Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users > Support/Help

Passwords encryption strength?


Is the encryption on NG (to store password logins) better than the Miranda IM version which uses a simple proprietary method which which can be easily decoded using freely available tools like MirandaPasswordDecryptor?

Miranda IM uses completely insecure 'encryption' that allows any worm or virus to read your passwords

Miranda NG uses strong cryptography (AES256) + the special schema that prevents a brute force attack against your password. You just need to enter a password for your profile (if you forget it, your profile will be inaccessible forever, the only way to decrypt it is to enter a vaild password).

ajim, just don't forget to enable the full encryption in Options / Database (that's where you also set the password, as ghazan mentioned).

I remember there was a bug with encryption whereby some stuff was still in plaintext in the profile, if it was a very old profile. You should probably check for that when you enable encryption, to see if there is still plaintext. If so, you may need to reimport your profile.

Awesome. Thanks.


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