Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users > Development

Jabber protocol

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I use Jabber protocol for gmail chat, it stopped working, although it was OK a week ago... Here is the log:

[14:10:24 1AE8] [JABBER] SetAwayMsg called, wParam=40072 lParam=(null)
[14:10:24 1AE8] [JABBER] PS_SETSTATUS(40072)
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] Thread started: type=0
[14:10:24 1AE8] [JABBER] SetAwayMsg called, wParam=40072 lParam=(null)
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] Connection request to (Flags 0)....
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8) Connecting to server
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8) Connecting to ip ....
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] (840) Connected to
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] Thread type=0 server='' port='443'
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] Intializing SSL connection
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] (840 Starting SSL negotiation
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] (840 SSL negotiation successful
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] Stream is initializing after connect
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:840) Data sent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" to="" xmlns:stream="" xml:lang="en" version="1.0">
[14:10:24 1BC4] [JABBER] Entering main recv loop
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:840) Data received
<stream:stream from="" id="4EF6EC180CCCC637" version="1.0" xmlns:stream="" xmlns="jabber:client">
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] recvResult = 138
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 138
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:840) Data received
<stream:features><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>X-OAUTH2</mechanism><mechanism>X-GOOGLE-TOKEN</mechanism><mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism></mechanisms></stream:features>
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] recvResult = 197
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 197
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:840) Data sent
<auth xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" mechanism="PLAIN">AGFuZHJleS5ieWtvdgBYdGh5anB0djE=</auth>
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:840) Data received
<failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/></failure>
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] recvResult = 77
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 77
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:840) Data sent
<auth xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" mechanism="PLAIN">YW5kcmV5LmJ5a292QGdtYWlsLmNvbQBhbmRyZXkuYnlrb3YAWHRoeWpwdHYx</auth>
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:840) Data received
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] recvResult = 16
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] bytesParsed = 0
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] Unknown state: bytesParsed=0, datalen=16, jabberNetworkBufferSize=2048
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] Connection closed gracefully
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] recvResult = 0
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] 1
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] 2
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] Thread ended: type=0 server=''
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:840) Connection closed internal
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] (03B9D2F8:4294967295) Connection closed
[14:10:25 1BC4] [JABBER] Exiting ServerThread

I found the reason - it seems the problem was with miranda database, I deleted jabber account and then imported history and contacts from old database and it started working again, strange...


i updated my MirandaNG Dev. Build 32bit today via internal Pluginupdater to Version v0.95.8 alpha build #19570.

Now i'm not able to send messages via Jabber Protocol anymore.
Im using Jabber Protocol for example to communicate with other GTalk/Hangouts Users.
Everytime i try to send a Message an Error pops up "No Omemo Session exists".
Recieving Messages from Others works fine.

netlog says:
[18:29:17 0EF8] [JABBER_1] Jabber OMEMO: error: message does not encrypted for any sessions
[18:29:17 0FFC] [JABBER_1] Broadcast ACK
[18:29:17 0FFC] [JABBER_1] Returning from thread

Please can u help me?

Greetings phatmr

Try to disable OMEMO support in Jabber account settings


thank you. It works. That was fast :-)

Now the second.

Im using Jabber Protocol too for a second Account to communicate with Conversation Users.
It works for months via OTR Encryption.
After an Update from Conversations Client they didnt support OTR anymore.
But they still support OMEMO.
In that Jabber Account i have aktivated OMEMO in Accountsettings.
But if the Others send me an OMEMO encrypted Message Miranda says "Client doesn't seem to support that."

Can you help in that too?

Thank You


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