Author Topic: Integer divide by zero - Likely cause of the crash plugin: Standard SSL Driver  (Read 3997 times)

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Offline Tragen

I got a crash in Miranda this morning.

Code: [Select]
Miranda Crash Report from 27 Oct 2017 11:00:30. Crash Dumper v.

Likely cause of the crash plugin: Standard SSL Driver

Exception: Integer divide by zero at address 00007FFD9AD32DDC.

Stack Trace:
00007FFD9AD32DDC (bcryptPrimitives 00007FFD9AD30000): (filename not available) (0): GetCipherInterface
00007FFD9AD32BD1 (bcryptPrimitives 00007FFD9AD30000): (filename not available) (0): GetCipherInterface
00007FFD9A715696 (bcrypt 00007FFD9A710000): (filename not available) (0): BCryptDecrypt
00007FFD7A034577 (ncryptsslp 00007FFD7A030000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD7A0342D1 (ncryptsslp 00007FFD7A030000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD9A6E172F (ncrypt 00007FFD9A6E0000): (filename not available) (0): SslDecryptPacket
00007FFD99FA0150 (schannel 00007FFD99F90000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD99F9FEE7 (schannel 00007FFD99F90000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD99F9FC99 (schannel 00007FFD99F90000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD99F9F41D (schannel 00007FFD99F90000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD9AAB5119 (SSPICLI 00007FFD9AAB0000): (filename not available) (0): DecryptMessage
00000000131E2668 (stdssl 00000000131E0000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00000000126CA123 (mir_app 00000000126A0000): (filename not available) (0): Netlib_Recv
0000000012714E78 (mir_app 00000000126A0000): (filename not available) (0): Netlib_GetMorePackets
00000000098EB086 (ICQ 00000000098D0000): (filename not available) (0): Load
000000001288A6BC (mir_core 0000000012880000): (filename not available) (0): Thread_Wait
00007FFD9E491FE4 (KERNEL32 00007FFD9E480000): (filename not available) (0): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFD9E8CEF91 (ntdll 00007FFD9E860000): (filename not available) (0): RtlUserThreadStart

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2820QM CPU @ 2.30GHz [Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7] [DEP Enabled] [8 CPUs]
Installed RAM: 16264 MBytes
Microsoft Windows 10 , 64-bit (build 16299)
Internet Explorer: 9.11.16299.0 (build 916299)
Administrator privileges: No
OS Languages: (UI | Locale (User/System)) : English/English | German/German

Miranda NG Version: 0.95.6 build #18513 (8cef4a7) x64
Build time: 24 Oct 2017 19:47:06
Profile: C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Profiles\Master of Dice\Master of Dice.dat (dbx mmap driver)
Language pack: No language pack installed
Service Mode: No

Active Plugins (29):
¤ AdvaImg.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:10] - Miranda image services
¤ AvatarHistory.dll v. [29 Aug 2017 23:16:10] - Avatar history
¤ AVS.dll v. [8 Sep 2017 19:41:06] - Avatar service
¤ BuddyExpectator.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:28] - Buddy expectator
¤ CrashDumper.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:10] - Crash dumper
¤ Db_autobackups.dll v. [4 Oct 2017 18:28:50] - Db autobackuper
¤ DbEditorPP.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:10] - Database editor++
¤ Dbx_mmap.dll v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:10] - Miranda NG mmap database driver
¤ Discord.dll v. [31 Aug 2017 21:38:54] - Discord protocol
¤ Dummy.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:19:00] - Dummy protocol
¤ Folders.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:32] - Custom profile folders
¤ HistoryPP.dll v. [24 Sep 2017 22:15:30] - History++
¤ HistoryStats.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:19:14] - HistoryStats
¤ ICQ.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:28] - IcqOscarJ protocol
¤ Import.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:12] - Import contacts and messages
¤ IRC.dll v. [8 Sep 2017 19:41:08] - IRC protocol
¤ Jabber.dll v. [13 Oct 2017 17:00:02] - Jabber protocol
¤ LinkList.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:34] - History linklist plus
¤ MenuEx.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:36] - Menu item ext
¤ MirOTR.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:19:24] - Miranda OTR
¤ MSN.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:38] - MSN protocol
¤ PluginUpdater.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:18] - Plugin updater
¤ PManagerEx.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:16] - Miranda NG profile changer
¤ Scriver.dll v. [28 Aug 2017 15:19:20] - Scriver
¤ SeenPlugin.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:42] - Last seen
¤ SmileyAdd.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:48] - SmileyAdd
¤ StatusManager.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:19:16] - Status manager
¤ Tipper.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:46] - Tipper
¤ Variables.dll v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:00] - Variables

Loaded Modules:
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Miranda64.exe  0000000140000000 - 000000014000A000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:06]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll  00007FFD9E860000 - 00007FFD9EA40000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL  00007FFD9E480000 - 00007FFD9E52E000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:04]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll  00007FFD9AFF0000 - 00007FFD9B256000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\USER32.dll  00007FFD9C6E0000 - 00007FFD9C86E000 v.10.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll  00007FFD9AC60000 - 00007FFD9AC80000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:31]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\GDI32.dll  00007FFD9C320000 - 00007FFD9C348000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:28]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\gdi32full.dll  00007FFD9ADB0000 - 00007FFD9AF44000 v.10.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcp_win.dll  00007FFD9AF50000 - 00007FFD9AFEB000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll  00007FFD9B260000 - 00007FFD9B356000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\MSVCR100.dll  0000000066090000 - 0000000066162000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 1:15:38]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\IMM32.DLL  00007FFD9E2E0000 - 00007FFD9E30D000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:45]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\combase.dll  00007FFD9CB90000 - 00007FFD9CE98000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\RPCRT4.dll  00007FFD9E710000 - 00007FFD9E82F000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll  00007FFD9AD30000 - 00007FFD9ADA2000 v.10.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvltwu.inf_amd64_c8da725822079174\nvinitx.dll  00007FFD99980000 - 00007FFD999B7000 v. [18 May 2017 7:50:40]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\ADVAPI32.dll  00007FFD9CA60000 - 00007FFD9CB01000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:07]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll  00007FFD9C870000 - 00007FFD9C90D000 v.7.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\sechost.dll  00007FFD9BDA0000 - 00007FFD9BDFB000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll  00007FFD99DB0000 - 00007FFD99DBA000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:58]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Shell32.dll  00007FFD9CEA0000 - 00007FFD9E2D7000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:58]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\cfgmgr32.dll  00007FFD9ACE0000 - 00007FFD9AD2A000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\shcore.dll  00007FFD9E640000 - 00007FFD9E6E6000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:37]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\  00007FFD9B360000 - 00007FFD9BAA7000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:31]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\shlwapi.dll  00007FFD9C350000 - 00007FFD9C3A1000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:57]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\kernel.appcore.dll  00007FFD9ABD0000 - 00007FFD9ABE1000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:30]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\powrprof.dll  00007FFD9ABF0000 - 00007FFD9AC3C000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\profapi.dll  00007FFD9ABB0000 - 00007FFD9ABCB000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\CoProcManager\detoured.dll  00000000678D0000 - 00000000678D6000 v. [18 May 2017 7:52:44]
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\CoProcManager\nvd3d9wrapx.dll  00007FFD90100000 - 00007FFD90144000 v. [18 May 2017 7:50:10]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\SETUPAPI.dll  00007FFD9BE00000 - 00007FFD9C24E000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:56]
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\CoProcManager\nvdxgiwrapx.dll  00007FFD900D0000 - 00007FFD900FE000 v. [18 May 2017 7:50:24]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\libs\mir_app.mir  00000000126A0000 - 000000001278F000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:06]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\WS2_32.dll  00007FFD9BD30000 - 00007FFD9BD9C000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\COMDLG32.dll  00007FFD9C5D0000 - 00007FFD9C6DA000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:57]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll  00007FFD901E0000 - 00007FFD90203000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:25]
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\COMCTL32.dll  00007FFD81C30000 - 00007FFD81E99000 v.6.10.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll  00007FFD98C90000 - 00007FFD98D25000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:00]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\ole32.dll  00007FFD9C910000 - 00007FFD9CA59000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:41]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll  00007FFD90180000 - 00007FFD901AA000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:25]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll  00007FFD930A0000 - 00007FFD930AC000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:56]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\libs\zlib.mir  00000000129E0000 - 00000000129FD000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:46:58]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\libs\mir_core.mir  0000000012880000 - 00000000128AD000 [24 Oct 2017 19:46:58]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SSPICLI.DLL  00007FFD9AAB0000 - 00007FFD9AAE0000 v.10.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSCTF.dll  00007FFD9E310000 - 00007FFD9E477000 v.10.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\OLEAUT32.dll  00007FFD9C250000 - 00007FFD9C315000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\tiptsf.dll  00007FFD787D0000 - 00007FFD78879000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 16:42:39]
C:\USB\Software\Important\WindowSpace v2.6.0\wspace64.dll  00007FFD97950000 - 00007FFD97960000 v. [25 Aug 2015 14:41:48]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll  00007FFD993D0000 - 00007FFD993FA000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:41]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.DLL  00007FFD9A620000 - 00007FFD9A62B000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll  00007FFD9E590000 - 00007FFD9E62E000 v.2001.12.10941.16384 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:41]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\explorerframe.dll  00007FFD79310000 - 00007FFD797A3000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:00]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\CrashDumper.dll  0000000014C20000 - 0000000014C34000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:10]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll  00007FFD8BDE0000 - 00007FFD8BFA8000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbgcore.DLL  00007FFD8ACE0000 - 00007FFD8AD09000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\DbEditorPP.dll  0000000014E20000 - 0000000014E41000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:10]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Dbx_mmap.dll  00000000154A0000 - 00000000154B6000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:10]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Import.dll  0000000015DE0000 - 0000000015DF1000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:12]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdcrypt.dll  00000000130A0000 - 00000000130AD000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdssl.dll  00000000131E0000 - 00000000131E9000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:00]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\CRYPT32.dll  00007FFD9BB60000 - 00007FFD9BD2E000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSASN1.dll  00007FFD9AC40000 - 00007FFD9AC52000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll  00007FFD900C0000 - 00007FFD900C9000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:04]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Msftedit.dll  00007FFD7DF60000 - 00007FFD7E274000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:26]

Offline Tragen

Code: [Select]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\AdvaImg.dll  0000000014320000 - 00000000143D2000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:10]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\MSVCP100.dll  00000000663B0000 - 0000000066448000 v.10.0.40219.325 [11 Jun 2011 1:15:38]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdclist.dll  0000000013060000 - 0000000013073000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\AvatarHistory.dll  0000000014C40000 - 0000000014C50000 v. [29 Aug 2017 23:16:10]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\AVS.dll  0000000014C60000 - 0000000014C76000 v. [8 Sep 2017 19:41:06]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\BuddyExpectator.dll  00000000147E0000 - 00000000147EE000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:28]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Db_autobackups.dll  00000000154E0000 - 00000000154FB000 v. [4 Oct 2017 18:28:50]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Discord.dll  0000000015520000 - 000000001553D000 v. [31 Aug 2017 21:38:54]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\libs\libjson.mir  0000000012660000 - 0000000012673000 [24 Oct 2017 19:47:10]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Dummy.dll  0000000014F80000 - 0000000014F8A000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:19:00]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Folders.dll  0000000015340000 - 000000001534C000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:32]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\HistoryPP.dll  0000000015A80000 - 0000000015D8B000 v. [24 Sep 2017 22:15:30]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msimg32.dll  00007FFD8A700000 - 00007FFD8A707000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:45]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\winspool.drv  00007FFD93C90000 - 00007FFD93D16000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:06]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL  00007FFD9A1D0000 - 00007FFD9A209000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll  00007FFD9A710000 - 00007FFD9A735000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\RICHED20.DLL  00007FFD6D420000 - 00007FFD6D4B5000 v. [29 Sep 2017 15:42:00]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msls31.dll  00007FFD6D3C0000 - 00007FFD6D3F8000 v.3.10.349.0 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:58]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll  00007FFD6D400000 - 00007FFD6D419000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:45]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\HistoryStats.dll  0000000009840000 - 00000000098CD000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:19:14]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\ICQ.dll  00000000098D0000 - 000000000993B000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:28]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\IRC.dll  0000000016440000 - 000000001649A000 v. [8 Sep 2017 19:41:08]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Jabber.dll  0000000016500000 - 00000000165C8000 v. [13 Oct 2017 17:00:02]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll  00007FFD9A210000 - 00007FFD9A2C6000 v.10.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\libs\libaxolotl.mir  00000000120C0000 - 00000000120EF000 [13 Oct 2017 16:59:48]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\NSI.dll  00007FFD9C420000 - 00007FFD9C428000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\libs\LIBEAY32.mir  0000000065E80000 - 0000000066085000 v. [16 Feb 2017 19:26:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\LinkList.dll  00000000160C0000 - 00000000160D0000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:34]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\MenuEx.dll  0000000016120000 - 0000000016131000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:36]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\MirOTR.dll  00000000162E0000 - 0000000016396000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:19:24]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\MSN.dll  0000000016620000 - 000000001666C000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:38]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\PluginUpdater.dll  0000000016BC0000 - 0000000016BD9000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:18]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\PManagerEx.dll  0000000016C00000 - 0000000016C08000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:16]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Scriver.dll  0000000017640000 - 000000001767C000 v. [28 Aug 2017 15:19:20]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\SeenPlugin.dll  00000000170E0000 - 00000000170F3000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:42]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\SmileyAdd.dll  0000000017300000 - 0000000017328000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:48]
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\gdiplus.dll  00007FFD7A190000 - 00007FFD7A32C000 v.10.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\StatusManager.dll  0000000017540000 - 0000000017562000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:19:16]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll  00007FFD7FD10000 - 00007FFD80044000 v.11.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Tipper.dll  0000000017820000 - 000000001784A000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:17:46]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Plugins\Variables.dll  0000000017BE0000 - 0000000017BFC000 v. [25 Aug 2017 19:18:00]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\pdh.dll  00007FFD97860000 - 00007FFD978AC000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:45]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\libs\Pcre16.mir  00000000128E0000 - 00000000128FB000 [24 Oct 2017 19:47:26]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stduserinfo.dll  0000000013220000 - 000000001322E000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdemail.dll  00000000130C0000 - 00000000130C7000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdauth.dll  0000000013000000 - 0000000013009000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdfile.dll  00000000130E0000 - 00000000130F3000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdhelp.dll  0000000013120000 - 0000000013128000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdidle.dll  0000000013140000 - 0000000013148000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WTSAPI32.dll  00007FFD95460000 - 00007FFD95473000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdautoaway.dll  0000000013020000 - 0000000013027000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stduseronline.dll  0000000013240000 - 0000000013247000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\USB\Software\Important\Miranda NG v0.95.6 x64\Core\stdaway.dll  0000000013040000 - 000000001304A000 v. [24 Oct 2017 19:47:02]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\TextInputFramework.dll  00007FFD8DC00000 - 00007FFD8DC98000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:28]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\CoreMessaging.dll  00007FFD96040000 - 00007FFD9611D000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:41]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\CoreUIComponents.dll  00007FFD8D910000 - 00007FFD8DBFE000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:28]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll  00007FFD97D40000 - 00007FFD97E76000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll  00007FFD99AD0000 - 00007FFD99B01000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dataexchange.dll  00007FFD7A070000 - 00007FFD7A0BF000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:26]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll  00007FFD96E30000 - 00007FFD97112000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:27]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dcomp.dll  00007FFD964D0000 - 00007FFD96612000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:41]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll  00007FFD99B10000 - 00007FFD99BBF000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:28]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\twinapi.appcore.dll  00007FFD99250000 - 00007FFD993CB000 v.10.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RMCLIENT.dll  00007FFD99400000 - 00007FFD99420000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:31]
C:\Windows\System32\uiautomationcore.dll  00007FFD8A360000 - 00007FFD8A566000 v.7.2.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:26]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\sxs.dll  00007FFD9AA10000 - 00007FFD9AAAA000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:01]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\mswsock.dll  00007FFD9A440000 - 00007FFD9A4A6000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll  00007FFD92D30000 - 00007FFD92D3A000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:57]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\fwpuclnt.dll  00007FFD97BF0000 - 00007FFD97C60000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:31]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\schannel.dll  00007FFD99F90000 - 00007FFD9A00A000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\mskeyprotect.dll  00007FFD78950000 - 00007FFD78964000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:25]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll  00007FFD9A6E0000 - 00007FFD9A706000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll  00007FFD9A6A0000 - 00007FFD9A6D6000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ncryptsslp.dll  00007FFD7A030000 - 00007FFD7A051000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\napinsp.dll  00007FFD7D710000 - 00007FFD7D726000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:03]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\pnrpnsp.dll  00007FFD7D730000 - 00007FFD7D74A000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:17]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\NLAapi.dll  00007FFD988A0000 - 00007FFD988B8000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:56]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll  00007FFD7D750000 - 00007FFD7D75E000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:45]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshbth.dll  00007FFD95270000 - 00007FFD95285000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:33]
C:\Windows\System32\OLEACC.dll  00007FFD8A610000 - 00007FFD8A67E000 v.7.2.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:56]
C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Globalization.dll  00007FFD81AA0000 - 00007FFD81C27000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:26]
C:\Windows\System32\Bcp47Langs.dll  00007FFD8F440000 - 00007FFD8F4AA000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:31]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\globinputhost.dll  00007FFD8EA90000 - 00007FFD8EAC0000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:31]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\coml2.dll  00007FFD9CB10000 - 00007FFD9CB81000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:31]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\twinapi.dll  00007FFD7B410000 - 00007FFD7B491000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:42:03]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\PROPSYS.dll  00007FFD99040000 - 00007FFD991F1000 v.7.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:31]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll  00007FFD91120000 - 00007FFD912EC000 v.11.0.16299.19 [18 Oct 2017 8:24:38]
C:\WINDOWS\System32\imagehlp.dll  00007FFD9E6F0000 - 00007FFD9E70D000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll  00007FFD90E80000 - 00007FFD91119000 v.11.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:49]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\edputil.dll  00007FFD7DB40000 - 00007FFD7DB84000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:47]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MLANG.dll  00007FFD7D660000 - 00007FFD7D69F000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:54]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll  00007FFD9A600000 - 00007FFD9A617000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NETAPI32.DLL  00007FFD8FF40000 - 00007FFD8FF57000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:33]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NETUTILS.DLL  00007FFD9A2D0000 - 00007FFD9A2DE000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wkscli.dll  00007FFD963F0000 - 00007FFD96407000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\srvcli.dll  00007FFD88FE0000 - 00007FFD89006000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:44]
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll  00007FFD9A050000 - 00007FFD9A083000 v.10.0.16299.15 [29 Sep 2017 15:41:43]

Offline Tragen

I got the same crash again today.

Code: [Select]
Miranda Crash Report from 28 Oct 2017 16:52:35. Crash Dumper v.

Likely cause of the crash plugin: Standard SSL Driver

Exception: Access Violation at address 00007FFD9AD35023. Reading from address 0000000000000040.

Stack Trace:
00007FFD9AD35023 (bcryptPrimitives 00007FFD9AD30000): (filename not available) (0): GetCipherInterface
00007FFD9AD34E1E (bcryptPrimitives 00007FFD9AD30000): (filename not available) (0): GetCipherInterface
00007FFD9AD3608E (bcryptPrimitives 00007FFD9AD30000): (filename not available) (0): GetCipherInterface
00007FFD9AD34CD0 (bcryptPrimitives 00007FFD9AD30000): (filename not available) (0): GetCipherInterface
00007FFD9AD32F93 (bcryptPrimitives 00007FFD9AD30000): (filename not available) (0): GetCipherInterface
00007FFD9AD32BD1 (bcryptPrimitives 00007FFD9AD30000): (filename not available) (0): GetCipherInterface
00007FFD9A715696 (bcrypt 00007FFD9A710000): (filename not available) (0): BCryptDecrypt
00007FFD7A034577 (ncryptsslp 00007FFD7A030000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD7A0342D1 (ncryptsslp 00007FFD7A030000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD9A6E172F (ncrypt 00007FFD9A6E0000): (filename not available) (0): SslDecryptPacket
00007FFD99FA0150 (schannel 00007FFD99F90000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD99F9FEE7 (schannel 00007FFD99F90000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD99F9FC99 (schannel 00007FFD99F90000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD99F9F41D (schannel 00007FFD99F90000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00007FFD9AAB5119 (SSPICLI 00007FFD9AAB0000): (filename not available) (0): DecryptMessage
00000000131E2668 (stdssl 00000000131E0000): (filename not available) (0): (function-name not available)
00000000126CA123 (mir_app 00000000126A0000): (filename not available) (0): Netlib_Recv
0000000012714E78 (mir_app 00000000126A0000): (filename not available) (0): Netlib_GetMorePackets
00000000098AB086 (ICQ 0000000009890000): (filename not available) (0): Load
000000001288A6BC (mir_core 0000000012880000): (filename not available) (0): Thread_Wait
00007FFD9E491FE4 (KERNEL32 00007FFD9E480000): (filename not available) (0): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFD9E8CEF91 (ntdll 00007FFD9E860000): (filename not available) (0): RtlUserThreadStart

Offline dartraiden

Unfortunately, logs without debug symbols are almost useless.

Also, what is your Windows version? XP?

Offline Tragen

I've installed the PDBs. I will see if the next crash gives more answers.

My windows version is in the first post.
Microsoft Windows 10 , 64-bit (build 16299)
Fall Creators Update