Forum for English speaking Miranda NG users > Development

Facebook protocol

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all missing messages are loaded automatically, or you're meaning whole history loading?
this plugin runs smoothly over old contacts, so their history won't be broken

Whole loading, from a manual command like it was possible with the other plugin;

if possible I believe it can still be helpful from time to time

Indeed. And
--- Quote from: SpinalBlood on 05 01 2020, 21:05:08 ---Whole loading, from a manual command like it was possible with the other plugin;

if possible I believe it can still be helpful from time to time

--- End quote ---
Indeed. The option to manually download messages up to a given past date (or up to a given MessageID, if MessageIDs got stored) would be the perfect solution!  :)

A few days ago, one of the dev updates to Miranda prevented my profile from loading ("unrecognized format").  I used a profile auto-backup from a couple days prior to resolve the issue.

However, ever since then, the new FB plugin has not functioned properly:

* Does not receive messages
* Can send messages, with the exception that I get an undelivered error when closing the chat window
* Chat history is stuck at day of my profile backup, never updated
Any ideas how I can fix this?

you needed to compact your profile using the old database driver (restore it from the Backup folder of Plugin Updater), as described at our site.
if you restored an old profile, it won't help you


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