So, it's been awhile since I last had an update notification for Miranda NG when I opened it. But, I did this evening. And without thinking I clicked on Update. For some reason it updated to the development build, 0.96.1 alpha build #24359 (35928eb933) the 64-bit version, and now I can't access Discord at all. (Though all my contacts and message histories are there.)
I know there were issues with it and discord, but had forgotten about them entirely. -_-;
So, I can still log into discord via webpage, as I don't use their App. So that's good, but what do I do now? Do I need to uninstall Miranda NG completely and re-download the Stable version and do a fresh install? If so, what files do I absolutely need to copy/back-up before doing that so I keep my contacts and if possible, message history?
Lastly, how can I turn off the update notifier so I don't make this mistake again?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
EDIT: So, I did an uninstall and reinstalled Miranda NG after copying what I recalled copying to back up my info from the last time I had an issue. Form the appdata/roaming area of my hard drive.
Downloaded the discord protocol and installed it. I have everything back, although, when I click on the Rooms in Discord, nothing comes up. I can see the room names, but not the content of said rooms. Do I need an fresh invite to those rooms for Miranda NG, or is there some other setting I can tweak to fix this? Thanks!