Miranda NG Official Community Forum

Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users => Development => Topic started by: xaos on 16 01 2014, 22:35:47

Title: Facebook protocol
Post by: xaos on 16 01 2014, 22:35:47
Excellent plugin .. I use it exclusively for chat on facebook, and rarely ever visit the website itself.

Just recently however, during a time of high bandwidth usage, (by someone else in the house) , the plugin failed to retrieve several new messages. Within the 5 hour interval the plugin hadn't appeared to have gone offline or stopped responding in any fashion, and only after I signed out and signed back in, via MirandaNG, did the it retrieve the messages.

I do have KeepStatus set to notify on connection issues and it didn't seem to have notified anything either.

Depending on what it is that might have caused that to happen, perhaps an option to check for unread messages could be added to the protocols' 'Services' menu as well.

Also, if there's still any hidden DB options, a list of those would be appreciated too.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 17 01 2014, 18:44:20
Hi, xaos, I'm glad you like Facebook plugin :)

1) I bet it was messages from people who aren't in your friends list - that messages which are in "Other" folder on Facebook, right? If so, they are not received because Facebook won't inform Miranda about these messages anymore. I guess they want more people to use their paid feature to send messages directly to user's "Inbox" instead of "Other" folder. But it may be also temporary problem (hopefully).

And yes, adding that item into status menu / services might be useful (added to my todo list) :)

2) Hidden options are mentioned in readme, which you can find here (I think they are not downloaded via Plugin Updater): http://svn.miranda-ng.org/miranda-ng/trunk/protocols/FacebookRM/docs/facebook%20-%20readme.txt
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: xaos on 17 01 2014, 22:34:52
I suppose I should have mentioned that .. the messages were from a contact on my facebook friends list, and they did appear in my inbox on facebook as unread. They just didn't get picked up by Miranda until after I'd signed the facebook protocol offline then back online.

As for the "Other" folder, they must have changed the filter behavior just recently, as all messages I've received from people not on my friends list have always gone to my inbox on facebook.

<shrug> quirks .. hopefully that's all it was. Otherwise everything else seems to be working properly.

Thanx for the link to the readme, and for considering the suggestion.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 18 01 2014, 16:07:31
Well if it happens only when high bandwidth usage, then it's understandable. Could you capture a Miranda's network log when it happens?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: xaos on 18 01 2014, 22:44:33
Capturing a log when/if it happens again would be nearly impossible as the timing would have to be perfect for a whole bunch of things that I can't control.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 19 01 2014, 09:19:54
Then let that logging enabled (only for Facebook protocol) until it happens again. (and if it don't happen, delete regularly network log file so it won't get too big). If it's hard to reproduce, then it's even harder to fix it or do something about it.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Lukysh on 23 01 2014, 09:55:10

I use facebook only as a chat, so your plugin is probably only reason why I still have facebook account :)) So thank you, great work!

Just one suggestion: Would it be possible to select the users for which I'll be visible in chat? Or FB API doesn't allow it?

Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 23 01 2014, 14:36:28
Lukysh: Hi, this feature is already in my TODO list, but I don't know when I will have time and mood to actually implement it :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 23 01 2014, 14:59:19
What about the "seen" notification (that confirms that the other person has read you message)? Would it be possible to implement that one?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 23 01 2014, 15:59:33
M51: ??? it was done few months ago.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 23 01 2014, 19:43:41
M51:  it was done few months ago.

Huh? Do I have to enable it somewhere, or something? Because it's not showing up.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 24 01 2014, 10:15:56
M51: It is showed in window's statusbar. Make sure you have it visible.

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 24 01 2014, 20:06:51
Thanks.  :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: KalterGrog on 28 01 2014, 19:36:21
since the last update, "on the phone"-contacts are treated as offline. Can this be changed back, and if so, where?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 28 01 2014, 20:39:31
KalterGrog: Hi, no, they are treated correctly right now.

1) Miranda's status OnThePhone is now used only for contact's which are ONLINE on mobile phone.
2) Contacts that were previously marked as OnThePhone, was in fact offline, but facebook marks them as on mobile because they used Mobile client once (or before they signed off). They are now correctly marked as offline.

But in last version there is new factor that gives you this info - Client ID. Use plugin MobileState to show mobile icon next to contact's name in clist for such contacts.

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: KalterGrog on 31 01 2014, 10:14:16
Hi, no, they are treated correctly right now.

1) Miranda's status OnThePhone is now used only for contact's which are ONLINE on mobile phone.
2) Contacts that were previously marked as OnThePhone, was in fact offline, but facebook marks them as on mobile because they used Mobile client once (or before they signed off). They are now correctly marked as offline.

But in last version there is new factor that gives you this info - Client ID. Use plugin MobileState to show mobile icon next to contact's name in clist for such contacts.
Thanks for the reply.
I was under the impression that the contacts previously marked as "on the phone" had the Facebook app up and running and were therefore contactable, what would have made the "online" status more fitting.
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 31 01 2014, 12:13:02
Open Facebook website and compare statuses in Miranda with statuses there in browser. They should be "same" :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 01 02 2014, 13:16:51
Is there a way to keep the person you're chatting with from being notified that you've read their message? IIRC, there's a hack for this when you're chatting via browser.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 01 02 2014, 13:20:02
Yep, I added option for it just yesterday.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 01 02 2014, 15:14:35
Terrific. You're doing a great job, BTW.  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: zmaster on 02 02 2014, 16:58:43
Hi, i'm having a little issue. I like the "read" notification, the problem is it triggers even if miranda is in the background. So, even if i haven't actually read it, it is marked as read at the same moment i recieve the message.

This specially brings me troubles because, as the messages are marked as read in the server i recieve a notification in my phone that instantly disappears.

For the moment, i'm using the option to keep messages as unread, but that's not exactly what i need. Is it just a problem i have or is it working as intended?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 02 02 2014, 22:44:10
M51: Thanks  :DRINK:

zmaster: Well, you're right it's not optimal, but right now Miranda won't tell me when you really read that message, so it marks messages immediatelly after receiving them.

I asked ghazan to provide me a hook when message is marked as read in Miranda so I could mark it at that time marked as read in Facebook. So hopefully it will be "fixed" in some future version, but I'm not sure when yet :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: zmaster on 04 02 2014, 00:46:54
Thanks anyway for the concern, i'll be waiting for as long as it takes.

Just fo the knowledge, same previous version (a long time ago) it was warking like that right? or am i just remembering wrong?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 04 02 2014, 09:20:15
In previous versions (half year or more back in time) it only marked messages as read on server, but didn't send the "seen info". But after that Facebook forced it to automatically send "seen info" when marking messages as read.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: stasR on 04 02 2014, 14:48:19
 I have the following situation: after getting the latest version of your plugin (with Miranda-NG 0.94.9) I found out that in my contact list of about 400 FB-users all the contacts who are “on mobile” are shown to me as “offline”. I know that most of them have Facebook app on their phones, this app (even when inactive) receives messages and notifies the users.
What do I do?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 04 02 2014, 15:41:47
stasR: Open Facebook website and compare statuses in Miranda with statuses there in browser. Are they same? If not, post a screenshot comparing this situation.
(+ try to install Mobile State plugin)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: stasR on 04 02 2014, 17:41:11
See attachment (Miranda CL vs FB chat).

Post Merge: 04 02 2014, 17:59:33
Mobile State installed.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 04 02 2014, 22:23:18
Oh, yes. It's because you have still "old Facebook". Compare with my screenshot (see that "WEB" and "MOBILE" tags). Sooner or later you'll got this update and then it should work correctly.

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: stasR on 05 02 2014, 07:45:36
This update was installed and abandoned next  for Russian FB.
And this update has rendering difference only:
Mobile Online = "phone application acive"
Mobile Icon (with or without time) = "phone application inactive but receives messages and notifies the users". It isn't "offline".
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 05 02 2014, 13:45:28
stasR: You're only half correct.

Mobile Icon (with or without time) means many more things (as I just tested it again):
1) as you said: "phone application inactive but receives messages and notifies the users". It isn't "offline".
2) phone is disconnected from internet, user receives NO messages and notifications = it IS offline (time = last time user was active in phone app)
3) there is no phone involved at all and user in the past just did (2) and then connected from browser/miranda and disconnected again = it IS offline (time = last time user was active in phone/website/miranda)

And that offline mobile icon gets out only when user manually logs off from mobile application (which noone does).

So "offline" with "mobile indicator" (from mobile state) is most correct status for such contacts.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 05 02 2014, 20:51:44
I have a really weird issue. One of my Facebook friends isn't appearing on my contact list, and I tried to add him manually, but it won't work, the contact just won't show up.  ???
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 05 02 2014, 21:42:08
Isn't he hidden or something in Miranda? Or maybe he has some special ID - could you tell if it's different than other contact's ids?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 05 02 2014, 21:53:55
Looks like he indeed was hidden, but I definitely didn't hide him myself. Weird.

Post Merge: 06 02 2014, 11:08:47
Oh, one more thing. Sometimes when I type a message and hit enter (send), it appears twice, like this:

Master Yoda
Fear is the path to the dark side
Fear is the path to the dark side

The person whom I'm talking to only receives one message, though.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 11 02 2014, 13:55:56
I have a question about groups in FB.
I need to get NEWS of this (https://www.facebook.com/DDOUnlimited) group, like i do it in twitter news.
How can i do it with this plugin (or any other jabber-account maybe)?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 12 02 2014, 07:51:22
It's not possible right now. You can notify only all posts from your newsfeed.
(and with Jabber you can do nothing like that at all)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 12 02 2014, 08:21:01
Thanks for your reply.
Will wait :)

Post Merge: 12 02 2014, 08:21:37
You can notify only all posts from your newsfeed.
How? :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 13 02 2014, 20:02:00
JonIrenicus: Just install some popup plugin and make sure you have checked "newsfeed" checkbox in fb plugin options (yes, it supports notifying as popups only).

M51: Yes, sent messages are sometimes showed doubled, I'll look into it when I'll have some free time.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 14 02 2014, 07:28:28
Just install some popup plugin and make sure you have checked "newsfeed" checkbox in fb plugin options (yes, it supports notifying as popups only).
Yes, I know about it. But is there non-popup version? I need history or i need to go urls in feeds. Will be there any non-popup version soon?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 17 02 2014, 13:12:20
All of a sudden, I'm not receiving the links people share with me. They show up in browser chat normally.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 17 02 2014, 18:22:19
JonIrenicus: I'm not planning it (at least not in next months). But feel free to write and send me a patch/pull request.

M51: Yep, some recent Facebook change. I need to fix it.    EDIT: I meant attachements (like photos or files) - they are broken. But do you really have problem with simple URL links?

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 18 02 2014, 00:59:27
EDIT: I meant attachements (like photos or files) - they are broken. But do you really have problem with simple URL links?
No, when someone just pastes the url, I recieve it. But when they for example send me something from their newsfeed (share > in a private message), Miranda doesn't show it.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: sKopheK on 18 02 2014, 09:29:27
Hey guys,

thanks a million for your plugin, finally I can stay in touch with my friends and not being bothered my Zuckerberg's blue hell :).
Would it be possible to allow adding people to groups as it works with ICQ or MSN protocol contacts?

Have a nice day
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 18 02 2014, 10:16:59
M51: Yep, that's known issue - will be fixed.

sKopheK: Hi :), there is no support for "server groups", because contact may be in 1 or more group on server, but Miranda allow contact to be only in one group.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 19 02 2014, 11:43:52
Just now I've been chatting with a friend, and at one point she said "you're not getting all my messages, are you?" I checked in the browser, and indeed, Miranda just skipped some of them. It was plain text, no attachments. This is the first time this has happened to me.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: xaos on 20 02 2014, 21:45:52
Just now I've been chatting with a friend, and at one point she said "you're not getting all my messages, are you?" I checked in the browser, and indeed, Miranda just skipped some of them. It was plain text, no attachments. This is the first time this has happened to me.

Funny .. that's exactly the reason this topic was started in the first place .. I didn't bother trying the suggestion Robyer made on the first page .. it didn't seem like it would lead to a solution, .. but if you, someone else, or Robyer ever figure it out, it would be nice to know.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 02 2014, 21:24:34
All of a sudden, I'm not receiving the links people share with me. They show up in browser chat normally.

Partially fixed. Now you'll see that someone sent you something, but its content is not directly showed in Miranda.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 22 02 2014, 13:16:13
Yeah, I've noticed!

"User sent you an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to actually see it."

Great job!  :THUMBS UP:

Suggestion - drop the "actually".  ;)
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 23 02 2014, 08:41:41
Suggestion - drop the "actually".  ;)

Done :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: kaomot on 27 02 2014, 19:50:23
I can't send messages to people on my contact list, and when someone sends me a message via Facebook it only shows on Miranda when I restart it, but even though it shows on a group chat window, and not on the contact's message window.

Miranda NG version: 0.94.9 final build #8010
Facebook protocol version:

Plugins I am using:

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Exadith on 28 02 2014, 08:58:46
I think about one thing.

Why number of count contact list is different by protocol ?

I have 287 all contacts.
When i connect by jabber, miranda show me only 280.
when i connect by facebook plugin, its show me 282.

So where are 7 or 5 contacts ?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: sKopheK on 28 02 2014, 10:34:27
Yesterday I started to receive unread messages in group chat windows instead of regular 1on1 message window. This happens only when I start Miranda, not when I receive new message while it's on.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10] [DEP enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 4029 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Shell: explorer.exe
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.16518 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Czech/Czech
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 54636 MBytes

Miranda path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM
Miranda NG version: 0.94.9 final build #8010 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 2 Feb 2014 14:48:32
Profile path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Profiles\sKopheK\sKopheK.dat
Profile size: 50944,00 KBytes
Profile creation date: 7 Jun 2013 16:07:00
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (16):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [24 Jan 2014 23:27:40] - Miranda image services
  AuthState.dll v. [5 Nov 2013 21:28:08] - Authorization state
  AVS.dll v. [24 Jan 2014 23:26:46] - Avatar service
  Clist_nicer.dll v. [29 Jan 2014 15:56:06] - Clist nicer
  Cln_skinedit.dll v. [24 Jan 2014 23:27:44] - Skin editor for clist nicer
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [29 Jan 2014 15:55:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 14:43:40] - Facebook RM
  HistoryPP.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 1:26:38] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [25 Jan 2014 15:38:44] - IcqOscarJ Protocol
  Import.dll v. [5 Nov 2013 21:27:12] - Import contacts and messages
  IRC.dll v. [29 Jan 2014 15:55:44] - IRC protocol
  Jabber.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 14:42:10] - Jabber Protocol
  MSN.dll v. [25 Jan 2014 15:38:48] - MSN Protocol
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [24 Jan 2014 23:31:06] - Plugin updater
  TabSRMM.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 14:41:40] - TabSRMM
  VersionInfo.dll v. [24 Jan 2014 23:30:32] - Version information
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 28 02 2014, 11:08:46
@sKopheK - this has been happening to me as well.  ???
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 28 02 2014, 12:17:21
Yep, it happens to me as well => will be fixed soon.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 28 02 2014, 13:10:54
I think about one thing.

Why number of count contact list is different by protocol ?

I have 287 all contacts.
When i connect by jabber, miranda show me only 280.
when i connect by facebook plugin, its show me 282.

So where are 7 or 5 contacts ?

Facebook plugin might show you contacts that revoked your friendship or that just deleted their own profile (that's why it has 2 more contacts than your Jabber). And same applies for server - maybe on website is count of all friends, even ones with disabled account. Try to compare users in website and in Facebook plugin and find out if friends which are missing in Miranda are really available.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 28 02 2014, 13:39:25
sKopheK, M51: fixed ;-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: kaomot on 28 02 2014, 22:40:38
sKopheK, M51: fixed ;-)

I downloaded the stable and the current version of Facebook protocol. The issue still happens to me with the stable version, and the current version of the protocol is not allowing my Miranda to load.

Another problem is that I am able to send messages via Miranda, but I cannot receive messages from my contacts.

Any idea of what may be causing it?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 28 02 2014, 22:52:53
I downloaded the stable and the current version of Facebook protocol. The issue still happens to me with the stable version, and the current version of the protocol is not allowing my Miranda to load.

Use stable version, but  do not expect any changes to get there or use nightly builds (anyway today's commits will only get there tomorrow - it just does not compile itself right away on commit). The biggest mistake is to mix stable core and plugins from nightly and vice versa, it will crash, Miranda NG guaranties stable work only within one build, therefor PluginUpdater is used. So you can change PluginUpdater's settings to update to nightly or wait till the next stable - the choice is yours, just don't mix plugins and core from different builds.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: kaomot on 01 03 2014, 04:12:44
@watcher: sorry, I totally forgot I couldn't mix the two versions.

Anyway, for now, I have exactly the same issues with both versions.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 01 03 2014, 05:46:31
kaomot, try today's nightly please. It's already out.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 01 03 2014, 12:29:28
kaomot, please contact me directly on my Jabber or ICQ if you'll like to help me solve "receiving no messages" issue.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Exadith on 03 03 2014, 05:37:17
Is there posibility to add default group for a contact list to facebook?  for example "Facebook friendlist" - when i add new member to friends zone i need to manualy add this contact to group " facebook "
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 03 03 2014, 08:16:34
Exadith, it is in the options, isn't it?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Exadith on 03 03 2014, 09:36:12
Exadith, it is in the options, isn't it?

Yeah, this is propably what i want but only for confirmation, this option "default group" is for group on our miranda groups or groups created on facebook site ?

sorry for sicky question ^^
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 03 03 2014, 11:54:30
It's for Miranda groups. There is no connection between Miranda and Facebook groups (and there won't be any connection in near future - maybe never).
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: kaomot on 05 03 2014, 15:19:02
Thank you watcher and Robyer, the current version of the protocol addressed the problem of the messages being received by group chats.

Robyer, now I am receiving most of the messages, but still there are some that I do not receive, I think it has something to do with the contact being on-line or not, I am not sure yet. Unfortunately, I do not use Jabber, nor ICQ. Currently, I only use Skype.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: M51 on 06 03 2014, 13:52:32
Is there no way to make the facebook stickers appear in the chat window? I mean, it's just an ordinary image file, right?

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 06 03 2014, 16:16:03
M51, technically it is possible, but there is no plugin for doing so. Smileyadd partially supports such feature ("custom smileys") but it is poorly implemented and someone have to rewrite it in order to allow such features :-)

kaomot, well, you can contact me over Facebook (you'll found me there).. basically I need access to your account and way to reproduce your problem so I can analyze what's wrong.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: sKopheK on 23 03 2014, 16:32:30
I still receive unread messages in group chat windows instead of regular 1on1 message window when I start Miranda :(
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 23 03 2014, 17:41:58
sKopheK, with development builds of Miranda NG?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: zmaster on 23 03 2014, 20:06:02
Yeah, it happend to me once or twice since i changed to development build, but nothing i can reproduce, and i think it happend after a crash in my connection.

Another odd thing that happens to me now. Every time i start miranda, my tray bar icon starts to blink with a "message icon" (it doesn't open automatically a window like with any other unread server message). When i click it, it opens an empty chat window (actually, i have to click it twice, as in 2 empy messages). In server i have all messages read with that account. Any idea what cain it be?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 23 03 2014, 22:13:25
Weird. For that empty chat window try to fix your profile with dbchecker.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: zmaster on 24 03 2014, 05:02:14
That solved it, thanks.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 06 04 2014, 20:49:55

is there a way to synchronize the chat history between FB and Miranda? Things I have sent via browser or phone don't show up in my Miranda history. Could that be fixed? Or do I just have to activate some option I overlooked?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 06 04 2014, 22:01:47
Sinon, this is not possible (yet). But maybe I'll implement it in the future.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 06 04 2014, 22:24:22
Hm, OK. Thx. That feature would be quite useful, I think. The way it is now I always have to fall back to my browser/phone for conversations that started when I was away from my home computer. That conflicts with the idea of using the Miranda plugin.


I, too, get my messages delivered as group chats when I start Miranda. I'm using the latest stable build. Any information I can provide to find the culprit?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: chlopec on 12 04 2014, 21:03:56
I asked ghazan to provide me a hook when message is marked as read in Miranda so I could mark it at that time marked as read in Facebook. So hopefully it will be "fixed" in some future version, but I'm not sure when yet :)

Would it be possible to make an optional "seen" button that manually marks the message as read when using the "keep unread on server" switch? Even if the thing I quoted is implemented, I'd LOVE to be able to read some people's messages without having to immediately respond, because (as we probably all know) some people tend to freak out if you don't  ;D .. And maybe make the "keep unread on server" switch a part of individual contact's settings = selectable for individual contacts?
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 13 04 2014, 13:06:09
chlopec, http://svn.miranda-ng.org/miranda-ng/trunk/protocols/FacebookRM/docs/facebook%20-%20readme.txt

KeepUnread is already supported on per contact basis, but you need to set it manually. There is no switch in gui for that.

Would it be possible to make an optional "seen" button that manually marks the message as read when using the "keep unread on server" switch?
Everything is possible, but I won't do this. It is useless. Instead of pressing "seen" button just send message to that contact ;-) (or open it and read it in browser)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 13 04 2014, 22:05:32
Hi, I have 2 questions:

- As an user posted in this topic earlier, I get offline messages as a group chat. I'm using the final build; I didn't try yet the development version; is it the only way to fix it? I wonder if I can overwrite the miranda folder or I have to move the profile and install on a different folder?

- There is an option to use local for received messages; but when a contact reads my message, the time displayed is different (I guess it's the same facebook time like when if I disabled the option I mentioned before).
Is it possible to convert the read time displayed as the local time like it's done for the received messages? (then possibly taking into account to do that if the local time received message option is active)


CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 3791 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17041 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Italian/Italian | Italian/Italian
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 107004 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.94.9 final build #8010 x64
Build time: 2 Feb 2014 19:53:08
Profile: C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Profiles\Test\Test.dat
Profile size: 655360 Bytes
Profile creation date: 27 Mar 2014 0:46:45
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (15):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:45:10] - Miranda image services
  AVS.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:43:50] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:47:44] - Modern contact list
  CrashDumper.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 18:49:02] - Crash dumper
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:43:56] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 18:47:02] - Facebook RM
  HistoryPP.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 1:26:28] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:44:48] - IcqOscarJ Protocol
  Import.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:43:50] - Import contacts and messages
  MSN.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:45:00] - MSN Protocol
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:49:26] - Plugin updater
  Skype.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 18:52:35] - Skype Protocol
  TabSRMM.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:44:26] - TabSRMM
  TopToolBar.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 18:47:20] - TopToolBar
  Watrack.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 18:53:50] - Winamp Track

Unloadable Plugins (1):
  DbChecker.dll v. [2 Feb 2014 19:49:14] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [2 Feb 2014 18:49:46]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [2 Feb 2014 18:47:22]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [2 Feb 2014 19:47:26]
 Proto_mRadio.dll [2 Feb 2014 18:50:10]
 Proto_MSN.dll [2 Feb 2014 19:47:28]
 Proto_Skype.dll [2 Feb 2014 18:51:54]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [2 Feb 2014 19:49:48]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [2 Feb 2014 19:47:36]
 Watrack_buttons.dll [2 Feb 2014 18:53:50]
 Watrack_icons.dll [2 Feb 2014 18:53:50]
 xstatus_icq.dll [2 Feb 2014 19:45:10]
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 14 04 2014, 08:12:09

1) Yes, you need development version to make it work. You can simply change source of updates in Options / Services / Plugin updater to development and then let it update.

2) You're right. I just commited a fix (now it respects that local timestamp setting also for read receipts) :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 14 04 2014, 10:34:43
Cool, thanks
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: chlopec on 14 04 2014, 13:01:43
KeepUnread is already supported on per contact basis, but you need to set it manually. There is no switch in gui for that.
Thank you!
Everything is possible, but I won't do this. It is useless. Instead of pressing "seen" button just send message to that contact ;-) (or open it and read it in browser)
I woudn't say it's useless at all, even facebook has a "mark as read/unread" button and here (in combination with KeepUnread) a button with that functionality would be even more useful. I know it's kind of a niche thing, but that button would allow you to use facebook in miranda with keepUnread and WITHOUT the need to ever open the website, or having to have the last word in every conversation  ;D (at this point you pretty much have to, otherwise the message will keep coming again after every reconnection). I understand it's in no way a priority, just a little feature suggest :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 14 04 2014, 13:21:24
(at this point you pretty much have to, otherwise the message will keep coming again after every reconnection)

Actually I fixed this few minutes ago, so no such message will keep coming back  ;)

So do you still really need that button? :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: chlopec on 14 04 2014, 14:54:58
Actually I fixed this few minutes ago
Anything that prevents "unread" messages from coming over and over again makes me a super happy user!  ;D
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 14 04 2014, 15:24:22

1) Yes, you need development version to make it work. You can simply change source of updates in Options / Services / Plugin updater to development and then let it update.

I just tried updating to the developer version to get rid of these null chat rooms, but Miranda won't even start with that version. :( When will it be released as a stable build?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 14 04 2014, 15:38:38
Anything that prevents "unread" messages from coming over and over again makes me a super happy user!  ;D
I'm glad to hear that  :D

I just tried updating to the developer version to get rid of these null chat rooms, but Miranda won't even start with that version. :( When will it be released as a stable build?

Obviously you didn't tried enough :)

You must update ALL plugins and core to development version, NOT only Facebook plugin. Then it must work. Or also try to manually download nightly version from website and replace your Miranda after your not working update.

Next stable might be released in a month or so. When all important bugs are fixed.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Exadith on 17 04 2014, 06:00:05
Anything that prevents "unread" messages from coming over and over again makes me a super happy user!  ;D

I'm glad to hear that  :D

I think that this feature could be good option for ppl who use facebook chat on few devices...

For example : i have messenger on my phone and tablet.  when i use miranda to talk by fb chat - it grab messages and these messages dont append on the mobile devices - its good ! but same issue, when i dont answer to user ----> chat is marked as unread and on site or mobile application i need to open conversation and check that i read it

I dont know how much time this feature will  take from your life ( :D ) but if this option is something like few lines code , please add it ^^

it will be really helpful
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 17 04 2014, 06:34:56
Exadith, hmm, ok, I'll think about it... ??? ... ok, I'll add it in some future version :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fleycds on 18 04 2014, 19:18:04

is there a way to synchronize the chat history between FB and Miranda? Things I have sent via browser or phone don't show up in my Miranda history. Could that be fixed? Or do I just have to activate some option I overlooked?

Sinon, this is not possible (yet). But maybe I'll implement it in the future.

Would absolutely love to see this feature. Now it's beginning to become more and more common to use facebook on multiple devices. I don't use facebook chat for personal use only. History is kinda important for me:)

This plugin is a great piece of code, keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 19 04 2014, 17:48:11
A curiosity: sometimes some facebook contacts appears in the contact list in a trasparent mode. But sometimes they aren't.

Is it a facebook function or rather a clist_nicer function? I couldn't find such an option...
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 19 04 2014, 19:42:52
SpinalBlood, it's a clist's function - "Dim idle contacts". And they are transparent because they are idle :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 19 04 2014, 20:16:20
Ok, thanks!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 20 04 2014, 20:07:08
Until now all the contacts would disappear when I'm getting to invisible status. But in the past few days, Facebook contacts disappear and pop up on the list again right after that, and freeze there. I mean, even some of the people leave the Facebook, they still stay on the list like they're online. I'm using stable version whole the time.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 20 04 2014, 21:30:51
Whiplash, try to reproduce it in development version, please.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 21 04 2014, 00:36:46
Whiplash, try to reproduce it in development version, please.
Yeah, it's happening with it too.  :(
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 04 2014, 09:10:08
Whiplash, Ok, I can reproduce it too. I'll fix it soon.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 21 04 2014, 10:48:39
Whiplash, Ok, I can reproduce it too. I'll fix it soon.
Listen... I actually think that having those contacts visible whole the time is a good thing. It would be great if I could see who's online even if I'm invisible to him. If that's possible - keep it like that. ;) (I know that it's not possible with the ordinary Facebook, but maybe you can do a hack for Miranda NG  ;)).
But, as I said, the problem is that those contacts are frozen - so you never know if they're really there or not, which makes them useless.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 04 2014, 15:04:20
Whiplash, yes, I was thinking about same thing :-)

Now we finally have true invisible status in Facebook plugin!  :DRINK:
(But I'm not sure for how long, there is a possibility that Faceboook will fix that and it will be same as before. Who knows.)

Anyway, I "released" a new version today. Changelog (from 19.3. to 21.4.) for interested people is:
Quote - 21.4.2014
 + Support true invisible status (they don't see you, but you see them)
 + Don't load "unread messages" which we received already (but didn't read them yet)
 + Add support for showing unread notifications count as "unread emails" in clist
 + Add status menu item "Visit Notifications" and icons for other items
 + Hidden setting for Naseem's spam mode
 * Respect "use local timestamp" setting also for "message read" events
 * Refactor receiving multi-chat messages (it doesn't load chat participants and chat names, etc. but it will be fixed in future versions)
 * Various typing notifications changes/fixes
   + Support receiving typing notifications for multi chats (and prepare for sending it, when *srmm will be ready for that)
   * Don't switch contact to online when he is typing (he can type from invisible)
   * Send typing notifications even to offline contacts
 ! Fix not to load offline multi chat messages to single contacts
 ! Fix size of downloaded avatars (use 50x50 for smaller and 180x180 for bigger)
 ! Various other fixes (crashes, poke/newsfeed texts,...)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 21 04 2014, 15:23:22
O man, you're the king! I guess I can't update it right now, but as soon as I can, I'll check it out.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 04 2014, 15:45:22
It will be tomorrow in auto-update. Today you can grab it here: (for deveopment version only) https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl267xrdwlz0qfl/FacebookRM.7z
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 21 04 2014, 16:22:30
Thanks. It seems to work O.K. so far. ;)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 03 05 2014, 16:28:44
I found some strange issue today.
It can be for some more time - today I just saw it. :P

I got all my FB contact in a group.
Today I found some duplicated people at the bottom of the list.
Some of them don't even show as the full name just as the number of facebook profile.

I checked who are this number selecting "Visit Profile" from the rightclick menu and they are doubled contacts too.
Is it my contact list problem or something more?

My VI:
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 03 05 2014, 18:41:02
So, is still a developement release or am I making something wrong when looking for an update. I still have and Miranda says "No Update" for me :(
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 03 05 2014, 18:45:57
I just use daily alpha build with alpha plugins. ;)
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 05 05 2014, 11:55:36
Myshor, This was old problem which is (I hope) fixed already (few weeks or months). Just delete that contacts through dbeditor and lets hope they don't come back. But if they will, let me know. ;-)

Sinon, Miranda NG is released with all plugins at once, so I can't release a stable version of Facebook protocol only. You must wait for next stable Miranda NG version or switch to development to use new builds of this plugin.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 05 05 2014, 20:05:28
Myshor, This was old problem which is (I hope) fixed already (few weeks or months). Just delete that contacts through dbeditor and lets hope they don't come back. But if they will, let me know. ;-)

dbeditor is a must be? I deleted all duplicated contacts from contact list. Then I runed dbchecker and restarted Miranda.
15 minutes and new duplicates is found. :/
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 06 05 2014, 09:50:57
Myshor, try it again with clean profile, please.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: capilano on 09 05 2014, 15:52:09

i have a problem with the current facebook plugin (version The dial-up doesn't finished, it a loop. I try the dbchecker, a clean profile and try the updater, but nothing happend.
A netlog and version information are in my other thread, http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=2103.0.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 09 05 2014, 22:21:33
capilano, hi, please contact me directly on my ICQ/Jabber. I would need to debug it with your account, because my main and testing accounts works, so it must be some "local" problem only for some people.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 10 05 2014, 18:03:42
Login problem fixed in tomorrow nightly build. Thanks capilano for borrowing me his account.
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 11 05 2014, 10:16:42
Facebook plugin updates backported to stable version 0.94.9, check updates from Miranda's main menu.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 11 05 2014, 17:13:21
Waiting for some update/downgrade... I have some "Login Error: Facebook will be soon!" tooltip and I can't log on!

The last update screwed all this in my Miranda.  :-[
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 11 05 2014, 17:20:45
I had no problems. Backporting was a good decision. ;)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 11 05 2014, 17:23:48
Myshor, It's message from Facebook itself. If you'll try to login in browser, you'll see it doesn't work either ;-) It should work again in a few hours I guess.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 11 05 2014, 17:29:50
It's strange... My Android Messenger works fine at my phone. I can login to Facebook from firefox without problems too, but...
I can't login to facebook with newest nightly update in Miranda. :o
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 11 05 2014, 17:49:38
Myshor, it is not related to plugin update. You can wait or you can try to remove DeviceID key from database and try to reconnect.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 14 05 2014, 13:59:06
I have a really weird problem since yesterday;

when I send a message, the miranda chat shows two messages sent; while the receiving contact receives only 1 message and on the facebook website only 1 message appears (in both chat window and inbox section).

I have tested on a new fresh profile, in different miranda builds (both stable and development) and even on different pc / s.o .

In some ways it doesn't even seem a Miranda problem, in fact I later discovered that the problem appears only on 1 account. I have tested other accounts and the problem disappears.

But inside the website, there are no problems; if I send a message inside the website, the miranda window gets only 1 copy of the message, and 0 if miranda windows is not opened, as always.

Could there be some website setting that I modified? I admit I was surfing the cronology inside the website, and maybe pushed the "sign as unread button", but it shouldn't affect new messages....?
Some other web settings that affects miranda behavior in some ways? Miranda detects a new sent message (inside the inbox message) thus showing another copy?

I'm puzzled.  ???
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 15 05 2014, 06:56:13
SpinalBlood, Hi, it's pretty simple, actually. Facebook are doing changes (updates, fixes,...) only to a group of user accounts at a time. That's why something might does(n't) work on one account and not on X others.

To be able to fix this issue, I need to borrow your login/password and check what's different there. You can contact me over ICQ/Jabber/Facebook..., but I don't have much time these days, so I'm not sure how fast I will fix it then :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 15 05 2014, 10:42:04
Hi, thanks for your availability! However by the time I just connected today the problem seems fixed already...itself :(

Maybe some sort of temporary bug...
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 15 05 2014, 18:14:30
I used new profile and still I got some "number" contacts added from time to time.
After restart of Miranda they become some doubled contacts.

I'll try to find when this behavior happends.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 16 05 2014, 09:44:57
Myshor, I think I know what causes that... I'll try to fix it soon ;)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Ever on 17 05 2014, 00:10:11
How do I view the facebook newsfeed? Is there any additional (popup) plugin needed? Because all I see when I click on newsfeed is "loading newsfeed" and nothing happens.
Please advise.

I am using the latest stable version of miranda-ng and the facebook plug-in.

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 17 05 2014, 01:01:01
Ever, you need only classic Popup Plus or YAPP plugin. Maybe that feature is broken, but it should automatically show popup when there is new item on the wall.. If there is nothing new, it shows nothing.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Ever on 17 05 2014, 02:05:37
Nope, sorry to say the facebook newsfeed feature seems broken :(. I tried using both POP Plus and YAPP. But nothing! :-[
I hope this useful feature is enabled in future versions. :THUMBS UP:

Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 17 05 2014, 21:44:40
I used new profile and still I got some "number" contacts added from time to time.
After restart of Miranda they become some doubled contacts.

I'll try to find when this behavior happends.

I think I know the reason.
I'm not pretty sure but...

I just saw - when I choose user details then the contact is doubled.
I delete two doubled contacts and it comes back to the list as a number.

Geting full detail for some contacts is broken I think.
It can be some facebook setting it can be some broken code in plugin.

I think plugin should get full detail of contact, then see if it is on the list.
If contact exist do nothing,
else add contact.

I don't want to go back to stable version. I will fight with this contacts until we find some solution.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 18 05 2014, 09:49:16
I don't want to go back to stable version. I will fight with this contacts until we find some solution.

That's good, because in fact you can't go back to stable :D

I did some changes to FB plugin, there is development version (tomorrow it will be in updater): https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl267xrdwlz0qfl/FacebookRM.7z
It shouldn't produce "number" and duplicit contacts anymore. Let me know :-)
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 18 05 2014, 19:05:53
Updated... time to see how it works. ;)
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 19 05 2014, 20:44:12
Today 2 "number" contacts after 2 hours... :/
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 19 05 2014, 21:11:27
Myshor, try to fix your profile with dbchecker. You must have something wrong there.  ???
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 20 05 2014, 20:14:48
Yes... Wrong persons added to facebook.  :D

I dbchecked my profile. No warnings or errors. However I will tell you tommorow how this helped. ;)

Next "number" contact on the list just when I wrote this post.  :o

Maybe the advanced settings doing something bad:
HTTPS options and local time activated.

Second edit:
After deleting doubled contacts (no relationship cancelled) and Miranda restart...
One and a half hour later... No bug.

I will see tomorow. Maybe I needed to refresh my list.  :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: neets on 21 05 2014, 09:44:34

I am using the facebook plugin. Each time I receive a message the following message is shown in an annoying pop-up:

"The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."

Note that it pop-up without any interaction on my part (I don't "request" any content per se).

Anyone knows why this message keeps showing? Thanks!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 05 2014, 11:35:24
Fixed here (and tomorrow in updater): <link removed>
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Aztek on 21 05 2014, 13:46:47
Here is something from me...
FB Marysia , 2014-04-30 00:42:04:
User sent you a sticker:
Possibility to place stickers and images into [ img ] tags (like below) would be nice : D I'm looking forward to it.
FB Marysia , 2014-04-30 00:42:04:

When I write msg to someone outside my list I get bonus contact on my list - with MY name and surname. It's not cool :C

And bug to fix. After few moments my status automatically changes from Connected to Invisivble.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 05 2014, 13:57:19
I just fixed getting newsfeeds.

1)Possibility to place stickers and images into [ img ] tags (like below) would be nice : D I'm looking forward to it.
I don't want to do this, because most of people don't use IEView. And when you use IEView you can write JavaScript to automatically convert that sticker link into image. Or am I missing something here?

2) When I write msg to someone outside my list I get bonus contact on my list - with MY name and surname. It's not cool :C
If you refresh this contact's details, will you get correct name and surname?

3)And bug to fix. After few moments my status automatically changes from Connected to Invisivble.
a) someone is switching that that status to invisible (= disabling your chat in another instance of browser, or miranda)
b) it's because your autoaway and setting in fb plugin to use "invisible" instead of "online" for unsupported statuses

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Doc Boy on 21 05 2014, 17:55:05
Since yesterday I get this message with EVERY incoming facebook message. Restarting Miranda and the Computer did not work  :-[
The messages come through though. But I need to get rid of that stupid pop up window every time.

Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 05 2014, 19:17:42
Doc Boy, right, because reading few last posts is so hard... :-X
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Doc Boy on 21 05 2014, 19:30:57
 ::) I must've been blind. Only saw those posts regarding the news feed (https://forum.miranda-ng.org/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.austriafans.at%2Fforum%2Fsmilies%2Ffacepalm.gif&hash=1ece0b6092e700fad8ad4bf30c099f239c0a7f09)
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: neets on 23 05 2014, 06:55:49
Fixed here (and tomorrow in updater): <link removed>

Thanks!! The message hasn't popped up so far :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: j_m on 23 05 2014, 18:02:43
Hello, i was also getting same error message when using FB plugin.
I replaced it with plugin metnioned above, but now miranda doesnt start, Windows just displays message to close it.
I have 32bit version of miranda on 64bit W7. This happens on both of my PCs.

Thanks for help
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 23 05 2014, 20:13:30
j_m, it is fixed in development version. If you're using stable, you can enable option to "keep messages as unread on server". Because root of that error message is in marking messages as read.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: j_m on 24 05 2014, 16:31:28
Robyer, thank you for reply. But how should I install development version of FB plugin? As I mentioned above, when I just copy it over stable version of plugin and replace, then Miranda crashes immediately after start.

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 24 05 2014, 17:55:33
You can't install development version of FB plugin on earlier core, you should go dev version all the way. Or wait for a next stable.

On 0.94.9:

If you're using stable, you can enable option to "keep messages as unread on server". Because root of that error message is in marking messages as read.
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 24 05 2014, 18:34:14
I was silent for some days...

My problem with the number/doubled contacts still occurs.

I delete all doubled contacts to get rid of them. Then relogin to facebook and they are showed as "profile numbers". Next relogin and they are as Full Name.

Don't know what causes this. :/ Can't find the source.
Maybe the mobile messenger login to facebook causes that they are showed as numbers.

I have job every Miranda start.
First I have to look for doubled contacts to remove them and not cancel the relationship. :P

http://www.miranda-vi.org/global/muzzyf8/ - for a look. (Always the latest development plugins)
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 24 05 2014, 19:19:32
Myshor, that's just not possible... ???

Do you delete BOTH duplicit contacts? Or just that "new" (number) ones? Because you have to delete that "old" ones (or both).

It must be some problem in your profile. Did you tried empty profile? Does it make duplicit contacts on empty profile?

In latest versions (since I told you that it should be fixed) it MUST load contacts with names automatically (no numbers).

Btw how many contacts do you have on your profile?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 24 05 2014, 19:27:22
New profile, imported contacts from file for GG, Jabber, Skype and Tlen showed on list after first login.

As Jabber/Skype/Tlen there was no contacts for Facebook and they showed after first login.
The problem is for only few contacts. (~10 people)
The other is fine.

So I think it's could be something with messenger - all this contacts client is Facebook (Mobile).

The Facebook (Website) don't duplicate.
Maybe it's happening when they are using both at the same time (I mean they have messenger online and browser chat enabled).

It's difficult to say, because I can't catch anybody online to ask about that bug what kind of client they use.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: rajibchakraborty on 24 05 2014, 20:17:24
Can anyone tell me why I am gettIng the following error while chatting with this plugin

" The content you requested cannot be displayed right now "

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 24 05 2014, 20:19:58
Myshor, so does it create duplicates even on clean profile?

"Problem" is this (it's very simplified):
1) When logging in, I request list of all contacts from your account. For contacts existing in your profile I update their name, avatar, etc. For contacts not in your profile yet I add them to your profile - these contact will have their name.
2) Then I request list of online people. In this response I get for most of contacts (mainly for mobile ones) only their ID (number) and no name. And I set statuses for these contacts. If this contact doesn't exists, I'll add (with only number instead of name).

You having contacts with numbers and duplicits could be explained only by:
a) not getting all friends in request #1 (this doesn't explain duplicits)
b) not working searching contact in profile (what are ids of these duplicit contacts? it should be numeric like 123456789. does it look different?)
c) http://www.picturesnew.com/media/images/aliens-meme-image.jpeg :-)

... hmm, maybe I found something. Try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl267xrdwlz0qfl/FacebookRM.7z
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 24 05 2014, 20:21:41
Can anyone tell me why I am gettIng the following error while chatting with this plugin

" The content you requested cannot be displayed right now "

rajibchakraborty, http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=192.msg4589#msg4589
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 24 05 2014, 20:44:40
... hmm, maybe I found something. Try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl267xrdwlz0qfl/FacebookRM.7z

Testing. I'll answer about an hour when it's ok now.

It seem all is ok now. :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: j_m on 25 05 2014, 17:10:45
Thanks for info, now I get it.
Just one more question. Workaround mentioned bellow works fine, but it is not perfect solution.
Do you know, when updated FB plugin will be available in stable distribution channel? I want to know, if it is worthy to install develepment version now or wait for stable update of plugin.

You can't install development version of FB plugin on earlier core, you should go dev version all the way. Or wait for a next stable.

On 0.94.9:

You can't install development version of FB plugin on earlier core, you should go dev version all the way. Or wait for a next stable.

On 0.94.9:

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 25 05 2014, 17:38:25
It seem all is ok now. :)
Really? That's strange :-) I commited 1/2 of changes so it will be in updater tomorrow - let me know if it still works :-)

Do you know, when updated FB plugin will be available in stable distribution channel? I want to know, if it is worthy to install develepment version now or wait for stable update of plugin.

j_m, when new stable version of Miranda will be released. And that nobody knows when. Maybe in a month or so :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 25 05 2014, 17:45:21
Really? That's strange :-) I commited 1/2 of changes so it will be in updater tomorrow - let me know if it still works :-)

I will... I'm with Miranda runnig to the late evening.
I don't update the plugin until you say I should. (Updater says It has newer version to install every Miranda start) :)

Edit at 21:02:
I just looked at my contact list.
There was one bugged contact.

I cleaned it just like before.

Added at 23:07:
No more number/duplicate contacts.

Goin' to sleep. Peace.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 30 05 2014, 07:31:06
whats wrong with one of my 2 Facebook accounts? Lasr week i got adds every 30 minutes.
But now i get the same commercial add every other seconds! What can i do against it?
So in a Minute the whole screen is full of popups ;(
On the second account i get no ads.

edit: Now its also a post from a site i liked, that apears every 5 second as a popup ;(
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 30 05 2014, 09:51:03
makiao, for ads you can enable checkbox in options to "filter advertisement posts".

But that regular posts every x seconds... I don't know what's problem yet. I will look at it after few days, so until that try to change types of posts in options, or disable it completely.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 30 05 2014, 10:09:43
Oh i searched this option, but never found it. And now, i found it first time after you write it ;)

I logged out in browser, for now, no new popups, its also weird, that this only happens to one of the accounts.

Ah an other thing, is it posible to link each facebook account to an other browser? So if i click on the ones popup, one opens, and click on others popup the other? That would be very great.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 30 05 2014, 10:22:23
makiao, yes. I added it to my TODO list and implement it in few days or so... :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 30 05 2014, 10:29:11
This is a very very usefull thing, greeeeeat!  :DRINK:
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 30 05 2014, 10:51:39
Well, I changed my mind...  ??? ... and implemented it right now  ;D

Tomorrow you'll just need to add this setting via Database Editor++
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 30 05 2014, 11:44:29
Thank you. Only 2 Questions.
Where i get the datatabase editor++ and which file i must open then?

edit: PS: The every 20 second popups are back...
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 30 05 2014, 13:30:17
makiao, You should understand everything there: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:DbEditorPP/en
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 30 05 2014, 23:02:45
I just fixed that notifying of same popups again and again. I hope it will be ok now.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 31 05 2014, 11:09:08
Different Browsers work, nice nice nice, thats a great feature, Thanx!!!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 01 06 2014, 20:31:20
I just wanted to say that number/doubled contacts still shows. :P
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: neets on 02 06 2014, 08:35:49
I just fixed that notifying of same popups again and again. I hope it will be ok now.

The popups keep appearing :(
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 09:13:09
neets, with today's development release it still shows duplicit popups?

Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 09:16:12
I just wanted to say that number/doubled contacts still shows. :P


I really don't know whats wrong there. But it seems you're the only one affected with this problem...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 02 06 2014, 12:16:29
For me the multiple popups are fixed.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: cust on 02 06 2014, 16:58:43
Is there a way to make facebook plugin a full facebook solution?
For example, get posts in message windows and comments as new messages and post comments directly?
If you could do this it will be amazing :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 19:39:42
cust, TL;DR: No.

In a theoretical way is everything possible, but no. I have no intent of replacing website. Even maintaining existing features is pretty time-consuming (because I'm doing dirty-parsing of Facebook html pages), so every Facebook change must be incorporated in plugin (and such changes are very often). Doing this with posts, comments, etc. would lead to much much much more of these problems and spent time.

Even if I would be willing to parsing these things etc., it would need much work in creating user interface for it, because your example isn't possible - posts couldn't be incorporated into Miranda's message windows (only if every post have been single contact, which is madness and nonsense). So it's just too much work. And worthless - just use website, everything works best there :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 02 06 2014, 20:28:34
I really don't know whats wrong there. But it seems you're the only one affected with this problem...

I can just delete all my bugged contacts... If they will add me again we will see is it ok or not. :P
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 21:04:09
I can just delete all my bugged contacts... If they will add me again we will see is it ok or not. :P
Well you don't need to delete them from server. Did you tried it with clean profile? Could you make it reproducible? If so, I'll ask you to prepare me such profile where I could test it and reproduce it easily... Then it's more likely that I'll fix it :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: spookyfox on 02 06 2014, 21:21:38
Forgive me if I'm in the wrong place, but I made an account because I have a problem and Google has not been helpful.

I installed Miranda IM mostly to chat on Twitch IRC and Facebook. But Twitch didn't work for some reason. Then I found out about Miranda NG, and it works with both protocols. However, everytime I receive a message in Facebook, I get a pop up saying I don't have permission to view the message. I can view the messages just fine, and chat regularly, but every time a person replies, I get another pop up, so you can imagine how annoying this gets.

This doesn't happen with Miranda IM, does anyone know what's going on?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 02 06 2014, 22:21:36
spookyfox, http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=192.msg4589#msg4589
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 03 06 2014, 18:43:40
Well you don't need to delete them from server. Did you tried it with clean profile? Could you make it reproducible? If so, I'll ask you to prepare me such profile where I could test it and reproduce it easily... Then it's more likely that I'll fix it :-)

I made new profile when you said I should... It got me almost 3 hours to set everything from the beginning to look and sound as before. :P
About the reproducible thing. There are evenings without any bug (like today).
Other day I have 5 number contacts on my 3 hours with Miranda turned online.

I just don't know what is the main problem - except this I wrote last time. All the contacts have Facebook (Mobile) as their client i popup.

Maybe it's not the Facebook plugin but something with clist_nicer. However why the FB contacts only.
Maybe it's something with some old version (newest version) of Messenger. I can be sure all "broken" contacts use Android Messenger.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 03 06 2014, 23:11:02
I made new profile when you said I should... It got me almost 3 hours to set everything from the beginning to look and sound as before.

Well, I meant new profil only for a test, not that you should abandon old profile and reconfigure new one from the scratch :-)
But okay, so it doesn't depend on clean profile. Bump me at the end of next week and we'll try to do something more about it.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: spookyfox on 04 06 2014, 02:45:22
spookyfox, http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=192.msg4589#msg4589

Thank you!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: neets on 04 06 2014, 11:31:55
neets, with today's development release it still shows duplicit popups?


it doesn't show them anymore  ;D ;D

btw the doubled contacts happened to me too when i added my facebook account for the first time. im going to delete it and add it again to check if it still happens and i'll let you know :)

Post Merge: 04 06 2014, 12:20:06
no doubled contacts this time  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 08 06 2014, 19:50:16
I deleted facebook account, cleared profile with dbcheker, cleared cached avatars then added fb account from the begginnig.
Testing for the doubled contacts. :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: sanpee on 12 06 2014, 09:37:21
I keep receiving empty messages from this userid 100007073648269 (which apparently is https://www.facebook.com/zaki.alhadad.1) when miranda starts to connect to facebook. I blocked the guy in facebook but still receiving the annoying empty message when miranda starts. Anyone has similar issue?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 12 06 2014, 10:11:32
sanpee, please contact me over jabber/icq.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 15 06 2014, 20:47:32
Since some Days im always online, even if i set invicible in miranda, Can you do something? ;)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 15 06 2014, 22:17:43
Can you do something? ;)

Oh, of course I can. I'm an expert ;) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg

(I can't reproduce it... it works for me now.)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 15 06 2014, 22:22:32
HaHa ok you would say you must have more informtions from me.

Hm what can i say more then i just done, i have not set anything other than befor this apears, that i am always onlne, when im set incvisible. On the webpage facebook it sets me offline, but my friends do see me still online.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 15 06 2014, 22:41:45
makiao, hmm, so on website you see that you're offline, but in fact your friends see you online? That's problem of Facebook itself, not my plugin. Try to disconnect from website manually if friends will still see you online.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: sanpee on 18 06 2014, 07:32:51
Since some Days im always online, even if i set invicible in miranda, Can you do something? ;)
Fixed already, after cleaning up the database. Looks like a residue event that hard to tagged as read.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: ald on 18 06 2014, 08:14:22
when miranda NG starts
then open some null window

how to deny this window

I need only FB chat, no more
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 18 06 2014, 10:11:18
Fixed already, after cleaning up the database. Looks like a residue event that hard to tagged as read.

Thanx! I know how to check Database, but how can i clean? Because Check has not worked for my Problem.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 20 06 2014, 12:01:14
I'm having the same problem. Weird thing is that when I'm using browser to check my status, chat is off - just like it should be. But when I ask other people what my status is, they see me as online. So, "true invisible" seems not working anymore.
And I don't know either what that "cleaning up the database" means?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 20 06 2014, 15:25:54
*sigh* Ignore Miranda side and just tell me if it works correctly when you disconnect your chat manually on website...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 20 06 2014, 15:34:12
Little confused, at the moment 1 account works and the other has still the same always online problem.

Ok should i let miranda running to test the webside thing? (If i set miranda to online/invisible, the one that has the problem stays online even if i set offline on webpage. (but all the days it was both accounts, really weird) I dont change anything, and settings in miranda are still the same)
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 20 06 2014, 22:51:48
makiao, that just means it's not problem of Miranda but Facebook itself...
If something doesn't work on website, how it could possibly work in Miranda?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 21 06 2014, 12:53:01
Well, it actually DOES work on browser. I tested it with my friend.
The only change that I noticed on browser when I've used "Invisible" in Miranda is that it doesn't show green spots (for online status) anymore as long as you don't click to chat with somebody in browser. After you click on him, contacts gets their green spots notification for Online status. But during all that time, you're online for them (either with or without green spots on their names).
If I remember well, before the problem arrived, green spots would show up automatically each time you click on chat for all the contacts who are online.

So, now only 2 statuses work in Miranda (Online and Offline), same as in browser. Invisible started to act like Online. If I'm using "Invisible" in Miranda, I'll see that my chat is off in browser, but that still shows me as online to other contacts. After I click on chat and on someone's name, browser's status is starting to work properly. And if I turn of chat there, it will be really off.

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 06 2014, 14:13:28
Whiplash, thanks for explanation. That's what I needed to know. I'll examine it later...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: imtrobin on 22 06 2014, 06:31:07
when miranda NG starts
then open some null window

how to deny this window

I need only FB chat, no more

I have this same issue. It pops up tabsrmm with null message, and a lot of dialog popup facebook errors
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 22 06 2014, 08:21:01
Everyone, if you have any problem, FIRST test it in development version and report bugs that are present in latest development version ONLY.

imtrobin, I think I get this with my second account, I'll check that.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: ald on 22 06 2014, 15:31:14
when miranda NG starts
then open some null window

I have NOT this problem in development version.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 22 06 2014, 17:29:07
O.K., I switched to development version and I'm confirming that the "Invisible=Online" status problem is still existing. I guess, Robyer, this time you 'll have hard job to get the "true invisible" status back. :(
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 22 06 2014, 17:32:01
Whiplash, yep, I expected it won't work forever... sadly. I'll just fix that setting status now.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: makiao on 22 06 2014, 17:44:00
I use the dev version, and at the Moment i use 2 accounts in the same miranda. And one of them is ok with invisibility ant the other is everitime online. Think this does not help you ;) Just have cleaned all historys, nothing chhanged. befor i cleaned it was both, then only one and then i cleaned. it was not fixed by cleaning i want to say. Somthing weird is going on on the facebook side ;)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: mrx00 on 22 06 2014, 19:42:49

i migrated to Miranda-NG with Facebook protocol, because messages were not received any more with Miranda-IM.

Now receiving messages works, but sometimes a popup (see attachement) is shown which text is similar to:
"The requested contents can not be shown. They are not available, or the link has been expired or you have no permission to request the site"

What is the cause for this error? How can it be solved?

I'm using facebook Germany. Facebook Protocol is set to use HTTPS and secure connection for channel access.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 22 06 2014, 19:56:36
If you're using stable version: Just go to Facebook plugin options > advanced > and then check "Keep messages as unread on server (don't send "seen" info)"

Or you can just use development version - just go Options > Plugin updater > and check "Development version (less stable)". That problem is already fixed there as I understood. Be sure to restart Miranda NG when doing this. ;)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Goraf on 23 06 2014, 07:40:37
It looks like there is some memory leakage in facebook plugin. Miranda consumes over hundreds MB of RAM memory. Memory usage increases every 30 seconds with facebook plugin. Problem doesn't occurs without it. Oh and one question. Is facebook plugin CPU intensive?


It looks like it's facebook + console
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 23 06 2014, 09:43:16
It looks like there is some memory leakage in facebook plugin. Miranda consumes over hundreds MB of RAM memory. Memory usage increases every 30 seconds with facebook plugin. Problem doesn't occurs without it. Oh and one question. Is facebook plugin CPU intensive?
I never experienced such a problem. My Miranda almost never goes over 5.000 K.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: mrx00 on 23 06 2014, 20:36:06
@ Whiplash: thank you very much for your hint. Checking "Keep messages as unread on server" seems to solve the issue.

Best regrads,
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 24 06 2014, 08:22:48
It looks like there is some memory leakage in facebook plugin. Miranda consumes over hundreds MB of RAM memory. Memory usage increases every 30 seconds with facebook plugin. Problem doesn't occurs without it. Oh and one question. Is facebook plugin CPU intensive?


It looks like it's facebook + console

Yes, Console is broken (and Facebook does many logging). About cpu intensivity it's hard to say, I don't know how to answer...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fikus on 30 06 2014, 09:21:10

Facebook chat group have strange number instead of the name of the person, the number is the unique ID (cause if I click on and search for details I can see the name)
The icon on the try is showed also in low res and just for some istant (like 1min)

Tnx :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 30 06 2014, 09:29:31
The reason can be that the person who sent you a message isn't your "friend". Or somebody invited you to the group chat.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fikus on 30 06 2014, 09:43:19
no they are all my friend
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 30 06 2014, 10:14:28
Group chats work this way right now. It's not finished. That's why there are numbers instead of names.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fikus on 30 06 2014, 11:05:34
ok, tnx man, there is just a way for the icon that no disappiar so quickly?
Miranda is alive again tnx u guys, I'm so exited to use it again !!!!!!!!!!!  :DRINK: :DRINK:
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 30 06 2014, 17:08:36
fikus, I think icon you're talking about (if I read it correctly in your another thread) works same as in Miranda IM so there were no changes to it.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 07 2014, 20:55:31
Request if possible:

the Tabsrmm window has the space at the bottom where the Seen line appears; but if I close the window before the contact has read, and he reads before I reopen a second time, the line will not be shown anymore, showing instead the last received message time.

Is it possible to mantain that line replacing the "last received" until he actually sends a reply? It seems that Facebook leaves that until the contact is typing

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 03 07 2014, 22:18:02
SpinalBlood, yes, I plan to "keep" it even if you close window. But I wasn't able to load that time from Facebook anyhow manually so you must be at least connected to receive this info (same as now).
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 07 2014, 22:28:14
Ok cool, that would be more than enough
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 06 07 2014, 07:52:05
SpinalBlood, it's implemented (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/9698/) ;-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: zmaster on 06 07 2014, 14:05:18
I'm having again the "message group at start up" error again. With the plus of having an several additional "unknown contacts"in contact list. I've checked the database several times and still have the same issue.
Any thoughts or where i should be looking?
CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor  [AMD64 Family 21 Model 1 Stepping 2] [DEP enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8138 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit  (build 7600)
Shell: explorer.exe
Internet Explorer: 9.10.9200.16384 (build 99200)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Spanish/Spanish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 36410 MBytes

Miranda path: C:\Users\zmaster\Google Drive\Programs\miranda-ng-v0.93.5_x64
Miranda NG version: 0.95.1 alpha build #9695 x64
Build time: 6 Jul 2014 5:48:58
Profile path: C:\Users\zmaster\Google Drive\Programs\miranda-ng-v0.93.5_x64\Profiles\Lazarus\Lazarus.dat
Profile size: 2752,00 KBytes
Profile creation date: 26 Mar 2014 22:40:26
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (31):
  Actman.dll v. [25 Apr 2014 5:53:08] - Action manager
  AdvaImg.dll v. [24 Jan 2014 23:37:58] - Miranda image services
  AutoRun.dll v. [2 Apr 2014 5:46:28] - AutoRun
  AvatarHistory.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:46:24] - Avatar history
  AVS.dll v. [31 May 2014 5:40:58] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:44:04] - Modern contact list
  Cln_skinedit.dll v. [24 Jan 2014 23:38:02] - Skin editor for clist nicer
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:41:30] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [20 Jun 2014 5:43:18] - Facebook RM
  GmailNotifier.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:48:06] - Gmail Multiple Notifier
  GTalkExt.dll v. [25 Apr 2014 5:47:18] - GTalk Extension
  HistoryPP.dll v. [15 Jun 2014 21:16:40] - History++
  IEView.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:42:46] - IEView
  Import.dll v. [13 Mar 2014 17:28:46] - Import contacts and messages
  IRC.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 5:46:08] - IRC protocol
  Jabber.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 5:46:44] - Jabber protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [15 Jun 2014 9:31:22] - Keep status
  MobileState.dll v. [3 Mar 2014 5:44:48] - Mobile state
  ModernOpt.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:41:34] - ModernOpt
  MSN.dll v. [22 May 2014 5:42:38] - MSN protocol
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:45:36] - Plugin updater
  Popup.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:42:56] - Popup plus
  SeenPlugin.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 5:47:12] - Last seen
  Skype.dll v. [29 Jun 2014 5:52:02] - Skype protocol
  SkypeStatusChange.dll v. [3 Mar 2014 5:45:58] - Skype status change
  StatusChange.dll v. [5 Nov 2013 21:40:36] - Status change
  TabSRMM.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:41:50] - TabSRMM
  TopToolBar.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:43:50] - TopToolBar
  Twitter.dll v. [15 Jun 2014 9:32:48] - Twitter protocol
  VersionInfo.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:45:16] - Version information
  WhatsApp.dll v. [25 Jan 2014 19:17:47] - WhatsApp Protocol


All of these are actually contacts that appear just fine in the contact list with their names.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 06 07 2014, 14:35:02
zmaster,  try tomorrow's nightly or today's stable version.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 06 07 2014, 18:47:39
Stable and tomorrow's nightly contains these fixes/news:
1) Fixed creating these empty chatrooms on opening contact window
2) Fixed invisible status (it's still "real invisible"), you can see others but they can't see you
3) Keep "Message read" info even after closing and reopening message window (or if it weren't opened at all)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Whiplash on 06 07 2014, 22:14:05
Stable and tomorrow's nightly contains these fixes/news:
1) Fixed creating these empty chatrooms on opening contact window
2) Fixed invisible status (it's still "real invisible"), you can see others but they can't see you
3) Keep "Message read" info even after closing and reopening message window (or if it weren't opened at all)
Well done and thanks!!!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 07 07 2014, 10:40:00
Stable and tomorrow's nightly contains these fixes/news:
1) Fixed creating these empty chatrooms on opening contact window
2) Fixed invisible status (it's still "real invisible"), you can see others but they can't see you
3) Keep "Message read" info even after closing and reopening message window (or if it weren't opened at all)

When I update the plugin via auto updater (stable), Miranda crashes on startup

The windows error:
  Problemereignisname:   BEX
  Anwendungsname:   miranda32.exe
  Anwendungszeitstempel:   52ee7539
  Fehlermodulname:   StackHash_0a9e
  Fehlermodulzeitstempel:   00000000
  Ausnahmeoffset:   00000000
  Ausnahmecode:   c0000005
  Ausnahmedaten:   00000008
  Betriebsystemversion:   6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:   1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:   0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 2:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Zusatzinformation 3:   0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 4:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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Wenn die Onlinedatenschutzbestimmungen nicht verfügbar sind, lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen offline:

I checked the DB and it still happens

And I, too, have lots of new "unknown contacts" popping up again (was gone before). But maybe that would be fixed again with the new version...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 07 07 2014, 10:49:29

When I update the plugin via auto updater (stable), Miranda crashes on startup

The windows error:
  Problemereignisname:   BEX
  Anwendungsname:   miranda32.exe
  Anwendungszeitstempel:   52ee7539
  Fehlermodulname:   StackHash_0a9e
  Fehlermodulzeitstempel:   00000000
  Ausnahmeoffset:   00000000
  Ausnahmecode:   c0000005
  Ausnahmedaten:   00000008
  Betriebsystemversion:   6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:   1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:   0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 2:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Zusatzinformation 3:   0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 4:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen online:

Wenn die Onlinedatenschutzbestimmungen nicht verfügbar sind, lesen Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen offline:

I checked the DB and it still happens

And I, too, have lots of new "unknown contacts" popping up again (was gone before). But maybe that would be fixed again with the new version...

Proper crashlog would be nice - http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Crash_reports . The one presented is of no use at all.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 07 07 2014, 11:40:50
Oh, sorry. Here we go:
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 07 07 2014, 11:56:11
Somehow this log is without symbols too :(

Code: [Select]
0042C805 (miranda32 00400000): (filename not available) (0): GetPluginLangByInstance
instead of (filename not available) there is supposed to be name of function and line of code
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 07 07 2014, 11:59:38
Facebook.dll v. [7 Jul 2014 1:32:30] - Facebook RM  is new and whole Miranda is old - no wonder there is a crash. Please try to update Miranda first.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: ghazan on 07 07 2014, 12:01:14
your code & all dlls are from the previous stable, the new Facebook.dll will not work with them.
Launch PU, upgrade Miranda to the current stable (0.95.1) and then try again
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 07 07 2014, 12:03:36

When I update the plugin via auto updater (stable), Miranda crashes on startup

You can't update just plugin without updating whole package - update to latest stable. Not only facebook.dll
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 07 07 2014, 12:29:03
OK, it seems, I'm too stupid to update. I thought the [main menu -> check for updates] would, well, check for updates. But it only offers to update facebook.dll, which causes a crash. No other updates for Miranda NG. So I downloaded the latest Miranda NG installer, but that one tells me it's not for updating and I should use the updater.  ???

The updater is set to "stable" in the options.

And concerning the symbols: I didn't want to switch to development (why is there no "stable + symbols"?), so I downloaded the symbols manually and obviously extracted them to the wrong folder, because that part is not clear in the wiki. So where do they have to go?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 07 07 2014, 14:39:00
OK, it seems, I'm too stupid to update. I thought the [main menu -> check for updates] would, well, check for updates. But it only offers to update facebook.dll, which causes a crash. No other updates for Miranda NG. So I downloaded the latest Miranda NG installer, but that one tells me it's not for updating and I should use the updater.  ???

The updater is set to "stable" in the options.

And concerning the symbols: I didn't want to switch to development (why is there no "stable + symbols"?), so I downloaded the symbols manually and obviously extracted them to the wrong folder, because that part is not clear in the wiki. So where do they have to go?

From your crashlog -  Miranda NG Version: 0.94.9 final build #8010 - it's a previous stable and all of the plugins are the same, but facebook is new. main menu -> check for updates should have updated whole miranda to 0.95.1 stable.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 07 07 2014, 14:48:06
So just to clarify, because it seems we are talking at cross-purposes:
You say I have to update basically just facebook.dll to be "0.95.1 stable", which is then supposed to fix the crash that's caused by doing exactly that?

Or to put it another way:
I say: I can't update because then it crashes.
You say: You have to update to get rid of the crashes.

You see the problem?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: ghazan on 07 07 2014, 15:08:38
no, I don't. delete all plugins from 0.95 (I see two: crash dumper & facebook), perform the upgrade and add them back
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 07 07 2014, 15:21:56
Ok, I have to apologize, I indeed WAS stupid. But now it worked.  :THUMBS UP:

Problem was: When starting the updater only FB was selected for download, so I thought that meant it was the only thing in need of an update. Didn't think about having to select the rest, too. I thought that was just the list of installed components :D
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 07 07 2014, 17:18:54
Sinon, so update went well then and all is working now?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Sinon on 07 07 2014, 17:40:38
Yep, all's fine now. Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fikus on 09 07 2014, 18:03:38
no history for group chat :(
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 09 07 2014, 18:26:47
History for group chats is in txt files and should be turned on here:

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: aekotra on 10 07 2014, 02:22:42
Miranda 0.95.2 alpha

I never receive any event notifications.  I have all types checked in Facebook->Events.  Manually 'Check Newsfeeds' gives me a 'Loading Newsfeeds...' event that doesn't change (never completes?).  I don't have an event plugin, I'm just using the stock popups.

I experienced this same behavior in the Miranda .94.* builds.

Post Merge: 10 07 2014, 05:56:19
Feature Request

Is there any way to have the "seen info" sent on chat window focus?  Currently, "seen info" is sent immediately.

Feature Request

Additionally, "seen info" is sent in invisible mode (essentially making me visible to the messenger!).  I think it should be sent on the next 'online' status (if the chat window has been focused).
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 11 07 2014, 06:33:21
I never receive any event notifications.  I have all types checked in Facebook->Events.  Manually 'Check Newsfeeds' gives me a 'Loading Newsfeeds...' event that doesn't change (never completes?).  I don't have an event plugin, I'm just using the stock popups.
Well, maybe your Facebook version of website is different, because it works for me.

Feature Request
Is there any way to have the "seen info" sent on chat window focus?  Currently, "seen info" is sent immediately.
I'm waiting for ghazan to fix me hook that tells me when message is read in Miranda. But sadly he is not much into it right now...
It works, until you open message window - then it's marked automatically as you receive message. That's what must be fixed, so feel free to ask him.

Feature Request
Additionally, "seen info" is sent in invisible mode (essentially making me visible to the messenger!).  I think it should be sent on the next 'online' status (if the chat window has been focused).
That's actually correct. It behaves exactly like in web browser.
Problem with this special behavior you proposed brings problem of having unread messages on website again. Because I can't send "Seen info" itself, it's the "Mark message as read" info what causes "Seen info" to be visible for other user.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fikus on 16 07 2014, 17:11:15
@watcher: I dont have the same tab of you, on message session -> group chats I've only 2 tab (General and Chat Log)

Also today my Facebook plugin is super buggy, I no recived message and when I wrote something send 2 times, there is some change?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 16 07 2014, 17:47:27
Also today my Facebook plugin is super buggy, I no recived message and when I wrote something send 2 times, there is some change?

Should be fixed in today's development version. If you're on stable, you must switch your whole Miranda to development (in Plugin Updater's settings), if you want this recent fix.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 16 07 2014, 17:58:42
@watcher: I dont have the same tab of you, on message session -> group chats I've only 2 tab (General and Chat Log)

Then you have some other dialog window module, serch for log option there.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Black Sniper on 18 07 2014, 19:06:09
At least two weeks watching the situation. When bad internet, frequent breaks plugin impossible to start (change status) helps only restart Miranda.

Have a log (http://about-mafi.ru/uploads/2f.txt) when the "bad" happened and I tried to change the status and restart Miranda after the change of status (http://about-mafi.ru/uploads/3f.txt).VersionInfo (http://www.miranda-vi.org/report/technovirus/) or profile
Минимум недели две наблюдаю такую ситуацию. При плохом интернете, частые разрывы плагин невозможно стартовать (сменить статус) помогает только перезапуск миранды.

Есть лог (http://about-mafi.ru/uploads/2f.txt) когда "беда" случилась и я пытался сменить статус и после перезагрузки миранды с изменением статусов (http://about-mafi.ru/uploads/3f.txt).
зы. Отредактируйте пожалуйста текст до более правильного прочтения.

Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 19 07 2014, 08:09:02
Black Sniper, Hi, I experienced similar issue too. I'll try to investigate it.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: aekotra on 19 07 2014, 23:04:04
I'm waiting for ghazan to fix me hook that tells me when message is read in Miranda. But sadly he is not much into it right now...
It works, until you open message window - then it's marked automatically as you receive message. That's what must be fixed, so feel free to ask him.

Is there a bug for this in Trac?  I couldn't find one...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 20 07 2014, 06:33:42
aekotra, I just created it: http://trac.miranda-ng.org/ticket/746
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: AniFran on 31 07 2014, 19:38:33
Well, just want to say great work on the plugin. I have read the info and still not sure why i'm getting the error too like some ppl. My guess is don't the FB plugin need the app access like other app the get feed info and so forth and I do not have anything for miranda in my FB apps.

Anyway, my error is the same "goto FB services --> check feeds" and I never get anything other than the loading "news feeds" window and nothing else comes up. I'm also running the development builds if that helps at all.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 31 07 2014, 21:53:58
AniFran, for me it works, so it means you have different "version" of Facebook website. It's common, they are pushing updates in waves, so news will affect only some people at a time. You can help me (or actually yourself) by contacting me over ICQ/Jabber/FB and borrowing me your account so I can understand what's different and fix it.

And yes, Facebook plugin isn't an app, but it behaves like classic web browser. That's why there are such problems with compatibility for different people. On the other hand it gives me opportunity to use all features not limited by public Facebook API.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: AniFran on 31 07 2014, 23:29:37
I will add you to FB and jabber, thank you for taking the time to reply and I have no problems helping you out with this. I have moved over from years of using trillian to this client and love it.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Chungalin on 03 08 2014, 20:40:24
I’ve noticed a weird issue. When someone writes an "à" at the end of the message, I receive an "Ã" instead. It doesn’t happen with other non-ASCII characters in the middle of the message. If I look the message log inside facebook website, it shows correctly. Looks like some problem with UTF-8 encoding.

Haven’t tested other protocols as I just use Miranda NG for facebook.

I’m using facebook RM plugin
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 07 08 2014, 02:44:25
Chungalin, thanks for report, it is fixed now. Problem was with function for removing white spaces at the end of strings.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: laserpeasant on 11 08 2014, 11:03:58
Yesterday I got disconnected and since then I can't log in at all. The error message is either Login error: Probably bad login credentials or Login error: Unknown error
It works fine with browser and messenger app. I removed Miranda from the trusted browsers on fb, but nothing changed.

Any idea about this?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 11 08 2014, 12:13:02
laserpeasant, try to delete key "DeviceID" in section "Settings/<your fb account internal name>" (through Dbeditor++).

If it won't help, contact me on ICQ/Jabber/FB directly.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: laserpeasant on 11 08 2014, 13:09:52
Ah, thank you, that worked! I read this somewhere, but I thought that was refering to the trusted browser section on fb.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 11 08 2014, 13:14:50
laserpeasant, removing it from Facebook should have similar result, but obviously Facebook still remembers some information about that device (Miranda in this case) and behaves differently. Deleting DeviceID from Miranda is like connecting with fresh new browser :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Doc Boy on 11 08 2014, 20:54:58
Many thanks Robyer, I had the same issue and your solution worked.

Could this be caused due to being forced to use Messenger on smartphones now?  :-\
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 11 08 2014, 21:41:15
Doc Boy, no, it's just unexpected page / unsupported security check or something like that. It should be easily fixable, but I need access to that broken account... (or it to happen to my account)
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Myshor on 12 08 2014, 19:14:26
I see that today update add new statuses to the contacts.

1. On the phone (Not sure how it is in English - I use Polish Langpack).
2. Grayed "On the Phone"/Grayed "Online"

The first is something I understand. The people using Messenger/Facebook Mobile.

The new thing is that grayed/lighter version of online/on the phone.
It looks like somebody hasn't us in the contact list... However if I see this person I know I am in his/her contacts.

Is it something like "Away"?
If Yes then when this stat will be added to the selection?
Now I have Hidden set in my autoaway setting. Away could be better than Hidden in them.

I hope my English is understandable and You know what I am asking for.  ;D
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 12 08 2014, 21:04:52
Myshor, hi, I think you're talking about "Dim idle contacts" option in clist_modern. It's not "away", but it's similar - it's just idle. Facebook gives me some "idle time" which is used for this. It may be time for which user has "minimized" FB app on mobile or something like that.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: PrzemekRyk on 15 08 2014, 16:55:10
Hi all!

Since yesterday my Miranda cannot connect with Facebook chat. It's only my problem, or did Facebook make some changes?

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6] [DEP enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8191 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Shell: explorer.exe
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17239 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Polish/Polish [Polish, Tajik (Cyrillic), Persian, Vietnamese, Armenian, Azeri (Latin), Basque, Upper Sorbian, Macedonian (FYROM), Mongolian (Cyrillic), Tibetan, Welsh, Khmer, Galician, Filipino, Divehi, Dari, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified)]
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 92511 MBytes

Miranda path: D:\Przemysław Ryk\# Profile\Miranda
Miranda NG version: 0.95.3 alpha build #10188 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 15 Aug 2014 5:37:42
Profile path: D:\Przemysław Ryk\# Profile\Miranda\Profiles\Maverick\Maverick.dat
Profile size: 37760,00 KBytes
Profile creation date: 6 Nov 2013 15:39:46
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (50):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [3 Jan 2014 6:31:22] - Miranda image services
  AdvancedAutoAway.dll v. [30 Mar 2014 14:57:22] - Advanced Auto Away
  AVS.dll v. [3 Aug 2014 5:30:14] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:37:42] - Modern contact list
  Cln_skinedit.dll v. [30 Nov 2013 6:31:28] - Skin editor for clist nicer
  Contacts.dll v. [3 Aug 2014 5:31:18] - Send/receive contacts
  CrashDumper.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:33:40] - Crash dumper
  CSList.dll v. [30 Mar 2014 14:56:52] - Custom status list
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:34:14] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [15 Aug 2014 5:30:34] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:32:44] - Facebook RM
  Fingerprint.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:35:32] - Fingerprint NG
  GG.dll v. [3 Aug 2014 5:30:36] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
  GTalkExt.dll v. [25 Apr 2014 5:32:44] - GTalk Extension
  HistoryPP.dll v. [22 Jul 2014 11:48:20] - History++
  HistoryStats.dll v. [3 Aug 2014 5:40:16] - HistoryStats
  ICQ.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:31:56] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  IgnoreState.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:32:02] - Ignore state
  Import.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:30:32] - Import contacts and messages
  Jabber.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:31:30] - Jabber protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [16 Jun 2014 10:04:16] - Keep status
  MenuEx.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:32:02] - Menu item ext
  MobileState.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:34:58] - Mobile state
  ModernOpt.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:30:20] - ModernOpt
  Msg_Export.dll v. [28 Jun 2014 11:40:42] - Message export
  MSN.dll v. [3 Aug 2014 5:30:56] - MSN protocol
  mTextControl.dll v. [16 Jun 2014 10:03:50] - Miranda text control
  NewEventNotify.dll v. [16 Jun 2014 10:05:20] - NewEventNotify
  NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:32:32] - xStatus notify
  NotesReminders.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:39:42] - Sticky Notes & Reminders
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:39:04] - Plugin updater
  PManagerEx.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:39:06] - Miranda NG profile changer
  Popup.dll v. [3 Aug 2014 5:31:36] - Popup plus
  Rate.dll v. [14 Aug 2014 5:32:24] - Contact`s rate
  Restart.dll v. [17 Jul 2013 7:08:08] - Restart
  SeenPlugin.dll v. [15 Aug 2014 5:31:56] - Last seen
  SimpleAR.dll v. [30 Sep 2013 6:38:28] - Simple auto replier
  SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [14 Aug 2014 5:36:52] - Simple status message
  SkypeClassic.dll v. [2 Aug 2014 16:26:42] - Skype protocol (Classic)
  SmileyAdd.dll v. [14 Aug 2014 5:32:34] - SmileyAdd
  StartupStatus.dll v. [30 Mar 2014 14:57:26] - StartupStatus
  TabSRMM.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:30:56] - TabSRMM
  Tipper.dll v. [7 Aug 2014 5:36:16] - Tipper
  Tlen.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:34:48] - Tlen protocol
  TopToolBar.dll v. [3 Aug 2014 5:32:22] - TopToolBar
  UInfoEx.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:32:38] - User info ext
  Variables.dll v. [3 Aug 2014 5:40:34] - Variables
  VersionInfo.dll v. [6 Jul 2014 5:33:46] - Version information
  WhenWasIt.dll v. [22 Jul 2014 5:32:14] - Birthday reminder
  ZeroNotify.dll v. [31 Dec 2013 6:33:16] - Zero notifications
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 15 08 2014, 18:28:37
PrzemekRyk, what does the login error say?
And can you login in your browser? If so, try to delete DeviceID key (in your facebook account branch) via Database Editor++
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: PrzemekRyk on 16 08 2014, 01:16:45
PrzemekRyk, what does the login error say?
And can you login in your browser? If so, try to delete DeviceID key (in your facebook account branch) via Database Editor++
I haven't received any connection error message, and I could login with my browser.
Deleting DeviceID key with Database Editor solved the problem. Thank you very much!  :)  :DRINK:
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 16 08 2014, 09:31:09
We've updated plugin's wiki page with more info: http://miranda-ng.org/p/facebook
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: xaos on 25 08 2014, 10:37:07
Excellent work on the protocol. Having the 'hidden' settings on the wiki page is most helpful. Thank-you.

Would it be possible to allow the "PollRate - buddy list and newsfeed parsing" to be set in minutes and/or hours? and possibly have separate buddy list and newsfeed parsing times?

As a very casual user of basically just the chat, and a very limited friends list, it just seems a little excessive to be checking/updating the friends list and the newsfeed on a minute by minute basis.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 26 08 2014, 10:27:24
You can disable loading newsfeeds completely. IMHO it doesn't makes sense to set it to update per hours or so.

Checking friends list few times in a minute is not so excessive (depends on number of your [online/mobile] friends, especially when you compare it with channel requests (= receiving messages, notifications, typing, etc.)...

I think I'll remove that hidden option completely later or provide a better solution/option for that.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 26 08 2014, 18:43:43
Hi, I have a problem:

recently facebook keeps asking me captcha when I send links; when I'm using miranda, either it doesn't send the link, sends it (without sending it really), or even makes the online connection impossible, which I can fix by deleting the whole facebook "section/folder" on the database (maybe this " DeviceID key" value that is mentioned some posts above is related).

It's a problem because I can't send links that are completely safe, like youtube for example.

Since it's mainly a facebook problem, I'll contact them (I also tried to associate a mobile number but didn't work for now);
but has everyone else had this problem or it's something related to my account?
I don't think the miranda side can fix this problem, maybe it's possible to redirect to the captcha window somehow (although I understand that might be hard to manage or unpractical)?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 26 08 2014, 18:46:26
SpinalBlood, already implemented in nightly builds.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: xaos on 26 08 2014, 21:48:56
You can disable loading newsfeeds completely. IMHO it doesn't makes sense to set it to update per hours or so.

Checking friends list few times in a minute is not so excessive (depends on number of your [online/mobile] friends, especially when you compare it with channel requests (= receiving messages, notifications, typing, etc.)...

I think I'll remove that hidden option completely later or provide a better solution/option for that.

Fair enuff. Thanks for the reply and the continued excellent work.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: p8R on 27 08 2014, 09:04:46
Hi everyone!
I have a problem connecting to Facebook chat. I've tried to delete DeviceID key using Database Editor++ plugin, but it did not help. I've tried both stable and alpha 64x versions of MirandaNG (on 2 computers) and in all cases I've received this same result: dialog box with the message "Something happend to Facebook. Maybe there was some major update so you should wait for an update".
At the same time I can login to chat both in the browser and in IM+ chat client on my mobile.
Did anyone noticed this same problem recently?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 27 08 2014, 11:01:51
p8R, Facebook change. Here is fixed development version (NOT for stable Miranda).
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: p8R on 27 08 2014, 11:30:05
Thanks for Your answer - new plugin works fine :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 27 08 2014, 13:51:23
SpinalBlood, already implemented in nightly builds.

Thanks, my bad, I was pretty sure I had the problem in development too, maybe my version was outdated
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 27 08 2014, 14:01:09
p8R, Facebook change. Here is fixed development version (NOT for stable Miranda).

For stable version users:

Backported to stable version too. Check updates with PluginUpdater, update and enjoy :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 09 2014, 00:26:12
I have a strange problem, which happens in both the latest development version and the updated stable one:

The "nick" value in the facebook section of the database, changes for some reason to:

"Set Profile PictureTimeline · Photos · Friends · Likes · Activity LogWhere do you work?WorkAdd workEducationAdd high schoolAdd collegeAdd graduate school"
(I have switched the facebook language to english in order to make the words clear, but the problem affects any language)

The same happens for First Name, Last Name and Second Name fields, apparently they follow the same reading process for "nick" so the values for each one are different but the "sum" between them is the same as the nick field.
Even if I modify the values in the database, the next time I go online it reverts to wrong again. Create a new profile doesn't help either.

Two more interesting details:

- I have another real facebook account for testing purposes but in this case the problem doesn't appear;
- Since the two contacts are friend-related, I can see, with the test account, the default nick of the account with the problem; but in this case it's correct.

Should I try to change my name on the facebook page? Yet this looks still weird.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 02 09 2014, 06:56:28
SpinalBlood, hi, I need access to your broken account to fix it (support this change in plugin). Facebook gives new changes in waves - not every account got change at same time (it could take weeks or months), that's why one of your account works and another doesn't.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: oriol_gomez92 on 05 09 2014, 06:24:06
I get the following error when connecting with latest dev version:
facebook: Something happened to Facebook. Maybe there was some major update so you should wait for an update.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 05 09 2014, 07:49:18
oriol_gomez92, have you tried it with dev version from today?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: oriol_gomez92 on 05 09 2014, 07:52:31
How do I get the latest? Plugin updater says there's nothing new, and the one I have shows an error.

Post Merge: 05 09 2014, 08:03:21
it worked :D
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: yoGhurt on 08 09 2014, 08:37:10
I've got crashes every time i want to try run Miranda after todays update to . I saw it was sth with langpack but after maunal langpack update nothing changed.

Miranda Crash Report from 8 Sep 2014 10:10:46. Crash Dumper v.

Likely cause of the crash plugin: Facebook RM

Exception: Access Violation at address 0000000013BD283C. Reading from address 0000000000000000.

Stack Trace:
0000000013BD283C (facebook 0000000013BC0000): (filename not available) (0): Load
0000000013BCF3A5 (facebook 0000000013BC0000): (filename not available) (0): MirandaPluginInfoEx
000000000044048E (Miranda64 0000000000400000): (filename not available) (0): GetPluginLangByInstance
000000000043FEA1 (Miranda64 0000000000400000): (filename not available) (0): GetPluginLangByInstance
0000000000401D71 (Miranda64 0000000000400000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00000000004014BC (Miranda64 0000000000400000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00000000004783BA (Miranda64 0000000000400000): (filename not available) (0): IcoLib_IsManaged
00007FFD5D4316AD (KERNEL32 00007FFD5D430000): (filename not available) (0): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFD5E2D34A5 (ntdll 00007FFD5E260000): (filename not available) (0): RtlUserThreadStart

CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1620 @ 2.70GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 11990 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Business Edition, 64-bit (build 9600)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17239 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Polish/Polish | Polish/Polish

Miranda NG Version: (null)
Build time: 8 Sep 2014 8:42:18
Profile: (null)\(null)
Language pack: Polish (PL) [0415]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (29):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [26 Jan 2014 21:07:52] - Miranda image services
  AIM.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:42:20] - AIM protocol
  AVS.dll v. [4 Aug 2014 5:41:30] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [4 Sep 2014 5:52:08] - Modern contact list
  CrashDumper.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:45:02] - Crash dumper
  Db_autobackups.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:43:14] - Db autobackuper
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [8 Sep 2014 8:34:16] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [8 Sep 2014 8:36:46] - Facebook RM
  GG.dll v. [4 Aug 2014 5:42:10] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
  HistoryPP.dll v. [6 Sep 2014 14:30:16] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [18 Aug 2014 5:42:24] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  IEView.dll v. [2 Sep 2014 5:48:02] - IEView
  Import.dll v. [25 Aug 2014 5:47:16] - Import contacts and messages
  IRC.dll v. [28 Jul 2014 5:47:26] - IRC protocol
  Jabber.dll v. [8 Sep 2014 8:35:18] - Jabber protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:43:12] - Keep status
  MenuEx.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:43:26] - Menu item ext
  MobileState.dll v. [13 Aug 2014 5:46:28] - Mobile state
  Msg_Export.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:45:20] - Message export
  MSN.dll v. [19 Aug 2014 5:48:10] - MSN protocol
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [8 Sep 2014 8:38:42] - Plugin updater
  Popup.dll v. [28 Jul 2014 5:48:36] - Popup plus
  Restart.dll v. [14 Aug 2013 6:27:24] - Restart
  SendSS.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:44:58] - Send ScreenShot+
  SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [18 Aug 2014 5:43:54] - Simple status message
  StartPosition.dll v. [2 Jul 2014 5:46:28] - Start position
  TabSRMM.dll v. [1 Sep 2014 5:41:48] - TabSRMM
  Variables.dll v. [4 Aug 2014 5:48:32] - Variables
  Yahoo.dll v. [4 Aug 2014 5:42:14] - Yahoo protocol

Loaded Modules:
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Miranda64.exe  0000000000400000 - 00000000004E2000 v. [8 Sep 2014 8:42:18]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll  00007FFD5E260000 - 00007FFD5E40A000 v.6.3.9600.17114 [3 May 2014 13:29:49]
C:\Windows\system32\KERNEL32.DLL  00007FFD5D430000 - 00007FFD5D56A000 v.6.3.9600.17056 [20 Mar 2014 6:19:59]
C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll  00007FFD5B9D0000 - 00007FFD5BADF000 v.6.3.9600.17055 [20 Mar 2014 5:40:33]
C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll  00007FFD5D570000 - 00007FFD5D5C8000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 15:25:35]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.9600.17031_none_6242a4b3ecbb55a1\COMCTL32.dll  00007FFD591E0000 - 00007FFD5943A000 v.6.10.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 14:40:28]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll  00007FFD57D40000 - 00007FFD57D5F000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:32:47]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll  00007FFD5AA60000 - 00007FFD5AA6A000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:41:07]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll  00007FFD5A2B0000 - 00007FFD5A3D1000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 14:22:26]
C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll  00007FFD5D3D0000 - 00007FFD5D421000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:39:57]
C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll  00007FFD5BAE0000 - 00007FFD5BC51000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 18:59:25]
C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll  00007FFD5DB50000 - 00007FFD5DC94000 v.6.3.9600.17246 [7 Aug 2014 4:12:27]
C:\Windows\system32\COMDLG32.dll  00007FFD5D330000 - 00007FFD5D3CA000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 12:22:31]
C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll  00007FFD5DCA0000 - 00007FFD5DD45000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 17:46:39]
C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll  00007FFD5BC70000 - 00007FFD5D090000 v.6.3.9600.17090 [6 Apr 2014 18:31:39]
C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll  00007FFD5D140000 - 00007FFD5D2B8000 v.6.3.9600.17042 [8 Mar 2014 22:38:31]
C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll  00007FFD5D770000 - 00007FFD5D827000 v.6.3.9600.16506 [8 Jan 2014 3:30:50]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Zlib.dll  0000000012080000 - 000000001209A000 v. [8 Sep 2014 8:34:08]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\mir_core.dll  0000000012000000 - 0000000012020000 [8 Sep 2014 8:38:04]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\MSVCR100.dll  0000000068C90000 - 0000000068D62000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 2:15:38]
C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll  00007FFD5DF30000 - 00007FFD5DF39000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 15:25:35]
C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll  00007FFD5D630000 - 00007FFD5D767000 v.6.3.9600.17216 [20 Jun 2014 3:48:19]
C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll  00007FFD5D090000 - 00007FFD5D137000 v.7.0.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 15:25:40]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll  00007FFD57D10000 - 00007FFD57D3A000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:32:47]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\combase.dll  00007FFD5D960000 - 00007FFD5DB36000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 17:46:42]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll  00007FFD5D2D0000 - 00007FFD5D327000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 15:25:35]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\MSVCP100.dll  0000000068BF0000 - 0000000068C88000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 2:15:38]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cfgmgr32.dll  00007FFD5B6A0000 - 00007FFD5B6EA000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:45:59]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll  00007FFD5A430000 - 00007FFD5A456000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:45:59]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHCORE.DLL  00007FFD59A70000 - 00007FFD59B0F000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 17:50:32]
C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL  00007FFD5DF40000 - 00007FFD5DF74000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 18:59:25]
C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll  00007FFD5E120000 - 00007FFD5E259000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 18:59:25]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll  00007FFD598A0000 - 00007FFD598C0000 v.6.3.9600.17090 [6 Apr 2014 18:32:58]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll  00007FFD5A480000 - 00007FFD5A48A000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:45:58]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll  00007FFD5B4A0000 - 00007FFD5B4AA000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 15:25:35]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcryptPrimitives.dll  00007FFD5B440000 - 00007FFD5B4A0000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 17:55:40]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\clbcatq.dll  00007FFD5D830000 - 00007FFD5D8D4000 v.2001.12.10530.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:35:41]
C:\Windows\system32\explorerframe.dll  00007FFD49400000 - 00007FFD496B5000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 14:24:42]
C:\Windows\system32\DUser.dll  00007FFD59130000 - 00007FFD591D1000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 11:33:48]
C:\Windows\system32\DUI70.dll  00007FFD598C0000 - 00007FFD59A6A000 v.6.3.9600.17031 [22 Feb 2014 11:13:14]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll  00000000138C0000 - 00000000138D5000 v. [2 Jul 2014 5:45:02]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll  00007FFD56240000 - 00007FFD563C8000 v.6.3.9600.16520 [27 Jan 2014 19:18:53]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll  0000000013AC0000 - 0000000013AD5000 v. [8 Sep 2014 8:34:16]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdcrypt.dll  00000000121C0000 - 00000000121CE000 v. [8 Sep 2014 8:40:34]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\AdvaImg.dll  0000000012F80000 - 0000000013031000 v. [26 Jan 2014 21:07:52]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\Clist_modern.dll  00000000135A0000 - 0000000013628000 v. [4 Sep 2014 5:52:08]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSIMG32.dll  00007FFD571B0000 - 00007FFD571B7000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 12:04:22]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.9600.17056_none_a3ddb760ae46a89b\gdiplus.dll  00007FFD4A8F0000 - 00007FFD4AA88000 v.6.3.9600.17055 [19 Mar 2014 7:31:29]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\aim.dll  0000000013180000 - 00000000131B3000 v. [13 Aug 2014 5:42:20]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\avs.dll  0000000013340000 - 0000000013356000 v. [4 Aug 2014 5:41:30]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\db_autobackups.dll  0000000013B20000 - 0000000013B2C000 v. [13 Aug 2014 5:43:14]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\facebook.dll  0000000013BC0000 - 0000000013C12000 v. [8 Sep 2014 8:36:46]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\gg.dll  0000000013FC0000 - 000000001400A000 v. [4 Aug 2014 5:42:10]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\historypp.dll  00000000140A0000 - 00000000143AA000 v. [6 Sep 2014 14:30:16]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winspool.drv  00007FFD52F80000 - 00007FFD52FFB000 v.6.3.9600.17053 [17 Mar 2014 5:01:20]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RICHED20.DLL  00007FFD4DCC0000 - 00007FFD4DD60000 v. [30 Sep 2013 6:14:06]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll  00007FFD51E10000 - 00007FFD51E24000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 13:41:23]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msls31.dll  00007FFD35C20000 - 00007FFD35C62000 v.3.10.349.0 [22 Aug 2013 13:35:28]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\icq.dll  0000000014860000 - 00000000148C9000 v. [18 Aug 2014 5:42:24]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\ieview.dll  0000000014960000 - 0000000014987000 v. [2 Sep 2014 5:48:02]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\import.dll  00000000149E0000 - 00000000149EE000 v. [25 Aug 2014 5:47:16]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\irc.dll  0000000003740000 - 00000000037A1000 v. [28 Jul 2014 5:47:26]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\jabber.dll  0000000014AC0000 - 0000000014B6F000 v. [8 Sep 2014 8:35:18]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll  00007FFD59440000 - 00007FFD5944B000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 12:05:44]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll  00007FFD5ACA0000 - 00007FFD5AD43000 v.6.3.9600.17039 [4 Mar 2014 9:16:09]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SSPICLI.DLL  00007FFD5B410000 - 00007FFD5B43B000 v.6.3.9600.16408 [30 Sep 2013 6:14:03]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\keepstatus.dll  0000000014C80000 - 0000000014C94000 v. [2 Jul 2014 5:43:12]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll  00007FFD54910000 - 00007FFD54B41000 v.11.0.9600.17239 [25 Jul 2014 12:52:06]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL  00007FFD57360000 - 00007FFD57389000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 14:32:19]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll  00007FFD54B70000 - 00007FFD54E1B000 v.11.0.9600.17239 [25 Jul 2014 15:25:32]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll  00007FFD5AC40000 - 00007FFD5AC5E000 v.6.3.9600.17041 [6 Mar 2014 16:34:58]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL  00007FFD57300000 - 00007FFD5730A000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 15:25:35]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll  00007FFD5B5D0000 - 00007FFD5B5E4000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 15:25:35]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\menuex.dll  0000000014D00000 - 0000000014D11000 v. [13 Aug 2014 5:43:26]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\mobilestate.dll  0000000014F40000 - 0000000014F47000 v. [13 Aug 2014 5:46:28]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\msg_export.dll  0000000015180000 - 000000001519C000 v. [2 Jul 2014 5:45:20]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RICHED32.DLL  00007FFD59730000 - 00007FFD59737000 v.6.3.9600.16384 [22 Aug 2013 13:34:46]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\msn.dll  0000000003830000 - 0000000003879000 v. [19 Aug 2014 5:48:10]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\pluginupdater.dll  00000000156E0000 - 00000000156FA000 v. [8 Sep 2014 8:38:42]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\popup.dll  0000000015720000 - 0000000015765000 v. [28 Jul 2014 5:48:36]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\restart.dll  00000000157C0000 - 00000000157C7000 v. [14 Aug 2013 6:27:24]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\sendss.dll  0000000015C80000 - 0000000015CAE000 [2 Jul 2014 5:44:58]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\simplestatusmsg.dll  0000000015D20000 - 0000000015D3D000 v. [18 Aug 2014 5:43:54]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\startposition.dll  0000000016C40000 - 0000000016C48000 v. [2 Jul 2014 5:46:28]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\tabsrmm.dll  0000000016D80000 - 0000000016E23000 v. [1 Sep 2014 5:41:48]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\variables.dll  00000000171E0000 - 00000000171FC000 v. [4 Aug 2014 5:48:32]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\pdh.dll  00007FFD53960000 - 00007FFD539AD000 v.6.3.9600.17039 [4 Mar 2014 9:08:35]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Pcre16.dll  0000000012040000 - 000000001205C000 [8 Sep 2014 8:36:58]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\yahoo.dll  00000000177E0000 - 0000000017812000 v. [4 Aug 2014 5:42:14]
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 08 09 2014, 08:53:52
yoGhurt, fixed already. Download it manually and update.
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: yoGhurt on 08 09 2014, 10:35:18
Done, it's working again. Thanks!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Black Sniper on 04 10 2014, 17:51:24
At least two weeks watching the situation. When bad internet, frequent breaks plugin impossible to start (change status) helps only restart Miranda. Have a log when the "bad" happened and I tried to change the status and restart Miranda after the change of status.VersionInfo or profile

log (http://about-mafi.ru/uploads/face.txt)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: hzumpf on 14 10 2014, 23:36:20
hello there,

started to use NG since some weeks, after being tired of the old miranda IM client.. the facebook plugin is great. its very stable for me.

however i have some suggestions:

1) better handling for emoticons. right now only a few emoticons are displayed correctly. if people send you messages from an iphone with their emoji keyboard, they are not displayed correctly - however fb website does render them correctly. that is, when using history++ plugin for message window (not ieview). i found alot of high-res "whatsapp" emoticon packs for pidgin etc. but i couldnt make it all work with smileyAdd etc.

2) stickers are mostly displayed correctly upon receiving them. however, the stickers you send to somebody (with your iphone or on the website), are not displayed at all. it would be also nice when the text "User sent a sticker" and the URL would be hidden, just display the sticker graphic.

3) sync of messages works not too bad. but there is 1 issue: leave message window open, standby laptop, chat with iphone, open laptop (message window still open) == no sync will happen. message sync will happen only if you close the window and re-open it. idea: re-sync upon re-connection to fb

4) arriving messages should be marked as read to the sender only when i actually open the message window (active), instead arriving messages get marked as read even while the message window is minimized and inactive.

please let me know if you have any questions to that. i will try to explain as good as possible.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 15 10 2014, 06:46:53
Hi hzumpf,

1) one user created a FB smileys pack with emojis - get it here: http://miranda-ng.org/distr/addons/Smileys/facebook_full.zip

2) this is limitation of SmileyAdd plugin (actually it's really broken), we need someone to fix and improve SmileyAdd support for "custom smileys" (and that's why I show a link there, because one can't count on SmileyAdd)

3) soon there will be sync upon re-connecting ;-) (but it still be a bit limited)

4) this is problem of *SRMM plugins, I need ghazan to fix it, here is a ticket - http://trac.miranda-ng.org/ticket/746 - you can try to convince him it's important and should be fixed asap :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: hzumpf on 17 10 2014, 12:17:41
thanks for your help, Robyer!

1) i have tried that smiley pacj, and it does work much better. but there is still alot of smileys missing. and even worse: smileys being sent without a space inbetween are being not handled at all. so i keep getting alot of [] empty characters and still have to open fb in my browser. 50% of the smileys sent from a smartphone are still not readable :( oh and btw, where is that smileypack listed? i couldnt find it in "addons" ...

2) ok, i hope it will get fixed soon

3) very nice, great to hear there is some progress! keep it up

4) i have posted a comment there, lets hope he will fix it. one of the major problems with open source projects: the main guy gets bored and its dead, nobody is taking over
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 18 10 2014, 09:44:22

1) well, problem with receiving is probably in plugin, but I wasn't able to fix it when I last looked at it.
Addons aren't fully ready, so it's not there. I added link to fb plugin's wiki page.
A lot smileys missing there? Feel free to improve it and share with others the result ;-)
2) not likely, there is no-one willing to do that right now
4) I'm not sure he actively looks to tracker, so better way is to write him directly/or in jabber conference :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: sKopheK on 20 10 2014, 13:00:23
Couple weeks or even maybe months back I started to experience strange behaviour. When new message comes it's properly indicated by an icon in system tray. When there are more unread messages and I open the first one, it has a whole unread message from second conversation - including nickname. When I close and open "corrupted" conversation proper message is shown and everything is fine.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1] [DEP enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8073 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro Edition, 64-bit  (build 9600)
Shell: explorer.exe
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17351 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/Czech | Czech/Czech
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 384352 MBytes

Miranda path: C:\Program Files\Miranda NG
Miranda NG version: 0.95.3 alpha build #10841 x64
Build time: 20 Oct 2014 5:48:34
Profile path: ***
Profile size: 4544,00 KBytes
Profile creation date: 4 Apr 2014 8:17:01
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (15):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [4 Apr 2014 5:42:18] - Miranda image services
  AVS.dll v. [6 Oct 2014 5:41:38] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [1 Oct 2014 5:49:36] - Modern contact list
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [20 Oct 2014 5:41:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [22 Sep 2014 5:43:04] - Facebook RM
  HistoryPP.dll v. [6 Sep 2014 14:30:16] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [17 Sep 2014 11:14:24] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  Import.dll v. [20 Oct 2014 5:41:12] - Import contacts and messages
  Jabber.dll v. [6 Oct 2014 5:42:28] - Jabber protocol
  MSN.dll v. [17 Sep 2014 11:14:36] - MSN protocol
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [20 Oct 2014 5:45:20] - Plugin updater
  TabSRMM.dll v. [20 Oct 2014 5:41:34] - TabSRMM
  TopToolBar.dll v. [28 Jul 2014 5:49:28] - TopToolBar
  Twitter.dll v. [29 Sep 2014 5:45:28] - Twitter protocol
  VersionInfo.dll v. [20 Oct 2014 5:44:44] - Version information
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 20 10 2014, 13:33:34
sKopheK, I don't understand you completely. Could you give me screenshots showing that problem?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: sKopheK on 21 10 2014, 07:37:17
it seems it's not facebook plugin problem - now it happened with icq / jabber conversations
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 10 2014, 11:39:49
sKopheK, I guess you have corrupted profile. Try to fix it with DBChecker (http://miranda-ng.org/p/DbChecker).
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: thaweed on 26 10 2014, 16:38:40
Did getting latest messages on opening the message window only stoped working for me on the current developer version?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 27 10 2014, 16:24:44
thaweed, works for me.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: mrx00 on 15 11 2014, 09:43:46

since 2 days Facebook Protocol does not work correctly with my Miranda Stable 0.95.2 build #996 and Facebook Germany. The Plugin establishes the connection but disconnects some seconds later.

Netlib log shows:
[10:25:19 1124] KeepStatus: connection lost! (Facebook_1)
[10:25:29 1124] KeepStatus: assigning status 40072 to Facebook_1
[10:25:29 1124] [Facebook_1] ===== Beginning SetStatus process
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] [15.11.2014] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] ***** Beginning SignOn process
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] ***** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1]    >> Entering login()
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Sending request to 'https://mbasic.facebook.com/profile.php?v=info'
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] Connection request to mbasic.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] (02414898) Connecting to server mbasic.facebook.com:443....
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] (02414898) Connecting to ip ....
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] (28) Connected to mbasic.facebook.com:443
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] (28 mbasic.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[10:25:29 2224] [Facebook_1] (28 mbasic.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[10:25:32 279C] [Facebook_1] ***** Buddy list processed
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1] modules\netlib\netlibopenconn.cpp 567: getaddrinfo() for host 2-.facebook.com failed (11001)
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1] modules\netlib\netlibopenconn.cpp 725: connect() failed (11001)
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1] !!!!! No response from server (time-out)
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1] !!!!! channel(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416043531] refreshing...
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1]    >> Entering channel()
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Sending request to 'https://2-.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1000025XXXXXXXX&seq=0&partition=-2&clientid=XXXXXXX&cb=ykht&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=133'
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1] Connection request to 2-.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[10:25:33 05AC] [Facebook_1] (024144D8) Connecting to server 2-.facebook.com:443....
[10:25:34 1124] KeepStatus: stop checking (success)
[10:25:36 05AC] [Facebook_1] modules\netlib\netlibopenconn.cpp 567: getaddrinfo() for host 2-.facebook.com failed (11001)
[10:25:36 05AC] [Facebook_1] modules\netlib\netlibopenconn.cpp 725: connect() failed (11001)
[10:25:36 05AC] [Facebook_1] !!!!! No response from server (time-out)
[10:25:36 05AC] [Facebook_1] !!!!! channel(): Something with Facebook went wrong

ping 2.facebook.com
ping: unknown host 2-.facebook.com

Best regards,
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 15 11 2014, 10:20:00
mrx00, hi, this is already fixed in development version. In Options / Services / Plugin updater switch to development versions and let it all update. When new stable will be ready, you can switch back to stable releases. There are no problems with actual development branch.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Bubak9 on 15 11 2014, 17:28:42
Well, I had the same problem with immediate disconnecting; I downloaded the development version which fixed it, but another problem appeared - whenever someone sends me a message, it sometimes shows as a mesage from '(unknown contact)', but more often it doesn't show at all, but instead a window with an error appears: There was a temporary a error, pelase try again. When I disconnect/reconnect the facebook protocol, the message appears from the original contact.
I can send messages with no evident problem.

Relevant part of the netlog:
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[18:22:46 4154] [Facebook_1] ***** Starting processing messages
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1]       Got self sequence number: 7
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1]    << Quitting channel()
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416072063] refreshing...
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1]    >> Entering channel()
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-edge-chat.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1836236132&seq=7&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=zj7u&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=392&sticky_pool=ash2c06_chat-proxy&traceid=75CQb'
[18:22:46 4154] [Facebook_1] ***** Messages processed
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1]       Got self sequence number: 10
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1]    << Quitting channel()
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416072063] refreshing...
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1]    >> Entering channel()
[18:22:46 42B0] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-edge-chat.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1836236132&seq=10&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=bf2l&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=392&sticky_pool=ash2c06_chat-proxy&traceid=75CQb'
[18:22:46 09A8] [Facebook_1] ***** Starting processing messages
[18:22:46 09A8] [Facebook_1]       Got chat message: (censored by the author)
[18:22:46 09A8] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/thread_info.php?__a=1'
[18:22:46 09A8] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[18:22:46 09A8] [Facebook_1]       Deleted cookie 'isfbe'
[18:22:46 09A8] [Facebook_1]  ! !  Received Facebook error: 1545012 -- There was a temporary error, please try again.
[18:22:49 09A8] [Facebook_1] !!!!! LoadChatInfo(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[18:22:49 09A8] [Facebook_1] **Chat - Users in chat : (null)
[18:22:49 4024] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php?__a=1'
[18:22:49 09A8] [Facebook_1] ***** Messages processed
[18:22:49 4024] [Facebook_1] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[18:22:49 4024] [Facebook_1]       Deleted cookie 'isfbe'
[18:22:49 4024] [Facebook_1]  ! !  Received Facebook error: 1357031 -- The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 15 11 2014, 19:59:51
That popup error cames on opening message window when loading history messages. Disable that feature.

And about receiving messages as from unknown contact I hear for first time. Maybe some FB change. If you have a way how to reproduce it, I would check it...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: pizza-king on 16 11 2014, 13:21:33
I have the exact same problem with the popups and the '(Unknown contact)' message window. I have tried a complete reinstall with a new profile, end this still happens. I tried disabling the loading of history messages, but the popups keep coming. This happens with most contacts, but a few is unaffected.

Code: [Select]
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook]       Got self sequence number: 22
[13:26:07 178C] [Facebook] ***** Starting processing messages
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook]    << Quitting channel()
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416140080] refreshing...
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook]    >> Entering channel()
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-channel-proxy-06-frc1.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1425738638&seq=22&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=a6ho&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=286&traceid=DO62c'
[13:26:07 178C] [Facebook]       Got chat message: bla bla
[13:26:07 178C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/thread_info.php?__a=1'
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook]       Got self sequence number: 27
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook]    << Quitting channel()
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416140080] refreshing...
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook]    >> Entering channel()
[13:26:07 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-channel-proxy-06-frc1.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1425738638&seq=27&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=zz3m&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=286&traceid=DO62c'
[13:26:07 1518] [Facebook] ***** Starting processing messages
[13:26:07 1518] [Facebook] ***** Messages processed
[13:26:07 178C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:07 178C] [Facebook]       Deleted cookie 'isfbe'
[13:26:07 178C] [Facebook]  ! !  Received Facebook error: 1545012 -- There was a temporary error, please try again.
[13:26:08 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:08 17C8] [Facebook] ***** Starting processing messages
[13:26:08 127C] [Facebook]       Got self sequence number: 28
[13:26:08 127C] [Facebook]    << Quitting channel()
[13:26:08 127C] [Facebook] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416140080] refreshing...
[13:26:08 127C] [Facebook]    >> Entering channel()
[13:26:08 17C8] [Facebook] ***** Messages processed
[13:26:08 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-channel-proxy-06-frc1.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1425738638&seq=28&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=zsqy&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=286&traceid=ncPRD'
[13:26:15 178C] [Facebook] !!!!! LoadChatInfo(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[13:26:15 178C] [Facebook] **Chat - Users in chat : (null)
[13:26:15 178C] [Facebook] ***** Messages processed
[13:26:15 1754] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php?__a=1'
[13:26:16 1754] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:16 1754] [Facebook]       Deleted cookie 'isfbe'
[13:26:16 1754] [Facebook]  ! !  Received Facebook error: 1357031 -- The content you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired or you may not have permission to view this page.
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]       Got self sequence number: 29
[13:26:18 0CC0] [Facebook] ***** Starting processing messages
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]    << Quitting channel()
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416140080] refreshing...
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]    >> Entering channel()
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-channel-proxy-06-frc1.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1425738638&seq=29&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=lgya&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=286&traceid=GCTjM'
[13:26:18 0CC0] [Facebook]       Got chat message: bla bla
[13:26:18 0CC0] [Facebook] **Chat - Users in chat : 1425738638
[13:26:18 0CC0] [Facebook] ***** Messages processed
[13:26:18 0724] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php?__a=1'
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:18 0868] [Facebook] ***** Starting processing messages
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]       Got self sequence number: 30
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]    << Quitting channel()
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416140080] refreshing...
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]    >> Entering channel()
[13:26:18 0868] [Facebook] ***** Messages processed
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-channel-proxy-06-frc1.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1425738638&seq=30&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=3n7x&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=286&traceid=GCTjM'
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:18 179C] [Facebook] ***** Starting processing messages
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]       Got self sequence number: 32
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]    << Quitting channel()
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416140080] refreshing...
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook]    >> Entering channel()
[13:26:18 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-channel-proxy-06-frc1.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1425738638&seq=32&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=dbxf&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=286&traceid=GCTjM'
[13:26:18 179C] [Facebook] ***** Messages processed
[13:26:18 0724] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:18 0724] [Facebook]       Deleted cookie 'isfbe'
[13:26:18 0724] [Facebook]  ! !  Received Facebook error: 1357031 -- The content you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired or you may not have permission to view this page.
[13:26:22 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:22 127C] [Facebook]       Got self sequence number: 33
[13:26:22 17BC] [Facebook] ***** Starting processing messages
[13:26:22 127C] [Facebook]    << Quitting channel()
[13:26:22 127C] [Facebook] ***** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1416140080] refreshing...
[13:26:22 127C] [Facebook]    >> Entering channel()
[13:26:22 17BC] [Facebook] ***** Messages processed
[13:26:22 127C] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'http://2-channel-proxy-06-frc1.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_1425738638&seq=33&partition=-2&clientid=93e41c6e&cb=5hp2&idle=-1&state=active&cap=0&sticky_token=286&traceid=wlvrB'
[13:26:25 0F30] [Facebook] ***** FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[1416140080] waking up...
[13:26:25 0F30] [Facebook]    >> Entering ProcessBuddyList()
[13:26:25 0F30] [Facebook] @@@@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/chat/buddy_list.php?__a=1'
[13:26:25 0F30] [Facebook] @@@@@ Got response with code 200
[13:26:25 0F30] [Facebook]       Deleted cookie 'isfbe'
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 16 11 2014, 13:52:11
My FB works correctly so I would need someone to contact me directly over icq/jabber/fb... and borrow me his login/password to be able to fix it.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: mrx00 on 16 11 2014, 18:36:07
mrx00, hi, this is already fixed in development version. In Options / Services / Plugin updater switch to development versions and let it all update. When new stable will be ready, you can switch back to stable releases. There are no problems with actual development branch.

@ Robyer: will this fix also be ported to the current stable release?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 16 11 2014, 20:30:02
mrx00, no, but new stable should be released soon (maybe in 1-2 weeks?).

Btw I'm still waiting for someone with that new issues to contact me.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: pizza-king on 16 11 2014, 23:50:13
I've just added you on Jabber/Google Talk
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 17 11 2014, 11:32:46
Problem with receiving message and marking them as read fixed (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11002/).
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: mrx00 on 17 11 2014, 20:44:43
@Robyer: thank you for fixing the issues. I will wait for next stable release.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 18 11 2014, 06:48:58
With old version and new one (fixed) I still have message "user XXX has commented his photo". DB repair does not fix this problem.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 18 11 2014, 08:33:35
With old version and new one (fixed) I still have message "user XXX has commented his photo". DB repair does not fix this problem.

Screenshots please. I don't understand your problem as you're first one to report such thing.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: cust on 18 11 2014, 16:33:16
Is there a way to log facebook notifications and open the link later?
I'm currently doing this from popup
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 18 11 2014, 18:53:21
cust, there is no way of logging notifications at this moment.

I use infinite time for notification popups so I can click on them later. What exactly is your use-case for this?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: cust on 18 11 2014, 19:23:09
I am doing exactly what you do now, but it's very annoying when you accumulate too much notifications. also Facebook seems doesn't show notifications more than 99 or older than 2-3 days!
So you miss many specially when you follow some large active group  :(
Is it that hard to do this?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 19 11 2014, 08:09:49
cust, I see... well it's not hard to implement, especially when it will be logging just into .txt file. Would that be enough for you? If so, create feature request ticket on our bug tracker and I'll look at it sooner or later. But I'm busy these days.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 19 11 2014, 11:23:19
cust, never mind. Implemented (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11020/) :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 19 11 2014, 11:34:17
How can I enable it? There is no plugin update yet...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 19 11 2014, 12:54:33
JonIrenicus, because updates are compiled at night. You can wait for tomorrow. But I compiled it for you: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7225964/FacebookRM.7z
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 19 11 2014, 13:06:02
Thank you, but I still have fb notifications every start. How can i mark them as "read"?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: cust on 19 11 2014, 14:06:09
Robyer: CPU run at 100% when using your compile?
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 19 11 2014, 14:58:31
Thank you, but I still have fb notifications every start. How can i mark them as "read"?
Wtf are you talking about? Usually you mark them as read by opening Facebook website with it (clicking left mouse button on popup) or by just marking them as read from Miranda (clicking right mouse button on popup).

Robyer: CPU run at 100% when using your compile?
And it's for development version of Miranda, don't mix it with stable.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: cust on 19 11 2014, 17:36:12
I am using it with the development version sir
It might be conflicting with another plugin, is there a way to investigate?
I also noticed since yesterday's update, Miranda gets random crashes, but this is another issue.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 19 11 2014, 23:06:06
It might be conflicting with another plugin, is there a way to investigate?

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 20 11 2014, 10:03:34
Usually you mark them as read by opening Facebook website with it (clicking left mouse button on popup) or by just marking them as read from Miranda (clicking right mouse button on popup).
What about my case?

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 20 11 2014, 12:04:58
JonIrenicus, badge on icon doesn't provide real info. Click on it (to see list of notifications) and you will see that there are some unread ones. Or just click on that notification in Miranda, it will mark it as read.

And regarding groupchat - I'm loading last notifications there, so they're just in chatroom but they shouldn't raise notifications...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: sKopheK on 20 11 2014, 18:04:57
Hello, getting this error since this morning. Tried on two different machines - one Win 8.1, another Win 7 Pro

Miranda Crash Report from 20 Nov 2014 19:00:13. Crash Dumper v.

Likely cause of the crash plugin: Facebook RM

Exception: Access Violation at address 0000000013C33F61. Reading from address FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

Stack Trace:
0000000013C33F61 (facebook 0000000013C20000): (filename not available) (0): Load
0000000013C394AA (facebook 0000000013C20000): (filename not available) (0): Load
000000001200E524 (mir_core 0000000012000000): (filename not available) (0): forkthread
00000000678F1D9F (MSVCR100 00000000678D0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
00000000678F1E3B (MSVCR100 00000000678D0000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
00000000779459ED (kernel32 0000000077930000): (filename not available) (0): BaseThreadInitThunk
0000000077B7C541 (ntdll 0000000077B50000): (filename not available) (0): RtlUserThreadStart

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 4029 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17420 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Czech/Czech

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.3 alpha build #11027 x64
Build time: 20 Nov 2014 5:56:04
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Profiles\sKopheK\sKopheK.dat
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (15):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [27 Mar 2014 4:45:33] - Miranda image services
  AuthState.dll v. [16 Sep 2014 17:16:50] - Authorization state
  AVS.dll v. [9 Nov 2014 5:46:40] - Avatar service
  Cln_skinedit.dll v. [29 Mar 2014 5:47:40] - Skin editor for clist nicer
  CrashDumper.dll v. [19 Nov 2014 5:46:12] - Crash dumper
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [20 Nov 2014 5:46:12] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [20 Nov 2014 5:49:06] - Facebook RM
  HistoryPP.dll v. [6 Sep 2014 13:30:16] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [16 Sep 2014 17:16:30] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  Import.dll v. [20 Oct 2014 4:41:12] - Import contacts and messages
  IRC.dll v. [1 Oct 2014 4:47:16] - IRC protocol
  Jabber.dll v. [19 Nov 2014 5:43:06] - Jabber protocol
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [11 Nov 2014 14:43:00] - Plugin updater
  TabSRMM.dll v. [19 Nov 2014 5:42:36] - TabSRMM
  TopToolBar.dll v. [27 Jul 2014 8:58:22] - TopToolBar

Loaded Modules:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Miranda64.exe  0000000000400000 - 00000000004E1000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:56:04]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll  0000000077B50000 - 0000000077CF9000 v.6.1.7601.18247 [29 Aug 2013 3:16:35]
C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll  0000000077930000 - 0000000077A4F000 v.6.1.7601.18409 [4 Mar 2014 10:44:00]
C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll  000007FEFDAE0000 - 000007FEFDB4C000 v.6.1.7601.18409 [4 Mar 2014 10:44:00]
C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll  000007FEFDCD0000 - 000007FEFDD1D000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:24:28]
C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll  000007FEFF4A0000 - 000007FEFF53F000 v.7.0.7601.17744 [16 Dec 2011 9:46:06]
C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll  000007FEFEC40000 - 000007FEFED6D000 v.6.1.7601.18532 [14 Jul 2014 3:02:45]
C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll  000007FEFF0E0000 - 000007FEFF0E8000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:53]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_fa396087175ac9ac\COMCTL32.dll  000007FEFC510000 - 000007FEFC704000 v.6.10.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:23:51]
C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll  000007FEFFDF0000 - 000007FEFFE57000 v.6.1.7601.18577 [23 Aug 2014 3:07:00]
C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll  0000000077A50000 - 0000000077B4A000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:24:09]
C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll  000007FEFF220000 - 000007FEFF22E000 v.6.1.7601.18177 [6 Jun 2013 6:50:51]
C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll  000007FEFF230000 - 000007FEFF2F9000 v.1.626.7601.18454 [25 Apr 2014 3:34:59]
C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll  000007FEFF1A0000 - 000007FEFF211000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:24:22]
C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll  000007FEF9B40000 - 000007FEF9B7B000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:56]
C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll  000007FEFCA00000 - 000007FEFCA0C000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:56]
C:\Windows\system32\UxTheme.dll  000007FEFC330000 - 000007FEFC386000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:56]
C:\Windows\system32\COMDLG32.dll  000007FEFED90000 - 000007FEFEE27000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:24:22]
C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll  000007FEFDD20000 - 000007FEFEAA8000 v.6.1.7601.18517 [25 Jun 2014 3:05:42]
C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll  000007FEFF3A0000 - 000007FEFF47B000 v.6.1.7601.18247 [29 Aug 2013 3:13:28]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll  000007FEFF480000 - 000007FEFF49F000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:53]
C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll  000007FEFF920000 - 000007FEFFB23000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:23:48]
C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll  000007FEFFD10000 - 000007FEFFDE7000 v.6.1.7601.18640 [18 Oct 2014 3:05:23]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Zlib.dll  0000000012080000 - 000000001209A000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:46:04]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\MSVCR100.dll  00000000678D0000 - 00000000679A2000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 2:15:38]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\mir_core.dll  0000000012000000 - 000000001201F000 [20 Nov 2014 5:50:22]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\MSVCP100.dll  000000005F110000 - 000000005F1A8000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 2:15:38]
C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL  000007FEFF0F0000 - 000007FEFF11E000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:09]
C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll  000007FEFF540000 - 000007FEFF649000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:28]
C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll  000007FEFBF00000 - 000007FEFBF18000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:40:34]
C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTBASE.dll  000007FEFD770000 - 000007FEFD77F000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:40:24]
C:\Windows\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL  000007FEFF300000 - 000007FEFF399000 v.2001.12.8530.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:40:15]
C:\Windows\system32\explorerframe.dll  000007FEFA060000 - 000007FEFA22A000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:24:09]
C:\Windows\system32\DUser.dll  000007FEFBFC0000 - 000007FEFC003000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:40:34]
C:\Windows\system32\DUI70.dll  000007FEFC010000 - 000007FEFC102000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:40:34]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll  00000000138A0000 - 00000000138B4000 v. [19 Nov 2014 5:46:12]
C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll  000007FEF8A20000 - 000007FEF8B45000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:24:00]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll  0000000013B00000 - 0000000013B15000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:46:12]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdcrypt.dll  00000000121C0000 - 00000000121CE000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:53:20]
C:\Windows\system32\Msftedit.dll  000007FEF2A20000 - 000007FEF2AE6000 v. [21 Nov 2010 4:24:01]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\AdvaImg.dll  0000000012FA0000 - 0000000013051000 v. [27 Mar 2014 4:45:33]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdclist.dll  0000000012180000 - 0000000012193000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:22]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\authstate.dll  0000000013280000 - 000000001328A000 v. [16 Sep 2014 17:16:50]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\avs.dll  0000000013360000 - 0000000013375000 v. [9 Nov 2014 5:46:40]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\cln_skinedit.dll  00000000137C0000 - 00000000137C9000 v. [29 Mar 2014 5:47:40]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\facebook.dll  0000000013C20000 - 0000000013C78000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:49:06]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\historypp.dll  00000000140A0000 - 00000000143AA000 v. [6 Sep 2014 13:30:16]
C:\Windows\system32\msimg32.dll  000007FEF3050000 - 000007FEF3057000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:29]
C:\Windows\system32\winspool.drv  000007FEF9F60000 - 000007FEF9FD1000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:23:55]
C:\Windows\system32\RICHED20.DLL  000007FEEF400000 - 000007FEEF49E000 v. [21 Nov 2010 4:24:15]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\icq.dll  0000000014860000 - 00000000148C9000 v. [16 Sep 2014 17:16:30]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\import.dll  0000000014A00000 - 0000000014A0F000 v. [20 Oct 2014 4:41:12]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\irc.dll  0000000014A20000 - 0000000014A81000 v. [1 Oct 2014 4:47:16]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\jabber.dll  0000000014B00000 - 0000000014BAF000 v. [19 Nov 2014 5:43:06]
C:\Windows\system32\Secur32.dll  000007FEFD510000 - 000007FEFD51B000 v.6.1.7601.18443 [12 Apr 2014 3:19:37]
C:\Windows\system32\SSPICLI.DLL  000007FEFD6E0000 - 000007FEFD705000 v.6.1.7601.18443 [12 Apr 2014 3:19:38]
C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll  000007FEFCF20000 - 000007FEFCF7B000 v.6.1.7601.17570 [3 Mar 2011 7:24:15]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\pluginupdater.dll  0000000015720000 - 000000001573A000 v. [11 Nov 2014 14:43:00]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\tabsrmm.dll  0000000016240000 - 00000000162E3000 v. [19 Nov 2014 5:42:36]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Plugins\toptoolbar.dll  0000000016FC0000 - 0000000016FD1000 v. [27 Jul 2014 8:58:22]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stduserinfo.dll  0000000012300000 - 000000001230E000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:46]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdurl.dll  00000000122E0000 - 00000000122EA000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:36]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdemail.dll  00000000121E0000 - 00000000121E7000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:44]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdauth.dll  00000000120C0000 - 00000000120C9000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:32]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdfile.dll  0000000012200000 - 0000000012214000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:42]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdhelp.dll  0000000012240000 - 0000000012247000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:36]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdidle.dll  0000000012260000 - 0000000012268000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:36]
C:\Windows\system32\WTSAPI32.dll  000007FEFBD20000 - 000007FEFBD31000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:58]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdautoaway.dll  00000000120E0000 - 00000000120E7000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:42]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stduseronline.dll  0000000012320000 - 0000000012327000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:30]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda IM\Core\stdaway.dll  0000000012100000 - 000000001210A000 v. [20 Nov 2014 5:55:28]
C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL  000007FEFAE20000 - 000007FEFAE47000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:24:16]
C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL  000007FEFAE10000 - 000007FEFAE1B000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:56]
C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll  000007FEFD030000 - 000007FEFD085000 v.6.1.7601.18254 [8 Sep 2013 3:27:14]
C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll  000007FEFCAD0000 - 000007FEFCAD7000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:58]
C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll  000007FEFD310000 - 000007FEFD317000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:58]
C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll  000007FEFA3E0000 - 000007FEFA3E8000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:53]
C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll  000007FEFABE0000 - 000007FEFAC33000 v.6.1.7601.18283 [12 Oct 2013 3:29:08]
C:\Windows\system32\schannel.dll  000007FEFCE90000 - 000007FEFCEE7000 v.6.1.7601.18606 [19 Sep 2014 10:42:49]
C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll  000007FEFDB60000 - 000007FEFDCCD000 v.6.1.7601.18526 [7 Jul 2014 3:06:31]
C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll  000007FEFD920000 - 000007FEFD92F000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:24:22]
C:\Windows\system32\credssp.dll  000007FEFCCF0000 - 000007FEFCCFA000 v.6.1.7601.18606 [19 Sep 2014 10:42:41]
C:\Windows\system32\ncrypt.dll  000007FEFD240000 - 000007FEFD290000 v.6.1.7601.18606 [19 Sep 2014 10:42:47]
C:\Windows\system32\bcrypt.dll  000007FEFD2A0000 - 000007FEFD2C2000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:40:10]
C:\Windows\system32\bcryptprimitives.dll  000007FEFCD20000 - 000007FEFCD6C000 v.6.1.7601.17514 [21 Nov 2010 4:23:55]
C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll  000007FEFB130000 - 000007FEFB145000 v.6.1.7601.17964 [3 Oct 2012 18:44:21]
C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll  000007FEFA640000 - 000007FEFA655000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:52]
C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll  000007FEF96D0000 - 000007FEF96E9000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:53]
C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll  000007FEF8870000 - 000007FEF887B000 v.6.1.7600.16385 [14 Jul 2009 2:41:56]

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Apollo2k4 on 20 11 2014, 18:27:02
sKopheK, http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Crash_reports
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 21 11 2014, 08:23:46
Click on it (to see list of notifications) and you will see that there are some unread ones. Or just click on that notification in Miranda, it will mark it as read.
When I click blinking icon in the notification area, it opens Miranda window with title "fb: Notifications".
8[16:10]   : Надежда *** также прокомментировала свою фотографию.

8[21:57]   : Андрей *** и Леонид *** также прокомментировали ссылку Андрея ***
8[10:14]   : Аркадию *** (общий друг – Андрей *** ) нравится ваш комментарий: "***".

And I cannot mark them as read.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 11 2014, 08:31:12
JonIrenicus, yes, you need to click on that link to mark them read on website.
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 21 11 2014, 08:41:07
you need to click on that link to mark them read on website.
Yes, I have opened EACH link, and in my Firefox this link was yellow (marked), but after Miranda restart I still get these notifications again!
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 21 11 2014, 09:07:50
JonIrenicus,  do you have also a popup plugin or you just use notification area of Miranda?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 21 11 2014, 09:23:20
do you have also a popup plugin or you just use notification area of Miranda?
Where can I check it?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: yoGhurt on 21 11 2014, 14:23:44
I've got regular crashes too and i think it's also problem with Facebook RM
Miranda Crash Report from 21 Nov 2014 15:19:22. Crash Dumper v.

Likely cause of the crash plugin: TabSRMM

Exception: Access Violation at address 0000000016287B72. Reading from address 0000000000000200.

Stack Trace:
0000000016287B72 (tabsrmm 0000000016240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\plugins\tabsrmm\src\msgs.cpp (119): SetStatusTextWorker
0000000016287C5F (tabsrmm 0000000016240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\plugins\tabsrmm\src\msgs.cpp (144): SetStatusText
000000001200CD5A (mir_core 0000000012000000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\modules.cpp (534): CallService
0000000013C3ED7B (facebook 0000000013C20000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\facebookrm\src\json.cpp (501): facebook_json_parser::parse_messages
0000000013C3910D (facebook 0000000013C20000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\facebookrm\src\process.cpp (853): FacebookProto::ProcessMessages
000000001200E524 (mir_core 0000000012000000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\threads.cpp (154): forkthreadex_r
0000000050741D9F (MSVCR100 0000000050720000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
0000000050741E3B (MSVCR100 0000000050720000): (filename not available) (0): endthreadex
00007FFF4CA813D2 (KERNEL32 00007FFF4CA80000): (filename not available) (0): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFF4F1903C4 (ntdll 00007FFF4F120000): (filename not available) (0): RtlUserThreadStart

CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1620 @ 2.70GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 11990 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional Edition, 64-bit (build 9600)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17416 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Polish/Polish | Polish/Polish

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.3 alpha build #11030 x64
Build time: 21 Nov 2014 5:56:12
Profile: C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Profiles\profil\profil.dat
Language pack: Polish (PL) [0415]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (29):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:30] - Miranda image services
  AIM.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:32] - AIM protocol
  AVS.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:45:42] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:49:30] - Modern contact list
  CrashDumper.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:50:46] - Crash dumper
  Db_autobackups.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:16] - Db autobackuper
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:45:50] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:48:48] - Facebook RM
  GG.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:16] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
  HistoryPP.dll v. [6 Sep 2014 13:30:16] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:44] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  IEView.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:30] - IEView
  Import.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:45:38] - Import contacts and messages
  IRC.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:30] - IRC protocol
  Jabber.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:00] - Jabber protocol
  KeepStatus.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:48:00] - Keep status
  MenuEx.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:30] - Menu item ext
  MobileState.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:51:34] - Mobile state
  Msg_Export.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:51:10] - Message export
  MSN.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:46] - MSN protocol
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:51:18] - Plugin updater
  Popup.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:40] - Popup plus
  Restart.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:51:16] - Restart
  SendSS.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:50:38] - Send ScreenShot+
  SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:48:58] - Simple status message
  StartPosition.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:52:46] - Start position
  TabSRMM.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:16] - TabSRMM
  Variables.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:48:36] - Variables
  Yahoo.dll v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:44] - Yahoo protocol

Loaded Modules:
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Miranda64.exe  0000000000400000 - 00000000004E1000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:56:12]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll  00007FFF4F120000 - 00007FFF4F2CC000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:53:30]
C:\Windows\system32\KERNEL32.DLL  00007FFF4CA80000 - 00007FFF4CBBE000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:09:24]
C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll  00007FFF4C340000 - 00007FFF4C455000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:55:08]
C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll  00007FFF4A390000 - 00007FFF4A41E000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:44:56]
C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll  00007FFF4F0A0000 - 00007FFF4F0FA000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:53]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.9600.17415_none_6240486fecbd8abb\COMCTL32.dll  00007FFF49220000 - 00007FFF4949B000 v.6.10.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:03:49]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll  00007FFF44240000 - 00007FFF44262000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:52:43]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll  00007FFF4BAE0000 - 00007FFF4BAEA000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:57:42]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll  00007FFF4AEC0000 - 00007FFF4AFE9000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:50:45]
C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll  00007FFF4C7E0000 - 00007FFF4C834000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:57:40]
C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll  00007FFF4D250000 - 00007FFF4D3C7000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:00:24]
C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll  00007FFF4EC60000 - 00007FFF4EDB1000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:00:24]
C:\Windows\system32\COMDLG32.dll  00007FFF4CBC0000 - 00007FFF4CC76000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:45:03]
C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll  00007FFF4CC80000 - 00007FFF4CD2A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:54:14]
C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll  00007FFF4D3D0000 - 00007FFF4E8E9000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:57:39]
C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll  00007FFF4D090000 - 00007FFF4D224000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:55:47]
C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll  00007FFF4CF10000 - 00007FFF4CFD1000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:55:08]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Zlib.dll  0000000012080000 - 000000001209A000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:45:38]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\mir_core.dll  0000000012000000 - 000000001201F000 [21 Nov 2014 5:50:24]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\MSVCR100.dll  0000000050720000 - 00000000507F2000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 1:15:38]
C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll  00007FFF4D230000 - 00007FFF4D239000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:53]
C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll  00007FFF4EB10000 - 00007FFF4EC51000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:53]
C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll  00007FFF4CFE0000 - 00007FFF4D08A000 v.7.0.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:53:30]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll  00007FFF437C0000 - 00007FFF437EA000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:52:43]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\combase.dll  00007FFF4C860000 - 00007FFF4CA71000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:55:46]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll  00007FFF4EAB0000 - 00007FFF4EB09000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:53]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\MSVCP100.dll  0000000050680000 - 0000000050718000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 1:15:38]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cfgmgr32.dll  00007FFF4C750000 - 00007FFF4C79F000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:09:27]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll  00007FFF4B040000 - 00007FFF4B068000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:09:23]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHCORE.DLL  00007FFF49BE0000 - 00007FFF49C92000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:57:39]
C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL  00007FFF4C7A0000 - 00007FFF4C7D6000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:00:23]
C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll  00007FFF4E950000 - 00007FFF4EAA3000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:00:24]
C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\Version9\tv_x64.dll  00007FFF3F370000 - 00007FFF3F3B8000 v.9.0.32494.0 [12 Sep 2014 19:00:54]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll  00007FFF49980000 - 00007FFF499A1000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:00:24]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll  00007FFF4B090000 - 00007FFF4B09B000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:09:27]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll  00007FFF4C0E0000 - 00007FFF4C0EB000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:52]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcryptPrimitives.dll  00007FFF4C070000 - 00007FFF4C0D3000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:55]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\clbcatq.dll  00007FFF4EFE0000 - 00007FFF4F096000 v.2001.12.10530.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:55:47]
C:\Windows\system32\explorerframe.dll  00007FFF39D40000 - 00007FFF3A03B000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:59:43]
C:\Windows\system32\DUser.dll  00007FFF490E0000 - 00007FFF49184000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:09:53]
C:\Windows\system32\DUI70.dll  00007FFF499B0000 - 00007FFF49B71000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:08:57]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll  00000000138A0000 - 00000000138B4000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:50:46]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll  00007FFF49CA0000 - 00007FFF49E2A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:20:01]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll  0000000013B00000 - 0000000013B15000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:45:50]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdcrypt.dll  00000000121C0000 - 00000000121CE000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:53:28]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Msftedit.dll  00007FFF35EF0000 - 00007FFF361EA000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:34:55]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSIMG32.dll  00007FFF47300000 - 00007FFF47307000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:28:52]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\AdvaImg.dll  0000000012FE0000 - 0000000013091000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:30]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\Clist_modern.dll  00000000135C0000 - 0000000013648000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:49:30]
C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.9600.17415_none_a3d9cc70ae4a2ae2\gdiplus.dll  00007FFF21DC0000 - 00007FFF21F70000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:18:47]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\aim.dll  00000000131A0000 - 00000000131D3000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:32]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\avs.dll  0000000013360000 - 0000000013375000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:45:42]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\db_autobackups.dll  0000000013B40000 - 0000000013B4C000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:16]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\facebook.dll  0000000013C20000 - 0000000013C78000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:48:48]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\gg.dll  0000000013FE0000 - 000000001402A000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:16]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\historypp.dll  00000000140E0000 - 00000000143EA000 v. [6 Sep 2014 13:30:16]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winspool.drv  00007FFF42270000 - 00007FFF422F2000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 1:56:23]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RICHED20.DLL  00007FFF21C70000 - 00007FFF21D1B000 v. [29 Oct 2014 3:43:39]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll  00007FFF43E30000 - 00007FFF43E46000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:48:40]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msls31.dll  00007FFF40C10000 - 00007FFF40C53000 v.3.10.349.0 [29 Oct 2014 3:45:18]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\icq.dll  0000000014880000 - 00000000148E9000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:44]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\ieview.dll  0000000014980000 - 00000000149A6000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:30]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\import.dll  0000000014A00000 - 0000000014A0F000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:45:38]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\irc.dll  0000000014A20000 - 0000000014A81000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:30]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\jabber.dll  0000000014B00000 - 0000000014BAF000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:00]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll  00007FFF472E0000 - 00007FFF472EC000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:29:43]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll  00007FFF4B7F0000 - 00007FFF4B894000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:30:38]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SSPICLI.DLL  00007FFF4C040000 - 00007FFF4C06E000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:52]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\keepstatus.dll  0000000014C60000 - 0000000014C74000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:48:00]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll  00007FFF45410000 - 00007FFF4565B000 v.11.0.9600.17416 [31 Oct 2014 4:45:17]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL  00007FFF47290000 - 00007FFF472BA000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:53]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll  00007FFF45660000 - 00007FFF45927000 v.11.0.9600.17416 [31 Oct 2014 6:05:11]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll  00007FFF4B7C0000 - 00007FFF4B7E1000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:56]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL  00007FFF47250000 - 00007FFF4725A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:53]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll  00007FFF4C270000 - 00007FFF4C285000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:51:53]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\menuex.dll  0000000014D40000 - 0000000014D51000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:30]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\mobilestate.dll  0000000014F80000 - 0000000014F87000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:51:34]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\msg_export.dll  0000000015160000 - 000000001517C000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:51:10]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RICHED32.DLL  00007FFF45200000 - 00007FFF45208000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:44:46]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\msn.dll  00000000151A0000 - 00000000151E8000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:46]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\pluginupdater.dll  0000000015720000 - 000000001573A000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:51:18]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\popup.dll  0000000015780000 - 00000000157C5000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:47:40]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\restart.dll  0000000015A40000 - 0000000015A47000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:51:16]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\sendss.dll  0000000015CA0000 - 0000000015CCE000 [21 Nov 2014 5:50:38]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\simplestatusmsg.dll  0000000015D80000 - 0000000015D9D000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:48:58]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\startposition.dll  00000000160C0000 - 00000000160C8000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:52:46]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\tabsrmm.dll  0000000016240000 - 00000000162E3000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:16]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\variables.dll  00000000166C0000 - 00000000166DC000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:48:36]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\pdh.dll  00007FFF40D80000 - 00007FFF40DCF000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:27:11]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Pcre16.dll  0000000012040000 - 000000001205C000 [21 Nov 2014 5:48:26]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Plugins\yahoo.dll  0000000016D40000 - 0000000016D72000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:46:44]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stduserinfo.dll  0000000012300000 - 000000001230E000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:56:06]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdurl.dll  00000000122E0000 - 00000000122EA000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:55:48]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdemail.dll  00000000121E0000 - 00000000121E7000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:55:56]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdauth.dll  00000000120C0000 - 00000000120C9000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:56:02]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdfile.dll  0000000012200000 - 0000000012214000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:55:56]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdhelp.dll  0000000012240000 - 0000000012247000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:55:38]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdidle.dll  0000000012260000 - 0000000012268000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:55:34]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll  00007FFF4A5D0000 - 00007FFF4A5E2000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:55:49]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stdautoaway.dll  00000000120E0000 - 00000000120E7000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:55:46]
C:\Program Files\Miranda NG\Core\stduseronline.dll  0000000012320000 - 0000000012327000 v. [21 Nov 2014 5:55:46]
C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll  00007FFF4BA60000 - 00007FFF4BAB9000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:29:43]
C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll  00007FFF44A50000 - 00007FFF44A5A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:28:26]
C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll  00007FFF46D20000 - 00007FFF46D8B000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:14:19]
C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll  00007FFF44A30000 - 00007FFF44A45000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:42:34]
C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll  00007FFF44980000 - 00007FFF4499A000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:26:53]
C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll  00007FFF4A9B0000 - 00007FFF4A9CB000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:24:07]
C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll  00007FFF44970000 - 00007FFF4497D000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 3:44:33]
C:\Windows\system32\wshbth.dll  00007FFF448F0000 - 00007FFF44904000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:21:10]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll  00007FFF4B9F0000 - 00007FFF4BA10000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:52]
C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll  00007FFF4B640000 - 00007FFF4B676000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:57]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll  00007FFF4BD20000 - 00007FFF4BD46000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:54]
C:\Windows\System32\oleacc.dll  00007FFF474D0000 - 00007FFF4753A000 v.7.2.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:17:39]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WindowsCodecs.dll  00007FFF4A420000 - 00007FFF4A5CE000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:00:23]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\schannel.dll  00007FFF4B5D0000 - 00007FFF4B63D000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:25:17]
C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll  00007FFF4C570000 - 00007FFF4C74F000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:57]
C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll  00007FFF4C320000 - 00007FFF4C331000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:52]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll  00007FFF4BCD0000 - 00007FFF4BCF5000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:54]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll  00007FFF4BC50000 - 00007FFF4BC87000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:56]
C:\Windows\system32\ncryptsslp.dll  00007FFF451B0000 - 00007FFF451CC000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:04:54]
C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Globalization.dll  00007FFF35C70000 - 00007FFF35D9B000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:27:41]
C:\Windows\System32\Bcp47Langs.dll  00007FFF478B0000 - 00007FFF47916000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:27:07]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\globinputhost.dll  00007FFF46520000 - 00007FFF4654C000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:20:26]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll  00007FFF46ED0000 - 00007FFF4704F000 v.7.0.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 4:57:42]
C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll  00007FFF34440000 - 00007FFF35200000 v.11.0.9600.17416 [31 Oct 2014 4:59:36]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll  00007FFF45A70000 - 00007FFF45BF6000 v.11.0.9600.17416 [31 Oct 2014 4:32:27]
C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll  00007FFF1EEB0000 - 00007FFF206AC000 v.11.0.9600.17416 [31 Oct 2014 6:28:02]
C:\Windows\system32\mlang.dll  00007FFF35C30000 - 00007FFF35C6E000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:16:38]
C:\Windows\system32\msimtf.dll  00007FFF46220000 - 00007FFF46230000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:20:38]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\powrprof.dll  00007FFF4C210000 - 00007FFF4C256000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:09:26]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll  00007FFF49190000 - 00007FFF49217000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:00:24]
C:\Windows\System32\uiautomationcore.dll  00007FFF45930000 - 00007FFF45A65000 v.7.2.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:21:00]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d2d1.dll  00007FFF47B00000 - 00007FFF47F81000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:35:54]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DWrite.dll  00007FFF47560000 - 00007FFF4774E000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:42:23]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll  00007FFF494B0000 - 00007FFF496E3000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 5:00:24]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ondemandconnroutehelper.dll  00007FFF42940000 - 00007FFF4294C000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:27:45]
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winhttp.dll  00007FFF44DA0000 - 00007FFF44E69000 v.6.3.9600.17415 [29 Oct 2014 2:14:03]

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 21 11 2014, 14:25:07
JonIrenicus,  if you don't know what you are using - post VersionInfo. (see my signature).
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 21 11 2014, 17:07:19
JonIrenicus, as I said before, I'm loading history of (seen) notifications into chatroom. But they shouldn't be notified - maybe unless you have some weird setting to notify every single chat message.  But it feels like you have completely different problem, because 3 days ago you said the same thing:
"With old version and new one (fixed) I still have message "user XXX has commented his photo". DB repair does not fix this problem."
and at that time notifications in chatroom wasn't implemented YET. So you're either a time traveler or I don't know.

Anyway, I disabled loading of old notifications so tomorrow you WON'T see old notifications in chatroom. I hope that will finally fix your issues...

yoGhurt, does it crash everytime someone reads your message? Or more occasionally?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: JonIrenicus on 22 11 2014, 08:35:46
Anyway, I disabled loading of old notifications so tomorrow you WON'T see old notifications in chatroom. I hope that will finally fix your issues...
Yes, now I don't have those notifications. Thank you.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: yoGhurt on 22 11 2014, 14:12:29
yoGhurt, does it crash everytime someone reads your message? Or more occasionally?

I think it happens when i'm getting some notifications from facebook, beecuase it happend when i didn't talk with anyone that time.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 22 11 2014, 14:13:41
yoGhurt, does it still happens? Because I fixed this yesterday or maybe 2 days ago so...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: yoGhurt on 23 11 2014, 01:07:08
For now, it works fine, but i'll confirm it on Monday when i'll run Miranda on my PC at work.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fikus on 24 11 2014, 09:11:18
For me today doesn't work. I recived the messasge but if I wanna replay said that I'm offline (also if the network statut sayed I'm online).
I use the last versione of Miranda NG with no strange plugin

Let me know :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 24 11 2014, 09:47:49
For me today doesn't work. I recived the messasge but if I wanna replay said that I'm offline (also if the network statut sayed I'm online).

Works for me. Prepare me network log (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log), please.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: watcher on 24 11 2014, 09:49:06
I use the last versione of Miranda NG with no strange plugin

Please clear this statement - are you using Facebook plugin in Miranda or Facebook via XMPP using Miranda Jabber account?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fikus on 24 11 2014, 13:16:40
I'm using Facebook RM plugin. How can I give u the log? there is personal info inside....
Let me know
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: kai_at_mir on 24 11 2014, 13:17:32

since about 2 days, the status of the Facebook plugin always changes from online to offline after just a few seconds. Then, Miranda connects again, then disconnects... on and on. The plugin I'm using is Facebook RM, with Miranda NG 0.95.2.
The other protocolls are not affected.

Does anyone else have this problem? It just started recently (without changing anything in Miranda) - before that, it worked beautifully.

Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 24 11 2014, 13:39:20
fikus, you can use e-mail: robyer@seznam.cz or PM here on forum...

kai_at_mir, switch to development versions (in options / services / plugin updater), it's fixed there.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: dolong8888 on 24 11 2014, 14:03:41
kai_at_mir, I have the same problem, looked back at the forums and you have to switch to the development version till they release the new stable version (I wish there were more stable versions  8) ).
Look here: http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=192.285

Edit: Sorry, Robyer has had already answered to the question, didn't saw in time.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: kai_at_mir on 24 11 2014, 14:07:58
Robyer and dolong8888, thanks a lot. It worked perfectly.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: fikus on 25 11 2014, 08:43:53
with DEV plugin its working again....
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 25 11 2014, 09:45:00
I use the last versione of Miranda NG with no strange plugin
with DEV plugin its working again....

So NOW you're on LAST VERSION of Miranda NG.

That why:
1) Users should try development version first before reporting bugs.
2) Users should give us VersionInfo (http://vi.miranda-ng.org) right in first post where they're reporting their problem.

Otherwise we all just waste our time here :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Chungalin on 26 11 2014, 16:03:18
Fixed on However I have to note that after first login I’ve received a bunch of messages that I already had. I’ve had to remove these dupes with History++.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: cust on 07 12 2014, 04:22:15
hi Robyer
Just a small request
Could you include who's "back on server list" and "removed from server list" to notification log or system log?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 07 12 2014, 11:41:07
cust, feel free to create ticket on tracker.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Crapper on 22 12 2014, 18:21:53
new to Miranda NG but used Minranda IM before. I have the Facook plugin (development version) and when I log in to facebook none of my contacts are shown. I've tried "show offline users" and they don't show up either.
Also, when trying to find people on FB I don't seem to get any hits that match the person I'm looking for... I mean I get their mail address and nick, first and last name from them but, they don't show up in the miranda search window.

I should probably inform you that I'm totally new to Facebook so I heve no idea if there are some settings I should change for it to work.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 22 12 2014, 20:30:29
Crapper, Hi, please send me a network log (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log), that should help find the problem.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Crapper on 23 12 2014, 18:23:43
log file is too long, exceeds 20.000 characters. Is there a part of it you need or do you need all of it?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 23 12 2014, 18:38:53
Crapper, are you sure you checked only Facebook protocol in Options / Network / Logging ?

It can't be that big. Check only Facebook in that options, delete the log file (it will be recreated automatically), then switch Fb to online, then try to search for people, and then send me the log.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Crapper on 23 12 2014, 22:20:08
Solved ove ICQ with Robyer. Was nothing wrong with the plugin or miranda... was me there was something wrong with  ::)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Goraf on 24 12 2014, 11:49:04
It looks like some of the last changes removed problems with FB + Console (growing memory usage - mem leaks)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 24 12 2014, 12:42:19
Goraf, that's great. I indeed fixed various memleaks with help of some code static analyzers, so I'm glad it really helped :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: delerue on 04 01 2015, 01:54:37
Today I noticed that the timestamp is not in sync anymore. So my history doesn't reflect the order of the received/sent messages.

I used to have  'UseLocalTimestamp' command set to '1', but it seems that someone has changed the Wiki section related to this command: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:Facebook/en&action=history

Is it related to this: http://trac.miranda-ng.org/ticket/832 ?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Goraf on 04 01 2015, 10:11:24
It's related to this http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11598 (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11598)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 04 01 2015, 10:15:01
delerue, I completely removed "use local timestamp" options and started using server time also for sent messages. As I tested it, it worked properly. Could you provide VersionInfo (and eventually also screenshot capturing the problem)?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: delerue on 04 01 2015, 15:21:08
As you can see, there's a little difference in minutes, but also with daylight saving time -- I'm one hour ahead, but I'm not using Windows 'Daylight Saving Time' option, neither syncing with any server clock.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5] [DEP Enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8184 MBytes
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.10.9200.16686 (build 99200)
Administrator privileges: Yes
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Portuguese/English
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 68095 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.4 alpha build #11720 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 2 Jan 2015 0:39:20
Profile: D:\Rafa\Programas\Miranda\Profiles\Delerue\Delerue.dat
Profile size: 281346048 Bytes
Profile creation date: 9 Oct 2013 20:50:55
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (12):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [2 Jan 2015 0:31:40] - Miranda image services
  AVS.dll v. [2 Jan 2015 0:30:46] - Avatar service
  CrashDumper.dll v. [2 Jan 2015 0:34:40] - Crash dumper
  DbChecker.dll v. [2 Jan 2015 0:35:04] - Database checker
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [12 Aug 2014 10:46:01] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [2 Jan 2015 0:30:50] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [3 Jan 2015 17:29:34] - Facebook RM
  HistoryPP.dll v. [22 Mar 2014 8:31:36] - History++
  ICQ.dll v. [2 Jan 2015 0:31:34] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  Jabber.dll v. [2 Jan 2015 0:32:02] - Jabber protocol
  MSN.dll v. [2 Jan 2015 0:31:48] - MSN protocol
  StopSpam.dll v. [7 Apr 2014 23:32:30] - StopSpam+

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
STEAM                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
WhatsApp_1               0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded

Icon Packs:
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [7 Apr 2014 23:38:54]
 Proto_AIM.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:47:16]
 Proto_conn_Skype.dll [21 Jul 2013 0:00:38]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [13 Oct 2014 23:36:19]
 Proto_GG.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:47:18]
 proto_gtalk.dll [24 Oct 2012 9:12:26]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [1 Aug 2009 17:22:40]
 Proto_IRC.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:47:20]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:47:20]
 Proto_MSN.dll [1 Aug 2009 17:22:44]
 Proto_Skype.dll [5 Aug 2014 23:36:35]
 Proto_Steam.dll [16 Apr 2014 19:32:32]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [3 Oct 2014 23:41:48]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:47:22]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:49:36]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:47:32]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:44:22]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [13 Feb 2013 1:44:34]
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 04 01 2015, 15:34:51
delerue, could you try it with Scriver or TabSRMM?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: delerue on 04 01 2015, 15:44:22
Just tried with TabSRMM and it works flawlessly. But I don't like it  :(
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 04 01 2015, 18:23:20
Ok, I know what's the problem with StdMsg, but I don't know how to fix it  :-\
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: delerue on 05 01 2015, 12:25:19
Hahaha! Damn it! :D

Can you tell us the short story? I'm a programmer too.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 05 01 2015, 13:58:06
delerue, StdMsg saves sent message into DB immediately and in case of receiving error from protocol it removes that message afterwards.
Scriver and TabSRMM waits to receive success from protocol first and only after that saves sent message into DB = after it's really sent. In case of error they don't add this message into DB at all.

In case of StdMsg I can't alter timestamp of that message, because it's added immediately so I haven't got response from server yet so I can't alter that timestamp to correct time.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 05 01 2015, 14:35:35
ghazan reworked StdMsg so it now works as in other plugins. http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/11775/
So tomorrow it should work correctly with FB plugin :-)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: delerue on 05 01 2015, 15:59:24
Hmmmm! I see the problem, and I'm glad that it's almost fixed!

Thanks, man! :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: delerue on 06 01 2015, 22:54:41
It's working almost perfectly now! :)

Almost because the delay between the send command and the message showing in the history is a little bit annoying. I can't think of a perfect solution neither, but maybe the message could be shown in the history instantly, and then the time would be modified when the server replies the correct timestamp. Any better idea?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 07 01 2015, 07:09:23
Showing old timestamp and then modifying it is bad idea (bad UX).

Best would be add message to message log with icon or text "Sending" (and without timestamp), then on error replace it with "Error - Try again" which would be clickable link,... and on success remove "Sending" and add result timestamp. I think I saw something similar in QIP and I always wanted it - also for accepting/rejecting files they have it as inline link.

But maybe it might be complicated for implementation? I have no experiences with RichEdit... (or time to learn or do it)

Anyway, it works with this delay with Scriver/TabSRMM too, so...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: delerue on 07 01 2015, 15:52:07
Robyer, you have a great idea. It would be wonderful if someone could implement this.
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Aztek on 07 01 2015, 22:18:31
Can i change my nickname? It's always Name Surname pattern, i don't want this. I changed it in database (Facebook -> Nick), but then it automatically changed back :c
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 07 01 2015, 23:50:25
Aztek, you can't. It just uses "name surname" pattern as you said.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: r_a_d on 13 01 2015, 08:34:25
Now it's the second time it has happened to me following.. I have a miranda facebook chat window open (Facebook RM with User_1. Then I open a web browser, go the the facebook site and send a message to User_2, but that message appears in miranda facebook chat to User_1. Don't understand how it is possible:)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 13 01 2015, 09:28:25
r_a_d, you're the third one who reported me this issue. But I haven't got time for debugging and fixing it yet.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: r_a_d on 13 01 2015, 09:48:36
No problem, it's not an issue I couldn't live with :)
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: FabioAreia on 21 01 2015, 22:42:59
Can you make a group chat where posts from newsfeeds appear?
Like TWITTER plugin do?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 22 01 2015, 03:32:29
FabioAreia, yes, when I'll have time...
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: G.K. on 04 02 2015, 20:03:38
Thank you very much for a plugin!
I have a question: is it possible to fix a problem with attached images what aren't appearing in the chat window?
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 04 02 2015, 20:49:32
G.K., I don't understand. Please provide me a screenshots capturing this problem. ;-)
Title: Odp: Facebook plugin
Post by: Aztek on 04 02 2015, 23:31:23
I think we have some serious problem since last update. Screenshot as attachment.
Msgs that i'm sending directly from website fb appears in conversation with completly different person.
My SO has the same problem, so im not alone.
Title: Re: Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 06 02 2015, 10:00:21
r_a_d, Aztek, I just commited (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/12018/) a fix ;-)
Title: Re:Facebook plugin
Post by: Robyer on 07 02 2015, 08:53:28
I just commited bunch of new fixes/improvements. Important changes are working "idle" (i.e. sending info about how long miranda user is idle), updated channel request and added ping request.

I'm not exactly sure what results will be caused by this. So if you'll experience some weird stuff going on (like you're online in Miranda but your friends doesn't see you online), let me know :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: cust on 24 03 2015, 03:52:18
Hello Robyer
Thank you for the updates
Can do a little fix to include facebook ticker feed to group chat for logging?
I would be very thankful  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 24 03 2015, 09:49:22
cust, sure, I'll do that, but I'm not sure when yet. :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: cust on 24 03 2015, 17:51:40
cust, sure, I'll do that, but I'm not sure when yet. :)
While we are at it; try to make it at separate group chat from notifications  :)
Enjoy your beer  :DRINK:
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 27 03 2015, 07:43:25
cust, yep, it will be separated for all types of notifications (newsfeed, ticker, notifications). And thank you! :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 01 04 2015, 00:38:19
Thanks for all your work on this.  I have a couple issues:

1) I've been on the dev version for about a year and this is still true for me:
I never receive any event notifications.  I have all types checked in Facebook->Events.  Manually 'Check Newsfeeds' gives me a 'Loading Newsfeeds...' event that doesn't change (never completes?).  I don't have an event plugin, I'm just using the stock popups.

2) Sometime this month, direct links to facebook photos stopped appearing in conversations when someone sends you a picture.  It just says "User sent an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to see it." 
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 01 04 2015, 19:13:17
Thanks for all your work on this.  I have a couple issues:

1) I've been on the dev version for about a year and this is still true for me:
You'll need to contact me directly via ICQ/Jabber/FB and I will need to check/adapt code for your account (there are often different "versions" of Facebook code for different bunch of users).

2) Sometime this month, direct links to facebook photos stopped appearing in conversations when someone sends you a picture.  It just says "User sent an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to see it." 
Similar issue was already known for me since the beginning (with sharing URL links as page preview). I'll try to fix it all, but it wasn't easily possible before.

But for both issues I can't give you release date as now I'm solving private things these days/weeks...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KalterGrog on 09 04 2015, 11:51:58
I just read Facebook is shutting down the XMPP API. Does this mean the plugin won't work anymore? :(

(German) source (http://www.jabber.de/facebook-schaltet-xmpp-api-ab/)

Facebook announcement (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/chat?_fb_noscript=1)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 04 2015, 12:51:29
KalterGrog, no, plugin will work without changes, because I'm not using official FB nor XMPP API, but plugin behaves just like web browser - communicating via/on main website (without official API) :-)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KalterGrog on 09 04 2015, 14:12:10
KalterGrog, no, plugin will work without changes, because I'm not using official FB nor XMPP API, but plugin behaves just like web browser - communicating via/on main website (without official API) :-)
Ah, good to hear that, and thanks for all the work you put into the plugin!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Aztek on 15 04 2015, 10:43:48
Since yesterday i can't connect to my facebook account via miranda. Miranda tries to connect for about 1-2sec, then just switch back to offline status. I tried to make backup and switch to stable version of miranda, but it still doesnt work :c I also tried to log on to 2nd account - but with same results.

Edit. I just downloaded fresh miranda and tried to log in to my profile, well... look at the screen. What is that even mean? :v

Edit2. Ok, it was error from facebook itself. I was suspected of having malware on my computer. Relogin on facebook page helped me with this issue with scanning program :D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 17 04 2015, 06:24:18
Aztek, yep, more people separately reported me similar issue about need to clean your browser. But still only few (around 5 users) and I wasn't been able to "fix it" in plugin because I don't have account to reproduce it on. By "fixing it" I mean let Miranda to press that "next next ok".

So if anyone will have this problem from now on, let me know.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: cust on 19 04 2015, 22:55:03
Did you get around to add log for ticker feeds Robyer?
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 20 04 2015, 06:02:00
No, yesterday I only tried to fix login when Facebook request that computer clean (I need feedback on that), but otherwise no other development (too busy these weeks).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: cra3y on 26 04 2015, 11:06:30

I tried to find solution, how to avoid captcha, when i send link to someone (captcha appeared after small period of time, when Miranda was used - it wasn't there at the begining)

My idea is to spoof facebook, that miranda is a web browser.

I found few cookies (when i has been logged in FB via Opera)
datr - value from this cookie is a Device ID

I copied this value into Device ID and FB shows me (under Settings -> Security -> login location) that "Device name" is a "Opera in Windows" - that's great!!!

But there is a "Device Type" field which show "Unknown" and when You hover mouse pointer over there, it will show You "MirandaNG/ Facebook Protocol RM/".

Could You spoof this value? For example "Opera in: Windows 8"?

Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 05 2015, 05:34:24
cra3y, hi,

captchas are caused by different thing than useragent. I think you can have almost any useragent you want and Facebook won't complain. You correctly guessed that "DeviceID" in Miranda means persistent cookie from Facebook which identifies active session. And showing or not showing captchas is related to the particular DeviceID, yes. Because Facebook can start thinking that some computer (active session) is infected by some malware. That's why it then shows captchas or login error that you need to clean your computer first.

How Facebook guesses that on some session is malware? Probably by using old or invalid communication requests, deprecated API or something like that. Useragent doesn't matter here (maybe unless it's some known malware id). Few days ago I changed/fixed some things which could have caused this, so hopefully it will be okay from now on.

When you're already seeing captchas, you can delete DeviceID to "create" new session with next login, and/or just fill the captcha codes and Facebook will stop showing them to you in a few hours/days probably.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: G.K. on 22 05 2015, 15:22:55
G.K., I don't understand. Please provide me a screenshots capturing this problem. ;-)
Sorry for so late answer. I'm a Slowpoke chieftain. :D

I cannot make a screenshot right now because i reinstalled windows and have no miranda for now. I'll try to do it soon but will try to explain now: when someone sends me a message with a picture attached, i can see only text with no images.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: G.K. on 22 05 2015, 15:43:25
And that's a screenshot. :(

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 31 05 2015, 07:12:57
Did you get around to add log for ticker feeds Robyer?
I remember this request, but it's still haven't done it yet.

2) Sometime this month, direct links to facebook photos stopped appearing in conversations when someone sends you a picture.  It just says "User sent an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to see it." 
I have a question: is it possible to fix a problem with attached images what aren't appearing in the chat window?

Finally fixed (including shared links)! Tomorrow available in your Miranda (if you use development version) :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: delerue on 04 06 2015, 19:24:49
Doc Boy, no, it's just unexpected page / unsupported security check or something like that. It should be easily fixable, but I need access to that broken account... (or it to happen to my account)

I know it's been a long time since you posted this message, but now I have an account with this problem and I can provide you any information you want.

Just to clarify: I can't login with almost no browser (any help with that will be great :) ), it doesn't matter if it's fresh new or has all the data (cache, cookies, history, etc) cleared; in fact it doesn't matter even the OS (I'm attaching the error). With Miranda I couldn't login ('unknown error') until I deleted the DeviceID with DBEditor.

EDITED: now I can't login with Miranda anymore. Same 'unknown error' message, even when I delete DeviceID or try a new Miranda install. :(
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 06 2015, 04:23:13
delerue, maybe five users already reported me same issue (in last 2 weeks or more), but as it's a problem on server side (you cannot login in web browser), I can do nothing with it.

I'm not sure if it fixes itself for them, or they still have the problem, but:
1) Some users said that after deleting the DeviceID with DBEditor for around 5 times or more Miranda was able to login.
2) DeviceID in Miranda is basically a "datr" cookie from web browser. So if deleting DeviceID helps, then by deleting cookies in your browser few times you should be able to login there too.
3) This cookie holds your "login session" which means you need only that single cookie to be logged in. So, you can copy it from working browser or Miranda to another browser or Miranda and you will be able to use Facebook on that too.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: delerue on 05 06 2015, 15:01:40
Thanks, Robyer. I've managed to use the same cookie that works in another machine. In regard of Miranda, you're right: deleting the DeviceID a few times usually works. :D

Let's wait until Facebook says something about this annoying problem.  :(
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 13 06 2015, 23:33:17
Robyer, thank you for your work and your patience!

A few issues I am curious about... (I am using the YAPP plugin)

Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: borut on 22 06 2015, 18:02:43
There is no file transfer options in the protocol facebook. This will be?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 22 06 2015, 18:13:52
borut, file transfers are not possible right now. Maybe in the future, but I don't have time these days...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 22 06 2015, 18:16:23
aekotra, are you talking about newsfeeds or tickers? Some of your points seems more like tickers ("someone liked something" etc.) and for tickers it's somehow hard (if something hasn't changed) to get content of the "ticker story".
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: borut on 22 06 2015, 18:19:06
borut, file transfers are not possible right now. Maybe in the future, but I don't have time these days...
I understand how you find the time it thank you in advance. I do not need it to, but sometimes would have used. ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 22 06 2015, 18:36:26
aekotra, are you talking about newsfeeds or tickers? Some of your points seems more like tickers ("someone liked something" etc.) and for tickers it's somehow hard (if something hasn't changed) to get content of the "ticker story".

They should be News feeds; I don't have Ticker feeds checked.  I've only enabled:

Basically, they are posts that appeared in my News feed because a friend liked them. 
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: cust on 26 06 2015, 01:24:27
Can't you get around adding log for ticker feeds Robyer :-[
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: borut on 28 06 2015, 08:13:19
After today's update components Miranda NG, there is no active services FB and "View Profile", "Go to the notifications".:(
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 06 2015, 08:25:34
cust, no time yet, sorry.

borut, yeah, menus are bit messed right now. It's caused by ghazan's bigger changes yesterday, so hopefully he'll fix it soon.

FB services' menu is located in global status menu right now, but yeah, it's items are all disabled all the time.
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: borut on 28 06 2015, 08:27:52
FB services' menu is located in global status menu right now, but yeah, it's items are all disabled all the time.

I know, I hope that this will be corrected.  ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Corak on 18 08 2015, 23:44:10
Facebook protocol not connecting now at all:

My Stats:
Windows XP SP3 32bit, 
OpenSSL miranda plugin working
ipv6 enabled (teredo).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 19 08 2015, 04:16:00
Corak, there is nothing wrong in the part of log you posted. Is it whole or did you deleted some lines?

For me login works correctly, as usual.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: G.K. on 19 08 2015, 09:04:09
Finally fixed (including shared links)! Tomorrow available in your Miranda (if you use development version) :)

Thank you so much!
Yes, i am late again. :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Corak on 19 08 2015, 09:44:48
Nope.. It's full that was in facebook log.
Btw - found big problem.
OpenSSL api module (even with the latest openssl libs) - hangs facebook protocol and using all cpu time in Miranda and also interferes miranda normal exit, so only switching off FB protocol or removing openssl helps. 
I think this must be fixed and we need to write openssl developers to fix it.

Memory Stacks on exit
mir_core.mir!APCWndProc(HWND__ * hwnd, unsigned int msg, unsigned int wParam, long lParam)  Строка 77 C++
user32.dll!_InternalCallWinProc@20()  + 0x28 байт
user32.dll!_UserCallWinProcCheckWow@32()  + 0xb7 байт
user32.dll!_DispatchMessageWorker@8()  + 0xdc байт
user32.dll!_DispatchMessageW@4()  + 0xf байт
mir_app.mir!mir_main(wchar_t * cmdLine)  Строка 284 C++
Miranda32.exe!wWinMain(HINSTANCE * hInstance, HINSTANCE  __formal, wchar_t  cmdLine, HINSTANCE * formal)  Строка 68 + 0x5 байт C++
Miranda32.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Строка 547 + 0x1c байт C
kernel32.dll!_BaseProcessStart@4()  + 0x23 байт

I can also investigate this in Visual Studio...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 19 08 2015, 12:31:04
Corak, you said "Facebook protocol not connecting now at all". Did it work before? What changed when it stopped working?

There is possibility that it doesn't work for some reason with OpenSSL plugin. But I need to know whether it worked before or not.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Corak on 19 08 2015, 14:15:09
Fb protocol worked and working normally with netlib  and just have much troubles with OpenSSL.
 I had to switch to OpenSSL api because on Win XP miranda works and connects stabily with most SSL connections. On netlib miranda frequently crashed last times (nearly a month) when internet connection fails and restored, and nobody from developers willing to fix it.
But on Openssl found the only problem with Facebook protocol - freezed protocol status/tries to connect, unhandled cpu using, hangups on exit   . I never tried OpenSSL before. (Also skypeweb developer said he had big troubles with fullpage parsing from web.skype.com, so he had to switch this function to more supported)
Please try if u can.

Or just give some details to investigate situation of this hangups/freezes in Visual Studio or other logger/debugger.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: owah on 22 08 2015, 12:08:16
Facebook doesnt work for me anymore either, I have not installed anything or changed anything in the config:

Microsoft Server 2012 R2
No OpenSSL plugin

pastebin: http://pastebin.com/4wS2tcYc
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 23 08 2015, 14:06:53
FB plugin stopped working yesterday, cannot connect.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 08 2015, 14:55:59
Corak, author of SkypeWeb said there is such problem with SkypeWeb and OpenSSL too, but don't know how to fix it. And I can't do anything about that right now (maybe at all), sorry.

owah, sKopheK, for me it still works correctly. In that case I would need access to your account. Write me directly on some communicator (Jabber, ICQ, FB,...) and I'll try to check it and fix it.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: owah on 23 08 2015, 15:12:13
Isn't there any debug output I can somehow give you?


I downloaded the latest miranda-ng stable with the old FB plugin and it works without problems there.


Old version doesnt seem to work on the server, but on Windows 10
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 08 2015, 15:41:13
owah, I debugged it with sKopheK. Facebook shows wrong error message at login. This should be fixed in tomorrow build.

But to solve your problem (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:Facebook/en#You_need_to_clean_your_computer_error), try to delete DeviceID key via Database Editor++. (That's why it does connect with fresh Miranda install).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: owah on 23 08 2015, 16:25:56
Thanks a lot! I can confirm its working again!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Aztek on 25 08 2015, 22:17:58
Hi, i dont recieve any msgs from fb.
I was offline for over 2 weeks and today i met an unpleasant surprise. I recieve msgs only right after log in, but that's it - no refreshing, no new msgs from anyone.
I can send them, but nothing else.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7700 @ 2.40GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11] [DEP Enabled] [2 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 4032 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional Edition, 64-bit (build 10162)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.10162.0 (build 910162)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Polish/Polish | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 65963 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #15027 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 25 Aug 2015 5:32:44
Profile: D:\Dropbox\Miranda NG\Profiles\Domyślny\Domyślny.dat
Profile size: 269287424 Bytes
Profile creation date: 3 Jun 2015 3:02:24
Language pack: Polish (PL) [0415]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (29):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:40] - Miranda image services
  AdvancedAutoAway.dll v. [21 Jun 2015 5:32:14] - Advanced Auto Away
  AVS.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:08] - Avatar service
  Clist_modern.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:58] - Modern contact list
  CrashDumper.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:56] - Crash dumper
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:56] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:08] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:46] - Facebook RM
  Folders.dll v. [25 Jul 2015 5:32:04] - Custom profile folders
  GG.dll v. [5 Jul 2015 5:31:38] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
  HistoryPP.dll v. [29 Jun 2015 23:25:08] - History++
  IEView.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:26] - IEView
  Import.dll v. [27 Jul 2015 7:56:06] - Import contacts and messages
  MenuEx.dll v. [27 Jul 2015 7:57:50] - Menu item ext
  mTextControl.dll v. [27 Jul 2015 7:57:52] - Miranda text control
  NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:26] - xStatus notify
  OpenFolder.dll v. [27 Jul 2015 8:00:40] - Open Miranda folder
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:31:04] - Plugin updater
  Popup.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:28] - Popup plus
  SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:46] - Simple status message
  SmileyAdd.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:32] - SmileyAdd
  StartPosition.dll v. [3 Aug 2015 8:43:56] - Start position
  StartupStatus.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:34] - StartupStatus
  Steam.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:32:16] - Steam protocol
  TabSRMM.dll v. [4 Aug 2015 5:31:02] - TabSRMM
  Tipper.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:34] - Tipper
  UInfoEx.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:48] - User info ext
  Variables.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:48] - Variables
  XSoundNotify.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:31:32] - XSoundNotify

Unloadable Plugins (1):
  DbChecker.dll v. [25 Aug 2015 5:30:58] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
GG                       1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    0 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Fp_icons.dll [24 Jun 2015 5:36:56]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [25 Jul 2015 5:44:10]
 Proto_AIM.dll [3 May 2015 13:39:30]
 proto_conn_facebook.dll [10 Dec 2007 8:51:26]
 proto_conn_GG.dll [12 Sep 2005 20:21:54]
 proto_conn_JABBER.dll [12 Sep 2005 20:21:54]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [25 Aug 2015 5:30:48]
 Proto_GG.dll [5 Jul 2015 5:37:24]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [3 May 2015 13:39:30]
 Proto_IRC.dll [3 May 2015 13:39:32]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [25 Aug 2015 5:30:50]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [25 Aug 2015 5:32:00]
 Proto_MSN.dll [3 May 2015 13:39:32]
 Proto_NewsAggregator.dll [25 Aug 2015 5:31:06]
 Proto_Steam.dll [25 Aug 2015 5:32:14]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [3 May 2015 13:39:32]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [4 Aug 2015 5:36:18]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [25 Aug 2015 5:30:50]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [25 Aug 2015 5:30:42]
 Watrack_buttons.dll [3 Jul 2015 5:44:08]
 Watrack_icons.dll [3 Jul 2015 5:44:08]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [3 May 2015 13:36:56]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [25 Aug 2015 5:30:24]
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 26 08 2015, 06:08:25
Aztek, provide network log (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log), please.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 26 08 2015, 06:32:42
I have similar problem.
Doesn't reciving new, unreaded msgs.
But when I open contact window, it'ş open another one where is loaded unredadet msgs.
Yesterday it was working properly.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8127 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17959 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Slovak/Slovak | Slovak/Slovak
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 251560 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #15031 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 26 Aug 2015 5:31:44
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\segi\segi.dat
Profile size: 14155776 Bytes
Profile creation date: 17 Jun 2015 9:43:46
Language pack: Czech (CZ) [0405]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (27):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:31:56] - Miranda image services
  AVS.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:30:28] - Avatar service
  Clist_nicer.dll v. [19 Aug 2015 9:05:38] - Clist nicer
  Cln_skinedit.dll v. [26 Jul 2015 5:32:00] - Skin editor for clist nicer
  CrashDumper.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:32:06] - Crash dumper
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [19 Aug 2015 9:06:44] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:30:06] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:30:40] - Facebook RM
  Fingerprint.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:30:56] - Fingerprint NG
  HistoryPP.dll v. [29 Jun 2015 23:25:08] - History++
  HistoryStats.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:33:52] - HistoryStats
  ICQ.dll v. [19 Aug 2015 9:05:38] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  Import.dll v. [26 Jul 2015 5:30:44] - Import contacts and messages
  Jabber.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:30:16] - Jabber protocol
  mTextControl.dll v. [26 Jul 2015 5:32:22] - Miranda text control
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:30:48] - Plugin updater
  Popup.dll v. [19 Aug 2015 9:06:10] - Popup plus
  QuickSearch.dll v. [3 Jul 2015 5:44:04] - Quick Search
  SeenPlugin.dll v. [19 Aug 2015 9:05:58] - Last seen
  SkypeWeb.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:31:34] - Skype protocol (Web)
  SmileyAdd.dll v. [19 Aug 2015 9:06:12] - SmileyAdd
  SpellChecker.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:30:38] - Spell checker
  TabSRMM.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:30:50] - TabSRMM
  Tipper.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:31:36] - Tipper
  TopToolBar.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:31:52] - TopToolBar
  UInfoEx.dll v. [19 Aug 2015 9:06:28] - User info ext
  Weather.dll v. [19 Aug 2015 9:07:06] - Weather

Unloadable Plugins (1):
  DbChecker.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:30:44] - <unknown>

Weather ini files:
 Accu-Intl-XML.ini v. [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - AccuWeather Intl
 gismeteo.ini v.2012.05.03 [1 Jan 2015 16:05:24] - GisMeteo
 msn.ini v.2014-11-08 [11 Jan 2015 13:28:42] - MSN Weather (New Layout)
 weatherxml.ini v. 2009-07-16 [13 May 2015 0:29:20] - WeatherXML
 wetter.ini v.11 - 28.12.2009 [28 Dec 2009 11:34:42] - Wetter.com
 wundergrnd_intl.ini v.2011/02/13 [1 Jan 2015 16:05:24] - Weather Underground Int'l
 wundergrnd_xml.ini v.2011/02/13 [1 Jan 2015 16:05:24] - Weather Underground XML

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SkypeClassic             0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
Weather                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Avonlea Light.icl [21 Mar 2012 18:07:17]
 Flags_icons.dll [26 Aug 2015 5:31:02]
 Fp_icons.dll [26 Aug 2015 5:30:54]
 gtalk-gmailcoloredballs-v2.dll [7 Sep 2005 23:44:30]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [26 Jul 2015 5:42:40]
 proto_ball1.dll [4 Sep 2005 16:52:06]
 proto_conn_facebook.dll [5 Mar 2011 21:37:52]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [26 Aug 2015 5:30:36]
 proto_gtalk.dll [24 Oct 2012 10:12:26]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [19 Aug 2015 9:06:30]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [26 Aug 2015 5:30:38]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [26 Aug 2015 5:31:20]
 Proto_Skype.dll [26 Aug 2015 5:31:28]
 Proto_Weather.dll [19 Aug 2015 9:07:00]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [17 Aug 2015 5:32:26]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [19 Aug 2015 9:06:16]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [19 Aug 2015 9:05:36]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [26 Aug 2015 5:30:12]
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 26 08 2015, 07:01:47
Since this morning almost everytime I open conversation window a group conversation opens with only one participant in it. Msging working properly, at least it seems like.
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: Aztek on 26 08 2015, 11:35:10
Robyer, sure, here - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/102355904/netlog.txt
It was too long to paste content here.

Anyway - i logged in to facebook and did small talk, so everything should be here.
Also - this time facebook doesnt even recieve msgs on start up.

Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: chlopec on 28 08 2015, 07:59:21
Same problem as the guys before me: not receiving messages that arrived while miranda was off ("load last messages" doesn't work either) & constantly getting group chat windows for some old unread messages.

EDIT: with today's update, I'm not even receiving messages when miranda is on, sending still works.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 28 08 2015, 09:13:59
@chlopec same issue here, did work until i restarted miranda :( need to rollback to previous version. somehow...
EDIT: cannot find any plugin version history to dl older version - maybe this would be good to have for future problems like this
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 08 2015, 10:04:03
sKopheK, it's not related to plugin version. It is related to change on Facebook server. And I don't know how to fix it, yet  ???
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 28 08 2015, 20:23:40
Maybe it's not related to plugin version still I can say it works on older plugin version:
Facebook.dll v. [24 Aug 2015 5:30:32] - Facebook RM

Something new in the code broke that not the facebook servers.  ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 08 2015, 21:19:07
Myshor, well, that's really interesting. Especially because in one moment I had my classic account and my testing account in same Miranda at same time, and my classic account worked, but testing account didn't.

What exactly does work for you in the old version and what doesn't in new version? There are probably more separate issues...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 28 08 2015, 21:59:41
I don't use much... ;)

I use facebook in Miranda mostly:
- to write with other people so sending msg and recieving works in older plugin.
- I had tooltips if some new notification appeared for me. Handy and working.
- People's changing status. Working too.

On today updated one I didn't recieved anything while I was online. My smartphone told me someone was writing. Checked it and confirmed that Miranda didn't recieved anything and nothing was added to the history.
That gives one more working thing in older plugiun: History works too. ;)

Last thing (I hope it doesn't matter much). I use 32 bit version in Windows 10 64bit.

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 28 08 2015, 22:14:10
I use nightly and 64bit. I confirm after the last update I'm not receiving messages anymore, even if I can see the note that the contact has read my message (and he confirmed me in other ways)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 08 2015, 07:14:32
Maybe it's not related to plugin version still I can say it works on older plugin version:
Facebook.dll v. [24 Aug 2015 5:30:32] - Facebook RM

Something new in the code broke that not the facebook servers.  ;)
Well you can see that nothing relevant was changed around 24 Aug 2015 in FB plugin: http://trac.miranda-ng.org/log/trunk/protocols/FacebookRM?rev=15078

Can you send me the working plugin .dll? And can you confirm that in this old plugin .dll it is working right now? Or are you just saying that "after update from this old version it stopped working."?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: gera_b on 29 08 2015, 09:19:24
Hello, Robyer.
I made some research and as I posted here:

Miranda receives message bodies from Facebook server, it's the plugin who doesn't show them. Because what I've seen in net debugger is my lost incoming message:

"sender_name":"Tania Barvinkova","has_attachment":false,"source":"source:titan:web","body":"пум"
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 08 2015, 10:24:16
Fixed problem with not receiving messages. Available for download via Plugin Updater. It was indeed broken.

BUT there are still some other problems unfixed :-)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 08 2015, 16:48:39
Also fixed:
* loading offline messages (at startup) and messages at opening contact window
* receiving friendship requests (at startup)

(will be available in development build tomorrow)

Is there anything else still broken?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 29 08 2015, 17:55:13
Thank you very mouch Robyer. grate job  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 29 08 2015, 19:12:56
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Aztek on 01 09 2015, 12:23:11
Today i couldnt connect to facebook untill i removed deviceID. Looks like we all are in Database editor pretty often, maybe it would be good to create simple way to reset deviceID? From FB menu or options? It would be useful for casual users :D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 09 2015, 18:04:23
Aztek, yeah, that might be useful. I will probably do it if it will be still needed in future.

Yesterday I revised some requests plugin is using (so plugin is using same format as Facebook website). Not all, only basic ones. But still it hopefully might help to lower probability of captchas or other limitations (right now my I can't even send links in messages, as at least 2 other users reported too). Eventually I will check the remaining requests too...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Aztek on 03 09 2015, 19:52:44
(right now my I can't even send links in messages, as at least 2 other users reported too)
Ah, yes, that happend to me too. My whole facebook account is now suspect, probably because using facebook on miranda. Actually im pretty sure thats because of it, cuz my girlfriend has the same problem.

The worst part is that i dont know how to fix it. When i try to post url on the wall, there is information that i cant do that... with the dead link(!) to 'more information'.
Thanks to google i found link, that helped me previous time - https://www.facebook.com/help/320234818071511/ - "I think I have malware on my computer. What should I do?".
I scanned my computer with Trend Micro scan with no result. My girlfriend managed to run F-Secure scan and it found miranda files suspicious, but that doesnt help either.
Screen: http://s2.ifotos.pl/img/119737898_spxawsr.jpg
I know its not directly connected to facebook plugin, but if someone will find solution, please share it with us :D

Ah, almost forgot, Robyer. You cant send links tho miranda, but ALSO FROM WEBSITE. It will appear in chat window as actually sent, but it will never reach your interlocutor.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 09 2015, 21:24:49
probably because using facebook on miranda. Actually im pretty sure thats because of it
Yeah, I'm sorry about that...

You cant send links tho miranda, but ALSO FROM WEBSITE. It will appear in chat window as actually sent, but it will never reach your interlocutor.
Yes, it's actually safer to communicate over Miranda :D as I lost few messages already by sending via browser...

Here is working support/help link for this situation: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/571927962827151
You can try to write them. But I'm sure it will pass sooner or later by itself...

Btw you should report to F-Secure that it's a false-positive alarm. It's perhaps because of Plugin Updater who is changing DLLs on the fly when updating.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 04 09 2015, 06:08:53
I want only report a minor issue. All is working fine, when connected to the facebook, I receive unread msgs. That's good, even group chat. But msgs from group chat receive 2 times. Once in group chat window, once in separate windows from each user.
It is not a serious problem.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8127 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (build 7601)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.17959 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Slovak/Slovak | Slovak/Slovak
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 244475 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.5 alpha build #15167 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 3 Sep 2015 19:12:56
Profile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miranda NG\Profiles\segi\segi.dat
Profile size: 14352384 Bytes
Profile creation date: 17 Jun 2015 9:43:46
Language pack: Czech (CZ) [0405]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (27):
  AdvaImg.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:31:56] - Miranda image services
  AVS.dll v. [30 Aug 2015 23:42:50] - Avatar service
  Clist_nicer.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:26] - Clist nicer
  Cln_skinedit.dll v. [26 Jul 2015 5:32:00] - Skin editor for clist nicer
  CrashDumper.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:48] - Crash dumper
  DbEditorPP.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:48] - Database editor++
  Dbx_mmap.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:18] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
  Facebook.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:44] - Facebook RM
  Fingerprint.dll v. [26 Aug 2015 5:30:56] - Fingerprint NG
  HistoryPP.dll v. [29 Jun 2015 23:25:08] - History++
  HistoryStats.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:12:36] - HistoryStats
  ICQ.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:24] - IcqOscarJ protocol
  Import.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:18] - Import contacts and messages
  Jabber.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:28] - Jabber protocol
  mTextControl.dll v. [30 Aug 2015 23:43:04] - Miranda text control
  PluginUpdater.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:54] - Plugin updater
  Popup.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:34] - Popup plus
  QuickSearch.dll v. [3 Jul 2015 5:44:04] - Quick Search
  SeenPlugin.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:34] - Last seen
  SkypeWeb.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:12:34] - Skype protocol (Web)
  SmileyAdd.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:36] - SmileyAdd
  SpellChecker.dll v. [30 Aug 2015 23:43:18] - Spell checker
  TabSRMM.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:26] - TabSRMM
  Tipper.dll v. [30 Aug 2015 23:43:10] - Tipper
  TopToolBar.dll v. [17 Aug 2015 5:31:52] - TopToolBar
  UInfoEx.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:42] - User info ext
  Weather.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:12:00] - Weather

Unloadable Plugins (1):
  DbChecker.dll v. [3 Sep 2015 19:11:50] - <unknown>

Weather ini files:
 Accu-Intl-XML.ini v. [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - AccuWeather Intl
 gismeteo.ini v.2012.05.03 [1 Jan 2015 16:05:24] - GisMeteo
 msn.ini v.2014-11-08 [11 Jan 2015 13:28:42] - MSN Weather (New Layout)
 weatherxml.ini v. 2009-07-16 [13 May 2015 0:29:20] - WeatherXML
 wetter.ini v.11 - 28.12.2009 [28 Dec 2009 11:34:42] - Wetter.com
 wundergrnd_intl.ini v.2011/02/13 [1 Jan 2015 16:05:24] - Weather Underground Int'l
 wundergrnd_xml.ini v.2011/02/13 [1 Jan 2015 16:05:24] - Weather Underground XML

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SkypeClassic             0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
Weather                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
WhatsApp                 0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Avonlea Light.icl [21 Mar 2012 18:07:17]
 Flags_icons.dll [30 Aug 2015 23:43:40]
 Fp_icons.dll [26 Aug 2015 5:30:54]
 gtalk-gmailcoloredballs-v2.dll [7 Sep 2005 23:44:30]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [26 Jul 2015 5:42:40]
 proto_ball1.dll [4 Sep 2005 16:52:06]
 proto_conn_facebook.dll [5 Mar 2011 21:37:52]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:11:44]
 proto_gtalk.dll [24 Oct 2012 10:12:26]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:11:44]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:11:44]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:12:20]
 Proto_Skype.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:12:28]
 Proto_Weather.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:11:58]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:11:54]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:11:38]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:11:22]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [3 Sep 2015 19:11:22]
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 09 2015, 07:55:54
Not sending links update: Yesterday I used mentioned FB support/help link and send its form, and today I can send links again. Still with captcha, but better than nothing :-)

I'm not sure whether it's related to the support form or not. Do you others still have the problem with sending links?


šegi, thanks for report. I'll look at it later.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 09 2015, 22:21:59
Not sending links update: Now I'm sending links even without captcha! :-)

And I'm still interested in your experiences from last days...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Corak on 05 09 2015, 01:51:11
Hi, Robyer.
Got Some trouble on last commits of some protocol (skypeweb or facebook) -- when connecting/re-connecting - it can use the WHOLE CPU time nearly for a minute (and repeating this time after time when reconnecting) (seems going to ethernal cycle) and cannot exit normally from Miranda process - have to terminate it's process to restart it.
 The same problem was when I tried to connect on facebook protocol with openssl (it even not connected just freezed) - but now it's happens on netlib too. It started to happen from 4 of september. So commit was made on 3 september or earlier.
This trouble manifests not always on netlib (mostly it normal). But always on openssl, so better to test it and fix it there. Maybe the core of problem not excacly in your plugin, but it manifests only on it too. So I just want to find it and fix.
OS: Windows XP SP3.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 09 2015, 06:15:01
Corak, I don't see any change related to freezing at login in last week.

I can reproduce the problem with OpenSSL, but I can't fix it. (Was looking at it for more than hour.) Weird was that when I used Fiddler (for sniffing http communication - with enabled proxy in Miranda to go through Fiddler) it worked even with OpenSSL.

But I don't have problems with netlib - are you sure it's Facebook's problem? You better isolate the problem by having in one Miranda enabled only SkypeWeb, in second Facebook, or similar.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 09 2015, 06:34:54
when connected to the facebook, I receive unread msgs. That's good, even group chat. But msgs from group chat receive 2 times. Once in group chat window, once in separate windows from each user.

Should be fixed (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/15246/) in tomorrow build.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Corak on 05 09 2015, 07:16:19
Yes, i isolated (disabled fb) and found that seems it's only skypeweb related more.
memory stack when cpu used:
But it's almost analogic problem to what happened with openssl+fb. Just thought it can be fixed somehow in the same way.. But ok, it's not manifesting last 8 hours of miranda using. Maybe I will find it finally with visual studio
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 18 09 2015, 17:57:34

I just added Facebook Protocol to Miranda NG and tried to login, but it fails every time.
It keeps on Status Connecting to Facebook.

When I close Miranda it tooks a few Seconds, then I hear the Sound of a Error Message and Miranda crashes.

I'm on the latest Version, Nightly Builds.
Please help me how to fix it.

Thx and Greetings,

[19:45:39 39D0] Info-Update thread starting.
[19:45:39 110C] [Facebook_1] *** GetMyAvatar
[19:45:39 110C] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[19:45:39 49EC] [Facebook_1] [18.9.2015] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[19:45:39 49EC] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[19:45:39 49EC] [Facebook_1] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[19:45:39 49EC] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering login()
[19:45:39 49EC] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://mbasic.facebook.com/profile.php?v=info'
[19:45:39 49EC] [Facebook_1] Connection request to mbasic.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[19:45:39 49EC] [Facebook_1] (00BB1F00) Connecting to server mbasic.facebook.com:443....
[19:45:40 49EC] [Facebook_1] (00BB1F00) Connecting to ip ....
[19:45:40 49EC] [Facebook_1] (336) Connected to mbasic.facebook.com:443
[19:45:40 49EC] [Facebook_1] (336 mbasic.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[19:45:42 110C] SSL established with XXX-SHA256
[19:45:42 49EC] [Facebook_1] (336 mbasic.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[19:45:42 508C] M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1

[19:45:42 508C] M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1

[19:45:42 508C] M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1

[19:45:42 508C] M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1

[19:45:42 49EC] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 302
[19:45:42 49EC] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://login.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1'
[19:45:42 49EC] [Facebook_1] Connection request to login.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[19:45:42 49EC] [Facebook_1] (00B82148) Connecting to server login.facebook.com:443....
[19:45:43 49EC] [Facebook_1] (00B82148) Connecting to ip ....
[19:45:43 49EC] [Facebook_1] (464) Connected to login.facebook.com:443
[19:45:43 49EC] [Facebook_1] (464 login.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[19:45:44 508C] M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1

[19:45:44 508C] M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1

[19:45:44 508C] M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1

[19:45:44 508C] M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1
MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1

[19:45:44 110C] SSL established with XXX-SHA256
[19:45:44 49EC] [Facebook_1] (464 login.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1] (00B82148:464) Connection closed internal
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1] (00B82148:4294967295) Connection closed
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 302
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1]     Got self user id: XXX
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting login()
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering home()
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://mbasic.facebook.com/editprofile.php?edit=current_city&type=basic'
[19:45:45 508C] UPnP Gateway detected 0, Control URL:
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1]     Got self dtsg
[19:45:45 49EC] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://mbasic.facebook.com/profile.php?v=info'
[19:46:11 110C] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[19:46:11 110C] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[19:46:16 110C] Killing thread F:\Programme\Miranda NG\Plugins\Facebook.dll:00001A60 (14F1BCB2)
[19:46:16 110C] Killing thread F:\Programme\Miranda NG\Plugins\Facebook.dll:000049EC (14F1BCB2)
[19:46:16 110C] Killing thread F:\Programme\Miranda NG\Plugins\Facebook.dll:00004B88 (14F1BCB2)
[19:46:16 110C] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[19:46:16 109C] [Facebook_1] ### Beginning SignOff process
[19:46:16 109C] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering logout()
[19:46:16 109C] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/logout.php?'
[19:46:16 109C] [Facebook_1] (00BB1F00:336) Connection closed internal
[19:46:16 109C] [Facebook_1] src\netlibopenconn.cpp 727: connect() failed (0)
[19:46:16 109C] [Facebook_1] !!! No response from server (time-out)
[19:46:21 110C] Killing object thread F:\Programme\Miranda NG\Plugins\Facebook.dll:0000109C
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 18 09 2015, 18:35:29
Sunlight7, do you use OpenSSL plugin? If so, disable it. It's buggy and can't work with Facebook or SkypeWeb (or other https-based protocols) right now.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Sunlight7 on 18 09 2015, 18:44:59
Yes I had, found no Option to disable it, so I renamed to File and it solved it.

Thanks  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: gera_b on 25 09 2015, 06:22:58
Can't connect for about a week neither from work nor from home isps with last alpha builds.
Tried to install new clean stable version of MNG and still had no success. Sometimes I've got "You need to clean your computer error" sometimes "Language EN" sometimes no error just failed to connect.
PS. of course i had cleaned device_id many times
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 09 2015, 08:49:43
gera_b, hi, did you read this? http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:Facebook/en#You_need_to_clean_your_computer_error

And I recommend using development version these days, stable could make some problems.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: gera_b on 25 09 2015, 11:12:19
that was the first thing i tried. Ok, i'll debug connection establishment between me and fb, maybe there is a error id or something
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 09 2015, 11:43:36
Important is question: are you able to login via private mode in web browser? If yes, it should work in Miranda with deleted DeviceID too.

You can post a netlog if there is still a problem.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 27 09 2015, 10:05:36
Hi Robyer,
I'd ask you what is difference between LastActiveTS and IdleTS in contact's parameters.
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 09 2015, 15:55:15
šegi, hi, it's what I get from Facebook. I don't know what exactly FB means by that. I guess it means this:

* IdleTS = last interaction with website / mobile application before auto-away kicks in (or ± when you switch FB protocol to away). I think this value is not available all the time.
* LastActiveTS = probably something like "time of last login". This value should be available all the time (I think).

From what I see in my Miranda LastActiveTS is always older then IdleTS (if present). Often there is only few minutes difference.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: maxtsukino on 09 10 2015, 04:33:19
I'm having an issue that perplexes me...

Normally, Facebook was a protocol that worked without a problem - practically it used to be "install and forget"... A few weeks ago I updated to Windows 10 and reinstalled all the software, Including Miranda NG. Since then, all and every one of my contacts appear as offline...

I can receive and send messages to my contacts, all the updates work (can see them via popups). Just everybody appears as offline.

checked the settings but no idea what to change or click. Already uninstalled and removed everything possible (using revo uninstaller and manually checked the %appdata% section). This happens with the stable version and with the development one. (I've checked and double checked that I'm not mixing the plugin version). I'm currently using the development version...

If anyone can assist on this, it would be much appreciated... if I need to upload something or make screenshots, please let me know.

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 10 2015, 05:43:05
maxtsukino, try to make a netlog, please: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: maxtsukino on 22 10 2015, 19:27:22
maxtsukino, try to make a netlog, please: http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log

thanks... netlog as follows:

[14:24:44 231C] [Facebook] @@@ Got response with code 200
[14:24:44 231C] [Facebook]     Got self sequence number: 31
[14:24:44 19EC] [Facebook] *** Starting processing messages
[14:24:44 231C] [Facebook]  << Quitting channel()
[14:24:44 231C] [Facebook] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1445541504] refreshing...
[14:24:44 231C] [Facebook]  >> Entering channel()
[14:24:44 231C] [Facebook] @@@ Sending request to 'https://2-edge-chat.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_782778217&seq=31&partition=-2&clientid=7cab322f&cb=9u0u&idle=0&cap=0&msgs_recv=31&uid=782778217&viewer_uid=782778217&sticky_token=260&sticky_pool=ash2c06_chat-proxy&state=offline'
[14:24:44 19EC] [Facebook] *** Messages processed
[14:24:48 2564] SmoothAnimationThreadProc thread end
[14:24:48 2564] SmoothAnimationThreadProc thread end
[14:24:48 34D4] SmoothAnimationThreadProc thread end
[14:24:48 34D4] SmoothAnimationThreadProc thread end
[14:24:49 3594] SmoothAnimationThreadProc thread end
[14:24:49 3594] SmoothAnimationThreadProc thread end
[14:24:51 272C] [Facebook] *** FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[1445541504] waking up...
[14:24:51 272C] [Facebook]  >> Entering ProcessBuddyList()
[14:24:51 272C] [Facebook] @@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/chat/buddy_list.php?__a=1'
[14:24:51 272C] [Facebook] @@@ Got response with code 200
[14:24:51 272C] [Facebook] *** Starting processing buddy list
[14:24:51 272C] [Facebook] *** Buddy list processed
[14:24:51 272C] [Facebook] *** FacebookProto::UpdateLoop[1445541504] going to sleep...
[14:24:55 359C] [gTalk] (0000000006E56E58:1960) Data sent
[14:25:03 231C] [Facebook] @@@ Got response with code 200
[14:25:03 3344] [Facebook] *** Starting processing messages
[14:25:03 231C] [Facebook]     Got self sequence number: 32
[14:25:03 231C] [Facebook]  << Quitting channel()
[14:25:03 231C] [Facebook] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1445541504] refreshing...
[14:25:03 231C] [Facebook]  >> Entering channel()
[14:25:03 3344] [Facebook] *** Messages processed
[14:25:03 231C] [Facebook] @@@ Sending request to 'https://2-edge-chat.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_782778217&seq=32&partition=-2&clientid=7cab322f&cb=lhoc&idle=0&cap=0&msgs_recv=32&uid=782778217&viewer_uid=782778217&sticky_token=260&sticky_pool=ash2c06_chat-proxy&state=offline'
[14:25:07 3E04] [MSN] (0000000006E571E8:1672) Data sent
PNG 26 CON 422
Registration: U2lnbmF0dXJlOjI6Mjg6QVFRQUFBQkJITWJPWk91eE5vR21uVFFJR2I5TztWZXJzaW9uOjY6MToxO0lzc3VlVGltZTo0OjE5OjUyNDc0OTc0MDE1MjM4ODc3MzI7RXAuSWRUeXBlOjc6MToxO0VwLklkOjI6MjI6bWF4dHN1a2lub0BvdXRsb29rLmNvbTtFcC5FcGlkOjU6MzY6MjBjOTllMjgtMzg4Ny00YzJhLTgyMzctYjQ2NDUwM2M3NWMyO0VwLkxvZ2luVGltZTo3OjE6MDtFcC5BdXRoVGltZTo0OjE5OjUyNDc0OTc0MDE1MjI2Mzc3MzI7RXAuQXV0aFR5cGU6NzoyOjEyO0VwLlBIX0N2ZXI6MjoxOjI7RXAuUEhfRnZlcjoyOjE6Mjs=

[14:25:08 2A00] [MSN] (0000000006E571E8:1672) Data received
PNG 26 CON 95
UtcTime: 1445541914
Context: 28105E34456D7E4

[14:25:08 2A00] [MSN] RECV: PNG 26 CON 95
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 22 10 2015, 19:33:53
maxtsukino, no obvious problem in log. Fastest way to help you would be to contact me over icq/jabber/any other network... and give me access to your fb account so I can try and debug it live. Now I go sleep but you can write me tomorrow.

And you should also try completely clean Miranda profile and also make sure to check that in website you can see the people online correctly.
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 03 11 2015, 21:15:52
Today evening I got something I didn't see very long time.

My msgs are displayed later than response of the people I'm talkin' with.
I think there was some option to ignore timestamp send by Facebook and use local time.
Trying to find it but I can't.

I missed any info about it will be disabled and vanished from protocol options.
It was soooo niiiiceee.  :'(

Can anyone tell me it's abandoned or just my plugin build doesn't include it?
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: makiao on 03 11 2015, 21:21:39
Since today, when i set invisible, i have many many friends as online, then i set online and there are only some friends realy online.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 11 2015, 06:46:27
I missed any info about it will be disabled and vanished from protocol options.It was soooo niiiiceee. 
It wasn't nice, it was wrong and ugly :P
It is gone because it was solved correctly by using server time always. And for me it still works (at least in TabSRMM).

I don't see any related commit from last days so I don't know what could be reason for it. What time it shows in Miranda and on Facebook website? What time is your local time and is it same as time of sent message?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 11 2015, 06:48:48
Since today, when i set invisible, i have many many friends as online, then i set online and there are only some friends realy online.

I have still same number, only difference is that when online I see most of them as "on the phone", but in invisible are all online.

Facebook is changing things last days (like the "on the phone", which is now mostly useless and wrong), so maybe he changed also the working in invisible status. I'll see in a few days when I'll get the FB changes too for my account...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: makiao on 04 11 2015, 13:38:27
Yes, think thats it, when i set invisible, then all "on the phone" contacts are listet as online.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 04 11 2015, 19:23:08
It is gone because it was solved correctly by using server time always. And for me it still works (at least in TabSRMM).

OK. Maybe it was my network a little bit overused. :D I've got notification on my phone, then the message was coming to Miranda with about 20s delay. I couldn't find it quick 'cause it was before my msg.
Today it looks more strange in the history:
P***** Ł*****, 03-11-2015 22:05:16:
teraz dopiero doszło twoje "Codziennie"

P***** Ł***** 22:05:16:
teraz dopiero doszło twoje "Codziennie"

P***** Ł*****, 22:05:32:
ale przez telefon czy przeglądarka na kompie?

P***** Ł*****, 22:05:32:
ale przez telefon czy przeglądarka na kompie?

K**** B**, 22:06:18:
Na kompie

K**** B**, 22:06:26:
Telefon moze czasem

It look like my messages was send double time.
Nevermind... It had to be some network problem. ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 04 11 2015, 19:27:35
Myshor, double messages may be caused by "broken" history sync (the experimental checkbox in options). It duplicates messages when there is some unread message from that contact - it loads it twice.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 04 11 2015, 19:40:55
AAAh... If they were presented after response it was saved like this to history, because the "older" message wasn't read already.
Still wicked behavior. Like all I find in my life. :D

Today it works fine. I hope it was just what I said - overused brandwitch. ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 06 11 2015, 19:21:42
I have still same number, only difference is that when online I see most of them as "on the phone", but in invisible are all online.

Facebook is changing things last days (like the "on the phone", which is now mostly useless and wrong), so maybe he changed also the working in invisible status. I'll see in a few days when I'll get the FB changes too for my account...

Yes I compare and many people on mobile messenger have status Web but in miranda are On phone. But now I saw that on miranda I see more people online than on messenger or on web. I thought, that FB protocol parse from web. No?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 11 2015, 09:14:48
šegi, yes, FB parses them from web. But there is some "mobile_friends" array with id of contacts, and I was using it for marking these contacts as "on the phone". Obviously it doesn't work correctly, so now I made commit to disable it completely. So, from now (tomorrow) you should see people only online, and it should be same as on web.

(I added hidden setting to enable the "mobile_friends" again, but it's mostly useless, see my commit message (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/15701/))
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 11 11 2015, 15:27:23
Thanks you Robyer. I'd like look on sources of protocol. I'm interesting how it works. But I'm not programming for more years and I think that will be not so easy :D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 11 11 2015, 21:39:37
šegi, just checkout the sources and start looking :-) you'll begin understanding more and more... that's how I started anyway :)
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Kubis on 25 11 2015, 08:07:21
Is it possible to disable receiving notifications about invited events? Its little bit annoying. Thnx
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 11 2015, 09:27:03
Kubis, at the moment it's not possible to ignore any notifications in FB plugin - I show everything I've got from Facebook. Which means that you need to disable receiving such notifications (if possible) on Facebook website.

Theoretically it would be possible to implement some feature to don't show some types of notifications directly in plugin.

I won't spent my time on it anytime soon (maybe never), but I welcome any patches. So if someone implements it, I will gladly commit it. It shouldn't be that hard after all.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kubis on 27 11 2015, 12:44:25
Ok thnx.

And how exactly stickers are working?

Instead of sticker i recieve this:
Code: [Select]
Uživatel odeslal samolepku:

Checked in settings show stickers as own emoticons.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 27 11 2015, 19:20:52
Kubis, it's somehow broken. It was broken even before but now it doesn't work at all. Unfortunately.

But it was wrongly implemented in SmileyAdd in first place - it uses "custom smileys" based on contact, not on whole protocol.

Right now you can solve showing stickers only with IEView and some proper template (with JS that changes these links to images).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: katoda_ltd on 06 12 2015, 11:57:19
for a few last days I'm unable to connect to Facebook. I searched the web, checked Miranda NG forums but apparently nobody had a similar problem yet.
Here is my netlog:
12:13:46 1E04] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] [6.12.2015] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering login()
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://mbasic.facebook.com/profile.php?v=info'
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] Connection request to mbasic.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (007D1098) Connecting to server mbasic.facebook.com:443....
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (007D1098) Connecting to ip ....
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (1556) Connected to mbasic.facebook.com:443
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (1556 mbasic.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (1556 mbasic.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 302
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://login.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1'
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] Connection request to login.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (007D0D98) Connecting to server login.facebook.com:443....
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (007D0D98) Connecting to ip ....
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (1096) Connected to login.facebook.com:443
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (1096 login.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[12:13:46 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (1096 login.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[12:13:47 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (007D0D98:1096) Connection closed internal
[12:13:47 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (007D0D98:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:13:47 1AE0] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[12:13:47 1AE0] [Facebook_1] !!! Login error: Cookies Required
[12:13:47 1AE0] [Facebook_1] !!! login(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[12:13:47 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (007D1098:1556) Connection closed internal
[12:13:47 1AE0] [Facebook_1] (007D1098:4294967295) Connection closed
[12:13:47 1AE0] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed

As you can see, login error is somehow related with cookies. I tried to cleand DeviceID, remove all Miranda sessions from FB, generate a separate password for Miranda - no change. Tried with development version of Miranda - still the same. There is no single sign that Facebook see Miranda connecting.
I live in Belgium, so maybe this can be an issue: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34987422, maybe because of that Facebook has changed login process for people trying to connect from Belgian IP addresses?
Is there any chance to fix the issue?
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 06 12 2015, 23:17:03
katoda_ltd, thanks for link, interesting.

Anyway, I would need to access and analyze the data of the "belgium facebook". It would require me having some belgium proxy where I could reproduce this problem, or just your help to give me proper data I need.

Best way for that would be installing Fiddler ( http://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler ), installing it and then try to login from clean browser (e.g. private mode of some browser). And capture this data to fiddler. BUT you can try to login with invalid e-mail/password, I just need to capture the process of trying to login (I don't need/want your login/password). So, capture the whole process from opening the facebook website, to trying to login with wrong e-mail/password.

Also you can capture the same thing, but this way START by opening this page: https://login.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1 instead of just https://www.facebook.com (as you did with first attempt).

Then save the logs from Fiddler into KDZ format and send it to me. (e.g. to my e-mail).
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: katoda_ltd on 07 12 2015, 18:06:32
thanks for the response, I'll prepare everything as requested. I'll move now to PM to not spam this thread, however I hope that it'll be possible to post a solution here soon :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 11 12 2015, 14:22:18
Login problem for users from Belgium should be fixed now. (Available tomorrow in development builds)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 11 12 2015, 19:41:02
UPDATE: I've got info that new deveopment builds are on hold because ongoing changes in core. So if you want new version of FB plugin, you need to download it manually: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl267xrdwlz0qfl/FacebookRM.7z?dl=0 (contains both 32 and 64 bit variants)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 12 2015, 09:07:25
More improvements for FB protocol - new away status and fixes for reporting self as "last active" (not report at all in invisible mode).

Download links for most recent version (for development core!):
* https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4xdng1zkwsa3on/Facebook.dll?dl=0 (32 bit)
* https://www.dropbox.com/s/fu7q7lpoda67z0i/Facebook.dll?dl=0 (64 bit)

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: allex on 16 12 2015, 03:03:46

I have the similar to the "belgium" problem - "Cookies required" error message. But I'm in Thailand now. The latest build from the dropbox does not help...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 16 12 2015, 08:07:19
allex, new builds should be available already via Plugin Updater. So make sure you let it updated to most recent version (you must use development builds).

If that still persist, then please provide a netlog (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: allex on 16 12 2015, 09:20:07
allex, new builds should be available already via Plugin Updater. So make sure you let it updated to most recent version (you must use development builds).
If that still persist, then please provide a netlog.

Just tried the latest development builds - the problem still persists.

Code: [Select]
[16:16:20 A7DC] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[16:16:20 AC48] [Facebook_1] [16.12.2015] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[16:16:20 AC48] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[16:16:20 AC48] [Facebook_1] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[16:16:20 AC48] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering login()
[16:16:20 AC48] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&locale=en_US'
[16:16:20 AC48] [Facebook_1] Connection request to www.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:16:20 AC48] [Facebook_1] (0000000001D55068) Connecting to server www.facebook.com:443....
[16:16:20 AC48] [Facebook_1] (0000000001D55068) Connecting to ip ....
[16:16:21 AC48] [Facebook_1] (1164) Connected to www.facebook.com:443
[16:16:21 AC48] [Facebook_1] (1164 www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:16:21 AC48] [Facebook_1] (1164 www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] (0000000001D55068:1164) Connection closed internal
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] (0000000001D55068:4294967295) Connection closed
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&locale=en_US'
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] Connection request to www.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] (0000000001D54F38) Connecting to server www.facebook.com:443....
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] (0000000001D54F38) Connecting to ip ....
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] (1288) Connected to www.facebook.com:443
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] (1288 www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[16:16:22 AC48] [Facebook_1] (1288 www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[16:16:23 AC48] [Facebook_1] (0000000001D54F38:1288) Connection closed internal
[16:16:23 AC48] [Facebook_1] (0000000001D54F38:4294967295) Connection closed
[16:16:23 AC48] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[16:16:23 AC48] [Facebook_1] !!! Login error: Cookies Required
[16:16:23 AC48] [Facebook_1] !!! login(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[16:16:23 AC48] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed
[16:16:27 A7DC] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[16:16:27 A7DC] [Facebook_1] === Statuses are same, no change
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 16 12 2015, 10:29:04
Could you open in browser with disabled javascript this page: https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&locale=en_US

and then send me the source code of that page? (don't do login, I want content of just this login page)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 16 12 2015, 11:45:35
allex, thanks for PM.

It should be fixed now (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/15873/). You can wait till tomorrow or use this immediatelly (and let me know whether it works): https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl267xrdwlz0qfl/FacebookRM.7z?dl=0
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: allex on 16 12 2015, 12:05:59
Robyer, thank you! But still the same: "Cookies Required"...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 16 12 2015, 19:52:05
allex, oops (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/15878/)  ::)

Now it will work. you can use same download link (from Dropbox) above.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: allex on 17 12 2015, 00:01:10
Robyer, thanks a lot, it works now!
I moved to Miranda NG from IM few days ago just because of the Facebook support (the jabber connection to FB stopped to work for me as well) and finally it works!  :)
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: katoda_ltd on 17 12 2015, 21:38:24
I already thanked privately Robyer for solving the problem for Belgian users, but definitely it's worth posting it here... Great job and many thanks again!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 18 12 2015, 09:45:56
allex, katoda_ltd, thanks, my pleasure :-)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kubis on 21 12 2015, 21:29:20
Is it possible send pictures through miranda to fb chat?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 21 12 2015, 22:34:18
Kubis, no, it's not implemented at all (no sending/receiving files).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Corak on 23 12 2015, 10:13:07
Just Got a fresh crash on "facebook_json_parser::parse_buddy_list":

Likely cause of the crash plugin: Facebook RM

Exception: Access Violation at address 7C910771. Reading from address 0039FFB5.

Stack Trace:
7C910771 (ntdll 7C900000): (filename not available) (0): wcsncpy
7C91080B (ntdll 7C900000): (filename not available) (0): wcsncpy
78AB016A (MSVCR100 78AA0000): (filename not available) (0): free
12081BD8 (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\jsonnode.inl (399): JSONNode::deleteJSONNode
12085283 (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\jsonchildren.cpp (82): jsonChildren::deleteAll
1208533A (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\internaljsonnode.cpp (183): internalJSONNode::~internalJSONNode
12081954 (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\jsonnode.inl (247): JSONNode::decRef
12081BD1 (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\jsonnode.inl (399): JSONNode::deleteJSONNode
12085283 (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\jsonchildren.cpp (82): jsonChildren::deleteAll
1208533A (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\internaljsonnode.cpp (183): internalJSONNode::~internalJSONNode
12081954 (libjson 12080000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\libs\libjson\src\jsonnode.inl (247): JSONNode::decRef
03743337 (Facebook 03730000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\facebookrm\src\json.cpp (36): facebook_json_parser::parse_buddy_list
0374026D (Facebook 03730000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\facebookrm\src\process.cpp (87): FacebookProto::ProcessBuddyList
0374BCEE (Facebook 03730000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\protocols\facebookrm\src\connection.cpp (216): FacebookProto::UpdateLoop
1224C684 (mir_core 12240000): e:\sources\miranda_ng_compilation\src\mir_core\src\threads.cpp (159): forkthreadex_r
7C80B729 (kernel32 7C800000): (filename not available) (0): GetModuleFileNameA
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 12 2015, 10:59:56
Corak, you're Miranda's JSON parser's crashes magician! :D

We need to ask ghazan about this, looks like there might be some problem in the core if it affects FB, SkypeWeb, Steam and similar...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: allex on 01 01 2016, 09:39:42
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!  :)

Robyer, I've just moved to Indonesia and got the new problem with the FB plugin...
It can't login and shows the error message "Could not load communication token".
The netlog and the source of the https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&locale=en_US&_fb_noscript=1 page with the scripts disabled are attached.

Looks like the mbasic.facebook.com is blacklisted here or something like that, because the IP is Indonesian...
But authentication in the browser works fine.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 01 01 2016, 10:03:22
allex, hi, so what happens when you try to open "https://mbasic.facebook.com/editprofile.php?edit=current_city&type=basic&locale=en_US" in browser? And also what happens when you open "https://m.facebook.com/editprofile.php?edit=current_city&type=basic&locale=en_US"?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: allex on 01 01 2016, 12:13:10
allex, hi, so what happens when you try to open "https://mbasic.facebook.com/editprofile.php?edit=current_city&type=basic&locale=en_US" in browser?
Nothing happens - ping to mbasic.facebook.com timed out.
And also what happens when you open "https://m.facebook.com/editprofile.php?edit=current_city&type=basic&locale=en_US"?
The edit profile page is opened.
If not logged in - redirected to the page
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 01 01 2016, 17:33:38
allex, here is version communicating on m.facebook.com - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl267xrdwlz0qfl/FacebookRM.7z?dl=0

There is a problem though - it probably won't load friendship requests at login, loading user details and searching won't work either.

Let me know the results :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: allex on 01 01 2016, 23:41:41
allex, here is version communicating on m.facebook.com - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl267xrdwlz0qfl/FacebookRM.7z?dl=0

There is a problem though - it probably won't load friendship requests at login, loading user details and searching won't work either.

Let me know the results :)

It works! At least logging in and messaging works :) Thank you!
Probably it's worth to make it configurable?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: allex on 02 01 2016, 01:59:42
Just curious - but how the browser works?... Even in normal (not mobile) mode?..
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 01 2016, 04:58:53
It works! At least logging in and messaging works :) Thank you!
Probably it's worth to make it configurable?
I'd rather fix it for everyone than providing workaround that breaks some functionality.

Could you open in browser these urls and tell me what works and what doesn't? And also which of them looks the same and which not.

* https://m.facebook.com
* https://mbasic.facebook.com
* https://touch.facebook.com
* https://x.facebook.com

Just curious - but how the browser works?... Even in normal (not mobile) mode?..
What do you mean? :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 01 2016, 06:57:40
It works! At least logging in and messaging works :) Thank you!
Probably it's worth to make it configurable?
I'd rather fix it for everyone than providing workaround that breaks some functionality.

Should be fixed!

Searching users and loading friendship requests at login will be broken for users which CAN'T open "mbasic." AND "m." gives them "touch." version.
(I can't do much for these users... Hopefully not many users like this exists. - allex: You can check and tell me whether these functions work for you, for you it should work.)

(you can download new version from previous dropbox link)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: PiTRiS on 26 01 2016, 14:52:05
Just updated my miranda IM to NG just because of FB, but it does not work... I tried several versions of the plugin (stable, development, the last one mentioned in thread), but cannot login at all. I tried fixes with clearing deviceID and logging in private window, but nothing helped.
Stable version gives "Facebook error: Unknown error"
Dev version: "Facebook error: US English"
and the last zip: Login error: Sign up for Facebook

Guess the last one is closes to success, but still. I'm using facebook with 2-step verification and have generated app password for Miranda.

Can anyone help please?

EDIT: Sure as hell fixed it just after asking.
So the thing is, that plugin uses regular web login for which you cannot use the app password (using it gives error when tried).
Using regular password gives error "invalid code" as there is not prompt to input the 2-step verification code.
The solution is, to try to login and get the error. Then in facebook notfication the one with "unknown device" should apper. Then you can authorize the login using facebook in browser and login using miranda.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 02 2016, 13:56:50
I'm now getting captchas window when sending a link. Sometimes it says that I might have a virus and it prevent me to send.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 02 2016, 22:40:07
SpinalBlood, yes, some new change on Facebook.

Same issue: http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=3970.msg15921#msg15921
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 02 2016, 07:29:37
I commited some fixes so hopefully it will work slightly better now.

Also, if Facebook notify you "Someone new logged in to your account" at every Miranda login, open that notification on Facebook, and set "Yes, that was me" and "Remember this device". Then it won't bother you anymore (as long as you'll have same "DeviceID" in Miranda).

And I just reported (https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/571927962827151) that I don't know why I'm seeing captchas, I'll let you know how fast (if ever) I'll get rid of captchas etc. and if they will come back with actual plugin... (i.e. if it's safe for you to do it too)
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 02 2016, 13:03:19

(yes, Facebook plugin causes problems with "you need to clean your computer" or seeing captchas. It's because Facebook sometimes change its API and if plugin uses "older API", Facebook thinks you are some spambot or something.)

1) You need to use development version of both Miranda + Facebook plugin.
2) Just make sure to have chosen "development" in Options / Services / Plugin Updater and let it update via Main menu / Check for updates
3) Fixed version is and it was released today.

When you will be using this version, copied cookie or deleted DeviceID should help (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:Facebook/en#Troubleshooting) to get rid of login problems. And to get rid of captchas (after using this new version), if you are seeing them in web browser too, then look at the bottom of the captcha dialog (in web browser), there is link saying something like "You think you shouldn't be seeing this?" that directs you to some FB support page, where you can fill reason. For example "There is no problem with this link" or "I don't know what's wrong with this link", or anything else. And now (after 10 hours) I'm free of captchas.

Otherwise it might attract potential attention from FB staff to this plugin, and we don't want that.

(btw might be good if someone could rewrite this to Wiki, I don't have time for that now...)

EDIT: Hmm, I'm seeing captchas again... weird. So, it's NOT fully fixed yet, I need to look at it again in some days :-/
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 20 02 2016, 02:33:00
I've been receiving "login error: unknown error" since this morning on the dev version.  Totally unable to login.  I've tried logging in and out of Facebook in my browser and restarting Miranda.  Is this a known issue?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 21 02 2016, 22:47:16
aekotra, will look at later. For now try to login from browser without old cookies (e.g. use Private browser window or something like that). ( See also - http://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=3970.msg16127#msg16127 )

It is known. I need to adapt plugin to some new facebook changes, but I'm too busy these days...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 21 02 2016, 23:11:37
Thank you!  No change after logging in without old cookies but deleting deviceID worked in my case.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ladyzaba on 25 02 2016, 12:14:42
Thank you!  No change after logging in without old cookies but deleting deviceID worked in my case.
I've got the same problem, can't log in FB. I'd like to try deleting deviceID, but I don't know how to do it, can you help please?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 25 02 2016, 19:56:29
ladyzaba, http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:Facebook/en#Troubleshooting

Someone also told me that changing password on Facebook helped him to connect from Miranda again.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ladyzaba on 25 02 2016, 22:59:27
Robyer, I've tried both changing password (it didn't help) and this advice how to delete deviceID before, but I didn't manage :-(. I open Database Editor, but I'm not able to find „key DeviceID in branch Settings/<account's internal name>“. In Settings, there are many many things, but nothing named DeviceID or account's internal name.
There are many things which seem not to have any relation among them. Names of contacts, things like AutoBackups, CList or Known Modules, all mixed together. Among all these things are Facebook_1 and Facebook_1]. Should I delete these two? I'm not sure...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 27 02 2016, 07:24:43
ladyzaba, by "<account's internal name>" I meant for example the "Facebook_1". So if you open that branch, there you should be able to find the DeviceID line.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: pepinlebref on 29 02 2016, 08:46:44
I used 'Messenger' on my mobile device to create a discussion group.
In this group, I added contacts with whom I'm 'Facebook friend' but also other Facebook contacts not "Facebook friends".
The effect is that on Miranda chat room, these contacts "not Facebook friend" appear with there internal FB id.
=> Is there a way to associate a Nickname to these contacts in Miranda?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ladyzaba on 29 02 2016, 09:48:07
ladyzaba, by "<account's internal name>" I meant for example the "Facebook_1". So if you open that branch, there you should be able to find the DeviceID line.
Great, it works! Thank you very much :-).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 02 2016, 11:02:13
pepinlebref, not yet, I will someday implement support for loading their names automatically.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Dannimax on 29 02 2016, 17:47:39
i got the same problem, once again Facebook gives me trouble. Unfortunately, even deleting the Device ID in Facebook_1 doesnt solve the problem. As soon as i close the Database-Editor, this Device-ID-File is back and he still gives me the "unknown mistake".
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 29 02 2016, 22:30:48
Dannimax, please read my latest posts in this thread and try other solutions too (some ways on wiki, or changing password and logging in via private mode in browser)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: pepinlebref on 01 03 2016, 07:09:05
I will someday implement support for loading their names automatically
A manual entry is also acceptable ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 01 03 2016, 10:57:18
A manual entry is also acceptable ;)
But perhaps it would take same time to implement :-)

As a workaround you can add these contacts to your clist (not necesarry to your friends on FB). Either just double click the contact in room list to open private chat with him (this will add temporary contact and load it's name) or right click on it and show contact details (if there is such item). Then as long as this contact is in clist, at next loading of the chatroom (leave and join agian) the contact will have name from your clist ;-)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: pepinlebref on 02 03 2016, 07:37:00
What could be the reason why a 'group chat' do not appear ?
I can discuss in this group using a web browser but nothing appears on Miranda neither for incoming message nor message I send via the web browser...

I have another issue: on a group chat appearing in Miranda, incoming message don't always appear while they appear in my web browser.
I can see however in the status bar of the message log window the "user xx has read" notification
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: pepinlebref on 02 03 2016, 13:11:02
What could be the reason why a 'group chat' do not appear
Strangely, this group chat appeared after a reconnection...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 03 03 2016, 10:24:46
pepinlebref, make a ticket to our bugtracker please. They probably changed the format of such messages. And it appeared after reconnect because there were unread messages and routine for that use different input data. I recommend disable using FB chats in options for now and communicate over website until I fix it...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 08 04 2016, 08:55:53
Hello, since a few days ago I'm unable to send anything in Multi user chat. "Timeout when sending message." always appears

[10:51:52 2584] [Facebook_1]   > Chat - Outgoing message
[10:51:52 2554] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering send_message()
[10:51:52 2554] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/send_messages.php?__a=1'
[10:51:52 2554] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 500
[10:51:52 2554] [Facebook_1] !!! send_message(): Something with Facebook went wrong
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 08 04 2016, 10:44:05
sKopheK, I will check it during weekend (hopefully).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: mrx00 on 16 04 2016, 13:29:37

i can't receive messages any more with Facebook Protocol and Miranda stable 0.95.4.

With development version it works. It seems that the issue has been fixed in Changeset 16552.

Can you update the stable release?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: devil on 17 04 2016, 02:48:29
можно ли прикрутить обновления информации об стране как в контакте. Спасибо

can you make a auto update for a Country information in user info. Thanks (like in vk plugin)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 17 04 2016, 07:43:23
mrx00, no, it doesn't make sense to use (or for me to try to update) stable these days. Just switch to development version in Options / Services / Plugin Updater.

indecline, it's hard to get any additional information about user as I need to parse it from webpage and they don't use distinguishable element classes/ids... And I don't know about any API request to get these info about user in any other format.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 17 04 2016, 17:14:37
Commited various fixes and improvements to multi chats, implemented two-factor login authorization and more.

Hopefully FB plugin will now be more usable again :-)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: devil on 17 04 2016, 17:36:54

indecline, it's hard to get any additional information about user as I need to parse it from webpage and they don't use distinguishable element classes/ids... And I don't know about any API request to get these info about user in any other format.
like this ?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 17 04 2016, 19:16:10
indecline, unfortunately I can't use official Graph API, because FB plugin behaves like classic web browser. So I just need any URL where I can dig into HTML and find easily containing element...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: devil on 18 04 2016, 16:47:42
indecline, unfortunately I can't use official Graph API, because FB plugin behaves like classic web browser. So I just need any URL where I can dig into HTML and find easily containing element...

Ok i understand now why its impossible.
What if the user will set his own api key for each miranda to archive some more options like this.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 18 04 2016, 17:42:24
indecline, I don't have time nor interest for implementing support for graph api. But if someone will do it and send a patch, I'll commit it.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: devil on 18 04 2016, 19:17:00
indecline, I don't have time nor interest for implementing support for graph api. But if someone will do it and send a patch, I'll commit it.

the user info, are too empty... No birthday, no location. No about, No work place, No phone number. Working with 4000 users is hell.
Good luck and thanks for the reply man:)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 20 04 2016, 07:09:24
Can't receive messages that were sent when I was offline. This happens since today apparently. Facebook.dll was already updated before this happened, but I'm not sure if it didn't happen right after the update because I did not have offline messages at the time. At least it's happening right now though
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 20 04 2016, 08:12:27
SpinalBlood, I just tried and it works for me correctly.

EDIT: Ohh.. Confirmed - it doesn't load unread messages at login. But as a workaround, enable the experimental option "Load last messages at login". This still works, but it sync max. 24 hours old messages only though.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 20 04 2016, 16:31:23
thx, that worked
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: cakira on 09 05 2016, 14:31:30
Hello, all!
Does the facebook protocol still work for you?
For some days, I've been unable to login and I receive the following message: Login Error: English (US)

I got the following log for the facebook protocol:

Code: [Select]
[11:24:05 11D0] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] [9.5.2016] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering login()
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://mbasic.facebook.com/profile.php?v=info'
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] Connection request to mbasic.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] (078C2958) Connecting to server mbasic.facebook.com:443....
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] (078C2958) Connecting to ip ....
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] (1400) Connected to mbasic.facebook.com:443
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] (1400 mbasic.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:24:05 0940] [Facebook_1] (1400 mbasic.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 404
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://login.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1'
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] Connection request to login.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (078C2898) Connecting to server login.facebook.com:443....
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (078C2898) Connecting to ip ....
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (1504) Connected to login.facebook.com:443
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (1504 login.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (1504 login.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (078C2898:1504) Connection closed internal
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (078C2898:4294967295) Connection closed
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] !!! Login error: English (US)
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] !!! login(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (078C2958:1400) Connection closed internal
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] (078C2958:4294967295) Connection closed
[11:24:06 0940] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed
[11:24:14 11D0] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[11:24:14 0A9C] [Facebook_1] [9.5.2016] Using Facebook Protocol RM

Hum... response code 404... This doesn't seem good.   :(
By the way, I tried creating a new facebook app password, but that had no effect.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 05 2016, 15:53:25
cakira, you need to switch to development versions of Miranda NG (options / services / plugin updater) and let it update to that. Then it should work.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: cakira on 09 05 2016, 17:26:54
Oh! I thought that Miranda NG wasn't being updated anymore.   ::)
There was plenty of updates! Hopefully, that will solve some crashes that I've had in the last months. Thank you Robyer!

Phew... I thought it was time to retire Miranda, after 15 years. But not yet!    :DRINK:

Just as a note: to connect, I had to turn off Facebook's two step verification, connect with Miranda NG using Facebook's password (not app password), then I turned on again the two step verification.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 09 05 2016, 20:31:40
cakira, two step verification (sms code) should work correctly, but you need to use classic account's password always :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: h0rst on 16 05 2016, 15:13:15

i've been using this plugin since some time now. it's good but since some days it doesn't remember the last online state when i  start miranda.
it always goes online instead of keeping the invisible status.

where can i fix this problem??
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 16 05 2016, 15:38:19
h0rst, it depends what remembers the last status.

Miranda itself remembers only last global status (same for all protocols), otherwise you need to use Startup Status or Simple Status Message plugins to specify them better and per account.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: h0rst on 16 05 2016, 17:39:15
thanks for the answer robyer.
the startup status plugin  helped. but i couldn't find out why miranda always went online instead of going invisible.
in firefox i've had it invisible and that's all i've used.

anyway. thanks :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 17 05 2016, 20:22:33
I just commited the "Rework loading online contacts" - http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/16843/

From now on you might be seeing wrong statuses of people when compared to website...

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: h0rst on 18 05 2016, 04:50:56
somehow miranda isn't showing any fb contacts anymore.
it shows me the fb online status icon correctly, but i don't see any friends list anymore.

i haven't changed anything. is fb changing their stuff again?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 18 05 2016, 05:46:35
same here :/
I updated to v0.2.14.0 after that see noone online. I put back v0.2.13.1. but no change.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 18 05 2016, 12:37:45
h0rst, šegi, reverting to should fix the problem.

šegi, you are saying that is not showing anyone online too?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 18 05 2016, 15:52:18
Yes. I try it again at home where I'm not approve the update. Unread msg loaded but no one was in online.
All vas trying on invisible mode.

But I'm observe that now in v0.2.14.0 in invisible mode looks like that plugin doesn't checking status of friends, because my Idle time is not 1m as before, but real idle time.
You know what I'm mean?
In online mode I see anybody offline too :/
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Goraf on 18 05 2016, 19:54:28
Can confirm that. Still on 2.13.1 and no online contacts on clist (in browser they are)
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 19 05 2016, 12:57:23
Goraf, so try as it uses the new way and imho should work...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Goraf on 20 05 2016, 14:11:39
Robyer, it works. But it has some side-effects (probably side-effects) that need further observation  -> friends that are exclude/not include in advanced chat options in browsers, shows up on clist but only as away contacts (or probably when they turned to away). It wasn't like that before (they weren't tracked - if I can say that)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Whiplash on 20 05 2016, 14:59:03
Facebook protocol is acting strange recently. These are the problems:
- I have 2 profiles. Both of them have one of my friends and only one of them lists him when he's online. The other one acts like he isn't my "fried" at all.
- The same problematic Facebook profile also won't list my friends automatically on startup as invisible. I have to disable that protocol and enable it again (or go offline) to get the friends listed. End when enabled, I have to use online instead of invisible - otherwise friends won't be listed.
- Once listed, the friends list seems frozen and almost all of them are having "away" status.

Shorter, Facebook acts weirdly when it's in "invisible" status.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 21 05 2016, 10:48:47
Goraf, hmm, thanks for info.

Whiplash, unfortunately it seems that invisible is not working with this new method of getting online users...

Previously I was requesting info about online users "manually". Right now I'm getting this info with other regular updates (like new messages, typing notify, etc.) initiated and controlled by Facebook.

That's bad  :-\
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Whiplash on 21 05 2016, 10:57:30
So, "invisible" won't ever work properly again?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 21 05 2016, 11:05:29
Right now I can still use the old "manual" request, but I suspect it is the reason for showing captchas when sending links and antivirus checks at login,... And inevitably that old request will be removed from Facebook side sooner or later anyway.

Maybe there will be some workaround but right now it seems like invisible won't work anymore...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Whiplash on 21 05 2016, 11:10:30
My experience says that antivirus checks come when you're logging in and out few times in short time. But once you do the AV check as they want, you're not having problems anymore. I've already done those for both of my profiles long time ago.
And, I never had any captchas requests on Facebook.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: mrx00 on 07 06 2016, 20:53:17
Robyer, it works. But it has some side-effects (probably side-effects) that need further observation  -> friends that are exclude/not include in advanced chat options in browsers, shows up on clist but only as away contacts (or probably when they turned to away). It wasn't like that before (they weren't tracked - if I can say that)

same issue here. friends which are excluded show up on list as away contacts and popus are shown when there status changes. How can i hide them?
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 08 06 2016, 20:54:20
I'll try to look at it during this weekend.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 13 06 2016, 23:44:35
Hello, would it be possible to re-fetch messages from Facebook? I lost some messages in the history due to a Miranda crash, but I like to keep my history whole in Miranda. I sometimes clear all history for certain contacts on the facebook site, and even if I didn't, I don't want to log on on the website to see my messages, past and present. That's what Miranda is for  ;D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 14 06 2016, 06:41:04
Hi riki,
in settings is option for re-fetch last 99 last msgs or msgs from last 24 hours.
For whole history it is not possible :/
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 14 06 2016, 07:52:35
It's technically possible, but I don't have time to implement the fetching itself... (or anything else, lately)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 14 06 2016, 09:37:24
Hi riki,
in settings is option for re-fetch last 99 last msgs or msgs from last 24 hours.
For whole history it is not possible :/
It apparently doesn't work.

@Robyer - Thanks anyway.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: h0rst on 12 08 2016, 13:15:51
hey there.

is there a way to see the "last active" timestamp of friends? if yes, how do i set it up and, do i have to be online?
i'm using miranda+fb protocoll in invisible mode.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 12 08 2016, 13:21:48
Now it
It apparently doesn't work.

It does work now, but some messages didn't get copied over to Miranda at that time. Thanks :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: mida on 13 08 2016, 19:47:23
if i send a message to friends i got only this
[7281.658828 15D8] [facebook] @@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/

[7281.729834 15D8] [facebook] @@@ Got response with code 404
[7281.730066 15D8] [facebook] !!! send_message(): Something with Facebook went

CPU: AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor  [AMD64 Family 21 Model 2 Stepping 0] [DEP Enabled] [6 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8169 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional Edition, 64-bit (build 10586)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.10586.0 (build 910586)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : German/German | German/German
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 570 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 alpha build #17181 [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 13 Aug 2016 4:04:52
Profile: E:\Portables\MirandaNG\Profiles\Mida\Mida.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 41811968 Bytes
Profile creation date: 13 Aug 2016 19:42:19
Language pack: German (DE) [0407]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (57):
¤ AddContactPlus.dll v. [22 Jul 2016 4:01:34] - Add contact+
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [14 Jun 2016 13:32:18] - Miranda image services
¤ AIM.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:01:52] - AIM protocol
¤ AuthState.dll v. [17 May 2016 4:00:38] - Authorization state
¤ AvatarHistory.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:04:10] - Avatar history
¤ AVS.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:01:38] - Avatar service
¤ BASS_interface.dll v. [9 Jul 2016 4:02:40] - BASS interface
¤ ClientChangeNotify.dll v. [4 Jun 2016 20:31:08] - Client change notify
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:03:20] - Modern contact list
¤ Console.dll v. [28 Jul 2016 4:01:02] - Console
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [30 Jun 2016 4:02:02] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [4 Jun 2016 20:30:24] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [4 Jun 2016 20:31:30] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [13 Aug 2016 4:00:10] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [30 Jun 2016 4:03:40] - Dummy protocol
¤ Facebook.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:03:02] - Facebook RM
¤ Fingerprint.dll v. [1 Jul 2016 4:02:32] - Fingerprint NG
¤ Folders.dll v. [17 May 2016 4:00:48] - Custom profile folders
¤ FTPFile.dll v. [22 Jul 2016 4:03:44] - FTP File YM
¤ GG.dll v. [29 Jul 2016 15:10:34] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [18 May 2016 17:33:44] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [5 Aug 2016 13:44:34] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [30 Jun 2016 4:00:08] - Import contacts and messages
¤ ImportTXT.dll v. [9 Jun 2016 4:04:46] - Import TXT
¤ KeepStatus.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:02:44] - Keep status
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [22 Jul 2016 4:00:58] - Menu item ext
¤ MobileState.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:03:50] - Mobile state
¤ mTextControl.dll v. [17 May 2016 4:00:56] - Miranda text control
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [22 Jul 2016 4:01:00] - xStatus notify
¤ OpenFolder.dll v. [17 May 2016 4:02:04] - Open Miranda folder
¤ PasteIt.dll v. [22 Jul 2016 4:01:56] - Paste it
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [28 Jul 2016 4:02:26] - Plugin updater
¤ PManagerEx.dll v. [17 May 2016 4:02:14] - Miranda NG profile changer
¤ Popup.dll v. [5 Aug 2016 13:45:10] - Popup plus
¤ QuickSearch.dll v. [25 May 2016 4:04:34] - Quick Search
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [28 Jul 2016 4:01:22] - Last seen
¤ SendSS.dll v. [22 Jul 2016 4:02:02] - Send ScreenShot+
¤ Sessions.dll v. [10 Jun 2016 4:01:06] - Sessions
¤ SimpleAR.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:02:38] - Simple auto replier
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [9 Jul 2016 4:04:10] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [28 Jul 2016 4:01:30] - SmileyAdd
¤ Spamotron.dll v. [30 Jul 2016 4:03:14] - Spam-o-tron
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:03:22] - Spell checker
¤ StartupStatus.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:02:44] - StartupStatus
¤ Steam.dll v. [22 Jul 2016 4:03:52] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [10 Aug 2016 16:04:54] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [28 Jul 2016 4:01:28] - Tipper
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [14 Jun 2016 13:32:44] - TopToolBar
¤ Tox.dll v. [22 Jul 2016 4:04:04] - Tox protocol
¤ Twitter.dll v. [30 Jun 2016 4:01:40] - Twitter protocol
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [5 Aug 2016 13:45:34] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [28 Jul 2016 4:01:44] - Variables
¤ Weather.dll v. [28 Jul 2016 4:02:46] - Weather
¤ WhatsApp.dll v. [23 Jun 2016 10:38:34] - WhatsApp protocol
¤ XSoundNotify.dll v. [4 Jun 2016 20:32:32] - XSoundNotify
¤ Yahoo.dll v. [26 Jul 2016 14:01:50] - Yahoo protocol
¤ YAMN.dll v. [30 Jun 2016 4:02:32] - Mail Notifier

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [13 Aug 2016 4:02:06] - <unknown>

Weather ini files:
 Accu-Intl-XML.ini v. [6 Mar 2013 8:37:28] - AccuWeather Intl
 gismeteo.ini v.2012.05.03 [23 Jan 2016 12:16:10] - GisMeteo
 msn.ini v.2014-11-08 [23 Jan 2016 12:16:10] - MSN Weather (New Layout)
 weatherxml.ini v. 2009-07-16 [23 Jan 2016 12:16:10] - WeatherXML
 wundergrnd_intl.ini v.2011/02/13 [23 Jan 2016 12:16:10] - Weather Underground Int'l
 wundergrnd_xml.ini v.2011/02/13 [23 Jan 2016 12:16:10] - Weather Underground XML

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [26 Jul 2016 14:04:22]
 Fp_icons.dll [1 Jul 2016 4:02:32]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [19 May 2016 8:37:52]
 Proto_AIM.dll [26 Jul 2016 14:03:08]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [30 Jun 2016 4:03:36]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [26 Jul 2016 14:03:08]
 Proto_GG.dll [29 Jul 2016 15:11:40]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [5 Aug 2016 13:45:46]
 Proto_IRC.dll [26 Jul 2016 14:03:10]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [29 Jul 2016 15:11:40]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [13 Aug 2016 4:03:58]
 Proto_MSN.dll [5 Aug 2016 13:45:48]
 Proto_Quotes.dll [17 May 2016 4:02:30]
 Proto_Skype.dll [9 Jul 2016 4:03:58]
 Proto_Steam.dll [22 Jul 2016 4:03:48]
 Proto_Tox.dll [22 Jul 2016 4:03:56]
 Proto_Twitter.dll [30 Jun 2016 4:01:38]
 Proto_Weather.dll [28 Jul 2016 4:02:46]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [23 Jun 2016 10:38:22]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [26 Jul 2016 14:03:10]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [30 Jun 2016 4:02:28]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [10 Aug 2016 16:06:44]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [26 Jul 2016 14:03:12]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [5 Aug 2016 13:45:32]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [5 Aug 2016 13:44:34]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [29 Jul 2016 15:10:38]
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 14 08 2016, 11:20:48
mida, for me it still works. Could you capture requests that is doing your browser when you send message from there? (send it privately to me via PM or e-mail).
Preferably via Fiddler (http://www.telerik.com/fiddler).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: mida on 14 08 2016, 11:33:18
i tried to send with miranda a few times and every time its not worked but now its work and i dont know why.
next time i will test it with fiddler
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Magus on 17 08 2016, 03:14:17
Hi. The plug-in stopped working today. ;(I can no longer send messages to Facebook using Miranda NG. I can still receive them, strangely enough.

"Send error
Timeout when sending message."

I have the latest (32-bit) development version, according to Plugin Updater.

I wonder if the same happened to everyone else who's using the latest version...

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 17 08 2016, 08:24:51
Hi. The plug-in stopped working today. ;(I can no longer send messages to Facebook using Miranda NG. I can still receive them, strangely enough.

"Send error
Timeout when sending message."

I have the latest (32-bit) development version, according to Plugin Updater.

I wonder if the same happened to everyone else who's using the latest version...


Exaclty the same problem for me... It stopped this morning. Replacing facebook.dll plugin with older one from backup doesn't work. Replacing miranda32.exe with older one doesn't work.
Looks like FB made some changes. BTW we wait for 64bit version if this will happen too.  :-[
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 17 08 2016, 08:52:49
Hello, since this morning I too cannot send any messages  ::)

[10:13:34 3708] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering send_message()
[10:13:34 3708] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/send_messages.php?__a=1'
[10:13:35 3708] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 404
[10:13:35 3708] [Facebook_1] !!! send_message(): Something with Facebook went wrong
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: h0rst on 17 08 2016, 13:09:34
yes, receiving messages works. sending messages doesn't work, ends in timeouts or whatever error.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 17 08 2016, 13:25:47
It's just fixed in development builds.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: h0rst on 17 08 2016, 14:02:09
ok, it's working again. awesome!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Magus on 17 08 2016, 20:42:39
Thanks!!!! :D

Being able to store my message history on my personal Miranda database is something I value. ^^

UPDATE: it seems "Load last messages on opening message window (EXPERIMENTAL)" no longer works. Before yesterday's issue it used to work.
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 19 08 2016, 23:00:03
UPDATE: it seems "Load last messages on opening message window (EXPERIMENTAL)" no longer works. Before yesterday's issue it used to work.
Thanks for info, I'll check it.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: h0rst on 27 08 2016, 10:52:38
i'm getting a login error since today and don't know how to fix it:

Login error: Captcha code is required. You need to confirm this device from web browser.

ok nevermind, i've removed the DeviceID in the databank .. working again

but another question. is it somehow possible to have "nearest friends" feeds only?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 27 08 2016, 12:22:05
UPDATE: it seems "Load last messages on opening message window (EXPERIMENTAL)" no longer works. Before yesterday's issue it used to work.
Thanks for info, I'll check it.

Me too. I lost a few more messages that didn't go into history. On subsequent connections, they weren't retrieved. I'm still under 99, I hope, so maybe this problem can be fixed in time for me to recover them all... ???

Re-getting all messages from selected contacts would be a significant bonus for me. I, too, care about my message histories and use Miranda to save them all.  ;D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 08 2016, 07:12:18
UPDATE: it seems "Load last messages on opening message window (EXPERIMENTAL)" no longer works. Before yesterday's issue it used to work.
Works correctly for me.

Me too. I lost a few more messages that didn't go into history. On subsequent connections, they weren't retrieved. I'm still under 99, I hope, so maybe this problem can be fixed in time for me to recover them all...
Open Database Editor++ for that particular contact and delete key "LastMessageId". That is compared when loading the history messages, so it stops when it founds message with that id. If you delete it, it will reload all X messages at next window open.

Login error: Captcha code is required. You need to confirm this device from web browser.ok nevermind, i've removed the DeviceID in the databank .. working again
Yeah, that's one solution. Perhaps I will implement solving captcha at login correctly.

but another question. is it somehow possible to have "nearest friends" feeds only?
I don't understand. Can you be more specific (and for example with screenshot/description how it works on website)?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 28 08 2016, 12:06:32
Open Database Editor++ for that particular contact and delete key "LastMessageId". That is compared when loading the history messages, so it stops when it founds message with that id. If you delete it, it will reload all X messages at next window open.

I deleted that key and got back all the messages I lost. One pass of db_tool to delete a few duplicates, and my conversation is restored.   :THUMBS UP:

You're been very helpful. Thank you, Robyer!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 31 08 2016, 10:19:51
Re-getting all messages from selected contacts would be a significant bonus for me. I, too, care about my message histories and use Miranda to save them all.

Psst, something nice is comming tomorrow... :-P (http://trac.miranda-ng.org/changeset/17220/)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 01 09 2016, 15:16:56
... what!?!? ;D ;D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 01 09 2016, 15:27:14
... what!?!? ;D ;D
Is that amazement or having no idea what I'm talking about (did you miss my ':-P' smiley in previous post?)? :D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 01 09 2016, 17:22:15
Amazement and a big THANK YOU!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 05 09 2016, 13:00:02
Uffff it's looking great :)
it's there some limits for loading whole history?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 09 2016, 14:37:56
it's there some limits for loading whole history?
There is no hardcoded limit in plugin, and I'm not aware of any limit on FB server. It does the same requests as when you open messages history on website and keep scrolling up (which loads older and older messages).

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 15 09 2016, 07:58:17
Since I have some more time and energy for Miranda NG and Facebook protocol lately...

Are there any important issues or feature requests that you (users) would like to have resolved/implemented in Facebook protocol?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 16 09 2016, 21:31:25
I was wondering about the mobile status/icon for mobile users; in the past it came in handy to have that blue icon to understand if the user was on mobile or not; lately it became unreliable from facebook side; is it like that again or facebook may have changed something in the meanwhile? Just wondering

Lately the plugin is working fine, the biggest, very annoying issues were when some messages were not received (compared to the website), or when the captcha always appeared for every single link sent. But they aren't happening since a while now. As long as these things don't change it is good enough, imho ;D
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: Goraf on 17 09 2016, 06:08:28
Do you remember that issue when protocol returns to its previous status after some short time if you turn it off? Do you think it is more likely KeepStatus problem or sth on FB side can be made?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 20 09 2016, 17:19:29
I have some issue with group chat. Every time when I connect to facebook, miranda open all group chats. New and also that I was readed in miranda but it's not set as read on facebook.
It's because the group chat don't have history and therefore protocol does not recognize new and "old" messages? Or it's some issue on my side?
Even, I send some message to group chat, it's always recognize as new messages.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 20 09 2016, 18:31:37
Every time when I connect to facebook, miranda open all group chats.
That's by design. Miranda joins all locally present chatrooms that aren't muted or archived (on facebook webiste, not possible from Miranda right now).

If you don't like this behavior, there is checkbox in options. Or you can delete chatrooms from Miranda which you don't want to join. Or set them on facebook as archived/muted.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 15 10 2016, 13:06:33
Hello, FB chat seems not to work in Miranda anymore  :'(

[15:05:06 16EC] [Facebook_1] *** Starting processing messages
[15:05:06 16EC] [Facebook_1] *** Messages processed
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] (000000000A42F330:1128) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] (000000000A42F330:1128) Data received
Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2016 13:05:06 GMT
Content-Encoding: gzip
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 366

[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] (000000000A42F330:1128) Data received
for (;;); {"t":"msg","seq":12,"u":100003543856746,"ms":[{"ofd_ts":1476536706524,"delta":{"attachments":[],"body":"cya there, nebo kdyby sel nekdo na tu cajku, tak se uvidime tam","irisSeqId":"392209","messageMetadata":{"actorFbId":"100003543856746","messageId":"mid.1476536706386:039ead7d69","offlineThreadingId":"6193043872133262157","tags":["source:chat:web"],"threadKey":{"threadFbId":"979445418830539"},"timestamp":"1476536706386"},"ttl":"TTL_OFF","class":"NewMessage"},"type":"delta","iseq":392209,"queue":100003543856746}]}
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] Pull response type = msg
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1]     Got self sequence number: 12
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting channel()
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1476536658] pinging...
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1476536658] refreshing...
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering channel()
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to '2-edge-chat.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_100003543856746&seq=12&partition=-2&clientid=7b725651&cb=pquh&idle=62&qp=y&pws=fresh&isq=487632&msgs_recv=10&cap=8&uid=100003543856746&viewer_uid=100003543856746&sticky_token=170&sticky_pool=frc1c16_chat-proxy'
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://2-edge-chat.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_100003543856746&seq=12&partition=-2&clientid=7b725651&cb=pquh&idle=62&qp=y&pws=fresh&isq=487632&msgs_recv=10&cap=8&uid=100003543856746&viewer_uid=100003543856746&sticky_token=170&sticky_pool=frc1c16_chat-proxy
[15:05:20 0414] [Facebook_1] (000000000A42F330:1128) Data sent
POST /pull?channel=p_100003543856746&seq=12&partition=-2&clientid=7b725651&cb=pquh&idle=62&qp=y&pws=fresh&isq=487632&msgs_recv=10&cap=8&uid=100003543856746&viewer_uid=100003543856746&sticky_token=170&sticky_pool=frc1c16_chat-proxy HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Miranda NG/0.95.6 Facebook Protocol RM x64/
Cookie: c_user=100003543856746;csm=2;datr=te1iV17ozVPM09G0z0kIvoCR;fr=0atP9MIb4Biktg1jS.AWU-HQox6qXGRHBF44Sj5BKjlzw.BYAilB.xg.AAA.0.0.BYAilB.AWXFiW6n;lu=ggj47dYSb0MrV38aZ0sa7_Ng;p=-2;pl=n;s=Aa7q-487QyZr2jhS.BYAilC;sb=QSkCWEUyLrFm7DRIIE826-Je;xs=165%3AuxQuqx7-Qj2_zw%3A2%3A1476536641%3A14217;
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: 2-edge-chat.facebook.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 0

[15:05:20 0DA0] [Facebook_1] *** Starting processing messages
[15:05:20 0DA0] [Facebook_1]   < Got chat message ID: mid.1476536706386:039ead7d69
[15:05:20 0DA0] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/thread_info.php?dpr=1'
[15:05:20 0DA0] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/thread_info.php?dpr=1
[15:05:20 0DA0] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data sent
POST /ajax/mercury/thread_info.php?dpr=1 HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Miranda NG/0.95.6 Facebook Protocol RM x64/
Cookie: c_user=100003543856746;csm=2;datr=te1iV17ozVPM09G0z0kIvoCR;fr=0atP9MIb4Biktg1jS.AWU-HQox6qXGRHBF44Sj5BKjlzw.BYAilB.xg.AAA.0.0.BYAilB.AWXFiW6n;lu=ggj47dYSb0MrV38aZ0sa7_Ng;p=-2;pl=n;s=Aa7q-487QyZr2jhS.BYAilC;sb=QSkCWEUyLrFm7DRIIE826-Je;xs=165%3AuxQuqx7-Qj2_zw%3A2%3A1476536641%3A14217;
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: www.facebook.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 247

[15:05:20 0DA0] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data sent
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] (000000000A42F330:1128) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] (000000000A42F330:1128) Data received
Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2016 13:05:06 GMT
Content-Encoding: gzip
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 268

[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] (000000000A42F330:1128) Data received
for (;;); {"t":"msg","seq":13,"u":100003543856746,"ms":[{"ofd_ts":1476536706732,"delta":{"actorFbId":"1485445881","deliveredWatermarkTimestampMs":"1476536706386","irisSeqId":"392210","messageIds":["mid.1476536706386:039ead7d69"],"threadKey":{"threadFbId":"979445418830539"},"class":"DeliveryReceipt"},"type":"delta","iseq":392210,"queue":100003543856746}]}
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] Pull response type = msg
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1]     Got self sequence number: 13
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting channel()
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1476536658] pinging...
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] *** FacebookProto::MessageLoop[1476536658] refreshing...
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering channel()
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to '2-edge-chat.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_100003543856746&seq=13&partition=-2&clientid=7b725651&cb=s3ss&idle=63&qp=y&pws=fresh&isq=487632&msgs_recv=11&cap=8&uid=100003543856746&viewer_uid=100003543856746&sticky_token=170&sticky_pool=frc1c16_chat-proxy'
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://2-edge-chat.facebook.com/pull?channel=p_100003543856746&seq=13&partition=-2&clientid=7b725651&cb=s3ss&idle=63&qp=y&pws=fresh&isq=487632&msgs_recv=11&cap=8&uid=100003543856746&viewer_uid=100003543856746&sticky_token=170&sticky_pool=frc1c16_chat-proxy
[15:05:21 0414] [Facebook_1] (000000000A42F330:1128) Data sent
POST /pull?channel=p_100003543856746&seq=13&partition=-2&clientid=7b725651&cb=s3ss&idle=63&qp=y&pws=fresh&isq=487632&msgs_recv=11&cap=8&uid=100003543856746&viewer_uid=100003543856746&sticky_token=170&sticky_pool=frc1c16_chat-proxy HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Miranda NG/0.95.6 Facebook Protocol RM x64/
Cookie: c_user=100003543856746;csm=2;datr=te1iV17ozVPM09G0z0kIvoCR;fr=0atP9MIb4Biktg1jS.AWU-HQox6qXGRHBF44Sj5BKjlzw.BYAilB.xg.AAA.0.0.BYAilB.AWXFiW6n;lu=ggj47dYSb0MrV38aZ0sa7_Ng;p=-2;pl=n;s=Aa7q-487QyZr2jhS.BYAilC;sb=QSkCWEUyLrFm7DRIIE826-Je;xs=165%3AuxQuqx7-Qj2_zw%3A2%3A1476536641%3A14217;
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: 2-edge-chat.facebook.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 0

[15:05:21 0378] [Facebook_1] *** Starting processing messages
[15:05:21 0378] [Facebook_1] json::parse_messages - Unknown class 'DeliveryReceipt'
[15:05:21 0378] [Facebook_1] *** Messages processed
[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; preload
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Pragma: no-cache
Vary: Origin
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://www.facebook.com
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-FB-Debug, X-Loader-Length
public-key-pins-report-only: max-age=500; pin-sha256="WoiWRyIOVNa9ihaBciRSC7XHjliYS9VwUGOIud4PB18="; pin-sha256="r/mIkG3eEpVdm+u/ko/cwxzOMo1bk4TyHIlByibiA5E="; pin-sha256="q4PO2G2cbkZhZ82+JgmRUyGMoAeozA+BSXVXQWB8XWQ="; report-uri="http://reports.fb.com/hpkp/"
access-control-allow-method: OPTIONS
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8
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Vary: Accept-Encoding
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X-FB-Debug: TJMJ9mizvAt5UdrozNhcqayWSScwwkwrNkVzmDU87ANw0SUfwSO48vxoUgjjZUrLzoStWUsq947eoVtYDtCP4g==
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2016 13:05:06 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received
[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received


[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received


[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received
for (;;);{"__ar":1,"__sf":"o","error":1545012,"errorSummary":"Temporary Failure","errorDescription":"There was a temporary error, please try again.","transientError":1,"payload":null,"bootloadable":{},"ixData":{},"lid":"6341676865073916351"}
[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] !!! Received Facebook error: 1545012 -- There was a temporary error, please try again.
[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] !!! LoadChatInfo(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[15:05:21 0DA0] [Facebook_1] *** Messages processed
[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php?__a=1'
[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php?__a=1
[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data sent
POST /ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php?__a=1 HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Miranda NG/0.95.6 Facebook Protocol RM x64/
Cookie: c_user=100003543856746;csm=2;datr=te1iV17ozVPM09G0z0kIvoCR;fr=0atP9MIb4Biktg1jS.AWU-HQox6qXGRHBF44Sj5BKjlzw.BYAilB.xg.AAA.0.0.BYAilB.AWXFiW6n;lu=ggj47dYSb0MrV38aZ0sa7_Ng;p=-2;pl=n;s=Aa7q-487QyZr2jhS.BYAilC;sb=QSkCWEUyLrFm7DRIIE826-Je;xs=165%3AuxQuqx7-Qj2_zw%3A2%3A1476536641%3A14217;
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: www.facebook.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 191

[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data sent
[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received
X-Frame-Options: DENY
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; preload
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Pragma: no-cache
Vary: Origin
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://www.facebook.com
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-FB-Debug, X-Loader-Length
public-key-pins-report-only: max-age=500; pin-sha256="WoiWRyIOVNa9ihaBciRSC7XHjliYS9VwUGOIud4PB18="; pin-sha256="r/mIkG3eEpVdm+u/ko/cwxzOMo1bk4TyHIlByibiA5E="; pin-sha256="q4PO2G2cbkZhZ82+JgmRUyGMoAeozA+BSXVXQWB8XWQ="; report-uri="http://reports.fb.com/hpkp/"
access-control-allow-method: OPTIONS
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Encoding: gzip
X-FB-Debug: t0kSYijGSfr2rXMz7KXJ69pKvxSXLI5aEvCtgQXYqi7mqkR2tpuKMaNhp4CaavcWzi+3HZoAA6VPUm3nzYulhQ==
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2016 13:05:07 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received
[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received


[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received


[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] (0000000001CAEB10:1108) Data received
for (;;);{"__ar":1,"__sf":"o","error":1357031,"errorSummary":"This content is no longer available","errorDescription":"The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.","payload":null,"bootloadable":{},"ixData":{},"lid":"6341676869709233007"}
[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[15:05:21 04B4] [Facebook_1] !!! Received Facebook error: 1357031 -- The content you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 15 10 2016, 16:27:35
sKopheK, my testing account seems working normal. Either it's temporary issue or it will come to me later too...

EDIT: Both my accounts works without problems.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 25 11 2016, 10:24:05
chat is still broken, giving me error messages in popups (content you requested cannot be displayed right now), see log in attachment.

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: devil on 06 12 2016, 09:11:59
how to import facebook birthdays to userinfo to work with birthday plugin? thanks
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 06 12 2016, 09:29:21
sKopheK, should be fixed in current development builds.

indecline, it's currently not possible. Maybe I'll find some way in the future, but don't count on that. In any case you can create feature request (https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues), so I won't forget to look at it...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 06 12 2016, 11:25:53
Robyer http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly22crwvNh1qd0lxe.jpg :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 06 12 2016, 16:30:30
Hi Robyer,
changed something on facebook? Plugin working. Load the unread events, but doesn't load received messages: /
New messages after login, even no after open conversation. :(
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 06 12 2016, 16:38:40
Load the unread events, but doesn't load received messages: /
New messages after login, even no after open conversation. :(
It sometimes happens to me, but very rarely after the specific fix by Robyer  (THANKS AGAIN!  :) ). The last time it happened to me has been 10+ days ago. And before that, mabe 2-3 weeks back. In such case, I can still "load all messages" from the menu and then remove duplicate messages with the DB check utility.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 06 12 2016, 17:54:05
Load the unread events, but doesn't load received messages: /
New messages after login, even no after open conversation.

You mean the history "sync" at login, and "load last messages on window open" doesn't work? Or something else?

It sometimes happens to me, but very rarely after the specific fix by Robyer  (THANKS AGAIN!   )
Hmm, it misses some messages during normal communication? And do you remember what was my fix (or when it was fixed)?

I can still "load all messages" from the menu and then remove duplicate messages with the DB check utility.
As it currently loads all messages, you can just delete whole history first, then you don't need to run DbChecker to get rid of duplicates :) Also links are usually with different hash so deleting whole history first is better, as such changes makes your messages unique and not removeed as duplicates.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 06 12 2016, 18:22:23
Yes, both. History sync at login and load last message on window open.
I don't tried send a message. But I'm going to make it.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 06 12 2016, 18:49:06
Hmm, it misses some messages during normal communication? And do you remember what was my fix (or when it was fixed)?
No, it just missed some (first) messages when the conversation was initiated on the FB website (by the other party), I noticed the messages and switched over to Miranda, which I prefer to the website.

I went back to check, and it wasn't an actual fix, but the suggestion to delete a database key (LastMessageId) for that particular contact in Database Editor++. It was 28/8/2016 and onwards.

Quote from: Robyer
As it currently loads all messages, you can just delete whole history first, then you don't need to run DbChecker to get rid of duplicates :) Also links are usually with different hash so deleting whole history first is better, as such changes makes your messages unique and not removeed as duplicates.

Aha, great tip, thanks!  ;D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 07 12 2016, 09:40:18
I revert last version of facebook plugin and there is working.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 12 2016, 09:57:34
šegi, I expected something like this might happen. Unfortunately it needs much more work now and I don't know how soon I will have time for that again...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 07 12 2016, 14:28:58
Yes I understand. If I can help you with something then wrote me.
You can find me on ICQ 166361639.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 07 12 2016, 14:58:54
Today I didn't receive offline messages while I did on facebook website  :-\
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 07 12 2016, 21:08:09
HI SpinalBlood,
try restore older version of Facebook plugin from updaters backup folder. Did you know how and where?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 07 12 2016, 22:43:19
Will be fixed (https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/83f8ea45f94d1d176c0fb3ca37bbdf8358196908) tomorrow.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 09 12 2016, 02:01:01
Works, thank you!

HI SpinalBlood,
try restore older version of Facebook plugin from updaters backup folder. Did you know how and where?

I forgot the updater has a backup folder. Since now it's fixed I will use that in the future just in case, thanks  :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 13 12 2016, 14:48:51
Thank Robyer. Newest version work properly :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 13 12 2016, 21:55:08
A feature request - probably not easy to implement or even sensible to ask, but here goes.

I use Facebook friend lists a lot, especially to manage permissions. However, it seems that Facebook makes it as hard as possible to manage the lists (on purpose, I suppose). I mean simple operations such as: move these people from this list "2015 Holiday friends"  to "Colleagues past and present". I would welcome a way to manage friend lists, even as simple as the Group Manager in Miranda.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 14 12 2016, 09:46:24
A feature request - probably not easy to implement or even sensible to ask, but here goes.

I use Facebook friend lists a lot, especially to manage permissions. However, it seems that Facebook makes it as hard as possible to manage the lists (on purpose, I suppose). I mean simple operations such as: move these people from this list "2015 Holiday friends"  to "Colleagues past and present". I would welcome a way to manage friend lists, even as simple as the Group Manager in Miranda.

riki, I think this is something that does't really fit into Miranda's Facebook plugin, and doesn't make sense for me to have it there at all (not mentioning that it would be used probably only by you).

It sounds more like request for some single-purpose "Facebook friend lists manager" app. Theoretically I can do that too, but not now and not for free. So depends how important that is for you.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 14 12 2016, 10:06:38
Yes - I thought that such a tool maybe doesn't really belong in Miranda...  :) Thanks anyway Robyer!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 28 12 2016, 07:49:39
Whilst it's possible to chat with Messenger users with no FB profile on facebook web and also in Miranda, I cannot see them in my contact list. Is it just me, or it's some other problem?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 28 12 2016, 12:18:04
Can you see and comunicate with this peoples on facebook on the web? Or only on Messenger on smartphone?
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 12 2016, 13:44:53
Messenger users with no FB profile

What does it mean? This is the first time I hear something like that.
Title: Re: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 28 12 2016, 14:05:04
What does it mean? This is the first time I hear something like that.
From what I know, my friend cancelled her FB profile and uses only Messenger app where he can chat with regular FB users.
On this topic, uncle Google advised this article: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/69737/20150717/anyone-world-now-use-facebook-messenger-without-having-account.htm
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 28 12 2016, 14:06:14
on facebook web
Yes, I believe I said that in my original question.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 12 2016, 14:13:11
sKopheK, oh... so you CAN chat with them from within Miranda but just don't see them online? Then make sure you enable "At login load also contacts you recently chat with" checkbox in options.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 28 12 2016, 14:50:00
At login load also contacts you recently chat with
Checking this and reloging/restarting did not help.
When I get a message from person with no FB account via Messenger, I can see it as unread, then open it and chat with the person in a standard window. I can even rename the person to see her/his custom name, but cannot find it in my Contact list.
The only way how to open chat window for the actual person is via a group chat where she/he was involved and double click her/his name in a chat participants list (on mouseover, I can see Status: User and not Status: Friend tho, but since I can chat with other ppl on FB without having them in friends and still see them in the Contact list, I don't assume this is the issue).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 12 2016, 16:08:03
Probably you have him as "temporary contact", so it is hidden in clist. See Options / Contacts / Ignore
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 28 12 2016, 17:41:11
I'm not sure if it is this case, but in Messenger on smartphone you can use Messenger like whatsapp or viber. Without FB account. Pairing Messenger with yours phone number.
But, I don't try it.
If you know about it, then ignore my comment
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 10 01 2017, 23:25:34
Since the latest .dll update I cannot receive offline messages. Should have happened yesterday but I did login before updating the dll so I only noticed today
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 11 01 2017, 07:38:26
sKopheK, so did you solved that? Try clean profile with enabled that option and check if it loads the contact correctly.

SpinalBlood, I changed nothing in Facebook plugin lately. From what version did you updated? And are you sure it worked before restart and stopped working right after update? It will be rather FB website change.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: BadSeed on 12 01 2017, 09:38:47
SpinalBlood, I changed nothing in Facebook plugin lately.
But I think they did. The icon on the website is now different, it looks like Facebook Messenger. And I'm having the same problem as SpinalBlood. See those 4 messages in the screenshot? I connect through Miranda as usual but now I don't receive them.

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 13 01 2017, 00:59:23
SpinalBlood, I changed nothing in Facebook plugin lately. From what version did you updated? And are you sure it worked before restart and stopped working right after update? It will be rather FB website change.

I updated from " ¤ Facebook.dll v. [4 Jan 2017 8:36:06] - Facebook RM ". I did this at 9/1 but maybe the update was ready since some hours

Well I did restart immediately, but since I went online before the update, I got the offline messages, so that restarting after the update there wouldn't be any message regardless, even if it was broken, and I kept online until night, discovering the bug the day after (10/1). I even did some more tests and didn't work. Rollback at is working for me, for now (although the facebook interface in the website seems different at the moment...)
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 15 01 2017, 08:36:52
I can't fix this until Facebook gives me the new version (that one looking like FB Messenger) too...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 16 01 2017, 16:36:47
Do you mean not every account has this new version already?

One of my test account has it, I might give you access to the account if that can help
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 16 01 2017, 17:13:12
Do you mean not every account has this new version already?
Exactly. But that's common, all news are published "in waves". In few days I'll hopefully get it too.

One of my test account has it, I might give you access to the account if that can help
That could be helpful, yes. You can send me login via e-mail or we can talk when I'll be online on Miranda (Jabber/ICQ/...). But I'm not sure when exactly I'll get to it.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 01 2017, 00:47:26
I fixed loading unread messages, searching and did few more things (see github commits).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 25 01 2017, 01:33:24
Thx, that works!  :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: newsjunkie247 on 06 02 2017, 00:55:44
Is it just me or are there issues with Facebook newsfeed/notification items not showing up not being pulled/not showing up pop-ups? It feels like especially newsfeed/ticker items are being buggy.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: newsjunkie247 on 06 02 2017, 01:40:22
Specifically I have it enabled to show stories from the most recent view of newsfeed. The ticker seems to be working (though maybe somewhat less than usual) and notifications are working. But the newsfeed stories aren't showing up.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 07 02 2017, 06:53:00
Hi newsjunkie247,
tri look on popups history. Can you see there some facebook notification?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 02 2017, 17:54:29
newsjunkie247, loading newsfeed and memories posts fixed.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Magus on 16 02 2017, 00:16:48
Hi! The plugin just stopped working for me (I'd been using it just fine for many months). There was a message about failing to get the communication token and that I should report the error, so I'm doing it now. :P

Thanks for your attention! =]

UPDATE: Now it's working again. I don't know what happened. o.o
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: odo on 15 03 2017, 08:19:51
For a few months now i get a Facebook-notification when i log in through Miranda, which translates to "There's been a temporary error. Please try again later.". I don't have this notification on the website or the app.
Is there a known problem or a possibility to review a log, what this might be in reference to?
I'm always updating with the developer-version with debug symbols.

CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor [AMD64 Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0] [DEP Enabled] [6 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 8157 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional Edition, 64-bit (build 14393)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.14393.0 (build 914393)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : German/German | German/German
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 656648 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 alpha build #17894 (28664fa) [running inside WOW64]
Build time: 14 Mar 2017 4:04:32
Profile: R:\portableapps\PortableApps\MirandaNGPortable\Data\profiles\Odo\Odo.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 39452672 Bytes
Profile creation date: 17 Jan 2017 12:15:12
Language pack: German (DE) [0407]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (25):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [2 Jan 2017 4:01:28] - Miranda image services
¤ AIM.dll v. [24 Jan 2017 4:00:18] - AIM protocol
¤ AVS.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:00:12] - Avatar service
¤ BossKey.dll v. [11 Dec 2016 4:00:44] - BossKey+
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:01:52] - Modern contact list
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 4:01:54] - Crash dumper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [2 Jan 2017 4:02:06] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [14 Mar 2017 4:00:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dropbox.dll v. [10 Mar 2017 4:03:50] - Dropbox
¤ Facebook.dll v. [6 Mar 2017 4:01:36] - Facebook RM
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [9 Feb 2017 18:55:12] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [20 Feb 2017 4:00:30] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ IRC.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 20:07:10] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [12 Mar 2017 20:07:46] - Jabber protocol
¤ KeyboardNotify.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:01:32] - Keyboard notify ext.
¤ ModernOpt.dll v. [29 Oct 2016 3:00:16] - ModernOpt
¤ MSN.dll v. [5 Mar 2017 4:00:44] - MSN protocol
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 4:02:08] - Plugin updater
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [13 Mar 2017 4:04:14] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [13 Jan 2017 4:01:12] - SmileyAdd
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [11 Feb 2017 4:04:16] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:03:58] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [14 Mar 2017 4:00:24] - TabSRMM
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [3 Dec 2016 4:01:34] - TopToolBar
¤ Twitter.dll v. [18 Jan 2017 4:01:48] - Twitter protocol

Unloadable Plugins (4):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [14 Mar 2017 4:02:04] - <unknown>

¤ png2dib.dll v. [26 Jul 2006 11:45:56] - <unknown>
    This dll is not a Miranda plugin and should be removed from plugins directory

¤ simpleaway.dll v. [13 Apr 2005 22:23:50] - <unknown>
    This dll is not a Miranda plugin and should be removed from plugins directory

¤ updater.dll v. [19 Mar 2011 23:31:02] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
AIM                      0 - Enabled 2 - Disabled  Loaded
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
ICQ                      2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
IRC                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
Twitter                  0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
Dropbox                  1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Google_talk.dll [26 Apr 2007 23:54:14]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [10 Feb 2017 4:02:16]
 jabber_xstatus.dll [11 Jul 2008 1:18:06]
 Proto_AIM.dll [24 Jan 2017 4:01:40]
 proto_conn_facebook.dll [5 Mar 2011 20:37:52]
 Proto_conn_Skype.dll [2 Jul 2013 23:22:52]
 Proto_Dropbox.dll [10 Mar 2017 4:04:06]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [6 Mar 2017 4:01:38]
 Proto_GG.dll [30 Jan 2017 4:01:38]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [20 Feb 2017 4:01:40]
 Proto_IRC.dll [12 Mar 2017 20:08:24]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [12 Mar 2017 20:08:24]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [14 Mar 2017 4:03:42]
 Proto_MSN.dll [5 Mar 2017 4:01:46]
 Proto_Skype.dll [13 Mar 2017 4:04:08]
 Proto_Steam.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:03:52]
 proto_Twitter 1.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:24:24]
 proto_Twitter 2.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:32:38]
 proto_Twitter 3.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:45:46]
 Proto_Twitter.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:01:44]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [23 Sep 2016 3:01:40]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [14 Mar 2017 4:02:18]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [18 Jan 2017 4:01:44]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [20 Feb 2017 4:00:34]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [12 Mar 2017 20:07:14]
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 15 03 2017, 09:26:15
odo, send me the netlog, please. Via PM here on forum, for example.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 15 03 2017, 13:02:01
odo, thank you for the netlog. Disable option "Allow posting statuses to my pages (may slow down login)" as it doesn't work currently.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 28 04 2017, 14:56:37
Lately I have two problems in facebook, both regarding sent messages:

- getting double entries in Miranda, even though the original website registers a message just once
- sometimes I get a timeout error, even though the message is shown as sent too in Miranda, and in the website it appears, so it's like the timeout was null

I'm sure these problems happened even with the previous .dll before the latest update (24/04), so it shouldn't be related

Incoming messages work fine
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: NibbleByte on 28 04 2017, 16:36:10
I'm also having problems sending messages on facebook with Miranda.

When I send a message, it waits a while and then it says "A message failed to send successfully." and "Delivery failure: Timeout when sending message."

And often when I send few messages in a row, the first one or two don't get send, then the following up DO get send. Then it shows me that the first messages have failed and I have to press retry message. On retry it does get send, but the order of the messages gets terribly wrong :(
It's like the first few ones are not making it through in a new conversation (that is, if not written for 1/2 - 1 hour to this contact).

It is really annoying and happens way too often :(
This is happening for the last 3-4 months...

Are there some logs where I can check why is this happening?
Or at least is there some setting to force to wait confirmation on the previous message, before sending out the next one?

I'm using tabsrmm.
Updated to the last Development version.
This is happening both at home (Windows 7) and at work (Windows 10), so don't think network connection is a problem.

PP: I don't get double entries, I think.

Edit: Ok, I see another pattern. Often during chat session, I send message and it immediately says "Delivery failure: Timeout when sending message.". But when I open the messenger online it turns out it did send successfully.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 02 05 2017, 07:26:30
Related issue on bug tracker: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/807
Please try stable version and let me know if that works ok there.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: NibbleByte on 04 05 2017, 20:33:24

Just wanted to say that it worked. I switched to stable version and I haven't had any chat issues since then (the last 1-2 days).

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 05 2017, 09:09:48
NibbleByte, thanks for confirmation. So it is some problem in recent core changes...
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 05 05 2017, 21:40:30
NibbleByte, I reverted one commit that seems to be the cause. Could you test tomorrow development version again and verify whether it is fixed there?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: NibbleByte on 06 05 2017, 12:31:02
Robyer, I'll try it out these few days and give you feedback.

Cheers :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 08 05 2017, 21:39:49
I have been busy and couldn't test the stable version, but now after updating the development .dll it looks like double entries and timeout errors seem to have disappeared, for now. Thanks :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: NibbleByte on 10 05 2017, 11:37:00
I can also confirm that it works perfectly!

Thanks a lot! :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: BlackCat on 28 05 2017, 15:38:02
Upon receiving every message in a group chat, I get this error:
Despite the above message, I receive all incoming messages perfectly fine, so I'm not sure what that's about. It's pretty annoying and disruptive to get this pop up every single time.
Also, in group chats, I don't see any of the members' names, just the number associated with their account. I can figure out who is who so it's not a major issue, just wondering if there's something I can do to fix that. They're also not showing up in the member list, and it says there are 0 users in the chat on the title bar.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 28 05 2017, 18:55:00
BlackCat, it sounds like the request for getting users in group chat and their names is broken/removed from FB - that's why you are seeing the error message.

I don't know how soon I will get to fix that, so create ticket on our GitHub please: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues

Meanwhile you may disable group chat support in FB plugin's options. Or install Popup+/Yapp plugin so it will show notifications instead of MessageBoxes (and perhaps you can then even disable them).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 12 06 2017, 20:05:47
Hi Robyer,
I also update miranda manually because updater won't work. But now are not loading unread msg. It is some problem in my side or this feature stop working?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 13 06 2017, 12:06:30
Hello, there must be some changes on the server side probably?

I confirm:

- Unread messages are not properly loaded in Miranda. The "Load last messages on opening message window" option doesn't work. The "Load History" entry in FB context menu doesn't work either.

I also noticed another issue:

- When switching status to "Invisible", the FB protocol actually seems to go offline.

[EDIT] Update 2017-06-21
After updating the plugin to Proto_Facebook.dll [21 Jun 2017 4:01:54], it seems I can't even go online. The "online" Facebook icon does light up, but the contact list shows everyone on FB as offline.

[EDIT] Update 2017-06-21 (later on)
Now FB plugin connects: I see people online again. Very strange.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 22 06 2017, 19:04:19
Since today I can't receive offline messages. Even trying the previous facebook.dll as a rollback doesn't work either. :(
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 22 06 2017, 20:30:53
I'll check these issues hopefully soon (I'll try on the weekend)...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 23 06 2017, 08:17:11
Thanks you very much Robyer ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 23 06 2017, 20:28:40
So, I just started my Miranda (I'm using development version) and:

* loading unread messages WORKS
* loading messages at window open WORKS
* I have no problems with groupchats (no error messageboxes; loading users and their names correctly)

This means that (if you are using development version too) Facebook is pushing some new update, but as usually it's not available for everyone at the same time.

To be able to fix it I need access to some affected account. Either one of yours or we have to wait until it affects my accounts too.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 24 06 2017, 15:12:20
THank you, Robyer.
For your information, it is back to working with me. All my problems (basically, past messages couldn't be downloaded) are gone!  :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 24 06 2017, 17:22:29
Yes, there was an update of facebook.dll but before updating it I was testing the messages and it worked. It works now too after the update. Looks like it was a temporary facebook problem from a server side, since the result changed without updating...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 24 06 2017, 18:49:50
Well there has been one partially wrong commit by ghazan 3 days ago. I reverted it yesterday, but if you say it worked even before update, then it may be really a Facebook change. ???
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Koyotero on 25 06 2017, 22:34:10
All the same, the last 3 days, with reports that something is wrong. I can not regularly receive messages, I get them only by downloading the full history. Sometimes it helps to restart in Fasebook again.
I do not know what it is connected with, but the problem has been observed for the past 3 days.
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 26 06 2017, 11:49:50
Ok. So this still apply:

To be able to fix it I need access to some affected account. Either one of yours or we have to wait until it affects my accounts too.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 26 06 2017, 17:31:06
Koyotero gave me access to his account and I couldn't reproduce the issue. So either this Facebook change is limited to certain countries or it is problem with current "session". So if anyone is still affected, you can try to delete DeviceID (http://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugin:Facebook/en#Troubleshooting) and check if it makes any change...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 27 06 2017, 13:17:19
Hi Robyer,
from sunday it is working again.
Tahnks ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 27 06 2017, 17:25:49
A classic case of

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 17 08 2017, 23:39:27
Since the latest dll update, the status bar of tabsrmm doesn't work well with facebook anymore; I can't see when someone reads my message since it's empty, unless I reopen the window (and it will show the last received though), but as soon as I send a message, it disappears again
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 18 08 2017, 07:16:42
SpinalBlood, is there any difference when you use Message State plugin and when not?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 18 08 2017, 13:15:58
I just tried, no differences
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 26 08 2017, 14:24:16
Seems fixed now, thank you
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 14 09 2017, 13:41:11
Sometimes, since a few days, Facebook disconnects itself. Don't know if it's a server problem, but normally it was more rare before
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 12 10 2017, 09:33:14
from last develop update of miranda, protocol is every time disconnecting after few minutes.
edit: I've not seen Spinal Blood post. It looks like some global problem
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 12 10 2017, 10:44:31
Please create issue on www.github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues for that. Ideally provide also netlog capturing the problem.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 12 10 2017, 12:38:04
Hi Robyer,
I'm created issue on github and sent netlog to your email.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: mida on 14 10 2017, 16:02:26
i have a problem with manually loading full chathistory from facebook
i delete history and than it should loading full history from facebook but it saves only the last 2 days.
and how you can see on screenshot with multiple doubles messages.
i restarted miranda but same problem

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor  [AMD64 Family 23 Model 1 Stepping 1] [DEP Enabled] [16 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16339 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional Edition, 64-bit (build 15063)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.15063.0 (build 915063)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : German/German | German/German
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 369444 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.7 alpha build #18682 (9b99466b95) x64
Build time: 14 Oct 2017 10:20:46
Profile: E:\Portables\MirandaNG\Profiles\Mida\Mida.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Profile size: 51380224 Bytes
Profile creation date: 14 Oct 2017 11:38:59
Language pack: German (DE) [0407]
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (39):
¤ AddContactPlus.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:02] - Add contact+
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [12 Oct 2017 4:37:48] - Miranda image services
¤ AuthState.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:44] - Authorization state
¤ AVS.dll v. [9 Oct 2017 20:11:10] - Avatar service
¤ BASS_interface.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:30] - BASS interface
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [9 Oct 2017 20:11:38] - Modern contact list
¤ CmdLine.dll v. [9 Oct 2017 20:11:40] - Command line
¤ Console.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:44] - Console
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:12] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:50] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:14] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [14 Oct 2017 10:21:04] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [12 Oct 2017 4:46:32] - Dummy protocol
¤ Facebook.dll v. [13 Oct 2017 16:40:36] - Facebook RM
¤ Fingerprint.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:28] - Fingerprint NG
¤ Folders.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:50] - Custom profile folders
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [24 Sep 2017 22:15:30] - History++
¤ ICQ.dll v. [12 Oct 2017 4:36:46] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [12 Oct 2017 4:38:16] - Menu item ext
¤ mTextControl.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:54] - Miranda text control
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:54] - xStatus notify
¤ OpenSSL.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:52] - OpenSSL SSL API module
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [6 Oct 2017 4:12:32] - Plugin updater
¤ PManagerEx.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:18] - Miranda NG profile changer
¤ Popup.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:58] - Popup plus
¤ QuickSearch.dll v. [24 Sep 2017 22:36:06] - Quick Search
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:54] - Last seen
¤ Sessions.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:56] - Sessions
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [13 Oct 2017 16:44:18] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:00] - SmileyAdd
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [14 Oct 2017 10:30:40] - Status manager
¤ Steam.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:56] - Steam protocol
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [11 Oct 2017 12:49:52] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:43:58] - Tipper
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:04] - TopToolBar
¤ Tox.dll v. [13 Oct 2017 16:44:20] - Tox protocol
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:06] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:20] - Variables
¤ YAMN.dll v. [2 Oct 2017 20:44:28] - Mail Notifier

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [14 Oct 2017 10:25:38] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Dummy                    4 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
STEAM                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
TOX                      2 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
MetaContacts             1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
Weather                  0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
YAMN                     1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:08]
 Fp_icons.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:12]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:10]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:12]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [13 Oct 2017 16:45:08]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:08]
 Proto_IRC.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:08]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [14 Oct 2017 10:31:00]
 Proto_MSN.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:10]
 Proto_Quotes.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:10]
 Proto_Skype.dll [13 Oct 2017 16:45:12]
 Proto_Steam.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:12]
 Proto_Tox.dll [13 Oct 2017 16:45:12]
 Proto_Weather.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:10]
 Proto_WhatsApp.dll [13 Oct 2017 16:45:10]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [23 Sep 2016 4:01:40]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:10]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:10]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:08]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:08]
 xStatus_ICQ.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:10]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [12 Oct 2017 4:54:10]
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Robyer on 14 10 2017, 19:23:19
mida, perhaps there has been some change on facebook site (which is quite possible). Please create new ticket on our www.github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues tracker.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Koyotero on 27 10 2017, 16:57:59
There was a problem, in the list of contacts there will appear people, correspondence with which I deleted in Messenger. Friends on facebook they are not to me.
The problem is solved if you remove the mark from the item Load also messenger contact at login (not only Facebook friends). But for me this is not an option, since correspondence is needed not only with friends at Facebook. In this case, remote contacts, I naturally do not want to see in the list.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 28 10 2017, 18:42:21
Since 26/10, some attachments aren't shown. This message appears:

User sent an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to see it.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 05 11 2017, 11:38:02
sometimes facebook chat uses things that just don't appear in miranda im. I have a friend who puts in shamrock pictures (not sure how) and all I get is a blank line. no emoticon, no 'sticker' message, nothing in copy and paste.

There's no shamrock icon in the smiley pack I'm using, I don't know if that's related
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 06 11 2017, 18:38:34
I managed to find the facebook log and the characters exist in there. According to notepad++, at least, I can see the following:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Goraf on 07 11 2017, 00:38:56
thosrtanner, could be related to this https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/issues/852
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 07 11 2017, 16:58:00
I think it is very likely to be, yes. but it was rather hard to tell until I'd found the character existed in the log file and displayed correctly when copy/pasted.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 09 11 2017, 16:36:06
Yes, in both chat window and history++ window:

"User sent an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to see it."

Previously, I'd get an URL link I could click and retrieve the data (usually multimedia). Since a few days, the link has disappeared.
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: Magus on 02 12 2017, 10:27:57
Since maybe yesterday the plug-in is no longer functional... ;( It briefly connects, showing a lot of unknown contacts, and disconnects.

UPDATE: found an update some minutes after the original post and it's now working again! :) Chat windows (conversations originally involving more than two participants) now show up as '(Unknown contact)' and don't seem to work though.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 12 2017, 11:57:00
Since latest update, offline messages aren't working anymore
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Goraf on 02 12 2017, 19:44:54
They stopped working without update too
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 12 2017, 23:38:01
Seems about right. I recovered the previous version of the dll and it's the same.

(I thought the updater saved a copy of the previous dlls as a backup, but I couldn't find them like I used to...)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 03 12 2017, 18:40:13
I think facebook has changed something. There's an issue on github about the strangely named group chats
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 23 12 2017, 23:08:24
The problem is still present sadly; no offline messages at all
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 24 12 2017, 07:41:30
it would appear that robyer has stopped working on all things miranda so not sure how / when any of the facebook issues will be fixed :-(
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: xaos on 24 12 2017, 08:49:41
Go figure, once again the plugin has started randomly dropping messages,  .. the exact problem I had when I started this thread .. and now apparently there may no longer be any support ... shame. I dislike the facebook website, but unfortunately most of the people I know prefer to chat there and this plugin is/was the only decent way to do that.

Here's to hoping robyer comes back.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 24 12 2017, 12:11:27
On my side it doesn't seem that, at least when online, messages are dropped. But it happened in the past when it occurred with some accounts while other ones were apparently fine...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 01 01 2018, 19:01:50
I really hope someone picks up where Robyer left!
Especially the missing offline messages are annoying.
I also dislike the FB web page, and much prefer Miranda.
Happy New Year everybody!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 13 01 2018, 20:51:40
I don't know why, but today suddenly offline messages are working again.
I was able to "load history" for a few contacts where I had lost important pieces of history (they were on FB, but never appeared in Miranda). Great, thanks whoever you are!!  :DRINK:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 13 01 2018, 22:06:20
Yes, it's thanks to this commit https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/03d22907643a74684e690b8bc73580c1fcd591fd and then a few others after it. Not sure if the person has an account on the forums, but their github account is https://github.com/zemiacsik :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 15 01 2018, 17:38:26
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 26 01 2018, 21:57:02
I think there might still be problems. I didn't receive an offline link. We'll see if that happens again or if it was just by chance...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 26 01 2018, 22:17:00
I think I haven't lost an offline message since the fix (is that Ghazan? THANK YOU!).
I think you know, but reopening the message window should reload the last n messages (n configurable in the options).
Worst case fix: download history, will download all the chat history for that user.
You will end up with lots of duplicate msgs, but a database check will fix that.

Which link was it?
No links to media files or similar data ever appear in Miranda anymore.
The standard message is User sent an unsupported attachment. Open your browser to see it.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 28 01 2018, 12:08:22
i get plentu of links to custom smileys. my main grief is the (apparently known windows 10 creator related one) to do with certain types of icon. couldn't a workround be put in to insert a space or something to force the character to display?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 07 02 2018, 16:30:26
hi, every time i turn on miranda, 3 notification of unread messages from my fb friends are shown in tray even though the messages were read long time ago. i already experienced this issue some time ago, but forgot solution to this and could not find any in forums either.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 07 02 2018, 19:42:49
hi, every time i turn on miranda, 3 notification of unread messages from my fb friends are shown in tray even though the messages were read long time ago. i already experienced this issue some time ago, but forgot solution to this and could not find any in forums either.

1. Make sure you have dbchecker plugin.
2. Start miranda from command line (or create DBChecker.bat file including line and run):
Code: [Select]
start /B Miranda64.exe /svc:dbchecker3. On third step you have option to set all messages as read already.

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 08 02 2018, 20:34:39
Thanks a lot,
just a few notes:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 01 03 2018, 08:54:33
hello, any chance to get a proper group conversation name into miranda contact instead of '(Unknown Contact)' (see attached screenshot)?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 09 03 2018, 14:53:51
Wee!! Audio attachments now do get proper links in Miranda message window, so I can click them and download/listen to them via browser. Great!  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 29 03 2018, 23:16:11
It seems like I cannot receive links that has a "facebook preview" in it. Instead the same link sent without the preview is received in Miranda

Which link was it?

Can't remember right now but I think it was just an isolated case and all worked fine after that

But now this new problem I mentioned I think it appeared after some changes/update done around 22-26 march (I wasn't using the program in this range...)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: winter2 on 01 04 2018, 19:32:37
It seems like I cannot receive links that has a "facebook preview" in it. Instead the same link sent without the preview is received in Miranda

Can't remember right now but I think it was just an isolated case and all worked fine after that

But now this new problem I mentioned I think it appeared after some changes/update done around 22-26 march (I wasn't using the program in this range...)

Same here, preview links are not received, not even any error message about unsuported message. Quite annoying
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 05 04 2018, 14:28:12
can you provide a network log for links that weren't recognized?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: winter2 on 06 04 2018, 12:05:00
Now after updates its working again for me
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 07 04 2018, 13:48:13
Same here, it's working. But it should be noted that I didn't do updates (because of this (https://forum.miranda-ng.org/index.php?topic=5434.msg21374#msg21374) problem I temporary reverted back to an older version) and the problem was still resolved on its own. Was it maybe server-side?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 09 04 2018, 09:27:25
Was it maybe server-side?
it's hardly to say, cause I've got no logs :-) but, for example, event invitations still don't work for me
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 16 05 2018, 08:50:57
Hi, Miranda is constantly logging me off from Facebook for no reason, see netlog
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 16 05 2018, 14:21:07

[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] (0000000009418600:1808) Connection closed internal
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] (0000000009418600:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] !!! No response from server (time-out)
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] !!! channel(): Something with Facebook went wrong

1460 really means the timeout error, meaning that a connection with Facebook cannot be established in 30 seconds.
maybe something blocks an access to the social networks in your LAN, or FB blocks access from an unusual location.
try to enter the site from a browser, what would it say?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sKopheK on 17 05 2018, 08:07:52
Hi, ghazan,
thanks for the prompt answer. In any browser, Facebook works just fine. This is happening on both my work and home PC, started like a month ago.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: zlotowinfo on 21 06 2018, 20:11:28
started by cookies error
now, login error: unknown error
Title: Re:Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 22 06 2018, 12:32:14
started by cookies error
now, login error: unknown error
try to enter the Facebook site in a browser from the same ip address.
it might be a problem with geographic location change or license update
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: zlotowinfo on 22 06 2018, 17:39:49
i was blocked for some "suspicous activity" for my security
after that was all problems, changed password, not changed in miranda
anyway error is wrong, should be "wrong password" not "unknown error"
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 27 06 2018, 10:13:08
Plugin simply extracts an error message from FB respond, it doesn't invent a reply itself
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: mistafist on 14 09 2018, 14:42:07
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp 523: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] (0000000009418600:1808) Connection closed internal
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] (0000000009418600:4294967295) Connection closed
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] !!! No response from server (time-out)
[10:44:00 4650] [Facebook_1] !!! channel(): Something with Facebook went wrong

I'm having this same issue.  Once every couple minutes I get an error and the log shows the same error.  Website works fine.  Actually one part of the error is different.
Code: [Select]
[10:35:49 1BC4] [Facebook_1] w:\miranda-build\src\mir_app\src\netlibhttp.cpp 522: HttpPeekFirstResponseLine Failed (1460 10)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: yvesson on 21 10 2018, 09:39:13
How come that contacts who are not your friends are never shown online, even though they are talking to you ?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 24 10 2018, 15:31:10
they don't talk, they request your confirmation to unblock them in Messenger
Miranda doesn't make any difference between approved & not approved contacts, so you could read their messages
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: yvesson on 27 10 2018, 09:47:26
Thanks for your answer, ghazan, but what I don't get is that on fessebouc you can see non-friends but "messenger friends" "green", miranda can't access that information, or maybe it just hasn't been found how to, yet ?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 27 10 2018, 15:28:10
at the FB site, you don't see messages from unconfirmed senders at all in the Messenger
you need to open the special page explcitly to view them

Miranda marks such contacts using the specific field ContactType BYTE, you can use QuickSearch plugin to visualize this column and delete all people with ContactType different than 1 or 2
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: yvesson on 29 10 2018, 10:40:26
In fact, I don't see people marked as "2", how they are not confirmed if they talked to me and I talked to them already ?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 04 11 2018, 15:16:06
How come that contacts who are not your friends are never shown online, even though they are talking to you ?
Go to settings - network - FB account and check "Load also Messenger contacts at login (not only Facebook friends)". Have figured it out while was trying to add myself to the contact list.

I think it would be more correct to make this option checked by default.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: yvesson on 04 11 2018, 15:41:55
Well that option is checked, I see them in my list but always offline, that's what I meant.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 05 11 2018, 00:19:44
yvesson, I'm agree, the messanger contacts status is buggy.
Yesterday I tried to add myself to the contact list. Standart search function and AddContactPlus plugin apeared to be unable to do it (and this is another bug). Then I had checked the option I wrote above, and after several minutes I have seen myself in the contact list, and my status was online. But today I don't see myself online anymore. I have tried to remove myself from the contact list and wrote myself from the website, but this time it didn't even bring me back to the contact list ???
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: yvesson on 05 11 2018, 12:03:23
Anyway, the option says "loads" which for me would mean the conversations are loaded but not necessarily that the contacts are shown online.
All my "messenger contacts" are "never seen" in their details.
I don't think it's buggy, it's just not made to do it.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 06 11 2018, 15:32:33
I'm agree, the messanger contacts status is buggy.
these contacts aren't Messenger users only, these are people who aren't your friends, so their status isn't tracked (Miranda loads only info about your friends)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 13 11 2018, 14:58:32
these contacts aren't Messenger users only, these are people who aren't your friends, so their status isn't tracked (Miranda loads only info about your friends)
I have tested it for some time with a fake account. If you request authorization/friendship from a messenger contact, you will start seeing his online status if he ignores or even if he declines the request. So, Miranda can load info from non-friends too, but it should be improved. Official messenger clients work that way - they see non-friend contacts' online status (if they ever answered you), so Miranda should see them too.

Also Miranda doesn't store non-friends chat history at all - it is cleaned up every time you close a chat window.

And, as I wrote before, it's hard to add your own account to the contact list (search/add contacts/AddContactPlus don't allow you to do it).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: mida on 22 12 2018, 09:19:12
I update nearly 8 hours ago facebook plugin over plugin updater but if i connect to facebook i get only crashes.

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 22 12 2018, 13:05:47
thanks for report, fixed, build uploaded  ::)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: mida on 22 12 2018, 14:17:10
thank you ghazan, it works now  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 23 01 2019, 14:30:04
It's been a couple of weeks that Facebook (the web site) gets angry when I log in with Miranda. Suddenly, it kicks me out and forces me to change password. It happened 5 times already. It doesn't happen every time I log in with Miranda, but only sometimes. I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly which circumstances cause the trouble.

Is it only me? Or has anything changed in the authentication protocol maybe?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 23 01 2019, 16:56:30
Try to disable "Show wall posts (news feed)" option in protocol settings.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 23 01 2019, 19:27:08
Hello Dartraiden, thanks for helping.
However, that option is already off and always has been.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 24 01 2019, 11:55:39

no, you ain't alone with this problem, we already have ~5 reports about it.
it would be great if you had a network log when this problem happens for the first time
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 24 01 2019, 12:53:06
Good to hear from you. Glad not to be alone! Unfortunately, the nature of the problem (which shows on the browser, not in Miranda) makes it harder to know exactly when to start logging or what to look for. Do you have any suggestions to help me create a useful log?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 24 01 2019, 15:44:30
Do you have any suggestions to help me create a useful log?
just turn it on and don't disable. disks are not expensive these days, it won't exceed ~10M per day. if it fails, zip it and send to me
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 19 02 2019, 03:29:56
I've kept logging on all the time, truncating the log and starting over every other day, more or less. No incident to report until today.
Today Facebook did it again, but this time Miranda was closed (I was backing up some data, which can't be done with the program running). This time, I think the trouble at login was caused by browsing the site from another machine on the same public IP addr (it's in my LAN).

I am getting more and more convinced that the problem is with Facebook's nosy attitude, not with Miranda. If it happens again with Miranda running, I'll send you a zipped log as you invited me to do.

Thank you again!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 03 2019, 20:27:03
I also have the same problem. I had to change password a few times because of this problem and, apparently (considering the security mail that facebook sends me), more precisely on:

-11 january
-19 januray
-17 february
-3 march

It's a bit annoying because this time facebook asked me to select friends I have sent messages recently to or friends' photos to know it's really me...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: chlopec on 03 04 2019, 09:04:39
Same thing happened to all miranda ng + facebook users around me in the past few weeks. One of them mentioned 5 password changes up to date  :D And now it happened to me too.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Morku on 04 04 2019, 21:24:56
I had the same issue for twice now (using latest Nightly).
Miranda unable to connect fo Facebook and Facebook temporary locked my profile.

I am not doing much at all on Facebook, but what I have noticed is... When I was active on Facebook, it locked me afterwards. Meaning, the first time, I liked a page and a few moments later, I was locked (Miranda was active in background). So when I enabled my profile back, it asked me "if it was me, who liked this page".

Then it worked fine again, for about 2-3 days.

Then I got a friendship request and I agreed to it. Few moments later, I was locked out again and was asked "if it was me, who agreed to that friend". Miranda was active in background. So maybe, there is a relation to that. In my Miranda settings, I don't have "Show wall posts (news feed)" enabled.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 28 04 2019, 02:36:44
Another issue with Facebook, not sure Miranda has anything to do with it though.

I'm frequently getting temporary blocks from the website:

Code: [Select]
You've been temporarily blocked
It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too quickly. You've been blocked from using it.

The feature I'm allegedly misusing is looking at people's profiles (just anyone's, friends included).

I'd just stopped hunting (logging) for the forced password change glitch, because I'd convinced myself that Miranda might be innocent about that indeed.

Then, immediately by Murphy's Law, here's one more forced password change and, just a few hours later, a temporary block. I'll see if I can get the even logged next time, and send a zipped file to you, @ghazan.

The opacity of FB's rules really ticks me off.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 25 05 2019, 04:57:24
FYI to anyone who was temp blocked/forced to changed password and can no longer log in with Miranda:

Delete the Facebook DeviceID key using the Database Editor.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: newsjunkie247 on 28 05 2019, 21:12:17
Can others confirm that they are no longer able to get realtime Facebook notification indicators (via popup or tooltip) and/or perhaps suggest a way to fix this issue? For the past week it only seems to check for notifications when I login but then not again on an ongoing basis like it used to. Would appreciate any insight on this.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 31 05 2019, 12:25:50
Here's a glitch I am experiencing with the FB protocol. Sometimes Miranda loses messages, both sent and received. They appear in FB webpage chat, but they never appear in Miranda.

I do have Options / Network / FB protocol / Messaging / Load last messages on opening message window = 99

but some messages won't load this way. I have to get the whole contact history from FB using "Load history", then my history becomes full of duplicates. Same if I delete the last message key in DB editor: I get the whole history. That's too much for something happened less than 100 msgs ago.

Is there a way to get only the last n messages?

@ghazan, in case it helps, I am PM-ing you a network log made while opening a msg window hoping to get the last 99 messages - but the lost messages didn't download to Miranda History. If needed, I can make any other test you require.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 01 06 2019, 12:40:18
ok, so the rest of messages isn't retrieved?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 01 06 2019, 16:19:34
Correct: the messages are not retrieved if I simply open the messaging window. According to my options, on opening the window, the last 99 messages should be retrieved (I used max setting). The network log I sent you refers to this circumstance of simply opening the message window.

On the other hand, if I choose the menu item "load history", old messages are retrieved OK. Then everything is retrieved and history becomes full of duplicates. Last time I tried to clean up duplicates with the database utility, I got a corrupt user.dat, good that I had made a backup before trying.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 22 06 2019, 04:35:08
It's been a couple of weeks that Facebook (the web site) gets angry when I log in with Miranda. Suddenly, it kicks me out and forces me to change password. It happened 5 times already. It doesn't happen every time I log in with Miranda, but only sometimes. I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly which circumstances cause the trouble.
In my experience it happens when I download something (some torrent for example) that takes over all my internet channel. Miranda loses connection, Status Manager plugin tries to reconnect constantly, and FB eventually blocks my account.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Morku on 22 06 2019, 08:01:01
I give up.

After 2-3 month when the issue was reported, Facebook still kicks me out, when I use Facebook Miranda.

Before, I deleted the Facebook Account data in Miranda completly to create a new one. Second, I use always the latest Miranda Nightly and Facebook protocoll.

I logged into Facebook in Miranda, it worked for 2-3 days fine. I got a friendship request, accepted and just after about 1 hour -> kicked.

So... okay. No more Facebook in Miranda NG.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 22 06 2019, 13:28:23
It's being rewritten from scratch at the moment, so if you wait a while, and monitor these threads, eventually you should see a version that works.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Morku on 22 06 2019, 18:33:33
Thank you. Good to know.
Of course I understand, that technical the Plugin is fine and the block always is serverside. Facebook is a beast.
I will keep an eye on this thread. :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 22 06 2019, 21:21:44
If you wish you can also monitor the commits on github, but I think since the Facebook protocol is a somewhat big thing, there may be a "stable" release for it when it's completed.

The commits can be seen here: https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commits/

And you can see quite a few facebook-related commits in the past few days, courtesy of @Ghazan.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 28 06 2019, 12:15:12
A new issue: after forcing the n-th password change on me, Facebook now won't let me login via Miranda. I bet this issue is already known by Ghazan and the other developers working on the FB plugin, but I am sending the very small netlog to @ghazan, just in case.

EDIT (addition)
The previous issue (no login via Miranda) has been solved. It wasn't Miranda's problem. I had to reset the password, because FB wouldn't let me log in by any browser. Maybe Miranda just triggered the problem? It is a possibility, because it happened right after an update, but the problem was general.

About lost messages in history:

Some messages are still retrospectively missed after the fact, even if I have "load last messages on opening message windows" set to 99 (max). I am not able to understand in which conditions this happens (it's not everytime, just sometime). Ok, this is not new.

But I do have some new information: it appears that the messages containing a quote are systematically missed by Miranda, not only in history after the fact: the messages are missed even if Miranda is online and the window is open when the message arrives.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: 1c3man on 24 07 2019, 07:50:51
I have a similar (maybe the same) issue. Starting a week ago FB locked my account after logging in from Miranda.
I had to change my password and it worked just fine until I logged in again from Miranda.
The log in process was ok, but after 5 mins FB locked again my account saying that somebody connected to my account.
I tried this cycle 2 or 3 times and each time FB account was locked after logging in from Miranda.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 24 07 2019, 19:54:57
The problem happens round about once a week for me
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 25 07 2019, 14:22:42
Could it be that updating Miranda triggers the security problem/password change routine in facebook? Confirm or deny if you have evidence.

On a related note to avoid double posting, undesirable behavior continues: messages with a quote just vanish. Miranda doesn't see them at all.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: culinko on 26 07 2019, 03:16:03
Could it be that updating Miranda triggers the security problem/password change routine in facebook? Confirm or deny if you have evidence.

I used to start Miranda every time I started my PC (once a day), with automatically connecting to Facebook. If there was an update for Miranda, I pressed the notification bubble and the updater would update, restarted Miranda and then my Facebook would automatically connect again (it would still work properly after that). My account was locked some time during the next 30 minutes (don't know the exact time) after the last update+restart of Miranda on July 23. However the account lock didn't happen every time there was a Miranda update, because I ran Miranda every day and FB locked me out 7 times total so far (Feb 20, Apr 03, Jun 21, Jul 10, Jul 16, Jul 19 and Jul 23). It's interesting to see that it was happening more frequently lately. To be honest I gave up on Miranda for now after the last time they locked my account on July 23 and I am waiting for the plugin to be reworked or for this bug to be fixed.

On another note, could I request an important feature for the plugin updater? Because I use auto-connecting for my networks, if there is an update for Miranda and I want to update right away, I have to restart the Miranda and auto-connect to my networks again (meaning I am connecting to my networks twice in a short amount pf time). Could you add an option to Miranda to not auto-connect if there are new updates? This way I could just update Miranda first without connecting to the networks and after Miranda is restarted it would auto-connect to my networks because there wouldn't be any new updates anymore. Thank you in advance, much appreciated!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 26 07 2019, 13:12:50
Another one with Facebook lock here.

My guess that frequent logon triggers it.

I have buggy USB-stick with Miranda (and it's 4th stick in year. *sigh* Tell me about luck.) So sometimes after logon it works, but extremely slow. And it fixed usually by ejecting stick and plugging it back.

So today I:

1. Logined usually.
2. Exit Miranda without logout, two hours later.
3. Login immediately->worked. Still slow.
4. Exit again, with logout.
5. Logined in half-hour.

On the step #5 I was locked already. :|

But it was 3rd time this week already. Previous 2 times followed different (but similar) scheme: I posted something on FB from my browser, logout of miranda, login - and got banned. So I presumed that posting is triggering this behavior - but I definitely didn't post anything today, so it seems login/logout/login in fast succession is the self-sufficient reason.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 27 07 2019, 15:05:46
It's possible that updates or multiple logins/logouts are related. i got made to log in twice this morning. and the 2nd was definitely after I updated miranda. I try to keep updates down to once a week which matches my comment above. I'll try to avoid updating for a while and see what happens.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Smiling Spectre on 27 07 2019, 21:21:33
Aaand guess what? I got banned again after my reply on FB. :|

So, it seems, activity from two different sources (when one is Miranda) is enough.

I must note also that after some thinking, I changed my opinion: login/logout/login is not trigger banning. I remember that I did that many times (because of Steam, not FB), and it worked. But maybe login/disconnect (without logout)/login in quick succession works for that. At least, it was only that unusual thing for me in time before the last one.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: thosrtanner on 03 08 2019, 19:02:02
Well, I've done no updates for a week and not got any facebook telling me something suspicious has happened
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 22 08 2019, 20:53:30
Maybe this will help

fix already landed to development version
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: peci1 on 27 08 2019, 20:15:14
For the first time I reactivated the facebook account in Miranda, I saw my contacts appear online, but then Miranda showed a warning that the plugin could not load all required data. Since then, reconnecting to FB doesn't show any contacts online, and moreover, it also seems to prevent some contacts from other protocols to appear online.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: AE on 28 08 2019, 12:48:21
Maybe this will help

fix already landed to development version

Thanks for your time and work. I was excited to try this, because I was suspecting user agent "miranda" may be problem for Facebook. I guess, same scammers start using it for mass communication or something. I was kicked several times and forced to change password, even when I don't use Facebook anywhere outside of Miranda and I login to it only from one static computer. Last time was a month ago and I stopped trying since and let my 10 years old account blocked.

So it was time for new try. I updated Miranda, changed my password and reenabled my Facebook account. It connected fine. Then I realized, that I have set updates only for stable version, no developer version. So I updated Miranda again. Restart. I was kicked from Facebook immediately.

OK, my bad. So I reset my password again trough the browser (Firefox). Changed password in Miranda and it work. I tried to restart Miranda, it work and I tested it in chat with friend. Next day, it was logged without problem. Great. But after few hours, without restarting Miranda or logout, Facebook go off. Tried reconnect - no luck. Kicked again.

Mail in my mailbox: "It looks like someone else has accessed your Facebook account. To secure your account, you have to answer a few questions and change your password the next time you log in to Facebook. For your protection, no one on Facebook will see you until you secure your account."

It use to by one kick per month. But now is kick per few hours. I think it is fair to say, that currently, Miranda-Ng do not support Facebook protocol.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 28 08 2019, 14:23:55
For the first time I reactivated the facebook account in Miranda, I saw my contacts appear online, but then Miranda showed a warning that the plugin could not load all required data. Since then, reconnecting to FB doesn't show any contacts online, and moreover, it also seems to prevent some contacts from other protocols to appear online.
Can you provide the netlog (https://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log)?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: peci1 on 29 08 2019, 22:03:20
Here it is: https://send.firefox.com/download/13f49e893ee5fc3f/#J3mUg1ce_g_J9xmW7OZyrw . Beware that I limited the file to 3 downloads and then it disappears... I also enclosed a crash log I got shortly after playing with the FacebookRM protocol. My Miranda normally doesn't crash.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 31 08 2019, 17:10:32
how did you obtain that crash? disabled account?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: peci1 on 31 08 2019, 17:23:42
Yeah, something like that. I know I was fiddling with enabling/disabling the fb account before the crash.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 31 08 2019, 17:27:00
Yeah, something like that. I know I was fiddling with enabling/disabling the fb account before the crash.
I see, thanks
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 09 09 2019, 20:18:17
Yes, I think that updating Miranda is a major reason for Facebook misbehavior (suspicious activity, change passwd, etc.).

I just got back to Facebook (and to Miranda) after a month spent mainly offline. As soon as I updated Miranda, Facebook kicked me out. Before updating, I had gone offline with Miranda, hoping to minimize the risk of problems. However, going offline before updating didn't help. It's as if Facebook knows about my Miranda changing even if I keep it offline?

I wrote another support ticket to Facebook, polite and factual, without mentioning Miranda or even "other browsers". I just said I'd been locked out again, forced change my passwd, inconvenient, blahblah. That makes about 7-8 messages to support.

Unfortunately, I don't have a netlog of the event, because after time passed, I had given up on keeping logging active. My bad.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 10 09 2019, 04:44:15
I think it should now get better as we will stop being nice with our user agents; i.e. instead of advertising that we're miranda, we'll act as if we're a regular browser.

See https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/93a09024ab433c866e87c5a6e33f982d7e8e32ab .

So it is possible miranda update triggered it but hopefully for the last time (?).

If not, it may be a better idea to use the status manager's StartupStatus to configure it so that miranda doesn't connect until X seconds have passed. If you see an update within this time, cancel the startup login and do an update first instead.

Personally I have miranda set to offline on startup and I log in manually every time, but I also understand why someone may want it to login automatically.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 10 09 2019, 09:27:36
I think it should now get better as we will stop being nice with our user agents; i.e. instead of advertising that we're miranda, we'll act as if we're a regular browser.

See https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/93a09024ab433c866e87c5a6e33f982d7e8e32ab .

So it is possible miranda update triggered it but hopefully for the last time (?).
Seems good to me too. But... is Facebook so dumb? Just a small difference in user agent version number, with all other things equal, disrupting user identity? They must be doing it on purpose. Perhaps they don't like us accessing our own messaging on our own terms.

If not, it may be a better idea to use the status manager's StartupStatus to configure it so that miranda doesn't connect until X seconds have passed. If you see an update within this time, cancel the startup login and do an update first instead.

I thought going offline from FB before updating (auto updater) would be equivalent to your workaround. Is it not?

On a related note: like you, I don't have Miranda going automatically online on startup - not always, at least. I have keepStatus, and I often shut down Miranda in an offline state.

One last personal peeve with Miranda and Facebook: Miranda just does not receive any messages containing a quote. I mean the quotes produced by FB messenger natively. They just pass through as if nothing happened. I saw no one else reporting this issue, which is IMHO serious enough. Is it only me?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 11 09 2019, 12:46:58
Hmm... the going offline before the autoupdater, my guess is if you sign in with different string in quick succession with the same session id or ip or whatever they use to tell logins apart, it triggers the protection. Whereas if you just update before logging in and log in after having updated, it should be fine. That said... now, it should be okay. As in, the version number should not be changing.

About your issue, I would report it on github if it is not already. I don't use Facebook so I don't know these issues exist :/
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 11 09 2019, 18:42:18
You don't need to use FB to see the issue. The problem is when the other participant in the conversation makes a quote from FB. Or maybe you mean you don't use FB protocol?

I've created a ticket on github, as you suggested. Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Vulpix on 12 09 2019, 09:27:43
Yep! Indeed. I don't even have a facebook account :D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 12 09 2019, 11:31:59
I am sorry to disappoint you, but it seems the issue is not fixed yet.
I got exactly the same issue on Monday this week (09.09.2019).

Unfortunately i do not remember the exact actions i performed to trigger the error, but i guess Miranda NG was updating itself since i have not logged in for a few days prior to that.
Fortunately i do have a netlog of the error (see attachment).

You can find the error at line 3125 and please ignore the Steam logs. :D
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 12 09 2019, 12:56:22
Problem still exists but now appears much less frequently (thanks to the new user agent)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: peci1 on 12 09 2019, 23:39:32
What about the "Could not load all required data" bug?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 13 09 2019, 19:39:34
it should have been fixed in the update, which plugin do you use for chats?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: peci1 on 13 09 2019, 20:00:40
It's not fixed for me. tabsrmm or ieview? I'm a bit lost in the UI plugins...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 13 09 2019, 20:16:42
Message settings → Message log → Global message log display → IEView?

What about the "Could not load all required data" bug?
In private or group chat?

Seems like this is a regression in IEView, not Facebook. We trying to teach IEView and History++ to work in group chats.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: peci1 on 13 09 2019, 20:21:13
So it's IEview.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 18 09 2019, 14:37:37
Here we go again. Facebook account temporarily locked, forced password change, etc. I know the drill. Miranda was offline when I noticed. On the previous day, I had refused the update proposed by the updater plugin because I wanted to try the Vulpix approach (basically, updating while offline). In other words, I'm sure no Miranda update was involved this time.

I opened the n-th ticket in the Help section, with one more respectful message. Of course, no mention of Miranda or even "other browsers" this time. Here's a summary.

Why am I locked out blah blah, I didn't do anything suspicious blah blah. I do have "login with Facebook" on some legit sites with lots of ads (but no phishing!), maybe I should avoid FB authentication and make dedicated accounts? Please advise.

I hope my reports are useful. I don't want to be a nuisance!  ???
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: peci1 on 22 09 2019, 21:34:19
Today, I got blocked by FB during normal Miranda usage. I went online, even received a few chat messages, and a few minutes later, I got blocked. No update involved.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 23 09 2019, 14:33:57
Same. Just happened again. Normal Miranda usage. I went online, sent a few chat messages, received the old ones which weren't in Miranda yet - and a few minutes later, I got blocked. No update involved. I think they're doing it on purpose. I sent another polite message to support.

EDIT (Sept 28) - again. I think what triggers it is simply logging in with Miranda. This time has been a little different, so I'll report.

Session open in browser, log in w/Miranda, send/receive some messages. Refresh browser, I'm locked out. I correct it immediately from the browser, change my password, and Miranda is still logged in! The FB protocol never went offline. I could send/receive more messages in Miranda without doing anything else.

I sent a message to FB again, but this time I googled "login issues", so I think the message went to a different support address, because the response was "you should receive an email shortly". Usually, it is "thank you, we try to improve".
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: VictorC on 08 10 2019, 06:48:36
Today, cant login to Facebook with Miranda....
Code: [Select]
[8:45:01 8E98] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] [8.10.2019] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering login()
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'www.facebook.com/login.php'
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&lwv=110
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] Connection request to www.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB97608) Connecting to server www.facebook.com:443....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB97608) Connecting to ip ....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2040) Connected to www.facebook.com:443
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2040 www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2040 www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'www.facebook.com/login.php'
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&lwv=110
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] Connection request to www.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB96A58) Connecting to server www.facebook.com:443....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB96A58) Connecting to ip ....
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2020) Connected to www.facebook.com:443
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2020 www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[8:45:01 8E64] [Facebook_1] (2020 www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB96A58:2020) Connection closed internal
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB96A58:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] !!! Login error: Unknown error
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] !!! login(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB97608:2040) Connection closed internal
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] (0BB97608:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:45:02 8E64] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed
I can login with browser with no problem..... With android too...
I have 2F auth enabled. Till yesterday everything worked...
Nothing updated
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 08 10 2019, 16:47:59
if you have dbeditor++ plugin, try to open Settings / Facebook_1 and remove DeviceId setting, then try again
or launch a browser and log out all Facebook sessions from Firefox (Miranda identifies itself like FF)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 11 10 2019, 05:06:49
I have the same issue: can no longer log in.

Facebook frequently locks me out and forces password change.  Deleting DeviceID has worked for me at least 20 times over the past year to restore login from Miranda.  After I was forced to change my password today, I found this method has stopped working.  I have tried logging out in the browser as well.

It looks like it does log in successfully, data is received, but then attempts to reconnect and ends with this:

[23:28:55 0EBC] [Facebook_1] (0000000008B8AF00:1392) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; preload
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-FB-Debug: KvL6T0cjGcJ7nsObdk/hmUwJYB03xNB10Stw0LBKz1X4nn6Y9/S7hj6hAq7G+tREUrKp1k0zauDxuNrn3oKq8g==
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 05:29:08 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

for (;;);{"__ar":1,"error":1357005,"errorSummary":"Your Request Couldn't be Processed","errorDescription":"There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can.","payload":null,"bootloadable":{},"ixData":{},"bxData":{},"gkxData":{},"qexData":{},"lid":"6746410771841281358"}
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] !!! Received Facebook error: 1357005 -- There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can.
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] !!! reconnect(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] (0000000008C648A0:1396) Connection closed internal
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] (0000000008C648A0:4294967295) Connection closed
[23:19:09 1194] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 11 10 2019, 07:12:24
Hi, I have the same issue.
I deleted the DeviceID withou change.
On facebook I see this connection on setting in part Where you are conected.
On the ende facebook recive error 1357005.

Code: [Select]
[8:38:21 7B34] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] [11.10.2019] Using Facebook Protocol RM
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] *** Beginning SignOn process
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] *** Negotiating connection with Facebook
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering login()
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'www.facebook.com/login.php'
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&lwv=110
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] Connection request to www.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to server www.facebook.com:443....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to ip ....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2156) Connected to www.facebook.com:443
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2156 www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2156 www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'www.facebook.com/login.php'
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1&lwv=110
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] Connection request to www.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C846C90) Connecting to server www.facebook.com:443....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C846C90) Connecting to ip ....
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2584) Connected to www.facebook.com:443
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2584 www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[8:38:21 3384] [Facebook_1] (2584 www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C846C90:2584) Connection closed internal
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C846C90:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 302
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self user id: 1203994519
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting login()
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering home()
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'm.facebook.com/profile/basic/intro/bio/'
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://m.facebook.com/profile/basic/intro/bio/
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:2156) Connection closed internal
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to server m.facebook.com:443....
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to ip ....
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (3020) Connected to m.facebook.com:443
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (3020 m.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (3020 m.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Data sent
GET /profile/basic/intro/bio/ HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Cookie: ...
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: m.facebook.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 06:38:22 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>....</a></div></div></div></div></body></html>
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self dtsg
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'm.facebook.com/profile.php'
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?v=info
[8:38:22 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Data sent
GET /profile.php?v=info HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Cookie: ...
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: m.facebook.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Pragma: no-cache
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; preload; includeSubDomains
Content-Encoding: gzip
content-security-policy: default-src * data: blob: 'self';script-src *.facebook.com *.fbcdn.net *.facebook.net *.google-analytics.com *.virtualearth.net *.google.com* *.spotilocal.com:* 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' blob: data: 'self';style-src data: blob: 'unsafe-inline' *;connect-src *.facebook.com facebook.com *.fbcdn.net *.facebook.net *.spotilocal.com:* wss://*.facebook.com:* https://fb.scanandcleanlocal.com:* attachment.fbsbx.com ws://localhost:* blob: *.cdninstagram.com 'self';
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-XSS-Protection: 0
X-FB-Debug: N8vErcCy3SgFPJn0cicYctP3p1jLGLQ01eJ6WVSHzgS9PtRRJA5gkKCrEC3plkxd3+CZKpM+dJqwsoK912IdQg==
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 06:38:23 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>....</a></td></tr></tbody></table><a class="fw" href="#header">Späť na začiatok stránky</a></div></div></div></div></body></html>
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self real name (nickname): Tomas 'šegi' Vanco ()
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self avatar: ....
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]     Got self logout hash:
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] !!! Empty nick/avatar/hash. Source code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title> .... </a></div></div></div></div></body></html>
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting home()
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering reconnect()
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Sending request to 'www.facebook.com/ajax/presence/reconnect.php'
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] Send request to https://www.facebook.com/ajax/presence/reconnect.php?__a=1&__pc=PHASED%3ADEFAULT&__be=-1&reason=6&fb_dtsg=AQG7JxqvUxWv%3AAQECIOlsfLfR&__user=1203994519&__dyn=7AzkXxaA4ojgDxyLqzGomzEbHGbGey8WhLFwgoqwWhE98nwgUaoepovHyodEbbxW4E4u3ucDBwJx62i2PxOcG4K1Zxa2m4oqyUf8oCK251G6XDwnU567oeo5m4pHxC326U6OfBwHx&__req=1&__rev=3553943
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3020) Connection closed internal
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to server www.facebook.com:443....
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70) Connecting to ip ....
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (3004) Connected to www.facebook.com:443
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (3004 www.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (3004 www.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3004) Data sent
GET /ajax/presence/reconnect.php?__a=1&__pc=PHASED%3ADEFAULT&__be=-1&reason=6&fb_dtsg=AQG7JxqvUxWv%3AAQECIOlsfLfR&__user=1203994519&__dyn=7AzkXxaA4ojgDxyLqzGomzEbHGbGey8WhLFwgoqwWhE98nwgUaoepovHyodEbbxW4E4u3ucDBwJx62i2PxOcG4K1Zxa2m4oqyUf8oCK251G6XDwnU567oeo5m4pHxC326U6OfBwHx&__req=1&__rev=3553943 HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Cookie: ...
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Host: www.facebook.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3004) Data received
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15552000; preload
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-FB-Debug: 4wFcurdmtY/fVWi4K2Zdod5dtvTi+s8cTizBXs3d3jdtGNKZubr9hlKEFVOP4B2RZ0gAgjfqZh9HiEIJRySHGg==
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 06:38:23 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

for (;;);{"__ar":1,"error":1357005,"errorSummary":"Va\u0161u \u017eiados\u0165 nie je mo\u017en\u00e9 spracova\u0165","errorDescription":"S touto po\u017eiadavkou bol probl\u00e9m. Pracujeme na tom, aby sme ho \u010do najsk\u00f4r odstr\u00e1nili.","payload":null,"bootloadable":{},"ixData":{},"bxData":{},"gkxData":{},"qexData":{},"lid":"67464311336611?????"}
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] @@@ Got response with code 200
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] !!! Received Facebook error: 1357005 -- S touto požiadavkou bol problém. Pracujeme na tom, aby sme ho čo najskôr odstránili.
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] !!! reconnect(): Something with Facebook went wrong
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] === Beginning SetStatus process
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:3004) Connection closed internal
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] (000000000C847D70:4294967295) Connection closed
[8:38:23 3384] [Facebook_1] *** SignOn failed
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1] ### Beginning SignOff process
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering chat_state()
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1]  << Quitting chat_state()
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1]  >> Entering logout()
[8:38:23 33F4] [Facebook_1] ### SignOff complete
[8:38:23 3C1C] [Facebook_1] *** GetMyAvatar
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 11 10 2019, 08:12:01
At least I see I am not alone with this problem... Is this means that facebook will be dead in Miranda NG? :P
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 11 10 2019, 10:57:14
I found here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/video-uploads that

Error: 1357005
User-provided request parameters do not match the types specified in param_get/param_post.

This error code give to me recorded in netlog.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 11 10 2019, 11:01:08
Is this means that facebook will be dead in Miranda NG?
It seems that yes, at least for the near future
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Myshor on 11 10 2019, 20:53:16
Started to work without any update. :D Maybe they were doing something with their API.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 11 10 2019, 20:59:15
Started to work without any update. :D Maybe they were doing something with their API.

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: culinko on 11 10 2019, 23:16:25
For 2+ months now, I have been updating Miranda after my daily session instead of the beginning of the day, so I wouldn't need to restart Miranda and reconnect to the Facebook protocol. This means that at the beginning of my day I started Miranda and declined if there was an update (so it wouldn't restart). Then at the end of my day, I would close Miranda and would start it again at the beginning of my next day, but this time it would have the updates from the previous day. I though the issue was gone, but today after 2+ months I received the suspicious activity e-mail forcing me to reset my password yet again.

The only things worth mentioning is that I am closing Miranda from tray after my daily session (I am not clicking on disconnect for the Facebook protocol). I also sometimes visit the Facebook page in my browser at the same time I have Miranda open. Maybe it's one of these things that Facebook don't like?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 21 10 2019, 18:40:50
Happened again today as soon as I started Miranda. Wrote another love letter to support. They don't seem to care at all.
Title: Something needed for conversation archival
Post by: riki on 28 10 2019, 19:52:07
One important reason why I use Miranda is that I like to have all my conversation histories tidily archived. The Facebook protocol is giving me a hard time because some messages that I sent/received via web browser (often on a different computer) are skipped and never retrieved. Luckily, there's an option to load last messages on opening message window (EXPERIMENTAL). This function works most of the times (marked as experimental after all), but sometimes it fails to retrieve some messages.

My solution: "load history". This seems to get all the messages, but it goes back to the start of time and leaves a mess of duplicate messages. So I found a trick: I replace the key LastMessageID value with one from a previous backup, so next time I open the message window, Miranda retrieves messages up to the previous value (up to 99).

It's a bit inconvenient, though, and hit-and-miss. So I'm asking for some feature to help with my aim: having an integral store of my conversations, given that some messages get lost sometimes (never arrive). I think one of the following could solve the problem.

1. "Delete duplicate messages" feature, which used to be present but got removed.
This would enable the user to reload ALL history and delete duplicates. Problem solved (but big download in some cases, Facebook site might be unhappy).


2. Exposing the MessageID in all messages (through "properties" in History++ maybe?).
This would enable the user to retrieve the last 99 (max) messages by replacing the LastMessageID key in the database with the key of a message before the missed ones.
Also, increasing the limit to more than 99 could help in some cases.


3. Load history back to <date> with user-selectable date?

What do you developers think about this?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 28 10 2019, 20:12:09
First of all, I think that this protocol plugin is dead, cause it still causes account lockouts , so its further development doesn't look promising.

Second, all histories are retrieved and recorded using server-side message ids, so in theory it doesn't matter how Miranda loads unread histories. Right now Miranda stores last server id retrieved and tries to load everything else since that message id. I wonder how this mechanism could fail

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 21 11 2019, 01:09:10
Aside from the random lockdowns of the account (really annoying), I can't get online messages since today.

If I go offline and the message is unread, I can get it when going online again, but receiving online messagges it doesn't work.

Not sure if something has changed on facebook side, but this is a serious issue. Anyone else have this problem?

The plugin is not updated anymore then?  :-\
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 22 11 2019, 02:05:21
I can't get online messages since today.

Yes, I have the same problem as of today.  You can open the individual contact and any new messages will appear immediately, but no notifications/chat window popup.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 22 11 2019, 02:17:46
Mhh, I tried to open them when online already but it didn't work... (meaning I'm forced to do offline and online again)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 11 12 2019, 21:03:02
@SpinalBlood: confirmed. @aekotra: do you have "load last messages when opening message windows"? It's this action that triggers downloading of the latest messages. With this setting, there's no need to go offline/online again.  Re-opening the msg window is enough.

A new fact: when logging in/authenticating on FB with Miranda, I get a warning from Miranda that says not all data was loaded, but the plugin might still work. I think this is connected with this issue, reported by SpinalBlood and aekotra's and also observed by me.

I think what triggers the random lockouts is exactly loading too many past messages. If FB thinks they are already read and you re-download them too quickly (as per Miranda request), FB gets annoyed. This is my impression. I'm really not pleased with FB trying to keep our data for itself and not allowing us to download it and sort/organize/index it as we like. In this sense, Miranda helps us keep what is ours.

As for the lost messages, some do get lost repeatably (those beginning with a quote, when the other user quotes my messages using messenger). Some just get lost for some reason, but it's much rarer. It only happens when interacting both by browser and by Miranda in the same conversation, and only once in a while.

@ghazan - It would be great if the msg ID's got saved along with the messages in the message history. This would allow us to recover all past messages but only up to a certain ID, which can help in not getting FB "angry"...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 21 12 2019, 03:48:08
@aekotra: do you have "load last messages when opening message windows"? It's this action that triggers downloading of the latest messages. With this setting, there's no need to go offline/online again.  Re-opening the msg window is enough.

Oh, that makes sense.  I have that setting at 3.

I get a warning from Miranda that says not all data was loaded, but the plugin might still work.

Interesting,  I've never received that one.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 28 12 2019, 20:01:59
Attention to all users that have the development version of Miranda NG (0.95.11.xxxxx).

The forthcoming nightly build will contain a brand new Facebook plugin based on MQTT protocol instead of the old deprecated plugin that used direct parsing of HTTP pages.

The main advantage of the new plugin is that it doesn't block your account and works pretty fast. It supports private messages for now, as well as retrieving user info + avatars, typing notifications, status updates, and some minor features.

The main disadvantage of it is that the plugin is quite raw, its development lasts for 10 days only. It has neither support for reading timeline nor support for group chats. Also, it doesn't support two-factor authorization. If these features are vitally important for you, you shall switch to the stable version of Miranda.

All other people are welcome to test new plugin, any feedback is greatly appreciated as well as bug reports at our tracker. Hopefully, this plugin will be finished quite soon.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: starcat13 on 02 01 2020, 19:20:43
> Also, it doesn't support two-factor authorization.
it works with "App Password"
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 01 2020, 00:36:51
Can loading history from the server be implemented with this plugin?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 04 01 2020, 13:14:33
Can loading history from the server be implemented with this plugin?
+1, a tidy history is the main reason why I choose Miranda over Facebook direct web (or app) messaging!

Also, will messages received/sent via the new plugin merge into the old history, or will they appear as a different protocol?

I don't remember why I switched from experimental Miranda to stable version. Maybe it was some database issue, but I don't know. I am a bit afraid to switch back to experimental, but the new FB plugin is a strong reason for me to switch.

Go developers GO! Thank you and happy 2020  :DRINK:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 05 01 2020, 15:24:26
all missing messages are loaded automatically, or you're meaning whole history loading?
this plugin runs smoothly over old contacts, so their history won't be broken
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 05 01 2020, 21:05:08
Whole loading, from a manual command like it was possible with the other plugin;

if possible I believe it can still be helpful from time to time
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 08 01 2020, 12:23:24
Indeed. And
Whole loading, from a manual command like it was possible with the other plugin;

if possible I believe it can still be helpful from time to time
Indeed. The option to manually download messages up to a given past date (or up to a given MessageID, if MessageIDs got stored) would be the perfect solution!  :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 18 01 2020, 00:38:49
A few days ago, one of the dev updates to Miranda prevented my profile from loading ("unrecognized format").  I used a profile auto-backup from a couple days prior to resolve the issue.

However, ever since then, the new FB plugin has not functioned properly:

Any ideas how I can fix this?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 19 01 2020, 20:23:16
you needed to compact your profile using the old database driver (restore it from the Backup folder of Plugin Updater), as described at our site.
if you restored an old profile, it won't help you
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 20 01 2020, 22:54:00
you needed to compact your profile using the old database driver (restore it from the Backup folder of Plugin Updater), as described at our site.
if you restored an old profile, it won't help you

I restored the entire Backup folder but I still receive "unrecognized format" error for that profile.  I guess that means that the old backups have already been overwritten by new backups.

Do I need to find a dev version archive from early January? 
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 21 01 2020, 14:34:30
Do precisely as described at the site / Facebook:
- you need to restore only libmdbx.mir to the old one that has no "unrecognized format" message
- after that compact your profile

If needed, you may restore the old profile, if the current one got broken
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: aekotra on 22 01 2020, 07:54:14
The modified date of the backup libmdbx.mir is already newer than my original profile dat.  I assume it was updated a second time sometime after I switched profiles and overwrote the existing libmdbx.mir in /Backups.  So, restoring that file results in the same "unknown format" error. 

So, I need the libmdbx.mir from before Jan 11 (the date of my profile)...?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 22 01 2020, 09:18:37
I assume it was updated a second time sometime after I switched profiles and overwrote the existing libmdbx.mir in /Backups.
Yes, that's possible. In this case you can try to extract libmdbx.mir (and only it) from the stable version of Miranda:
https://miranda-ng.org/distr/stable/x64/miranda64.zip - 64 bits version
https://miranda-ng.org/distr/stable/x32/miranda32.zip - 32 bits version

Also you can simply extract the complete stable core into another folder, move your profile there, compact it and return back to dev version
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 04 03 2020, 13:12:52
Hello, I just updated Miranda using the updater. In the past, I used to be on experimental versions, but later I was a little afraid of database corruption (new db drivers, compatibility etc), so some time ago (not sure when, ehm) I went back to the stable version.

Here's an extract of my version info
Code: [Select]
Miranda NG Version: 0.95.11 build #22535 (9fa9066c9a)
Build time: 3 Mar 2020 23:09:38
Profile creation date: 28 Sep 2019 14:35:07
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v.[b][/b] [3 Mar 2020 23:09:50] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v.[b][/b] [3 Mar 2020 23:10:10] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v.[b][/b] [3 Mar 2020 23:11:06] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v.[b][/b] [3 Mar 2020 23:09:42] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dbx_sqlite.dll v.[b][/b] [3 Mar 2020 23:10:54] - Miranda NG SQLite database driver
¤ Facebook.dll v.[b][/b] [3 Mar 2020 23:10:56] - Facebook

Is this the old or new facebook plugin?
My profile.dat appears to have been created on 28 Sep 2019. I didn't explicitly make a new database, it must have been auto-converted. Will it be compatible with the new facebook plugin, if I upgrade to experimental?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 04 03 2020, 16:35:02
0.95.11 already brings new Facebook, so you can just use Facebook.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 04 03 2020, 16:44:30
Thanks as usual for the helpful reply, @dartraiden!  :THUMBS UP: After reading it, I went online with the (new) FB plugin without fear.

However, some new messages (sent/received from web browser while Miranda offline) haven't been retrieved. The new FB plugin doesn't have history options anymore, such as load history when opening window, or load full history from server. Is there a way I can try and manually sync my message history?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 04 03 2020, 19:52:18
maybe in the future
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: PrzemekRyk on 18 03 2020, 22:26:11
A few days ago, one of the dev updates to Miranda prevented my profile from loading ("unrecognized format").  I used a profile auto-backup from a couple days prior to resolve the issue.

However, ever since then, the new FB plugin has not functioned properly:
  • Does not receive messages
  • Can send messages, with the exception that I get an undelivered error when closing the chat window
  • Chat history is stuck at day of my profile backup, never updated

Any ideas how I can fix this?

Well - after last upgrades Miranda again does not receive Facebook messages - both person-to-person as well as group chats. :(

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 32432 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition, 64-bit (build 9600)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.19626 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 17639 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.12 alpha build #22671 (ebfa7bb380) x64
Build time: 18 Mar 2020 2:03:36
Profile: C:\Users\Rico\_Profile\Miranda\Profiles\Maverick\Maverick.dat
Profile size: 101711872 Bytes
Profile creation date: 29 Dec 2018 12:58:19
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (45):
¤ AVS.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:03:40] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:04:08] - Modern contact list
¤ Cln_skinedit.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:42] - Skin editor for Clist nicer
¤ Contacts.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:44] - Send/receive contacts
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:10] - Crash dumper
¤ CSList.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:46] - Custom status list
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:03:46] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:12] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:05:10] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:42] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dbx_sqlite.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:56] - Miranda NG SQLite database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:04:36] - Dummy protocol
¤ Facebook.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:04:56] - Facebook
¤ Fingerprint.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:22] - Fingerprint NG
¤ historypp.dll v. [2 Mar 2020 2:04:54] - History++
¤ HistoryStats.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:42:06] - HistoryStats
¤ HistorySweeperLight.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:52] - History sweeper light
¤ IgnoreState.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:50] - Ignore state
¤ Import.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:04:00] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [21 Feb 2020 20:42:06] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:04:14] - Jabber protocol
¤ KeyboardNotify.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:00] - Keyboard notify ext.
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:50] - Menu item ext
¤ MobileState.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:18] - Mobile state
¤ mTextControl.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:50] - Miranda text control
¤ NewEventNotify.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:06] - NewEventNotify
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:56] - xStatus notify
¤ NotesReminders.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:42:00] - Sticky Notes & Reminders
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [14 Mar 2020 2:03:36] - Plugin updater
¤ PManagerEx.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:14] - Miranda NG profile changer
¤ PopupPlus.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:04] - Popup plus
¤ Rate.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:54] - Contact`s rate
¤ Restart.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:14] - Restart
¤ SimpleAR.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:56] - Simple auto replier
¤ SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:02] - Simple status message
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:04:46] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:02] - SmileyAdd
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 2:04:46] - Status manager
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [14 Mar 2020 2:03:12] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:40:58] - Tipper
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:08] - TopToolBar
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:06] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:04] - Variables
¤ WhenWasIt.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:00] - Birthday reminder
¤ ZeroNotify.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 17:41:00] - Zero notifications

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ simpleaway.dll v. [6 Sep 2008 17:34:28] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
TLEN                     0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 a0x set 3 - AIM.dll [27 Sep 2005 16:10:02]
 a0x set 3 - C6.dll [3 Nov 2005 17:03:14]
 a0x set 3 - GoogleTalk.dll [27 Sep 2005 15:48:56]
 a0x set5 - AIM.dll [1 Oct 2007 12:23:46]
 a0x set5 - GG.dll [20 Sep 2007 15:41:22]
 a0x set5 - GOOGLE_TALK_1.dll [30 Sep 2007 20:26:20]
 a0x set5 - GOOGLE_TALK_2.dll [30 Sep 2007 20:26:24]
 a0x set5 - SKYPE_GREEN.dll [30 Sep 2007 21:22:54]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_main.dll [8 Aug 2003 12:16:16]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_msn.dll [25 Jul 2003 20:18:48]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_msn2.dll [4 Aug 2003 3:07:42]
 connection_icons.txt [22 Mar 2007 16:30:06]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - Main.dll [4 Feb 2005 13:36:36]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_GG.dll [28 Apr 2005 21:19:04]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_Jabber.dll [4 Feb 2005 13:53:34]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_QQ.dll [28 Apr 2005 22:26:24]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_Tlen.dll [28 Apr 2005 21:14:40]
 Fingerprint.dll [7 Feb 2009 16:16:00]
 Fp_icons.dll [13 Feb 2020 17:42:22]
 greenmoon-1.3-library.dll [19 Jun 2005 20:58:04]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [2 Mar 2020 2:04:48]
 Icons - TopToolbar Default Set.dll [29 Jul 2007 23:23:28]
 jabber_xstatus.dll [19 May 2010 20:16:25]
 MariAnna Indica.dll [24 Jun 2002 12:14:18]
 MariAnna Sativa.dll [1 Jul 2002 18:11:44]
 morgan_aim.dll [2 Nov 2003 1:19:16]
 morgan_main.dll [2 Nov 2003 1:31:38]
 morgan_msn.dll [2 Nov 2003 1:58:06]
 mugzLESS_32bit.dll [26 May 2001 23:00:00]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 12:34:20]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_msn.dll [5 Mar 2004 12:26:16]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_rss.dll [5 Mar 2004 12:27:30]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather1.dll [25 Nov 2002 6:02:38]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather2.dll [1 Dec 2002 1:13:36]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather3.dll [25 Nov 2002 6:03:28]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_aim.dll [4 Mar 2004 21:00:00]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 10:30:50]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_msn.dll [4 Mar 2004 21:05:50]
 Proto_AIM.dll [24 Oct 2017 15:35:34]
 proto_conn_facebook.dll [5 Mar 2011 20:37:52]
 proto_conn_gg.dll [4 Dec 2004 12:55:12]
 proto_conn_icq.dll [4 Dec 2004 12:55:12]
 proto_conn_jabber.dll [3 Feb 2016 19:15:29]
 proto_conn_jgmail.dll [3 Oct 2006 13:28:36]
 proto_conn_msn.dll [3 Feb 2016 19:15:29]
 Proto_conn_Skype.dll [30 Sep 2013 5:44:16]
 proto_conn_tlen.dll [3 Feb 2016 19:15:29]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:18]
 proto_Facebook 1.dll [8 Jun 2009 6:25:26]
 proto_Facebook 2.dll [8 Jun 2009 6:43:06]
 proto_Facebook 3.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:19:08]
 proto_Facebook 4.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:37:16]
 proto_Facebook 5.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:41:22]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:20]
 Proto_GG.dll [21 Feb 2020 20:43:48]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:20]
 Proto_IRC.dll [21 Feb 2020 20:43:48]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:18]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:18]
 Proto_MRA.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:20]
 Proto_MSN.dll [21 Feb 2020 20:43:48]
 Proto_Skype.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:20]
 Proto_Tlen.dll [24 Oct 2017 15:35:36]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [4 Feb 2016 5:01:46]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [3 Jun 2019 17:07:52]
 qute_main.dll [9 Nov 2004 19:47:54]
 Skype Icons [16 Dec 2006 14:13:26]
 SpiffyYAHOObyfloink.dll [24 Sep 2002 23:00:00]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [14 Mar 2020 2:04:50]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:18]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [13 Feb 2020 17:42:22]
 uinfoex_icons_ice.dll [13 Aug 2008 12:58:24]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_gg.dll [6 Jan 2006 15:48:42]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_gmail.dll [30 Dec 2005 10:12:44]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_jabber.dll [6 Dec 2005 20:42:16]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_main.dll [6 Jan 2006 15:57:00]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_weather.dll [31 Dec 2005 12:01:48]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [18 Mar 2020 2:05:18]
 zyx icons 1.6 - zyx_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 9:30:50]
 zyx icons 1.6 - zyx_weather.dll [4 Mar 2004 20:09:06]
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 19 03 2020, 19:39:32
Please try on build 22671 or newer.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 20 03 2020, 07:08:31
Contain it two factor authentication?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 20 03 2020, 13:44:53
You need to enter the app password into Miranda settings in this case.
You can set up an app password at www.facebook.com in Settings - Security & Login - App passwords
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: šegi on 20 03 2020, 20:10:25
Thanks. I didn't know this features :)
But plugins won't load unread message :/
You need to enter the app password into Miranda settings in this case.
You can set up an app password at www.facebook.com in Settings - Security & Login - App passwords
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 21 03 2020, 14:44:04
Yes. this is known bug
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 26 04 2020, 19:01:49
Another case of messages not received. I have a network log prepared. I'll send it via PM as it might contain sensitive data.

This netlog was captured while exchanging messages via the browser. Normally all messages would show up in Miranda too (expected and desired behavior). This time, Miranda only showed the messages I sent through Miranda itself.

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 28 04 2020, 18:20:47
this log is not from very beginning, the question is - do you have ERROR_QUEUE_* in your log?
if yes, attach this fragment please, from the very beginning to this error + 10 lines
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 28 04 2020, 22:02:19
 I've sent you a new log. This time, I started logging before going online with FB plugin. The string ERROR_QUEUE is not found anywhere.

Observed behavior: my outgoing messages do show on the website, but do not pass in the upper half of the message window and leave no trace in history++. Ingoing messages are nowhere to be found in Miranda, even if they do arrive on the website.

Thank you  :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 29 04 2020, 06:35:28
there're some errors from database driver, it might cause problems with storing incoming messages.
I'd recommend to compact your profiles, perhaps it will cure this issue
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 29 04 2020, 11:04:40
database compaction failed  :(
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 29 04 2020, 12:04:25
so that's really the reason of your problems. there're two evident solutions:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: zany on 30 04 2020, 19:48:36
I have also this problem, there is this line in netlog:
[21:48:42 3AD0] [Facebook_1] MS: <{"queueEntityId":1000001495*****,"errorCode":"ERROR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW"}>
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 01 05 2020, 11:08:51
just fixed it in the dev build, you can try to update
if this fix worked for you, I'd update the stable version
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: zany on 01 05 2020, 16:39:02
seems good, messages are correctly received in Miranda. Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 27 05 2020, 13:02:14
I lost a lot of messages.  :(
Do you think it will be possible one day to get the messages from the FB server?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Dorian Gray on 30 05 2020, 07:39:33
I still have the problem that no history from Facebook is loaded in the conversation-windows. I have tried both stable-version and dev-version, uninstalling the program in between. I have tried clearing the ClientID, DeviceID, token and SID in both versions, and restarting the app.

This is the end of my log:
[09:35:28 148C] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=3, flags=2, body length=87
[09:35:28 148C] [Facebook_1] (0000000007E01400:1340) Data received
00000000: 00 05 2F 74-5F 6D 73 05-D9 78 DA 62-A8 56 2A 2C  ../t_ms.ÙxÚb¨V*,
00000010: 4D 2D 4D 75-CD 2B C9 2C-A9 F4 4C 51-B2 32 35 32  M-MuÍ+É,©ôLQ²252
00000020: 37 36 32 B7-B0 34 D2 51-4A 2D 2A CA-2F 72 CE 4F  762·°4ÒQJ-*Ê/rÎO
00000030: 49 55 B2 52-72 0D 0A F2-0F 8A 0F 0C-75 0D 75 8D  IU²Rr..ò.Š..u.u
00000040: F7 F3 0F 89-77 F3 0F F5-73 51 AA 05-00 00 00 FF  ÷ó.‰wó.õsQª....ÿ
00000050: FF 03 00 8A-4E 13 CF                             ÿ..ŠN.Ï
[09:35:28 148C] [Facebook_1] (0000000007E01400:1340) Data sent
00000000: 40 02 05 D9-                                     @..Ù
[09:35:28 148C] [Facebook_1] UNZIP: <>
[09:35:28 148C] [Facebook_1] MS: <{"queueEntityId":527327892,"errorCode":"ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND"}>
[09:35:30 1874] UPnP Gateway detected 0, Control URL:
[09:36:27 0D04] [Facebook_1] (0000000007E01400:1340) Data sent
00000000: C2 00                                            Â.
[09:36:27 148C] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=13, flags=0, body length=0

This is the log right after I go online for the Facebook-protocol in MirandaNG.

The messages I write in Miranda, shows up in both Miranda and web-based Facebook.
The messages I receive shows up only in web-based Facebook.
The messages I write in web-based Facebook shows up only in web-based Facebook.
Pretty expected though.

I can see the indication "xxx is typing a message." in Miranda, but no message arrives once it is sent.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 02 06 2020, 11:55:39
Dorian Gray,
that's strange, because Miranda creates a queue each time you log in.
would you please email me the full log (core + FB) to ghazan at miranda point im
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Bubak9 on 09 07 2020, 18:44:51
Same issue here.

[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF400) Connecting to server graph.facebook.com:443....
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF400) Connecting to ip ....
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] Connection request to mqtt.facebook.com:443 (Flags 14)....
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF0A0) Connecting to server mqtt.facebook.com:443....
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (2064) Connected to graph.facebook.com:443
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (2064 graph.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF0A0) Connecting to ip ....
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (2064 graph.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (2132) Connected to mqtt.facebook.com:443
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (2132 mqtt.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (2132 mqtt.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF400:2064) Connection closed internal
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF400) Connecting to server scontent-prg1-1.xx.fbcdn.net:443....
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF400) Connecting to ip ....
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (2136) Connected to scontent-prg1-1.xx.fbcdn.net:443
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (2136 scontent-prg1-1.xx.fbcdn.net) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=2, flags=0, body length=2
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] Publish: </foreground_state> -> <{"foreground":true,"keepalive_timeout":60}>
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (2136 scontent-prg1-1.xx.fbcdn.net) SSL negotiation successful
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] Publish: </messenger_sync_get_diffs> -> <{"delta_batch_size":125,"max_deltas_able_to_process":1000,"sync_api_version":3,"encoding":"JSON","last_seq_id":904346,"sync_token":"1"}>
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] Executing request:
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] Connection request to graph.facebook.com:443 (Flags 11)....
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF2E0) Connecting to server graph.facebook.com:443....
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF2E0) Connecting to ip ....
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF400:2136) Connection closed internal
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (2152) Connected to graph.facebook.com:443
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (2152 graph.facebook.com) Starting SSL negotiation
[20:27:09 0A28] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF400:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:27:09 4724] [Facebook_1] (2152 graph.facebook.com) SSL negotiation successful
[20:27:12 4724] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF2E0:2152) Connection closed internal
[20:27:12 4724] [Facebook_1] (000000000B6AF2E0:4294967295) Connection closed
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=4, flags=2, body length=2
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=9, flags=0, body length=13
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=11, flags=0, body length=2
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=4, flags=2, body length=2
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=3, flags=2, body length=97
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] UNZIP: <>
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] MS: <{"queueEntityId":1836236132,"errorCode":"ERROR_QUEUE_EXCEEDS_MAX_DELTAS"}>
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] Received message of type=3, flags=0, body length=424
[20:27:13 4724] [Facebook_1] UNZIP: <>

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 15 07 2020, 15:48:17
very interesting, I've never seen nothing like that

may I ask you for a favor? install dbeditor++ plugin and remove all variables with Token in their names from Settings/Facebook_1. Will it help to remove this problem?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 16 07 2020, 19:54:33
Bubak9, please test development version build 23206 or newer.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 13 08 2020, 13:30:07
"Find/add contacts" and "Add contact" (addcontactplus plugin) functions don't work for facebook
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 13 08 2020, 13:57:35
We don't know how to make it work
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 13 08 2020, 14:06:09
dartraiden, ok, search function needs some research, but what's the problem with AddContactPlus? I thought it just forcefully creates a contact in miranda, ignoring the server. I can add a contact for MRA with nonexistent e-mail even with protocol offline by using this plugin.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 31 08 2020, 13:49:32
I was wondering,

I remember there is a facebook tool to request via email your entire profile, and all the messages of all contacts are included.

Since recovering the chat history from server side is not yet implemented, could it be possible to try to import the history of the messages from this offline database?
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 31 08 2020, 15:19:57
Possible it may be, but the data pack they prepare for you to download is HUMUNGOUS.

I really, really, hope we manage to get the whole chat history via Miranda one day!
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 31 08 2020, 15:26:32
we better implement server-side history reading :)
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 31 08 2020, 15:29:12
ghazan, what about adding a contact via AddContactPlus plugin? I don't understand why a contact can't be manually added to miranda database, ignoring server side
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 31 08 2020, 15:37:31
me neither ;) have you got anything in a network log?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 31 08 2020, 15:48:04
ghazan, nope. I just get an error (see screenshot above), and nothing is being logged.
Title: Re: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 31 08 2020, 16:05:52
we better implement server-side history reading :)

I see. If I recall correctly the last time I recovered a "smaller" account the messages were all separated and in a strange order.

Speaking of retrieving it from server, I noticed that if I load the messages from the website it must be scrolled part by part. If you insist to go backward for a while, the loading becomes slow for some reason. I wonder if a "program/retrieving" way like miranda is different that the website and might faster than this (because with very big history it might really take a while or even impossible...)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 31 08 2020, 16:30:11
Retrieval used to have usable speed with the old plugin version. I wouldn't lose hope in our master programmer  ;)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 31 08 2020, 16:34:00
I see. I am definitelly looking forward to it, since it can complement occasional behavior like the lost messages with the old protocol...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 31 08 2020, 17:41:33
Exactly. That's my main use case too...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 01 09 2020, 01:54:27
By the way, I did some testing about messages sent offline. If I send too many of them (let's say around 21 or more, but it doesn't seem absolute, sometimes even less), the messages are not received in miranda. Don't know if it is a known issue
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 02 09 2020, 22:29:08
I don't understand why a contact can't be manually added to miranda database, ignoring server side
This is probably due to the fact that the protocol does not know how to search/add contacts at all
Maybe plugin passes the entered data to the protocol, and the protocol sends (FAIL HERE) it to the database?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Thug on 03 09 2020, 16:01:12
dartraiden, I have tested the latest update, now it works, thanks :) A little bug: if you create a duplicate for a contact that was already present in your contact list and try to send a messege using it, miranda will show an error that the message could not be delivered, but if you check the website you will see that the message was actually delivered. There are actually more bugs related to duplicate contacts, but I guess they are not supposed to be supported at all since in VK protocol, for example, miranda won't allow you to create one - it will just replace the name of existing contact if you try.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 07 09 2020, 14:15:25
A little bug: if you create a duplicate for a contact that was already present in your contact list and try to send a messege using it, miranda will show en error that the message could not be delivered, but if you check the website you will see that the message was actually delivered. There are actually more bugs related to duplicate contacts, but I guess they are not supposed to be supported at all since in VK protocol, for example, miranda won't allow you to create one - it will just replace the name of existing contact if you try.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 08 09 2020, 15:22:19
Not sure if it's the protocol's fault, but sometimes when I open a new window with incoming messages, they aren't shown and I get an empty window (not empty messages, but not even the nickname). But they are indeed received as I heard the incoming sound and I see the entries in the history.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 11 09 2020, 13:50:10
Is it possible to disable the previews of the links and thus the lines that miranda uses for that?

For example a message sent with:


right now is

   URL: http://www.google.it/
   Title: Google
   Source: google.it
   Description: Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

should just be


And it won't create the preview in the facebook website.

For example, if in the website I cancel the preview before sending a message, the miranda counterpart only gets the url

And previews were disabled in the old plugin - at least for the outgoing messages (I wouldn't mind it even for the incoming ones though)

Can this be done perhaps with an option?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 11 09 2020, 14:13:10
Facebook parses links inside the server and sends messages to Miranda as displayed
I'm afraid that Miranda cannot parse it back and remove all that trash :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 11 09 2020, 15:29:29
And about the outgoing messages (from miranda to facebook)? The old plugin could do that actually
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 11 09 2020, 15:34:15
dunno how this feature could be implemented in MQTT, I'll try to find some traces of it
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 11 09 2020, 15:36:51
Ok. If you'll ever need some kind of testing, I can help  :)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: PrzemekRyk on 17 09 2020, 15:30:03
Something is wrong. My VersionInfo - below. What is happening?

When I use this version of Miranda and Facebook protocol plugin - two or three days ago Miranda stopped receiving messages by Facebook. It's possible to send a message to someone, but I don't receive messages.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 32432 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition, 64-bit (build 9600)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.19781 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 12005 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.12 alpha build #23102 (8862cf78b0) x64
Build time: 14 Jun 2020 2:03:52
Profile: C:\Users\Rico\_Profile\Miranda\Profiles\Maverick\Maverick.dat
Profile size: 104857600 Bytes
Profile creation date: 17 Sep 2020 17:16:50
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (41):
¤ AVS.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:00] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:30] - Modern contact list
¤ Cln_skinedit.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:40:42] - Skin editor for Clist nicer
¤ Contacts.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:04] - Send/receive contacts
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:26] - Crash dumper
¤ CSList.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:40:46] - Custom status list
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [14 Jun 2020 2:04:10] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:41:12] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [14 Jun 2020 2:05:28] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [9 Jun 2020 11:59:16] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dbx_sqlite.dll v. [9 Jun 2020 12:00:34] - Miranda NG SQLite database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [14 Jun 2020 2:04:54] - Dummy protocol
¤ Facebook.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:04:20] - Facebook
¤ Fingerprint.dll v. [11 Apr 2020 2:04:16] - Fingerprint NG
¤ historypp.dll v. [11 May 2020 12:44:28] - History++
¤ HistoryStats.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:04:22] - HistoryStats
¤ HistorySweeperLight.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:06] - History sweeper light
¤ IgnoreState.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:40:50] - Ignore state
¤ Import.dll v. [14 Jun 2020 2:04:18] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [9 Jun 2020 11:59:18] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [14 Jun 2020 2:04:26] - Jabber protocol
¤ KeyboardNotify.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:18] - Keyboard notify ext.
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:06] - Menu item ext
¤ MobileState.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:41:18] - Mobile state
¤ NewEventNotify.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:24] - NewEventNotify
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:08] - xStatus notify
¤ NotesReminders.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:04:18] - Sticky Notes & Reminders
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [9 Jun 2020 11:59:48] - Plugin updater
¤ PopupPlus.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:16] - Popup plus
¤ SimpleAR.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:12] - Simple auto replier
¤ SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:41:02] - Simple status message
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [9 Jun 2020 12:00:28] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:20] - SmileyAdd
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [18 Mar 2020 3:04:46] - Status manager
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [9 Jun 2020 11:59:22] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:14] - Tipper
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [31 Mar 2020 2:03:54] - TopToolBar
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:22] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [25 May 2020 2:03:22] - Variables
¤ WhenWasIt.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:41:00] - Birthday reminder
¤ ZeroNotify.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:41:00] - Zero notifications

Unloadable Plugins (6):
¤ Discord.dll v. [7 Sep 2020 16:19:06] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: libjson.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

¤ mTextControl.dll v. [13 Feb 2020 18:40:50] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

¤ PManagerEx.dll v. [19 Nov 2019 3:04:14] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

¤ Rate.dll v. [19 Nov 2019 3:03:52] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

¤ Restart.dll v. [19 Nov 2019 3:04:16] - <unknown>
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_core.mir
    Plugin statically linked to missing module: mir_app.mir

¤ simpleaway.dll v. [6 Sep 2008 18:34:28] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
Facebook                 1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
GG                       0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
ICQ                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
JABBER                   2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
TLEN                     0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 a0x set 3 - AIM.dll [27 Sep 2005 17:10:02]
 a0x set 3 - C6.dll [3 Nov 2005 18:03:14]
 a0x set 3 - GoogleTalk.dll [27 Sep 2005 16:48:56]
 a0x set5 - AIM.dll [1 Oct 2007 13:23:46]
 a0x set5 - GG.dll [20 Sep 2007 16:41:22]
 a0x set5 - GOOGLE_TALK_1.dll [30 Sep 2007 21:26:20]
 a0x set5 - GOOGLE_TALK_2.dll [30 Sep 2007 21:26:24]
 a0x set5 - SKYPE_GREEN.dll [30 Sep 2007 22:22:54]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_main.dll [8 Aug 2003 13:16:16]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_msn.dll [25 Jul 2003 21:18:48]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_msn2.dll [4 Aug 2003 4:07:42]
 connection_icons.txt [22 Mar 2007 17:30:06]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - Main.dll [4 Feb 2005 14:36:36]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_GG.dll [28 Apr 2005 22:19:04]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_Jabber.dll [4 Feb 2005 14:53:34]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_QQ.dll [28 Apr 2005 23:26:24]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_Tlen.dll [28 Apr 2005 22:14:40]
 Fingerprint.dll [7 Feb 2009 17:16:00]
 Fp_icons.dll [11 Apr 2020 2:05:26]
 greenmoon-1.3-library.dll [19 Jun 2005 21:58:04]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [11 May 2020 12:44:20]
 Icons - TopToolbar Default Set.dll [30 Jul 2007 0:23:28]
 jabber_xstatus.dll [19 May 2010 21:16:25]
 MariAnna Indica.dll [24 Jun 2002 13:14:18]
 MariAnna Sativa.dll [1 Jul 2002 19:11:44]
 morgan_aim.dll [2 Nov 2003 2:19:16]
 morgan_main.dll [2 Nov 2003 2:31:38]
 morgan_msn.dll [2 Nov 2003 2:58:06]
 mugzLESS_32bit.dll [27 May 2001 0:00:00]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 13:34:20]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_msn.dll [5 Mar 2004 13:26:16]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_rss.dll [5 Mar 2004 13:27:30]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather1.dll [25 Nov 2002 7:02:38]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather2.dll [1 Dec 2002 2:13:36]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather3.dll [25 Nov 2002 7:03:28]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_aim.dll [4 Mar 2004 22:00:00]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 11:30:50]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_msn.dll [4 Mar 2004 22:05:50]
 Proto_AIM.dll [24 Oct 2017 16:35:34]
 proto_conn_facebook.dll [5 Mar 2011 21:37:52]
 proto_conn_gg.dll [4 Dec 2004 13:55:12]
 proto_conn_icq.dll [4 Dec 2004 13:55:12]
 proto_conn_jabber.dll [3 Feb 2016 20:15:29]
 proto_conn_jgmail.dll [3 Oct 2006 14:28:36]
 proto_conn_msn.dll [3 Feb 2016 20:15:29]
 Proto_conn_Skype.dll [30 Sep 2013 6:44:16]
 proto_conn_tlen.dll [3 Feb 2016 20:15:29]
 Proto_Discord.dll [7 Sep 2020 16:19:42]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [2 Jul 2020 2:07:00]
 proto_Facebook 1.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:25:26]
 proto_Facebook 2.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:43:06]
 proto_Facebook 3.dll [8 Jun 2009 8:19:08]
 proto_Facebook 4.dll [8 Jun 2009 8:37:16]
 proto_Facebook 5.dll [8 Jun 2009 8:41:22]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [25 May 2020 2:04:38]
 Proto_GG.dll [25 May 2020 2:04:38]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [14 Jun 2020 2:05:40]
 Proto_IRC.dll [9 Jun 2020 12:01:04]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [14 Jun 2020 2:05:40]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [14 Jun 2020 2:05:40]
 Proto_MRA.dll [14 Jun 2020 2:05:40]
 Proto_MSN.dll [21 Feb 2020 21:43:48]
 Proto_Skype.dll [9 Jun 2020 12:01:04]
 Proto_Tlen.dll [24 Oct 2017 16:35:36]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [4 Feb 2016 6:01:46]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [3 Jun 2019 18:07:52]
 qute_main.dll [9 Nov 2004 20:47:54]
 Skype Icons [16 Dec 2006 15:13:26]
 SpiffyYAHOObyfloink.dll [25 Sep 2002 0:00:00]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [9 Jun 2020 12:01:04]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [25 May 2020 2:04:38]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [25 May 2020 2:04:38]
 uinfoex_icons_ice.dll [13 Aug 2008 13:58:24]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_gg.dll [6 Jan 2006 16:48:42]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_gmail.dll [30 Dec 2005 11:12:44]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_jabber.dll [6 Dec 2005 21:42:16]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_main.dll [6 Jan 2006 16:57:00]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_weather.dll [31 Dec 2005 13:01:48]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [14 Jun 2020 2:05:40]
 zyx icons 1.6 - zyx_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 10:30:50]
 zyx icons 1.6 - zyx_weather.dll [4 Mar 2004 21:09:06]

I checked - updates found. If I do update, Facebook protocol is inactive. I don't even see Facebook contacts on the list. But Options window shows, that plugin is active. What is going on? Any ideas?


Version info after update.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3] [DEP Enabled] [4 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 32432 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition, 64-bit (build 9600)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.9600.19781 (build 99600)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 12006 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.13 alpha build #23373 (f513c977a3) x64
Build time: 17 Sep 2020 14:06:10
Profile: C:\Users\Rico\_Profile\Miranda\Profiles\Maverick\Maverick.dat
Profile size: 104857600 Bytes
Profile creation date: 17 Sep 2020 17:16:50
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (46):
¤ AVS.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:16] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:44] - Modern contact list
¤ Cln_skinedit.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:14] - Skin editor for Clist nicer
¤ Contacts.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:14] - Send/receive contacts
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:40] - Crash dumper
¤ CSList.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:16] - Custom status list
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:26] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:32] - Database checker
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:40] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mdbx.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:46] - Miranda NG MDBX database driver
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:14] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Dbx_sqlite.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:28] - Miranda NG SQLite database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [7 Sep 2020 16:19:06] - Discord protocol
¤ Dummy.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:12] - Dummy protocol
¤ Facebook.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:46] - Facebook
¤ Fingerprint.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:52] - Fingerprint NG
¤ historypp.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:08:22] - History++
¤ HistoryStats.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:36] - HistoryStats
¤ HistorySweeperLight.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:20] - History sweeper light
¤ IgnoreState.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:20] - Ignore state
¤ Import.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:38] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:18] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:52] - Jabber protocol
¤ KeyboardNotify.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:30] - Keyboard notify ext.
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:22] - Menu item ext
¤ MobileState.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:46] - Mobile state
¤ NewEventNotify.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:40] - NewEventNotify
¤ NewXstatusNotify.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:22] - xStatus notify
¤ NotesReminders.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:30] - Sticky Notes & Reminders
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:44] - Plugin updater
¤ PManagerEx.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:44] - Miranda NG profile changer
¤ PopupPlus.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:36] - Popup plus
¤ Rate.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:24] - Contact`s rate
¤ Restart.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:42] - Restart
¤ SimpleAR.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:26] - Simple auto replier
¤ SimpleStatusMsg.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:32] - Simple status message
¤ SkypeWeb.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:22] - Skype protocol (Web)
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:36] - SmileyAdd
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:07:22] - Status manager
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:22] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:30] - Tipper
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:34] - TopToolBar
¤ UInfoEx.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:34] - User info ext
¤ Variables.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:34] - Variables
¤ WhenWasIt.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:30] - Birthday reminder
¤ ZeroNotify.dll v. [17 Sep 2020 14:06:30] - Zero notifications

Unloadable Plugins (1):
¤ simpleaway.dll v. [6 Sep 2008 18:34:28] - <unknown>

Protocols and Accounts:
GG                       0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
ICQ                      0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Not Loaded
JABBER                   2 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded
MSN                      1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
SKYPE                    1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
TLEN                     0 - Enabled 1 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 a0x set 3 - AIM.dll [27 Sep 2005 17:10:02]
 a0x set 3 - C6.dll [3 Nov 2005 18:03:14]
 a0x set 3 - GoogleTalk.dll [27 Sep 2005 16:48:56]
 a0x set5 - AIM.dll [1 Oct 2007 13:23:46]
 a0x set5 - GG.dll [20 Sep 2007 16:41:22]
 a0x set5 - GOOGLE_TALK_1.dll [30 Sep 2007 21:26:20]
 a0x set5 - GOOGLE_TALK_2.dll [30 Sep 2007 21:26:24]
 a0x set5 - SKYPE_GREEN.dll [30 Sep 2007 22:22:54]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_main.dll [8 Aug 2003 13:16:16]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_msn.dll [25 Jul 2003 21:18:48]
 amicons 2.8 - ami_msn2.dll [4 Aug 2003 4:07:42]
 connection_icons.txt [22 Mar 2007 17:30:06]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - Main.dll [4 Feb 2005 14:36:36]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_GG.dll [28 Apr 2005 22:19:04]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_Jabber.dll [4 Feb 2005 14:53:34]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_QQ.dll [28 Apr 2005 23:26:24]
 Cristal Full 0.10 - proto_Tlen.dll [28 Apr 2005 22:14:40]
 Fingerprint.dll [7 Feb 2009 17:16:00]
 Fp_icons.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:02]
 greenmoon-1.3-library.dll [19 Jun 2005 21:58:04]
 HistoryPP_icons.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:00]
 Icons - TopToolbar Default Set.dll [30 Jul 2007 0:23:28]
 jabber_xstatus.dll [19 May 2010 21:16:25]
 MariAnna Indica.dll [24 Jun 2002 13:14:18]
 MariAnna Sativa.dll [1 Jul 2002 19:11:44]
 morgan_aim.dll [2 Nov 2003 2:19:16]
 morgan_main.dll [2 Nov 2003 2:31:38]
 morgan_msn.dll [2 Nov 2003 2:58:06]
 mugzLESS_32bit.dll [27 May 2001 0:00:00]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 13:34:20]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_msn.dll [5 Mar 2004 13:26:16]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_rss.dll [5 Mar 2004 13:27:30]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather1.dll [25 Nov 2002 7:02:38]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather2.dll [1 Dec 2002 2:13:36]
 Original Gangsta Icons 2.8 - XP_weather3.dll [25 Nov 2002 7:03:28]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_aim.dll [4 Mar 2004 22:00:00]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 11:30:50]
 Original Gangsta Icons 3.1 - xp_msn.dll [4 Mar 2004 22:05:50]
 Proto_AIM.dll [24 Oct 2017 16:35:34]
 proto_conn_facebook.dll [5 Mar 2011 21:37:52]
 proto_conn_gg.dll [4 Dec 2004 13:55:12]
 proto_conn_icq.dll [4 Dec 2004 13:55:12]
 proto_conn_jabber.dll [3 Feb 2016 20:15:29]
 proto_conn_jgmail.dll [3 Oct 2006 14:28:36]
 proto_conn_msn.dll [3 Feb 2016 20:15:29]
 Proto_conn_Skype.dll [30 Sep 2013 6:44:16]
 proto_conn_tlen.dll [3 Feb 2016 20:15:29]
 Proto_Discord.dll [7 Sep 2020 16:19:42]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:02]
 proto_Facebook 1.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:25:26]
 proto_Facebook 2.dll [8 Jun 2009 7:43:06]
 proto_Facebook 3.dll [8 Jun 2009 8:19:08]
 proto_Facebook 4.dll [8 Jun 2009 8:37:16]
 proto_Facebook 5.dll [8 Jun 2009 8:41:22]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:02]
 Proto_GG.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:00]
 Proto_ICQ.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:02]
 Proto_IRC.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:00]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:00]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:00]
 Proto_MRA.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:02]
 Proto_MSN.dll [21 Feb 2020 21:43:48]
 Proto_Skype.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:02]
 Proto_Tlen.dll [24 Oct 2017 16:35:36]
 Proto_Yahoo.dll [4 Feb 2016 6:01:46]
 Proto_YAMN.dll [3 Jun 2019 18:07:52]
 qute_main.dll [9 Nov 2004 20:47:54]
 Skype Icons [16 Dec 2006 15:13:26]
 SpiffyYAHOObyfloink.dll [25 Sep 2002 0:00:00]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:02]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:00]
 UInfoEx_icons.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:00]
 uinfoex_icons_ice.dll [13 Aug 2008 13:58:24]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_gg.dll [6 Jan 2006 16:48:42]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_gmail.dll [30 Dec 2005 11:12:44]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_jabber.dll [6 Dec 2005 21:42:16]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_main.dll [6 Jan 2006 16:57:00]
 xpk PixelPerfect 1.5 - xpk_weather.dll [31 Dec 2005 13:01:48]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [17 Sep 2020 14:08:00]
 zyx icons 1.6 - zyx_main.dll [5 Mar 2004 10:30:50]
 zyx icons 1.6 - zyx_weather.dll [4 Mar 2004 21:09:06]
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 17 09 2020, 19:45:52
I don't receive messages.
Look at netlog (https://wiki.miranda-ng.org/index.php?title=Network_log)

I don't even see Facebook contacts on the list. But Options window shows, that plugin is active. What is going on? Any ideas?
Check Main menu → Accounts
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 28 09 2020, 12:01:18
Not sure if it's the protocol's fault, but sometimes when I open a new window with incoming messages, they aren't shown and I get an empty window (not empty messages, but not even the nickname). But they are indeed received as I heard the incoming sound and I see the entries in the history.
Can you please post screenshot of containers settings? (Options → Message sessions → Tabs and layout)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 28 09 2020, 12:30:13
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 01 11 2020, 18:05:40
My Miranda-Facebook plugin is horribly out of sync with my messages. I've stopped using it for the time being  :'(
Is there any progress towards importing all history from the server?
Alternatively, since Facebook lets us download all our history (posts, messages, etc), since they are legally obliged to do so, does it make sense to import the data from a local file tree?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 12 11 2020, 13:05:24
Facebook miranda is sending duplicates messages for each message.

Not sure if it's temporary, there wasn't a plugin update... I'm pretty sure it happened in the past randomly
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 13 11 2020, 14:11:42
FB plugin loads all missing messages automatically. If it doesn't load fresh messages, remove Token, SyncToken & DeviceId fields from Facebook_1 module in your database, it will reconnect your message queue (so you will receive 1000 missing messages)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 13 11 2020, 14:12:23
a network log is needed, FB + Core. Email it to my nick + @miranda point im
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 22 11 2020, 03:00:15
Done. Notice that only 1 message is actually sent, not 2, but the message window and history entries are still duplicated
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 30 11 2020, 15:27:24
fixed, AMDG, thanks for your kind assistance
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 12 2020, 00:53:48
Will be effective by the next update? Current version seems still v. [26 Nov 2020 2:02:36]
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 02 12 2020, 09:39:28
only development branch is affected, of course
I just updated my test profile from the server - it contains Facebook
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 12 2020, 15:34:30
Uhm, thanks but it seems like the problem is still there :-\
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 02 12 2020, 17:42:04
try now
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 12 2020, 18:43:24
Doesn't work
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 02 12 2020, 18:44:38
would you make a new network log, please?
I've added some debug messages to understand what's going on there
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 12 2020, 18:46:22
Do I have to convert to use a "with debug symbols" build or not since it's not a crash?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 02 12 2020, 18:56:38
no, you don't have to load symbols to make a network log, they are needed for crashes only
btw, to whom do you send this message? to a friend from your friend list or to a Messenger contact?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 12 2020, 19:31:40
I sent via mail.

To a friend list contact

Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ULTIMA PRIME on 02 12 2020, 20:04:50
I confirm that the facebook protocol sends 2 messages (2 are visible in the conversation window and in the history, although one message flies to the recipient)

This only happens on the facebook protocol, other protocols like Gadu-Gadu, Discord, it. are working fine - so there is something wrong with facebook.dll
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 03 12 2020, 11:31:48
okay, eliminated some shit :)
the code became too complex, it's simpler to remove it than to rewrite
build uploaded, try now
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 03 12 2020, 21:19:30
It worked! :)

Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 28 01 2021, 20:36:08
Thx for fixing the duplicate message issue!

Lately (last ~2 months) i regularly experience another problem with the FB plugin:

Sometimes i do not receive the message a contact is sending me (the messages are received just fine by the messenger on facebook.com).
This happens quite often for some contacts and very rarely for others.
Unfortunately i could not narrow down why this happens any further yet.

However I did capture a network log of when it happened recently.
There were two messages in the time frame of the network log that i did not receive.
One at 12:23 and one at 12:25.

Does anybody else have similar issues?

@ghazan: I am aware that this is not much to go on but maybe you can find some hints in the network log.
Furthermore i would be happy to help with any testing required.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 30 01 2021, 19:43:34
if you could find these missing messages in the log, would you tell me their text bodies?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 31 01 2021, 17:50:49
I already searched the log but could not find them.
It seems the messages (or at least the message texts) are not logged at all.

I will try to gather some more information about the issue and post it here.
If somebody else has the same problem maybe they can also chime in.

Thanks for now!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 31 01 2021, 20:47:13
If somebody else has the same problem maybe they can also chime in.

When it comes to received online messages it seems so far this plugin is working fine at least for me

I think a while a go I tested a bunch of offline messages and if they were too much I couldn't always receive them, but it's been a while and it's a rare occurrence

I'm usually monitoring facebook chat from the website so I'll know if sometimes it will act fuzzy
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 01 02 2021, 12:38:52
When it comes to received online messages it seems so far this plugin is working fine at least for me

Good to know that the plugin works mostly fine for you!
Lately i also have the FB messenger open most of the time in a browser next to Miranda NG to check/compare the received messages.

My suspicion is that, this issue is related to the way some FB messenger mobile apps behave when sending messages, since it mainly happens with one contact that is using the FB messenger mobile app for IOS.
What might also be related is the fact that, that person is never shown as online. Not even in the official FB messenger.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: VuYeK on 02 02 2021, 22:43:08
My suspicion is that, this issue is related to the way some FB messenger mobile apps behave when sending messages, since it mainly happens with one contact that is using the FB messenger mobile app for IOS.
What might also be related is the fact that, that person is never shown as online. Not even in the official FB messenger.
I have same problem as you have in last 1-2month and I can confirm that for sure it occurs with contact that is using FB on Mac and iPhone (maybe on some others too, but I don't exactly know which application others use). iOS seems to be somehow different in sending messages.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 09 02 2021, 19:25:45
I just captured a netlog that contains data for 2 messages that were not received by Miranda but were received just fine in FB messenger.

Does it contain any helpful info?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 13 02 2021, 14:41:36
Does it contain any helpful info?
yes, very interesting, thanks
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 13 02 2021, 15:19:47
fixed, update Miranda & try
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 13 02 2021, 16:42:05
Awesome! Thanks for the quick reaction!

Will download and try immediately!
But please keep in mind that i don't know of a consistent way to reproduce the bug.
So the only way of verifying for me, is to continue using the plugin and monitoring the received messages.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 13 02 2021, 16:54:56
just ask the same contact to write you a message, no?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 14 02 2021, 17:08:28
just ask the same contact to write you a message, no?
Unfortunately the issue only happened quite rarely.
That's what makes it quite hard to track down and reproduce.

But after chatting a little bit with the affected contact everything looks perfectly fine so far!
I will report back here if I notice any issues.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 13 03 2021, 03:26:04
Lately the facebook login/online procedure in miranda is very slow, takes like 30 seconds before online contacts appear or receiving messages

The same happens when facebook disconnects (not too often luckily) and then reconnects via keep status. So that would be for each kind of connecting

It seems to happen only to one of my accounts though, not both

Someone else perhaps with this issue?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 17 03 2021, 19:00:14
For me connecting (= protocol is set to online) works really fast. It takes approximately ~1 second after Miranda was started.
Showing online contacts as online however takes around ~30 seconds, as you described.

For me personally that is not a big issue since i do not restart Miranda that often.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 27 03 2021, 00:12:05
I see. Btw the messages are also received after said seconds, even though the protocol seems online...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 27 03 2021, 09:24:15
I see. Btw the messages are also received after said seconds, even though the protocol seems online...

Same problem with me
the real problem is that facebook suspend accounts that uses Miranda NG and detect it as a malware
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 30 04 2021, 20:51:42
I'm starting to not receiving some messages (I think it happens to online messages as well?)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 30 04 2021, 22:21:33
It seems I can receive the messenger app ones, but not the website ones
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 01 05 2021, 09:44:17
Works for me (c)  ???
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 01 05 2021, 10:17:15
Ok I'll send a network log to Ghazan in a short while. I think this problem appeared to me around 23 april...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 05 2021, 12:49:34
I sent the log. In that a contact sent 4 messages, 2 from the website and 2 from mobile. I only received the 2 mobile ones, and I was online the whole time.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 02 05 2021, 19:34:41
Fixed in build 24002.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 02 05 2021, 21:03:00
Thanks!  :THUMBS UP:
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: zxcv74 on 19 05 2021, 10:20:59
Is the issue with getting your fb account locked out due to 'suspicious activity' frequent? I just downloaded ng and tried the fb protocol, 3mins later my fb account got locked. If so, are there any workarounds about it?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 19 05 2021, 11:51:01
I've had the same problem many times, and I was forced from FB to change password because "suspicious activity blah blah". Each time I wrote to FB customer service asking exactly which activity is so suspicious (never mentioning another messaging client of course), but they never gave me any hint.

It would be great if some Miranda wizard (you know who you are ;)) could figure out what's going on...
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 19 05 2021, 14:12:52
as for me, it was locked once, and works flawlessly months after
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 19 05 2021, 14:31:30
I've been blocked so many times, I'm afraid of using Miranda for FB at the moment.
Maybe different version numbers, @zxcv74 and @ghazan?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 19 05 2021, 14:44:30
The last time I got blocked was right after I was testing a new miranda profile with facebook. I mean, it didn't got blocked for a few months, then it suddenly happened right after I tried to connect with a new profile (but in the same account). Hence it's perhaps a matter of tokens / new "android devices" detected by the website, or something? Just speculating...
Title: Odp: Facebook protocol
Post by: zxcv74 on 19 05 2021, 17:03:56
Well then it seems to be pretty random and on fb's algorithm mercy :c
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 19 05 2021, 17:14:36
Not random, in fact. In my opinion, it happens in moments when the main FB site is overloaded or isn't functioning normally. In this case your credentials could not be verified, and it makes them very "suspicious" from the FB point of view. And always after first start, yes
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 19 05 2021, 17:53:19
Aha nice one @ghazan, you are on to something!

I didn't realize it at the time, but I remember indeed that FB's "suspicious activity" always got triggered after I restarted Miranda - or the whole system (Miranda was launched at start and, crashes apart, I kept it running permanently).

My guess: @zxcv74, did you restart your system or Miranda soon before the FB block?

What's left to understand is: why do the credentials from Miranda "smell alien"? This problem never occurs with the browser.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ghazan on 19 05 2021, 17:56:15
What's left to understand is: why do the credentials from Miranda "smell alien"? This problem never occurs with the browser.
Nobody knows... that is the main secret  :) Something in the browser's version?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 23 05 2021, 00:50:28
I've been blocked so many times, I'm afraid of using Miranda for FB at the moment.
Maybe different version numbers, @zxcv74 and @ghazan?
The last time I got blocked was right after I was testing a new miranda profile with facebook. I mean, it didn't got blocked for a few months, then it suddenly happened right after I tried to connect with a new profile (but in the same account). Hence it's perhaps a matter of tokens / new "android devices" detected by the website, or something? Just speculating...
as for me, it was locked once, and works flawlessly months after

I already mentioned same problem to Miranda NG team but they seems they not able to fix it right now cause they not have a programmer for it ,
it's not a point of new account
it happened also with so old account
if you used Fb in Miranda , Facebook think that you put your password in a wrong place , so i think Facebook identity some wrong request comes from Miranda or may be cause the the web agent that written in Miranda , if you used Miranda , it appear for facebook as android machine , while you open it in Web , so it's forbidden and nonsense for Facebook to use same account in 2 different machine at same moment  ,
or my 3d suggestion is to re-building Facebook plugin again from zero using the old HTML again with right new requests and right web agent so it can identity to Facebook as a chroum or Firefox elc elc and in this case Facebook will appear opened in same one machine and not from 2 machines
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 23 05 2021, 09:02:59
I did have the exact same problem some time ago (and even lost my old FB account because of it because i could not recover it any more) but it has not happened to me after the MQTT rewrite.
Are you 100% sure that you are using the newest version of the Miranda FB protocol plugin?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Ali Savas on 23 05 2021, 09:17:38
For the sake of completeness, I will write down again here what I already wrote in Issue #2894.

Since a few days I have the problem that I can not use Miranda NG with my Facebook account. I did not have this problem until about two years ago. This problem seemed to have been solved. However, some friends of mine reported that they still can't log in without Facebook blocking their account. As I said, I was unable to reproduce this until now.

On 5/18/2021 I was traveling by train and wanted to use Miranda NG with my notebook as well. So far Miranda NG was only installed on my PC at work and on my home computer.

After installing Miranda NG on my notebook, entering my account details and logging into Facebook with Miranda NG, after a few minutes my Facebook account was blocked. So I logged into facebook with a browser, confirmed my identity and inevitably changed my Facebook password. After that, my account was unlocked again. Since I didn't want my account to be blocked again, I didn't try logging into facebook again using my notebook and Miranda NG.

When I got back home last night, I logged into Facebook with my Miranda NG on my home computer after entering the new password, which I had to change before. Again, at first it seemed like there would be no problems,. However, after about a minute or two, my Facebook account was blocked again and I had to unlock it exactly as described above.

I then tried to log into Facebook again with Miranda. This time Miranda NG was immediately blocked by Facebook, without Miranda NG having a chance to even be online for a second. However, my account was not blocked, but I had to confirm my identity and change my password. I tried again after that, but always with the same result. Every time I logged into Facebook with Miranda NG before, I got the message "Login confirmation required" and had to change my password every time.

Since my login attempts kept failing, I enabled two-factor authentication on Facebook and set an app password. I then entered the credentials on Miranda NG and tried to log in to Facebook. Unfortunately, that didn't do the trick either. I had to reconfirm my identity and change my password again, even if it was just an app password. Please do not confuse, my account was not blocked, I am just asked to confirm my identity and change my password. Sometimes you get lucky and you don't have to change your password.

Out of desperation I tried to enter my normal credentials despite the two factor authentication being enabled and try again. I get an SMS where I am supposed to enter a code. Since Miranda NG doesn't support this type of authentication, I obviously couldn't enter the code. Also on the website, Facebook informed me that an unknown device and browser was trying to log in. I was asked to confirm whether it was me or not.

I even tried deleting the device ID, which of course didn't help.

Unfortunately, Miranda NG no longer allows me to log in to Facebook with my account. Facebook classifies Miranda NG as an unusual device or similar. Maybe it could work if Miranda NG would support the two-factor authentication, but I'm not 100% sure about that either. What is certain is that Facebook doesn't seem to make it easy to log in to Facebook with an external application.

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell Facebook that Miranda NG is not malware or anything like that. Maybe you should try to use the Graph API.

It would be really very nice if there is a solution for this problem as soon as possible. Also for those who have not been able to use it for a while. It doesn't seem to matter how old the Facebook account is or how many posts have been made. Also, it doesn't seem to be because of how overloaded Facebook is. I've had the problem for a few days now. I no longer have a chance to even get online for a second. From what I'm reading here, this problem seems to have picked up again in the last few days.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Ali Savas on 23 05 2021, 18:30:57
I have another idea, but it sounds simpler than it ends up being. Maybe it would be better if the Facebook protocol is rewritten from scratch. Here, either the Graph API should be used or (if the Graph API is not suitable for this) a Facebook Messenger should be simulated. For this, one should simply observe and recreate the data exchange between the Messenger (iOS or Android). Miranda should try to impersonate Facebook Messenger here, if possible.

Is there really no approach that is promising for a solution?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 23 05 2021, 18:41:03
This is exactly what Miranda is doing now (MQTT protocol (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61507894/how-does-facebook-utilize-mqtt-when-it-is-topic-based)).
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Ali Savas on 23 05 2021, 18:47:47

This is exactly what Miranda is doing now.

OK, unfortunately I did not know that. Is there perhaps another approach that works "cleaner"? Or do we have to give up Facebook with Miranda?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 24 05 2021, 01:26:25

OK, unfortunately I did not know that. Is there perhaps another approach that works "cleaner"? Or do we have to give up Facebook with Miranda?
This is exactly what Miranda is doing now (MQTT protocol (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61507894/how-does-facebook-utilize-mqtt-when-it-is-topic-based)).

i think as i already said several times before that Facebook plugin should be re-build with web HTML like it was in it's first releases with the right recent new requests as those requests changes every sometime ,
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 24 05 2021, 01:33:35

OK, unfortunately I did not know that. Is there perhaps another approach that works "cleaner"? Or do we have to give up Facebook with Miranda?
This is exactly what Miranda is doing now (MQTT protocol (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61507894/how-does-facebook-utilize-mqtt-when-it-is-topic-based)).

Also Note that this problem may be cause of the ads that Facebook should appear .
may be when you logon using Miranda Facebook see that he can't show you there ads so he blocks your account as it's not normal thing.

So i think the salutation is
to re-built the FB plug in using simple https://mbasic.facebook.com requests , it's the old simple HTML basic version of Facebook , with this version No Java requests , no Ads

it's just an ideas from me , may be it work well  and may be not 
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Ali Savas on 24 05 2021, 09:27:08
It is no longer possible to send or receive messages via the basic Facebook web page. Also, I don't think it makes sense to read the page as in earlier times, since Facebook notices that an application is reading the web page. This would not help us either.

We need to look at what exactly is causing the problem and look for alternatives if necessary.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 24 05 2021, 18:29:02
It is no longer possible to send or receive messages via the basic Facebook web page. Also, I don't think it makes sense to read the page as in earlier times, since Facebook notices that an application is reading the web page. This would not help us either.

We need to look at what exactly is causing the problem and look for alternatives if necessary.

mbasic.facebook.com works normal and send messages but it's not a live chat i know what you mean  ,
if it's not good for this , we can use the normal touch version of Facebook here m.facebook.com

at end i just meant to give a try to re-built the plugin again as it was at it's starting using HTML requests very carefully , a small mistake could lead to lock the fb account .
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Ali Savas on 24 05 2021, 18:33:58
If we use m.facebook.com, we lose the ability to be notified when typing, etc. The way we are currently going is not a bad one, we just need to know the reason why Facebook is behaving this way.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 26 05 2021, 18:08:52
If we use m.facebook.com, we lose the ability to be notified when typing, etc. The way we are currently going is not a bad one, we just need to know the reason why Facebook is behaving this way.

you all right , i wanted to say such also , but when it will be a start to detect what problem we face exactly with Facebook .

i just want from Miranda team to take Facebook issue seriously as me and other peoples only was use Miranda for Facebook and skype ,

if Facebook not work , no need to run Miranda
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 26 05 2021, 20:59:58
also note that i see Miranda team not try to investigate the problem i not know why , they told me before they are waiting for a developer , and i not understand why it's too hard to find one for that ,
they can call Robyer again to check the problem
i hope from Miranda NG team to take this issue seriously ,

it's about 7 months now not using FB via Miranda , i really miss it much  :'(
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 03 06 2021, 05:35:40
as you see from this page https://engineering.fb.com/2011/08/12/android/building-facebook-messenger/

that MQTT built for Android and IOS

so if you run Miranda and run facebook throw web browser , it appear to Facebook that you open Facebook from a mobile and from a PC
it's allowed to open Facebook from 2 machines in same time , but not allowed to chat from 2 machines in same time .
so i think the souilation now is to re-built the FB plugin again in HTML web requests as in early past ,
it's just my point of view
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sercda on 28 06 2021, 12:22:43
Every time I try to connect I get an error "Connection failed with error code 405"
After that facebook in my web browser requires to enter the secure code (sent via email). But the plugin is still offline.
Is there a solution for that?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: sercda on 28 06 2021, 12:30:38
Every time I try to connect I get an error "Connection failed with error code 405" After that facebook in my web browser requires to enter the secure code (sent via email). But the plugin is still offline. Is there a solution for that?
Never mind. Got banned on FB trying to reconnect multiple times. So, probably won't use neither plugin nor the social network monopolist.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 06 12 2021, 01:03:32
Still no one here plan to fix Facebook issues ?  :-[
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 07 02 2023, 21:12:40
Any progress on the Facebook protocol? I used it every day - only using Miranda for FB messaging, never the website. After having my account locked a few times, I gave up. Now some years have passed, and I wonder if there's any hope we may have functional FB messages in Miranda again?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 10 02 2023, 19:21:42
The protocol has long been rewritten from scratch. Blocking is not an issue anymore.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: riki on 11 02 2023, 00:45:51
Wow! Such good news! :DRINK:
Thanks @dartraiden!

Strange that even if I was following this topic, I didn't get a notice for years.
So should I just update Miranda now - and the new version of the plugin will replace the old, blocked one?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 13 02 2023, 23:19:51
It should.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 04 06 2023, 07:37:07
Wow! Such good news! :DRINK:
Thanks @dartraiden!

Strange that even if I was following this topic, I didn't get a notice for years.
So should I just update Miranda now - and the new version of the plugin will replace the old, blocked one?

Did you tried to uses the new facebook plug in after fixing it  ?
How it work with you ??
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 04 06 2023, 13:59:46
I don't use facebook all the time, but messages go both ways, I checked
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Kimoo on 05 06 2023, 20:04:00
I don't use facebook all the time, but messages go both ways, I checked

you know the problem is not with messages
the problem was that Facebook that lock accounts that try to login using Miranda ,
Dose this still happened ??
and if that problem fixed , How it fixed ? you said you re-writen it again , dose it fixed when it re-writen it , what different between the old and the new one ?
forgive me Sir if i ask much , i need to understand , you know so well , we don't want to loss our Facebook accounts , so we need to sure from everything
waiting your reply
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: duzers on 14 10 2023, 07:26:23
There is a problem with plugin today: "connection failed with error code 500".
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 14 10 2023, 10:11:21
There is a problem with plugin today: "connection failed with error code 500".
I have the same problem since today.
Attached is a netlog of the issue.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ellick on 14 10 2023, 13:34:02
Same problem happened to me. Friday the 13th, 2023.  I have two facebook accounts and both are now blocked to Miranda.  I was able to recover both and change the passwords so I could log on to the facebook webpage and then the official Facebook messenger worked.  Man, does that suck on a PC. 
I then tried Pidgin and Pidgin fails to log in as well on both accounts.  So for now i'm stuck using the official Messenger app which allows only one account at a time and takes up 1/3 of the desktop.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: duzers on 15 10 2023, 06:31:25
Today works.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 15 10 2023, 10:47:34
Yep, same for me.
Looks like it was a temporary issue on FB side.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: ellick on 15 10 2023, 13:47:30
You're right.  It was out from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning here but now seems to work again.  Still odd that the official FB messenger worked during that time. It's like they were blocking 3rd party apps or something.  Probably some "security" feature they implemented.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: SpinalBlood on 29 01 2024, 20:50:15
About the possible feature of importing the facebook history from the server, is it still unfeasible right now?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 30 01 2024, 18:27:52
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 05 02 2024, 14:15:08
Is it just me or are avatars of Facebook contacts not shown any more (in the contact list and in popups)?
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 05 02 2024, 23:54:03
Same for me.
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 13 02 2024, 15:13:55
avatars of Facebook contacts not shown
Fixed. This is a regression due to our network optimization (speeding up the downloading of large files, but this accidentally affected Facebook)
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: KentKareless on 13 02 2024, 15:56:27
Yep, for most contacts it works again now!

Thanks for creating the issue on GitHub and notifying us in this thread!
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Boris_M on 19 09 2024, 10:58:55
It does not connect FB .... error 401

Miranda NG Version: 0.96.6 alpha build #27547 (a8d6dada34) x64
Build time: 18 сентября 2024 г. 21:22:52
¤ Facebook.dll v. [12 сентября 2024 г. 18:22:54] - Facebook
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: dartraiden on 19 09 2024, 13:07:40
Title: Re: Facebook protocol
Post by: Matrix43 on 05 10 2024, 10:55:26
Hello, I confirm this error in the Facebook plugin. I'm waiting for the repair.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor  [AMD64 Family 23 Model 8 Stepping 2] [DEP Enabled] [16 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 32681 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 , 64-bit (build 19045)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.19041.0 (build 919041)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : Polish/Polish | Polish/Polish
Free disk space on Miranda partition: 413150 MBytes

Miranda NG Version: 0.96.6 alpha build #27591 (831e8eece6) x64
Build time: piątek, 4 października 2024 20:32:00
Profile: C:\Users\Dymitr\AppData\Roaming\Miranda NG\Dom\Dom.dat
Database driver: SQLite database driver
Database encryption mode: default
Profile size: 286720 Bytes
Profile creation date: czwartek, 26 września 2024 10:15:45
Language pack: Polish (PL) [0415]
Service Mode: No
SRMM Log Viewer: built-in

Active Plugins (25):
¤ AutoRun.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:02:22] - AutoRun
¤ AVS.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:06] - Avatar service
¤ Clist_modern.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:52] - Modern contact list
¤ CloudFile.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:03:32] - CloudFile
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:58] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:32:22] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbChecker.dll v. [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:34:30] - Database checker
¤ Dbx_sqlite.dll v. [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:34:32] - Miranda NG SQLite database driver
¤ Dummy.dll v. [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:33:58] - Dummy protocol
¤ GG.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:32] - Gadu-Gadu protocol
¤ IgnoreState.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:22] - Ignore state
¤ Import.dll v. [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:32:40] - Import contacts and messages
¤ Jabber.dll v. [poniedziałek, 30 września 2024 19:38:18] - Jabber protocol
¤ NewEventNotify.dll v. [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:32:54] - NewEventNotify
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:02:08] - Plugin updater
¤ PopupPlus.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:58] - Popup plus
¤ QuickSearch.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:03:38] - Quick Search
¤ Restart.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:02:06] - Restart
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:34] - SmileyAdd
¤ SpellChecker.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:02:42] - Spell checker
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:03:24] - Status manager
¤ StopSpam.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:36] - StopSpam+
¤ TabSRMM.dll v. [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:32:12] - TabSRMM
¤ Tipper.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:36] - Tipper
¤ TopToolBar.dll v. [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:01:48] - TopToolBar

Protocols and Accounts:
CloudFile/Dropbox        1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
GG                       1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded
JABBER                   1 - Enabled 0 - Disabled  Loaded

Icon Packs:
 Flags_icons.dll [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:08:02]
 Proto_Dummy.dll [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:40:16]
 Proto_Facebook.dll [poniedziałek, 30 września 2024 19:45:58]
 Proto_GG.dll [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:08:02]
 Proto_Jabber.dll [poniedziałek, 30 września 2024 19:45:56]
 Proto_MetaContacts.dll [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:40:16]
 TabSRMM_icons.dll [piątek, 4 października 2024 20:40:16]
 Toolbar_icons.dll [poniedziałek, 23 września 2024 20:08:02]
 xStatus_Jabber.dll [poniedziałek, 30 września 2024 19:45:56]