be logged in via web only.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 04 03 2016, 10:09:24
I just tried it, but that's not a solution as it uses connected particular mobile phone as a gateway to the WhatsApp network. So it only share active session from mobile phone, you can't be logged in via web only.
A plugin that handles the functionality of web whatsapp would still be a great alternative solution for people who want to use one telephone number in their phone and miranda (instead of web) :) I think it's possible to heavily modify some opensource browser so that it would have only the stuff requirered to work with web whatsapp and would look like an IM client. I wonder if someone tried to do that ???
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: mida on 05 03 2016, 12:13:43
i looks how is whatapps web and think its a good idea. it can used for chat and importing history.
if someone find and create a method to decrypt whatsapp conntection than whatsappweb plugin can upgraded to a standalone
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Gradius on 15 03 2016, 05:51:06
I just tried it, but that's not a solution as it uses connected particular mobile phone as a gateway to the WhatsApp network. So it only share active session from mobile phone, you can't be logged in via web only.

Hello. My first post in forum, (migrate from miranda-in now).

It's not a stupid or bad idea... it's very interesting to have a "mirror" from mobile.  :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 15 03 2016, 10:23:58
You're right, it might be usable/helpful for some people :-)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Gradius on 17 03 2016, 08:34:52
You're right, it might be usable/helpful for some people :-)

 :D I hope to think fondly on that option. Eternally grateful if you can make this work.  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: CleriC on 21 03 2016, 06:15:45
Does the plugin now? Does incoming messages?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 07 04 2016, 13:54:34
Does the plugin now? Does incoming messages?
Unfortunately not. I don't know if the developers are working on the WhatApp plugin at all.  :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 07 04 2016, 22:57:27
I think it's possible to heavily modify some opensource browser so that it would have only the stuff requirered to work with web whatsapp and would look like an IM client. I wonder if someone tried to do that ???
Funny, someone actually did it (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=4565).
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 12 04 2016, 18:33:48

the Plugin just doesn't work over 4 Months :(
It seems we can give up our Hope?
Is Ghazan still working on it?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 12 04 2016, 19:37:09
It seems to be dead.  :(
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 13 04 2016, 09:54:15
Today I got an update for WhatsApp protocol, but still it doesn't work.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 22 04 2016, 13:47:09
No chance for a working WhatsApp plugin?

I fully understand that it might be impossible to get it working again – but please just tell us the truth. Just say "... it will not work anymore, Facebook has won!".
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dirkschee on 22 04 2016, 14:59:19
Yes, unfortunately re-register don't work, too. "Registration failed. Reason: old_version". So I can't login anymore to see at least the user status.  :(

Pity! - But thank you all developers for the great work till DEC 2015.  :THUMBS UP: - WhatsApp without Axolotl encryption (??!) was better, for me/us....... :-\
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 22 04 2016, 23:12:05
I fully understand that it might be impossible to get it working again – but please just tell us the truth.
It work's fine in Pidgin. Still using it. The only reason it doesn't work in Miranda is that no one is working on the plugin -_-

Yes, unfortunately re-register don't work, too. "Registration failed. Reason: old_version". So I can't login anymore to see at least the user status. 
Whatsapp requieres regular version bump. You can't register/login using the official client either if it is too old. They do so intensionally so that the users always use the up-to-date version. It's not the problem to fix the login function at least, but there is not much sense in it...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 23 04 2016, 07:58:03
https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup to miranda bridge. :)

im no coder and have absolute no plan but there are many a to b apps like vst to winamp, etc.

why not yowsup to miranda ng ?

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 23 04 2016, 08:34:26
It work's fine in Pidgin. Still using it.
Thank you for that information. I didn't want to change from Miranda to Pidgin, but it seems that I have to. :-/

The only reason it doesn't work in Miranda is that no one is working on the plugin -_-
That's really a pity. From time to time the plugin updater shows an update for WhatsApp.dll, but it's obviously an error.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Goraf on 23 04 2016, 09:55:18
If it showed you an update then there was one. It was not a mistake.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 04 2016, 15:46:45
That's really a pity. From time to time the plugin updater shows an update for WhatsApp.dll, but it's obviously an error.
You can see changes here: http://trac.miranda-ng.org/log/trunk/protocols/WhatsApp?rev=16757 Usually there are some global changes that as a result affects many plugins, that's why there was new version. But just not for WhatsApp plugin directly.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 24 04 2016, 16:50:06
Is there a way to Export the Contacts from the Plugin for the real WhatsApp?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Dimsok on 24 04 2016, 21:03:09
[?] (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=56.msg16788#msg16788)
Is there a way to Export the Contacts from the Plugin for the real WhatsApp?
Didn't test but with user info ex there is an option to export contacts as vcf
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: sh on 28 04 2016, 06:32:47
I didn't want to change from Miranda to Pidgin, but it seems that I have to. :-/

Pidgin plugin developer has quit, too. It's only a matter lf time wa-purple stops working also.
https://github.com/davidgfnet/whatsapp-purple/issues/407 (https://github.com/davidgfnet/whatsapp-purple/issues/407)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 11 05 2016, 00:39:58
i'm using pidgin atm and it works.
it runs for 12hrs now and no ban, etc.
but whatsapp will lock out old clients at the end of the year and i think then its definitive over.

sad that zuckerberg allows all this shit.
he spends his money but on the other side his employees terrorize the world with "security".
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: leecher on 26 05 2016, 06:37:20
Is this just a matter of implementing Axolotl into the protocol or is there more about it?
And if so, why isn't this possible?
I see that there are some libraries out there who seem to support whatsapp protocol (i.e. https://github.com/mgp25/Chat-API), why not port them to C?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Wishmaster on 26 05 2016, 08:29:51
We already have a libaxolotl (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/browser/trunk/libs/libaxolotl), someone just needs to implement it in WhatsApp.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: leecher on 28 05 2016, 08:33:04
I saw that in SVN tree, therefore I wondered why nobody took the task yet? Do we have a lack of devs? :-/
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 28 05 2016, 08:50:44
Do we have a lack of devs? :-/
Unfortunately yes!
Maybe they also see no necessity any more for a WhatsApp plugin. I don't know.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 30 06 2016, 20:58:05

after 6 Months of a not working Whatsapp-Plugin i give up my Hope.
No Devs for it. No Responce about Progress.
I will delete the Plugin cause its dead for Miranda.

Big Thx to all People who worked on it in the Past.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 30 06 2016, 23:05:51
after 6 Months of a not working Whatsapp-Plugin i give up my Hope.

I already gave up my hope.

Maybe there's no place for multi protocol IMs like Miranda any more. The Miranda fork wasn't a good idea too. Times are changing.

Good bye Miranda!
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 01 07 2016, 11:00:27
pidgin plugin also down from today.
with miranda i can connect:

no matter end of the year whatsapp will kill all non crypted clients and then its absolute over.
so the only thing would be a web whatsapp for miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 01 07 2016, 12:29:08
Monty, one closed source protocol doesn't work and you bury whole Miranda?  ???
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kajuru on 05 07 2016, 12:29:09
We do need more devs and people contributing, but i disagree that the fork was a mistake.
Miranda-NG improvements over Miranda-IM are enormous. IM had nothing but smaller fixes(installer, etc) the last few years. NG changed alot with proper 64 builds, dynamic loading of plugins, and protocols. In fact I came back to Miranda thanks to NG.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 06 07 2016, 18:06:38

(for me) it would be intresting what ghazan say to the not working Whatsapp-Plugin?
Afaik he was the last Dev who supported it.

U can connect with actual Dev-Plugin?
Maybe im banned. I will check it via WART or sonthing like that.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: lokapal on 10 07 2016, 15:58:47
Monty, one closed source protocol doesn't work and you bury whole Miranda?
Well, telegram desktop is open-source and even has published working desktop code with Visual Studio? So what? Where is telegram plugin?
No devs - it means only no devs...
Title: Re:WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 11 07 2016, 08:39:50
telegram desktop is open-source and even has published working desktop code with Visual Studio?
Telegram Desktop uses Qt, Miranda uses pure C++, but that's not the problem as they have open API https://core.telegram.org/api#telegram-api

So what? Where is telegram plugin?
But what are you trying to say? That if some protocol has open API or implementation, that it should automatically appear in Miranda?
Do you understand developing any new protocol (or any plugin) for Miranda is not just copy & paste code and that it actually takes fair amount of time to understand, implement, test and support it?

And you don't need only dev(s). You need dev(s) interested in this particular plugin/protocol to spent his time on it.

As I can see on https://www.openhub.net/p/mirandang we have 23 active contributors, from which around 8 are (more or less active) developers. So Miranda NG is not dead or dying at all. Our devs are just focused on other plugins/protocols than WhatsApp or Telegram.

If we want more or faster bugfixes/features/protocols supported, then we need more devs. And everyone is welcome to join and start :)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: phatmr on 11 07 2016, 23:21:49
OK back to Topic,

Whatsapp-Plugin is not working since 6 Months.

We know:
- actual no Dev support it.in MirandaNG
- the Cause: missing axolotl-Implementation in Miranda to recieve crypted Msgs from official Clients
- End this Year Facebook will kill all Whatsapp-Clients which dont send Msgs encrypted too

When there is no Progress in that you should not provide it as a working Plugin on your Mainsite.

But I'm still intressted what ghazan said about  it ;)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 16 07 2016, 11:36:25
btw. pidgin still working fine!

i know that this is crazy and it'll never happen but creating a virtual android machine as small as possible (hdd and ram usage) with the only goal to run the official whatsapp client and then a miranda plugin remote controls this virtual whatsapp client.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: lokapal on 28 07 2016, 20:44:27
Well, there IS working NATIVE desktop Watsapp Client for Windows  :D
No need in Android VM at all.
Link for 32bit:
https://web.whatsapp.com/desktop/windows/release/ia32/WhatsAppSetup.exe (https://web.whatsapp.com/desktop/windows/release/ia32/WhatsAppSetup.exe)
Link for 64bit:
https://web.whatsapp.com/desktop/windows/release/x64/WhatsAppSetup.exe (https://web.whatsapp.com/desktop/windows/release/x64/WhatsAppSetup.exe)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Monty on 28 07 2016, 23:26:43
Well, there IS working NATIVE desktop Watsapp Client for Windows  :D
Oh really? A working desktop WhatsApp client for Windows – that works without a smartphone?  :D

Hahahaha, nice try!
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 29 07 2016, 12:30:27
Well, there IS working NATIVE desktop Watsapp Client for Windows  :D
No need in Android VM at all.
It's just a stationary analog of a web version to avoid using a browser, not a standalone client. Smartphone/emulator is still requiered. Therefore absolutely useless for us :-\
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: leecher on 30 07 2016, 07:47:39
But I'm still intressted what ghazan said about  it ;)

His account got banned and it seems that if you just try to send one wrong message to WhatsApp server, they may kill the account. As you can only register by phone this means that there would be an excessive amount of phone numbers needed to be used in development that all can get banned... So I guess we would need a developer who works for a phone company and can get as many phone numbers as he wants to dispose on coding error. But even registering them all with WhatsApp is a tedious task.
For a short time, I thought about trying to do a new WhatsApp implementation for Miranda, but after having heard that, I don't thin that it's even worth trying.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 30 07 2016, 21:27:10
For a short time, I thought about trying to do a new WhatsApp implementation for Miranda, but after having heard that, I don't thin that it's even worth trying.
It would make sense to have the web based WhatsApp plugin - one that needs being logged in on phone at the same time, but then it's safe to use.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: monocolumn on 01 08 2016, 16:17:10
another idea:
miranda whatsapp plugin > mirandas android whatsapp remote control app > whatsapp
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: leecher on 01 08 2016, 19:31:45
I wonder why nobody ported https://github.com/mgp25/Chat-API to C yet.. :-/

Edit: After reading through all the issues with Chat-API and the numberous options that resulted in a ban, this doesn't seem to work very reliable. Why are so many ppl. using this proprietary crap? :-/
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: redfox on 04 11 2016, 21:14:31
Is there any version that works with the old Miranda 8?
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 13 11 2016, 19:25:54
You mean Miranda IM? No. And it works only barely here... (can't handle encrypted communication at the moment)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 08 12 2016, 13:11:53
It's sad that the development of whatsapp plugin is still stuck :-\
Well, in case anybody is interested, I have updated whatsapp smileypack (http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=104.msg18617#msg18617).
I wonder if it helps somehow ;D
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: SysOp on 23 12 2016, 10:10:19
How about making an addon based on WhatsApp Web? It would communicate through https://web.whatsapp.com.
It would still require an online smartphone and the user to scan the QR-code (and then store the cookie) but it would allow us to use Miranda instead of the extremely heavy and inefficient WhatsApp desktop client...
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: mida on 23 12 2016, 17:49:12
i made a user voice for it but at the moment it have "only" 56 voices.
how i know no developer works on it.
WhatsappWeb Support (https://miranda-ng.uservoice.com/forums/250387-general/suggestions/13836792-whatsappweb-support)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: kaomot on 07 02 2017, 12:53:49
It's sad that even though the development of whatsapp plugin is always getting stuck, you guys don't make a Telegram plugin, which is damn open source and wouldn't require such level of whack-a-mole playing. :-\
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 02 2017, 17:38:56
kaomot, we have lack of developers.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 29 11 2017, 11:55:06
Plugin moved to deprecated. So I close this thread until someone reanimate WhatsApp plugin.
Use Dummy plugin to keep WhatsApp contacts and history in Miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 20 10 2022, 18:56:02
Reopened. WhatsApp support is landed to the developer version. Currently, it is able only to receive messages.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: BLFox on 11 11 2022, 12:39:01
Reopened. WhatsApp support is landed to the developer version. Currently, it is able only to receive messages.

Crashed after start Miranda with activate WhatsApp acc. The first start with WhatsApp was normall. I receive messages (ok) and try send (fail).
After restart Miranda crash if whatsapp acc enable.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-9100 CPU @ 3.60GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 11] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8063 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional Edition, 64-bit (build 14393)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.14393.0 (build 914393)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Russian/Russian | Russian/Russian
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 4278 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.96.2 alpha build #25024 (6aa070f80a) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 9 Nov 2022 10:28:30
Profile: d:\icq\profiles\7573181\7573181.dat
Database driver: SQLite database driver
Profile size: 103215104 Bytes
Profile creation date: 18 Jun 2022 11:15:49
Language pack: Russian (RU) [0419]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (34):
¤ AVS.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:25:46] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:30:10] - Modern contact list
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:30:34] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [9 Nov 2022 10:30:00] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [9 Nov 2022 10:38:46] - Database checker
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:30:44] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:39:16] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:25:50] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dbx_sqlite.dll v. [9 Nov 2022 10:38:36] - Miranda NG SQLite database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [9 Nov 2022 10:36:52] - Dummy protocol
¤ Facebook.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:39:14] - Facebook
¤ GG.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:26:52] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ historypp.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:41:30] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:38:46] - ICQ-WIM protocol
¤ IEView.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:27:14] - IEView
¤ Import.dll v. [9 Nov 2022 10:30:02] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:26:08] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:29:16] - Jabber protocol
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:27:00] - Menu item ext
¤ MessageState.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:36:10] - Message state
¤ MobileState.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:31:40] - Mobile state
¤ NewEventNotify.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:29:32] - NewEventNotify
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:31:10] - Plugin updater
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:27:40] - Last seen
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [9 Nov 2022 10:37:30] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:28:12] - SmileyAdd
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:36:52] - Status manager
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:26:06] - TabSRMM
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:29:22] - TopToolBar
¤ TranslitSwitcher.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:28:04] - Switch layout or transliterate
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:29:02] - User info ext
¤ VKontakte.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:34:54] - VKontakte protocol
¤ VoiceService.dll v. [5 Nov 2022 19:39:32] - Voice Service
¤ WhatsApp.dll v. [9 Nov 2022 10:39:06] - WhatsApp protocol

Unloadable Plugins (2):
¤ libprotobuf-lite.dll v. [13 Sep 2022 19:55:04] - <unknown>

¤ libprotobuf.dll v. [13 Sep 2022 19:54:48] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MRA                      1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
VKontakte                1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Fp_icons.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:48]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:36]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [9 Nov 2022 10:39:32]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:46]
 Proto_GG.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:34]
 Proto_ICQ.--- [1 Nov 2017 13:31:24]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:44]
 Proto_IRC.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:32]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:34]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [9 Nov 2022 10:39:30]
 Proto_MRA.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:46]
 Proto_mRadio.dll [19 Dec 2019 2:02:52]
 Proto_MSN.dll [19 Mar 2020 11:15:50]
 Proto_Skype.dll [9 Nov 2022 10:39:32]
 Proto_VKontakte.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:40]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [20 Sep 2022 19:21:06]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [28 Dec 2019 21:17:26]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:38]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:34]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:34]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [5 Nov 2022 19:40:42]

Loaded Modules:
C:\icq\Miranda32.exe  00400000 - 0040C000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:28:30]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll  77720000 - 778A3000 v.10.0.14393.1715 [7 Sep 2017 9:32:48]
C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL  755C0000 - 756A0000 v.10.0.14393.2189 [30 Mar 2018 6:35:34]
C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll  74200000 - 743A1000 v.10.0.14393.2189 [30 Mar 2018 6:42:28]
C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll  775C0000 - 7771F000 v.10.0.14393.1770 [18 Sep 2017 5:49:52]
C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll  75760000 - 75775000 v.10.0.14393.51 [2 Aug 2016 7:47:20]
C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll  77150000 - 7717B000 v.10.0.14393.2155 [6 Mar 2018 9:04:31]
C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll  76EA0000 - 76FFA000 v.10.0.14393.1770 [18 Sep 2017 5:49:47]
C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll  758E0000 - 76CB9000 v.10.0.14393.2189 [30 Mar 2018 6:29:51]
C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll  75090000 - 7514E000 v.7.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:49]
C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll  74480000 - 744B6000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\System32\windows.storage.dll  74800000 - 74D6E000 v.10.0.14393.2068 [10 Feb 2018 7:30:57]
C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll  752C0000 - 754D2000 v.10.0.14393.2156 [22 Mar 2018 6:30:56]
C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll  76CD0000 - 76DB0000 v.10.0.14393.2097 [13 Feb 2018 1:28:41]
C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll  743B0000 - 74471000 v.10.0.14393.2155 [6 Mar 2018 9:12:29]
C:\Windows\System32\SspiCli.dll  741E0000 - 741FF000 v.10.0.14393.1770 [18 Sep 2017 5:48:53]
C:\Windows\System32\CRYPTBASE.dll  741D0000 - 741DA000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:49]
C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll  76E10000 - 76E6A000 v.10.0.14393.2155 [6 Mar 2018 9:02:43]
C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll  75710000 - 75751000 v.10.0.14393.1613 [8 Aug 2017 8:25:12]
C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll  74EF0000 - 74F35000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll  74640000 - 746B7000 v.10.0.14393.2007 [1 Jan 2018 8:07:26]
C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll  75570000 - 755B6000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:43:02]
C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll  77000000 - 7700D000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll  754E0000 - 75568000 v.10.0.14393.2097 [13 Feb 2018 1:21:57]
C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll  758D0000 - 758DF000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:49]
C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL  76E70000 - 76E95000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:49]
C:\icq\libs\ucrtbase.dll  73640000 - 73720000 v.10.0.14393.795 [14 May 2021 11:55:58]
C:\icq\libs\VCRUNTIME140.dll  73620000 - 73633000 v.14.16.27012.6 [14 May 2021 11:55:58]
C:\icq\libs\mir_app.mir  12BA0000 - 12C73000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:28:28]
C:\Windows\System32\CRYPT32.dll  744C0000 - 7463D000 v.10.0.14393.1198 [28 Apr 2017 3:43:48]
C:\icq\libs\libcrypto-1_1.mir  733A0000 - 73613000 v. [29 Oct 2022 19:48:16]
C:\icq\libs\libssl-1_1.mir  731D0000 - 73257000 v. [29 Oct 2022 19:49:12]
C:\Windows\System32\MSASN1.dll  75780000 - 7578E000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll  756A0000 - 75703000 v.10.0.14393.206 [15 Sep 2016 20:37:05]
C:\Windows\System32\COMDLG32.dll  757E0000 - 758C5000 v.10.0.14393.479 [11 Nov 2016 10:04:27]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll  73330000 - 73354000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:49]
C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll  74E00000 - 74EEC000 v.10.0.14393.2156 [22 Mar 2018 6:29:36]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll  73D00000 - 73D75000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:43:04]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_89c2555adb023171\COMCTL32.dll  73AF0000 - 73CFA000 v.6.10.14393.953 [4 Mar 2017 9:46:47]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll  73300000 - 73323000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:49]
C:\icq\libs\FreeImage.mir  12000000 - 120EC000 [9 Nov 2022 10:28:12]
C:\icq\libs\zlib.mir  12F40000 - 12F59000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:27:08]
C:\icq\libs\mir_core.mir  12D60000 - 12D8B000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:27:10]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll  73EC0000 - 73EC8000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:43:04]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll  732F0000 - 732FA000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:43:01]
C:\icq\libs\MSVCP140.dll  73280000 - 732EF000 v.14.16.27012.6 [14 May 2021 11:55:58]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll  73A50000 - 73A5F000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:43:04]
C:\Windows\System32\MSCTF.dll  746C0000 - 747F5000 v.10.0.14393.2035 [11 Jan 2018 9:22:10]
C:\Windows\System32\OLEAUT32.dll  770B0000 - 77144000 v.10.0.14393.1378 [21 Jun 2017 10:42:23]
C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll  74D70000 - 74DEB000 v.10.0.14393.2097 [13 Feb 2018 1:17:02]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll  73260000 - 7327F000 v.10.0.14393.206 [15 Sep 2016 20:13:51]
C:\icq\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll  14300000 - 14310000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:30:34]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll  73900000 - 73A45000 v.10.0.14321.1024 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:56]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbgcore.DLL  738D0000 - 738F5000 v.10.0.14321.1024 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:56]
C:\icq\Plugins\DbChecker.dll  16830000 - 1683B000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:38:46]
C:\icq\Plugins\DbEditorPP.dll  144C0000 - 144DE000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:30:44]
C:\icq\Plugins\Dbx_mdbx.dll  14500000 - 1450C000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:39:16]
C:\icq\libs\libmdbx.mir  12980000 - 129B3000 [5 Nov 2022 19:37:46]
C:\icq\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll  14520000 - 1452C000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:25:50]
C:\icq\Plugins\Dbx_sqlite.dll  168D0000 - 168DC000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:38:36]
C:\icq\libs\sqlite3.mir  12E20000 - 12EA4000 [9 Nov 2022 10:29:06]
C:\icq\Plugins\Import.dll  17330000 - 17346000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:30:02]
C:\icq\libs\libjson.mir  12840000 - 1284D000 [9 Nov 2022 10:28:44]
C:\icq\libs\Pcre16.mir  12DC0000 - 12DD8000 [9 Nov 2022 10:28:50]
C:\icq\Core\stdcrypt.dll  13060000 - 1306C000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:27:34]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll  738B0000 - 738C3000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll  73880000 - 738AF000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll  73D80000 - 73D9B000 v.10.0.14393.576 [9 Dec 2016 13:00:58]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Msftedit.dll  72F20000 - 731C3000 v.10.0.14393.1770 [18 Sep 2017 5:14:59]
C:\icq\Plugins\Clist_modern.dll  14000000 - 1406F000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:30:10]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSIMG32.dll  73E10000 - 73E16000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:49]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.14393.1715_none_0722c9ee594ea059\gdiplus.dll  72DB0000 - 72F19000 v.10.0.14393.1715 [7 Sep 2017 8:47:28]
C:\Windows\System32\clbcatq.dll  74FA0000 - 75024000 v.2001.12.10941.16384 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:46]
C:\Windows\system32\explorerframe.dll  6D120000 - 6D55C000 v.10.0.14393.1794 [9 Oct 2017 4:44:42]
C:\icq\Plugins\AVS.dll  13E20000 - 13E33000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:25:46]
C:\icq\Plugins\Db_autobackups.dll  168F0000 - 168FF000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:30:00]
C:\icq\Plugins\Dummy.dll  16910000 - 16918000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:36:52]
C:\icq\Plugins\Facebook.dll  145E0000 - 145F1000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:39:14]
C:\icq\Plugins\GG.dll  148C0000 - 14903000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:26:52]
C:\icq\Plugins\historypp.dll  14980000 - 14B6C000 [5 Nov 2022 19:41:30]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winspool.drv  73ED0000 - 73F3A000 v.10.0.14393.2097 [13 Feb 2018 0:51:43]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RICHED20.DLL  72970000 - 729F1000 v. [16 Jul 2016 14:43:04]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll  72910000 - 72927000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:49]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msls31.dll  72930000 - 72961000 v.3.10.349.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:43:02]
C:\icq\Plugins\ICQ.dll  14EA0000 - 14EBB000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:38:46]
C:\icq\Plugins\IEView.dll  14F40000 - 14F5C000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:27:14]
C:\icq\Plugins\IRC.dll  14FE0000 - 15020000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:26:08]
C:\icq\Plugins\Jabber.dll  15060000 - 150F8000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:29:16]
C:\icq\libs\libsignal.mir  12900000 - 12930000 [9 Nov 2022 10:29:08]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll  72890000 - 7290D000 v.10.0.14393.2155 [6 Mar 2018 9:17:29]
C:\Windows\System32\NSI.dll  74DF0000 - 74DF7000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:27]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL  737F0000 - 7381F000 v.10.0.14393.953 [4 Mar 2017 10:02:53]
C:\icq\Plugins\MenuEx.dll  15260000 - 1526E000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:27:00]
C:\icq\Plugins\MessageState.dll  15280000 - 15289000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:36:10]
C:\icq\Plugins\MobileState.dll  15500000 - 15506000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:31:40]
C:\icq\Plugins\NewEventNotify.dll  15680000 - 1568B000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:29:32]
C:\icq\Plugins\PluginUpdater.dll  159C0000 - 159D6000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:31:10]
C:\icq\Plugins\SeenPlugin.dll  15D40000 - 15D4E000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:27:40]
C:\icq\Plugins\SkypeWeb.dll  18210000 - 1824A000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:37:30]
C:\icq\Plugins\SmileyAdd.dll  15F00000 - 15F18000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:28:12]
C:\icq\Plugins\StatusManager.dll  16020000 - 1603B000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:36:52]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll  72620000 - 72886000 v.11.0.14393.2189 [30 Mar 2018 5:58:23]
C:\icq\Plugins\TabSRMM.dll  16140000 - 161B3000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:26:06]
C:\icq\Plugins\TopToolBar.dll  16300000 - 1630E000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:29:22]
C:\icq\Plugins\TranslitSwitcher.dll  16460000 - 1646A000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:28:04]
C:\icq\Plugins\UInfoEx.dll  164C0000 - 1650B000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:29:02]
C:\icq\Plugins\VKontakte.dll  165C0000 - 165F5000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:34:54]
C:\icq\Plugins\VoiceService.dll  16640000 - 16653000 v. [5 Nov 2022 19:39:32]
C:\icq\Plugins\WhatsApp.dll  18D70000 - 18DC0000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:39:06]
C:\icq\libs\libqrencode.mir  128E0000 - 128E9000 [9 Nov 2022 10:38:56]
C:\icq\Core\stdfile.dll  130A0000 - 130B2000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:27:32]
C:\icq\Core\stduseronline.dll  131C0000 - 131C7000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:27:22]
C:\icq\Core\stdaway.dll  13020000 - 13029000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:27:38]
C:\icq\Core\stdpopup.dll  13140000 - 13151000 v. [9 Nov 2022 10:38:28]
C:\Windows\system32\dataexchange.dll  725D0000 - 72614000 v.10.0.14393.206 [15 Sep 2016 19:56:42]
C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll  72280000 - 724B0000 v.10.0.14393.1378 [21 Jun 2017 10:28:29]
C:\Windows\system32\dcomp.dll  724B0000 - 725C3000 v.10.0.14393.1378 [21 Jun 2017 10:27:41]
C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll  721F0000 - 72273000 v.10.0.14393.1378 [21 Jun 2017 10:28:24]
C:\Windows\system32\twinapi.appcore.dll  720F0000 - 721E1000 v.10.0.14393.2156 [22 Mar 2018 6:31:52]
C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll  73F40000 - 73F8E000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll  718B0000 - 718B8000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:43:00]
C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll  71860000 - 718A9000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll  73380000 - 73392000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:43:01]
C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll  73360000 - 73376000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:44:01]
C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll  71800000 - 71814000 v.10.0.14393.2007 [1 Jan 2018 7:45:42]
C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll  72DA0000 - 72DAC000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:46]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL  71BD0000 - 71BD8000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:27]
C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Globalization.dll  72C60000 - 72D96000 v.10.0.14393.2156 [22 Mar 2018 6:06:26]
C:\Windows\System32\Bcp47Langs.dll  72C00000 - 72C52000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\globinputhost.dll  72BD0000 - 72BF5000 v.10.0.14393.0 [16 Jul 2016 14:42:55]

Crashdump attached
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 11 11 2022, 13:57:23
(filename not available)
Update to version with debug symbols (https://wiki.miranda-ng.org/Crash_reports#Update_plugins_and_debug_symbols) and try again.

Also, wipe both libprotobuf*.dll they are no longer needed.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: BLFox on 11 11 2022, 15:48:06
Update to version with debug symbols and try again.

Already updated
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: BLFox on 11 11 2022, 16:02:48
When i do check and repair database (WhatsApp disable), i get new error. After error and reenable WhatsApp i get new crashlog and dump
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: BLFox on 12 11 2022, 21:31:27
After new autoupdate Miranda crashlog with normal debug info =)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 15 11 2022, 14:34:00
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: BLFox on 15 11 2022, 20:38:13
Thanks ! But after fix new messages not receive in Miranda.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 08 12 2022, 20:14:02
Receiving messages works for me. Sending still not implemented.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: BLFox on 09 12 2022, 20:45:27
Receiving messages works for me. Sending still not implemented.
After delete whatsapp account in the Miranda and create again inbound messages still work.

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Thug on 21 05 2024, 00:06:07
Looks like the plugin doesn't work since today or yesterday. Can't go online on existing miranda whatsapp account and can't get QR code on a new account.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 26 06 2024, 19:07:26
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: nibbles on 25 08 2024, 13:25:38
As of today's update the plugin is working again for me.  ;D

Thank you to the developers.

Just as a quick help to those wondering how to use it - It took me a bit of time to figure out:

Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 25 08 2024, 13:55:32
1 and 2 - use PluginUpdater to update and install new plugins. Manual installation is not recommended.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: nibbles on 28 08 2024, 08:59:39
Agree with you. PluginUpdater is the best method.

However the WhatsApp plugin sadly doesn't appear in the Available Components List so for first time install it is a manual effort. (Maybe it could be added soon!)
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 28 08 2024, 12:05:02
WhatsApp available only in development version
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kicker on 07 09 2024, 19:31:00
bug report:
v. (dev)

i can receive messages and can also send them via miranda.
they appear on my phone and web (one check) but the receipent never receives them. no message at all.

btw; i read meta is going to integrate cross platform messegaing. i hope that will stabilze the development for this plugin.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 07 09 2024, 19:38:15
Message sending has not been implemented yet.
Title: Re: WhatsApp protocol
Post by: Kicker on 07 09 2024, 20:16:53
oh. didnt know that :D

then i keep an eye on the next versions. gl